Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 961: Powerful battle suit

Su Yan’s emboldened Han’s old master is not unexpected. He is very clear that people like Su Yan have the belief that they are invincible in the same generation. They will not retreat because of gambling. These people have long developed a horizontal push. The enemy of the same generation.

Although the old master of the Han family, it is not certain whether this person is Su Yan.

Han Weiran stood up and also represented Qiu Ming standing out. If the other party really came to the top, Qiu Ming’s identity would be able to survive.

But if the gambling wins, the other party is really Su Yan, then their Korean family will get the coveted "Topography" chapter, which will be enough to rewrite the nationality of the entire Han family.

In short, this gambling, Han family wants to go immediately, and Su Yan can't wait to start directly!


Han’s old master, Sen Ran said: "But we said it beforehand. The people on the stage can only be you, and my family will not be bullied. My family Han Weiran on stage to confront you!"

The old master of the Han family, involuntarily exudes a kind of terrorist fluctuation.

The world only knows that the Korean family has a small master, but does not know the power of Han Weiran. Can a woman who is closely related to Qiu Ming, can it be a vase?

Moreover, Han Weiran has been with Qiu Ming for many years, and has got a lot of true biography of Qiu Ming, and Han Weiran is a strong man of the peak of the gods. Is it still a host of a monk who entered the heavens?

In short, Han Weiran shot, Han family still has absolute confidence.


Han Weiran’s cold eyes looked at the box where Su Yan was. She really didn’t believe that this kid was strong enough to stop her own means. Her Han Weiran had begun to accumulate the realm of the king’s field, even if he was really Su Yan. Han Weiran also has the confidence to kill her!

The audience was awkward, things were going a little faster, and many people haven’t responded yet. Some people are suspicious: “Han’s family is crazy? Take out the natural chapter and go to fight with an unidentified person?”

"With a single Han Weiran, you can't let the Han family make such a crazy move. It is estimated that there are other special reasons, or that Han Jia has figured out the identity of this person."

"When the gambling is bound to be exciting enough, I will definitely go to observe."

There were a lot of talks about the monks in the audience. After all, the bets were a bit big. A worthy warfare and a Korean family’s chapter of the sky, this is a terrible gamble, and even started to gamble!

For Su Yan, the battle is inevitable, and there must be no mistakes, even if it is paid a certain price.

Of course, this price is particularly scary, living 70,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures, Su Yan must pay enough wealth to take the fight from the Avenue auction house.

"Speak a place."

Su Yan's tone is cold and cold. There are prehistoric big brothers around him, afraid of a ball, things are so big, and there are prehistoric big brothers here!

"After ten days, the location is in Avenue City!"

The Han family’s old master’s enthusiasm is more and more abundant, and he said: “Open the avenue of the avenue, and then you have to work hard to supervise the temple to ensure fairness!”

Some old and powerful people are stunned. Once the avenue platform is opened, no one dares to bother, and the Korean family’s enthusiasm is so sufficient. Really get the mysterious man?

The face of Emperor Kangbo was so aggressive that he wanted to say that the old Han master had figured out that there was no situation. Did you find out that Su Yan’s feet were not?

Just bet on him like this?

Even the avenue platform is to be opened. Su Yan’s side is standing with a powerful powerhouse. Their Han family is terrible, and the foundation is shocking, but the family has no power at all!

Of course, the half-step power of the family is not less than two or three. In addition, the family is proficient in Qimen secrets, and in general it is not afraid of power.

King Kangbo wants to say that if the Korean family really wins, it can anger a big power. Isn’t it worthwhile to buy and sell?

"Since all of you have said that, I can send a strong person to supervise the temple." Kang Bo Shen Wang said helplessly: "After ten days, on the avenue, you are ready for gambling items!"

"Ha ha ha, ten days later, "Tianshi Pian" will be brought to the Avenue City, and this point is also pleased!"

Han’s old master laughed, and he looked at Su Yan’s appearance, and he felt that his guess was correct.

"Well, the human form will also be brought to the avenue of the avenue!" Su Yan is cold.

Many eyes look at the box where Su Yan is. After ten days, I can know who this person is. This kind of wealthy and powerful person is not a leisurely generation, but Han Weiran is also closely related to Qiu.

Then ten days later, the Avenue City will be extraordinarily lively, and there will be a lot of strong people coming to watch the battle.

"Well, let's go to the next round of auctions!"

Emperor Kangbo said with a heavy tone: "I have prepared a few treasures, which are all auctions that are difficult to meet in the ages. Let's be prepared!"

From this moment on, the people in the field are watching with big eyes, and the auction of the suppressed objects is coming. It is said that there are three kinds of finale, and the gods are clear, then what is the other two treasures is still unknown.

Suddenly, there was a horrific pressure on the quiet and silent auction venue.

"Great handwriting!"

Su Yan was shocked. It was a war suit. It was born with a horrible power. It seemed to be put on a battle suit, and it could be turned into a king of invincible world, and the whole battle suit was intertwined with the Tianao Avenue!

When the battle suit is slightly resurrected, it is like a horrible creature returning from the slumber, releasing the light of billions of orders, the sky!

"Powerful suit!"

The audience all shuddered. This is a powerful warrior, or even a powerful costume. It has also been honoured by the powerful means. This suit is like a cosmic force, and it is a strong god. They are all breathing.

