Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 968: Heavenly House

Han Kang is gone, but he ordered a few monks and followed them to Su Yan!

They are blatantly behind Su Yan, where to go, Su Yan does not care, some people are afraid that he ran, but Su Yan is more worried that they are retreating, in the prehistoric big brother this ace has no leaks Before, Su Yan would not leave the Avenue City.

Su Yan also had a sense of urgency in his heart. The old things in the bamboo and silver mining were difficult for himself. As a result, the prehistoric big brother took out his anger and took the five-color battle flag with his hands. It is estimated that they have begun to return to the bamboo.

Then the distance from the prehistoric big brother’s strength is not far away.

"They have been following us."

Bamboo Moon slightly frowned, this is also to explain that the Korean family is full of energy, she really worried about the gambling after ten days.

"Let them, don't bother." Su Yan did not have an anecdote, and wandered around the core streets of Avenue City.

Originally, Zhuyue wanted to say something, but in the end there was no opening. Her bright eyes and Su Yan looked at Su Yan, who had known him since his childhood, until now.

In the midst of the hurricane and blood, did Su Yan experience less? It can be said that the teenager who came out of an indigenous planet has been the younger generation of Megatron.

Su Yan has a strong enough prestige, and Zhu Yue is now full of confidence in him. Now I have figured out that these bamboo months are all a lot easier. Her temperament is ethereal, but it is covered by white yarn.

However, it has attracted a lot of attention.

When they passed by before they ate the restaurant, the prehistoric big brother looked at the past and recalled the wine and the sea of ​​seafood, and the pace slowed down a lot.

This scene made Su Yan cheeky and said to Zhu Yue: "Can there be a famous restaurant in this avenue city?"


Zhu Yue chuckled: "The most famous restaurant in Avenue City is Tianzhifu. This restaurant is also an important industry in our Tianzhu, not far from here!"

"That's good!"

Su Yan’s heart swayed and smiled and said: “I’m too tired to see my eldest brother. Would you like to sit down in the Heavenly House?”

"I was also preparing to go to Tianzhifu." Zhu Yue smirked at the prehistoric big brother: "Big brother, the food of Tianzhifu can be quite a lot. The little girl also has some rights in Tianzhifu, and she can definitely arrange a rich meal. dinner."

Su Yan is now shy in the bag, not to mention the guest, the chaotic treasure on his body, there is not much left in the poor, afraid that the door of the house of the heavens will not enter.

“Will you give the bamboo moon a pit?”

Su Yan also changed his face, and he smiled in his heart. He used the belly of a prehistoric big brother, but he did not eat enough in the past year.


Su Yan also thought in his heart: "If the big brother is happy, he will pass on to Zhu Yue some secrets and magical powers, and it will also be of great help to the practice of Zhuyue."

I think that Su Yan hastened to urge Zhu Yue to go quickly. With the horror of the prehistoric big brother, Zhu Yue will try his best to arrange, a powerful can, if you really want someone to spend money, please be afraid that it is the peaks of the major peaks. The rulers will come forward.

This day's house is indeed the most famous restaurant in Avenue City!

However, the consumption of Tianzhifu is really not something that ordinary people can consume. Even if it is an ordinary god, it will really hesitate for a long time.

I haven't come to the Heavenly House yet. Su Yan has already smelled the tempting scent. With the scent of the wine, the house of the day is extremely grand and has a full street. The whole heavenly palace is like a cloud. among.

Here, people come and go, and the status and status of the people who come to the heavens are not allowed.

Even if it’s expensive, it’s expensive.

It is a lot of monks who come to spend, and even the gods who are everywhere can be seen, even the gods and kings are regulars.

Just say that the house of the day, every other year, there is a feast!

Big feast, this is a banquet for the big treats. The consumption is tens of thousands of pounds of chaotic treasures. Of course, the various kinds of seafood and seafood in the cooking are many of the meats of the beasts. Many people don’t even see each other. I have seen it.

The gates of the Tianzhifu, magnificent, welcoming beautiful women in groups, entertaining guests entering the Tianzhifu.

Zhu Yue directly took out the identity token of a disciple of Tianzhu, and handed it to a welcoming woman. The woman looked at a token and changed her face and fell down on the ground.

"No need to be polite."

Zhu Yu’s hand of Yuyue stretched out and lifted the woman up. She smiled slightly: “Help us arrange a quiet box.”

"It's Miss."

The woman nodded quickly, and a pair of shocked undecided appearances, apparently shocked the identity token that Zhu Yue took out. The Tianzhifu is certainly the property of Tianzhu, but the inherited disciple of Tianzhu is rarely seen in the sky. House.

The identity token taken by Zhuyue is equivalent to the elder token of Tianzhu, and it is extremely powerful. Even if you eat in Tianzhifu, you can enjoy a 50% discount.

Under the guidance of women, they stepped into the gates of Tianzhifu and came to the interior to form a garden. They were all built with precious flowers and trees. There were beautiful music and beautiful women dancing.

Su Yan sighs the degree of the heavenly house. Through the garden, you can see a place where Qionglou Yuyu is built. The architectural pattern is quite structured. It is built according to a large array of maps, which can bring together the eight ruins, including the heavens. In the middle of the house.

