Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 960: Combat!

Su Yan fiercely shot the thigh, which is also used to say that the family will also buy it!

It is the lead, the prehistoric big brother to comment, awesome!

This battle has attracted the attention of many powerful people. First of all, its atmosphere is old enough, and the age of origin is difficult to estimate.

This embarrassing, bronze-colored body is filled with a sultry beam of light, exudes a heavy sense of oppression, a thick metal, and a living magical cover, which is extremely amazing.

This sturdy body is tall, and the ancient torso is shimmering with strange metal patterns, and there is no clue.

I don't know where an antiquities were unearthed, but there is a king whispering: "The strength of the squatting should be in the realm of the king of God, but how can such treasures be arranged to bid in this link?"

Everyone knows that the finale is about to usher in the auction!

Then the treasures of the auction at this stage are rare treasures, which are of the highest priority. Obviously, this is obviously not qualified enough to be arranged in this link.

Although the breath of 傀儡 release, there is energy fluctuations at the level of the king of God, but the eyes can be seen through, and all the damages appear, this is not a complete battle.

Su Yan believes that this is not the original appearance of the embarrassing, mysterious to the Jianbao master of the Avenue auction house are all eye-catching, just a predecessor of the big brother, a magical work, enough to see this forging process, extremely complicated and versatile!

Although it is said that the Master Jianbao of the Qiankun Stone Auction House has also looked away, this is different. Qiankun Stone is a rare thing behind the Supreme Treasure. It wants to see through the hidden treasures inside the Qiankun Stone. Too hard!

This is different. The prehistoric big brother is afraid to see the embarrassing moment at a glance.

At this time, on the auction floor, a very young woman came, and the atmosphere should be in the realm of the avenue.

However, the next woman's approach made many young people feel ashamed. First, she went to the front and made an amazing move.

She hits directly!

The human form is like a virtual reality, and the woman is directly integrated into the impact.

The picture is shocking, and the whole audience has attracted a big shock!

Because the woman's breath has changed, the eruption in an instant, the ancient and terrible gods and spirits released, she turned into a tall and powerful **** king, releasing a vast wave of gods!

The woman raised her hand and lifted her foot, which was full of the sacred atmosphere of the gods.


The whole frying pan, even can be combined with the scorpion, even like the real king of the world, although the atmosphere is somewhat flawed, but this woman now has the power of the gods.

"Must buy it!"

There are strong disciples who are excited. This is a bit scary and the ability is too special. After all, it can be integrated with it. If a **** is born, it is not the embarrassment of their cognition.

The refining division in the field was also very excited. This is a forging technique that was lost in prehistoric times. It has not been mastered in the present era. They did not expect to see a prehistoric product in the auction.

If you can buy it, or even decipher the mystery, it is equal to master a huge treasure of wealth.

"You friends, this battle, the years of origin can not be tested!" Kang Bo Shen Wang laughed: "After I determined, as long as it is integrated, you can have the power of the gods, although there are some flaws, but indeed The power of the king level, and if its forging process can be studied, it is really a big event in the universe!"

That is the case, but can this forging process be easily researched?

However, in what to say, the strong points in the field are particularly important, especially the young people are eager to move, and the power of the gods in advance, which is fatal to them.

"One thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

There was a sound blast, which spread throughout the audience and caused a sensation.

The person who opens is the Holy God of War. He has an invincible body. If he is fighting, he will greatly improve his own combat effectiveness. Even if the burial place is opened in advance, he will have the ability to fight for it.

"15,000 kilograms!"

Another young generation of the overlord stood up, the power of iron and blood, and the iron king opened, vaguely revealing a must-have tone.

Su Yan’s face sank and felt pressure. This thing will inevitably lead to struggles between the parties. However, the value of fighting will not be limited to the present, and there must be an amazing ability to pay for the water.

Even he felt that since the prehistoric big brother opened the comment, the value of this thing must exceed the finale!

Then the value can't be estimated, and it needs to be measured in units of 100,000 kilograms, even exceeding the giant kilogram. It is really scary.

"Twenty thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Zhu Yongjia stood out and talked about it. It was a wonderful wizard of the Tianzhu, and even the descendants of Zhu Yuanqing’s blood. His bamboo Yongjia mastered the amazing resources of Tianzhu, and directly shouted the price of 20,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure!

"Insane, these young strong guys are really crazy!"

"The burial place will be opened, but the Holy God of War is not enough. If the burial place is really open in these few years, huh, you will know the value of the battle, and the strong people in their family, It is bound to do everything possible to repair the battle to the full extent!"

"Yes, this price is afraid of being expensive and outrageous, and it is likely to surpass 50,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!"

This speculation has aroused the recognition of many people. Then, a demon young advocate overtook, and the northern demon rushed up, and the gods stunned, and once again increased the price!

"Three thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Yangshuo also stood up and stood in the middle of gold, bathing for nine days of gods and gods.

"My embarrassment, the leader of these peak groups is really crazy."

