Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 962: Space stone

The auction goes to the second piece of the finale, which is naturally the **** tree.

The bidding of this **** tree is interesting. At that time, the young hegemons of all ethnic groups played in the cosmic secrets. As a result, the temple went out and resolved, and even distributed the wealth of the gods bidding to all the young hegemons in the field.

Of course, they can't get the Holy God of War, because they chose the gods, although there were more than 20 young and top-ranking powerhouses when they competed for this thing, but the gods tree really bids, the price is also terrible, all young. The overlord can also get a lot of money.

"This is the **** tree!"

Su Yan’s eyes fell on a tree that was as strong as a dragon. Suddenly, Su Yan saw the carrier of the avenue. This Tianshen tree is like a purple ancient tree composed of a boulevard. It is full of The vastness of the gods fluctuates.

The most precious of this ancient tree is derived from the fruit of the gods. Of course, there are also monks in the past. The tree of the gods is cut down and forged into a avenue weapon. In the future, it is definitely an avenue.

However, there are not a few monks who have been willing to cut down in this age. This thing is of great significance to a group of people!

After all, every three thousand three thousand years, you can bear the **** of fruit. Every **** can represent a god. Although there are only twelve fruits, twelve gods are born in 30,000 years. This is a peak. For the group, there is also a strong boost.

However, this thing needs to gradually exert its value as the years have accumulated.

When the real bidding, the scene is also extremely horrible, even if the group of the Dao Temple are involved, his value will not be weaker than the mighty suit.

"The strongest treasures, the value is too scary, I don't know how strong the final finale is?"

Su Yanqi is amazed. In fact, if a group can have more than a dozen Tianshen trees, what else? However, this is completely an idiotic dream, even if it is really owned by the group, the tribes will also remember the gods of their group.

Zhu Yongjia saw the Tianshen tree break through 300,000 chaotic treasures. He angered: "Hate, if you were going to chase Su Yan, the money of the gods bidding also had my share, and lost more than 10,000 kilograms of chaos for no reason. Treasure!"

In fact, the words of Zhu Yongjia are deliberately said to Zhu Yue, that is, they want to be disgusting.

Originally, Zhu Yongjia wanted to see the bamboo moon change his face, and even rebuked him. Zhu Yongjia caught the opportunity to quarrel with her and see if he could put out the identity of the mysterious person in the box.

However, he was disappointed. Zhu Yue’s attitude was as usual. As always, he was graceful and graceful. Like a classical beauty, she was absolutely peerless. She can almost certainly assume that the mysterious man in the box should be Su Yan.

The entire auction venue was extremely popular, the auction continued, and the price was approaching the 350,000 mark. The group of bidders has been reduced a lot.

In the end, this thing was auctioned by the Taoist temple, so that many people could breathe cold air, but they were no exception. The Daodian family had a big career and had a lot of cosmic secrets in hand. The resources of the entire Taoist temple were difficult to estimate.

Now that the temple has spent a lot of money to win the **** tree, there is no doubt that there is a lot more!

"Open always auction!"

"It is said that this time the finale prepared by the temple, the last item, was originally intended to be auctioned in a super auction."

"That's a big deal. This kind of thing will lead to great competition. I don't know what the treasures prepared by this temple are."

Throughout the auction, all eyes were gathered on the Emperor Kangbo. At this moment, he was also solemn and solemn. Obviously, for the finale, the entire hall was also given extra attention!

"The following is the auction of the final thing!"

King Kangbo took a deep breath, and he took out a jade box. When the jade box was opened, a khaki stone appeared in the eyes of the world, leaving many people stunned.

Only a very small number of people have a huge internal shock.

"this is!"

Especially the old master of the Han family, the sinister eyes saw the extraordinary khaki stone, his body trembled.

"What treasure is this?"

Su Yan was shocked. His eyes were staring at the khaki stone. Su Yan Jing Tong Qi Men’s secret technique was well known to the landscape of mountains and rivers.

This khaki stone looks flat, but above the stone, it is engraved with a natural texture.

When you wait and see, these textures are really one after another, and the avenues are entwined on the stone, enriching an indescribable momentum.

Under the deep wait and see, this khaki stone is like a world of greatness, intertwined with the light of the endless avenue, full of the power of the eternal power of the stars!

"this is......."

The elders of the Han family became more and more horrified, and they couldn’t stop shuddering. They were surprised: "Is this a cosmic stone, the legendary cosmic stone!"

His words came out, shocked the audience, and all of them were stunned.

Cosmic stone, one of the most precious treasures in the world, is known as the world's top treasure in the Supreme Treasures series. This is the most terrible fairy in the universe.