Su Yan, they went to the building in the core area of ​​the courtyard, the atmosphere is clean, there is a way to isolate the excitement of the outside world.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the few private rooms in Tianzhifu. Even in the practice of secret rooms, there are even great powers to set up a powerful banquet here.

"God king feast!"

The bamboo slogan is amazing, and the woman who led them in is shocked. The **** banquet is the luxury package of Tianfu’s house after the feast of the feast, and it takes tens of thousands of jins of chaos, and of course it varies. .

However, Zhuyue directly asked for the top king of the king, the price of 10,000 pounds of chaotic treasure, but in the identity of the bamboo, only need to spend five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure.

However, this price is also scary, so Su Yan whispered: "I said bamboo month, is this too expensive? Although it can be 50% off, but five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure"

"It's not like you're spending a lot of money at an auction."

Zhu Yue glanced at Su Yan, she smiled and said: "The price is more expensive, but the value is 50% off, and you have to wait for the big brother, can not be shabby."

Su Yan scratched his head and he is now a poor clinking.

Even he wants to say that the prehistoric big brother has a big appetite, and he is afraid that it is not enough for a **** banquet.

I haven't waited for them to say a few words. This restaurant has a large group of management affairs. The descendants of the Tianzhu vein have arrived, and they are all rushing to see the ceremony.

Su Yan’s heart is eccentric, and these things are full of enthusiasm, one after the other sent a lot of good things, are some precious wines and precious ingredients to cook dishes.

Zhu Yue is not polite, she does not show the mountain leaks, nor does it show people in the true face. Although these managers are curious, they dare not ask.

"The identity of Tianzhu is really amazing."

Su Yan was amazed for a while, and did not expect that the bamboo moon would change and become a disciple of Tianzhu. The status of the family is not low. Even Zhuyue has the fruit of Xingyue. In the future, she will have a big sprint. grasp!

Waiting for the bamboo moon to step into this

Then, her right to speak in Tianzhu is stronger!

It didn't take long for a large number of dishes to come up. The dishes of Tianzhifu are extremely delicate, and even every kind of dish contains a kind of Taoism.

Su Yan is moving, not to be the chef of Tianzhifu, and the utensils for cooking delicious food are all right.

Su Yan tasted a few dishes, which is much better than the dishes they used to eat in the sea, and these dishes contain an amazing avenue energy that overflows in the human body.

The **** banquet, the average person can not afford, this is a menu specially designed for the king of God, the energy contained in it.

Zhuyue took off the veil and revealed a beautiful cheek. She drank a few glasses of wine and two pieces of blush floating on the white cheeks.

Zhu Yue smiled softly, it was a smile and a smile. Her teeth were crystal-clear and her face was peerless.

"Smile?" Su Yanle, and saw the appearance of the bamboo month.

"It’s just a little emotional."

Bamboo Moon licked the bright red lips and whispered: "I don't know what will happen in the future."

"What do you say? Do you know anything?"

Su Yan frowned, bamboo moon is in the veins of Tianzhu, heard, and seen, the outside monks are not known.

"Nothing." Bamboo month shook his head slightly, and the head of the crystal-colored Wufa fluttered slightly. She wore a silver robe, and the white body was flowing through the moon, and it was beautiful.

"It is said that."

Su Yan hesitated for a while, he glanced at the prehistoric big brother, Shen Sheng said: "I heard that you have a pulse, a decade ago, a great power!"

It is not surprising that Zhu Yue is not surprised. The time of this incident is not too long, and there are news circulating in the outside world.

Her jade hand was slightly gripped, and she looked at Su Yan and said: "There is no degeneration, but the situation is bad, the physical body has been rot."

Su Yan’s eyes showed a chill of light. He walked out of the Milky Way and used the cosmic bridge to penetrate the universe.

As a result, along the way, I suffered a lottery from the rot, and almost lost my life.

"Even if it is my family's treasure, I can't stop the injury. In this way, the power can't stand the toss. I don't know what happened to the evil spirits. There are many things that are not open. I don't know much."

Zhu Yue looked at Su Yan and asked: "The battle of the year was said to be dominated by the strongmen behind the scenes of your burial domain!"

Su Yan laughed. If Zhu Yue knew the man, she sat next to her and didn't know what Zhuyue would feel.

When the prehistoric big brother entered a mysterious land, it triggered a big battle, and later it became a series of misfortunes!

If there is no prehistoric big brother at that time, Su Yan feels that he is no longer there. What kind of terrorist head is it? It is hard to imagine Su Yan, and the big ones are mistakenly entering, and almost all die.

"Su Yan, can you know the origin of your family?"

The sudden words of Zhuyue made Su Yan stunned. His pair of scorpions stared at Zhuyue and said: "Do you know anything? If you really understand something, don't yell at me."

"I know it is limited."

Zhu Yue asked: "You know, what is the behemoth of the heavens?"

Su Yan’s heart is full of waves, and Zhu Yue knows the remains of the heavens.

Not even waiting for Su Yan to ask, the prehistoric big brother's momentum has changed invisibly, full of gray long hair dance, revealing a vicissitude face, especially a pair of deep pupils, as if two concentrated universe is shining.

Obviously, the relics of the heavens touched the prehistoric big brother!

. Nine-day god


. _:

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