"With their qualifications, it is not difficult to use the chaotic treasures under 100,000 jins. It is also a matter of great importance!"

"It’s all a group of Princes, mastering the fortune of wealth, we can’t compete with them completely. It seems that this thing is going to fall into the hands of the younger generation of hegemons. It depends on who is willing to pay a lot of money.”

The whole scene was hot, Su Yan black face, did not expect this thing caused the parties to compete, the price has soared to 40,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!

"Five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Su Yan language is amazing, scared the audience shudder, this is the most valuable treasure from the beginning of the auction to the present, and again, Su Yan also spent a huge amount of wealth, purchased a dead back to life Dan.

The atmosphere in the field was suppressed, because the price was too outrageous, and their faces were cloudy and uncertain. After continuing to increase the price, the value is not worth it?

After all, 50,000 pounds of chaotic treasure, this price is really scary, even if they can continue to bid, but also measure the gains and losses!

Su Yan is also a bit nervous. If someone continues to increase the price, he will certainly chase it up.

It is even difficult to protect. Some strong people see the clues of the war. If they continue to soar, they are likely to attract the attention of the people. This auction is a big one.

"Oh, the old man also added a price!"

Suddenly, the Han family’s old master stood up fiercely and spoke in a calmer tone: “60,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!”

"This old man!"

Su Yan’s face sank. This old thing may have long wanted to stop himself. Now that he has jumped out, the timing is really accurate. Su Yan’s belief in fighting is really a must!

"I have to see how much he has!"

Han Weiran was cold and cold. She wore a long red dress, her face was cold and noble, and she looked up at the box where Su Yan was in the high place. She said: "A kid named Su Yan, I have to see how big he is! ”

Han’s old master also smiled, and he did not expect the young man in the box to be the mysterious person in the old pub called Su Yan.

Even before this person helped Zhu Yue, he was very clear about the relationship between Zhu Yue and Su Yan. The "Tian Shi Pian" was given to Su Yan by Zhu Yue. The relationship between the two is so close, he is not sure. It is Su Yan!

Otherwise, why spend more than 10,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures for the moon and moon.

"If it is really him, the old man absolutely can't eat him!"

The Han family's old master took a deep breath, and he also wanted to get a hand for the battle. The Han family is the originator of Qimen. The Han family's old master also wants to study and study the forging process.

"70,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Su Yan’s voice was loud and simple, and the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to the top.

Many old monsters frown and keep paying attention to the battle. This price is very outrageous. Can they not spend a lot of wealth because of vindictiveness?

After all, this price is also a terrible property for the Fengfeng group.

"It seems that the Taoist friends are bound to fight for the battle." Han’s old master said with a smile: "The financial resources of the Taoist friends are really amazing."

"Children, if you need it, increase the price, what do you say about these nonsense?"

Su Yan is cold, this sentence makes the Han family's old master completely face green, and even Han Weiran is a liver pain, stomach pain.

Before Su Yan called her little brother, now also called Han Jia old master children, people who do not know that he Su Yan, is a living fossil living a cosmic era.

"You are so great!"

Han’s old master’s face was gloomy to the extreme, and he sighed coldly: “Since you don’t want to, I don’t want to let it, so that everyone hurts. I see this thing and I’ll buy it up. I’ll wait for the auction to end. The affiliation of the trenches, how!"

"What are you going to gamble?" Su Yan said curiously.

"Gambling what is with you, but the color head is fighting, and even the losing party will pay for the auction money of the battle!" Han's old master was cold.

"The battle is just a color, your tone is not small."

Su Yan smirked and said: "Then we can't just gamble!"

The audience is stunned, gambling, this is to fight for life?

"You are also a big tone, gamble, hehe!"

Han’s old master Yin Sen smiled: “You want to bet on anything, and my Korean family will definitely stay with you!”

"How much money can you earn for this life?"

Su Yan sneered aloud: "I see this, fighting for me to add money to buy, your Han family gave me a chapter of the world and I am gambling!"

Han’s old master’s fist is tight, and he can almost assume that this person is Su Yan.

"Do you fight against the gambling of my family?"

Han’s old master calmed his mind and said: “I think you really want more. If you really lose, leave your life and fight, so that my family can gamble with you, how do you feel!”

"I want my life, hahaha, a Han family, I am afraid of you, bet on gambling, the location to pick with you!"

Su Yan coldly shouted, this is not with his mind, the same generation fights he is not afraid of anyone!

What is the peak of the gods and gods, Su Yan is really not afraid, in general, once the troubles, the Han family will inevitably shoot Su Yan Thunder, when the prehistoric big brother can stand by!

The whole audience was sensational. How do you say it and become a gambling?

Who is the mysterious person? The Han family's old master is obviously a pair of people who want to put him to death.

Su Yan wants to unload the entire Korean family, and there is a big brother sitting around, afraid of a ball!

(Today added a chapter, the New Year owes everyone 20 chapters, and now there are 19 chapters remaining, try to complete within one month!)

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