Legend has it that a complete cosmic stone, if it falls in the hands of the mighty power, is a complete sacred treasure, which is equivalent to holding a cosmic dimension. It is said that this treasure can be compared with the supreme treasure.

Of course, this is only a legend, because no one has ever heard of anyone who has mastered the complete cosmic stone.

"Cosmic stone..." Su Yan tongue, he also knows about this thing, the world's top treasures, it is said that the universe needs to be experienced for a long time, it will last for millions of years, and even more For a long time.

This thing is equal to the carrier of the universe!

There have been cosmic stones, but there are no complete cosmic stones at all. These cosmic stones are almost all dug out of the incomplete universe. The price is higher than the sky, which will cause great energy to compete.

From here, we can see how expensive the value of the incomplete universe is. There are many strange things in it. It is the treasure of the power of the power.

"Everyone is quiet!"

In the chaotic scene, the voice of Kang Bo’s Wang Hongliang was overwhelming. He stood on the auction floor and his tone was very excited: “This is indeed a cosmic stone, a guest entrusted to us to auction the auction house. Zhibao Xianzhen!"

After being confirmed, the strongest of the major peak groups are jealous. This thing must be won. They are not used, but for those who have the strongest fighting power, they must be of great use.

"Although it is not complete, of course, no one in the past has known what the complete cosmic stone looks like."

King Kangbo smiled and said: "But this cosmic stone, if it really matches the rest of the supreme treasure, to forge a treasure, it is hard to imagine how high the value is, and it is likely to be as high as the supreme treasure!"

That being said, if you really have a stove and no treasure to forge a weapon, the cost is too scary.

"This thing, the auction method can not be measured with chaotic treasures."

King Kangbo was silent for a while. He said: "There are various kinds of heaven and earth auctions, and now the master of the cosmic stone is here, everyone is asking for the price!"

"A complete herbal medicine!"

At this time, someone calmly said: "I have a complete medicine!"


This voice does not know how many people have caused the heartbeat to accelerate. In short, the whole frying pan, someone directly took out a magical medicine, to trade this small piece of cosmic stone, how expensive is this thing?

Emperor Kangbo shook his head, and the magical medicine was valuable to the extreme, but the trade of cosmic stone was not qualified!

The gods unearthed from the chaotic ruins of the past are not a few, but the cosmic stone, opening several broken universes, may not be able to get one out.

"A powerful sacred sergeant kills, plus a powerful warrior!"

The heavy voice exploded at the auction site, making the strong scalp numb, and some people in the ancestral hall stood up and shouted a terrible price, wanting to trade with two powerful sacred soldiers.

“How can the cosmic stone be so expensive?” Many people are eclipsed.

"The preciousness of the cosmic stone is not only that he is the world's top treasure." Some people whispered: "On the cosmic stone, it has spawned a horrible cosmic avenue. This is the way that the power wants to enlighten. So, the value is hard to estimate!"

The people of the ancestral hall were disappointed, and they have already raised the price to the limit.

However, it is obvious that the other party does not need the sacred sacred soldiers. They estimate that the origins are not small and can only be traded with other types of treasures.

"I am willing to trade an eight-in-one gold medal!"

Some people speak amazingly, so that the younger generation will not be eager to tremble, and the eight products will not destroy Jindan, but only in the legendary medicinal herbs.

It is rumored that once Jindan refining, it can be repaired into invincible bodies, and the value is expensive. It has hardly appeared on the auction.

The Holy God of War is so excited that I didn’t expect anyone to hold on to Jin Dan. This thing is very suitable for him, but the price of this thing is obviously not affordable for the family.

"Congratulations to this friend, eight products can not be replaced by Jin Dan!"

The heroes are eclipsed, and the two sacred sacred soldiers do not want to, but they want eight products to annihilate Jindan? Is it not irrational?

Su Yan is also thinking, if it is him, what would he choose?

Eight products do not destroy Jin Dan, if refining in the field of the gods, it is said that the extent of physical horror is no less inferior.

In general, this thing is really fatal for the younger generation.

"I have an ancient Nirvana, which can be revived by the fire. After breaking it, the value will never be weak and will not destroy Jindan!"

"My family uses the power of the mighty strongman to practice his life, his secrets of heaven and the magical powers to trade!"

"I used a congenital Linggen transaction to dig out from a cosmic secret. Although it has not yet been developed, it is already of scale. If the cosmic stone master intends to come and observe it, its life expectancy is absolutely no less than 400,000 years. Once developed, it must be the best medicine!"


The entire auction venue was silent, at least a dozen mysterious monks secretly bid, the things that were shouted, many people have not heard of it!

The final bidding was really too high, and they were all stunned.

This avenue auction house, really is the place where the dragons hide and lie, some monks have a kind, the impulse to rob the avenue auction house.

There is still a chapter in the evening!

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