The old strongmen of all the big groups were shocked. No one thought of the auction. They would come up with a big-powered suit and bid for it. This is too scary.

Every big-powered battle suit is a rare thing, and not all powers have powerful helmets.

After all, the materials needed to sculpt the mighty battle suits are extremely valuable, and the light sacrifices consume a lot of energy, and its value is hard to estimate, and there is no bidding directly.

"Mother's, if I have a powerful suit, the gods are afraid that it is extremely difficult to beat me!" Su Yan is red, but this thing is destined to miss him, can not afford.

The big-powered suits just started to bid, almost in an instant, the price mad to 100,000 jins of chaotic treasures, and even the price is starting to skyrocket at a horrible rate!

"Twelve thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

There are peaks and gods are red-eyed, and they are screaming with scorpions, and they have to buy them. Once they have powerful helmets, they can venture into the dangerous areas of chaos and ruins.

But 120,000 pounds of chaotic treasure to buy a powerful battle suit? It’s completely idiotic and dreams!

"Fifty thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

The price is still arrogant, so that the ninety-nine of the monks in the field are really desperate. For such a short period of time, mad to the 150,000 jins of chaotic treasures, it is really more people than the dead.

The strong players in the competition have also been greatly reduced. Now they can also ask for the price, which is the group power of the rich side, or else it is the peak group.

"200,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!"

The vice-president of Jiuyang teaches the domineering shot, shouting a terrible sky-high price, and there are also powerful costumes in Jiuyang’s teaching, but no one is too few!

In the future, Yangshuo is invincible, and in the era of dominating the world, there are powerful costumes and protectors, and the danger is greatly reduced. This is their purpose for the Yangshuo auction, and hopes to win.

"Twenty thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

The Northern Demon family also has a strong shot. The family is for the Northern Demon. For the future, he can stand in the heyday, and he is willing to pay a heavy price.

Su Yan found a problem, the ancestral temple, the Tianzhu one pulse, the Taoist temple, the Yinming family...

These extremely terrible groups are not interested in this thing. This shows that their group accumulation is so amazing that they are afraid that the avenues can take out more than a dozen pieces.

The original Sacred God of War also wanted to participate in the battle, but unfortunately the financial resources of the family could not be done, even the Han family gave up, this thing is too expensive, the average person can not compete.

"Twenty-eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Another round of price was handed over, and many people were dizzy and shocked.

When the Emperor Kangbo shouted out the deal, they only returned to God. The Northern Demon succeeded in picking up the mighty suit. The Northern Demon was laughing. In the future, he was invincible, and there was another body to treasure. Powerful battle suit!

"Mad, this North Demon is mad again, Bao Caige wants to kill it, afraid it is difficult!"

"Grandma's bear, 280,000 jins of chaotic treasures, the northern demon family can really be willing, will definitely move the wealth accumulated in the demon domain."

In a certain box, a group of imposing young men and women talked, and they were indignant and looked at a mighty leader.

"Don't panic!"

Compared with many years ago, he has accumulated a vast source of blood, and there is a hidden golden lion behind it. Adventures in the restricted area, swaying, experience life and death, although I went out in advance, but the three of them are still experiencing more terrible experience, waiting for them to cross the border with Su Yan, they can definitely marry this dog thing!"

Recalling the horrible restricted area, the little blood lion is still worried.

They are in the world, and they have fallen three in life and death trials, and there are still seven left!

The blood lions went down the mountain in advance because of their potential exhaustion, but the four of them also changed. In the body, there is an ancient and horrible blood force released, all of which have the amazing power of the same generation.

"Not bad!"

Their top four strongmen nodded, fearing that they were guarding the big characters of the galaxy. They did not know that the chaos was opened as early as possible. The old leader used a heavenly force to open up a hidden tunnel, running through the universe, and burying them in the top ten younger generations. The strongest, transported to a dangerous restricted area somewhere in the chaotic ruins.

This dangerous restricted area was discovered by the old leader.

This is a horrible mountain. God is in the world of magic, and the sky is moving. The broken flag is the old leader who dug it on this mountain.

Baocai experienced cruel training on this dangerous mountain of Demon, and there was a tragic sound all day long. Even the steady and steady Yuan Yuan was always screaming!

But he slowly changed, the blood in the body is like a golden sea!

In the cruel training, the harvest was also huge. I dug out the magical liquid and dug out the top holy medicine, and found the earth juice that has been deposited for millions of years.......

The biggest change belongs to Yu Yuan. He runs through the wild mountain. It is also the Taoist system on the wild mountain where the old prehistoric brothers used to sway. The whole person has a power of madness to the heyday.

Increasingly changing.

If he is returning from a sleeping god, it is a kind of peerless power that runs through the sky. His back is faintly made into a golden giant bow. To explode the great days, the explosive power is terrible.

"It’s almost going to rush to the gods, and I don’t know how the Suyan brothers are doing now. This **** forbidden zone is going to sleep us when we are!"

The tensor of the sound is grand, the supreme body is like a burning furnace, the whole blooms infinitely, and the waves of the heavens and the earth are emerging.


The low humming sounds, the tensor they are used to it, this is the snoring of Baocai, playing a shocking sound, breathing really like a big tiger roaring here.

It has been sleeping for almost half a year, and the fat body is like a big meat mountain, where it breathes a lot of spirit.

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