Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 969: Qiankun stone bile!

Obviously, the words of the relics of the heavens touched the prehistoric big brother.

This makes Su Yan’s heart difficult, is it the age of prehistoric big brothers, dating back to the heavenly age?


Su Yan’s face was shocked and whispered in her heart.

After all, that period of time is too far away from the moment, even the fairy land has no legend, let alone a mysterious era before the fairy land!

At that time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses went out and rushed to a mysterious world along a terrible road.

He also vaguely remembered the historical image of the remains on the mountain of burial. They seemed to be following a person, or looking for a person, or going to fight.

In short, the endless army of heaven, once gone, and stayed, Su Yan guessed that they are the so-called bereaved family of the heavenly family, the legacy of the group!

Perhaps a large number of soldiers will leave in the heavens, then a new era, the era of the fairy land is coming!

I don't know how many years existed, the devil invaded, the land of Xianxing collapsed, and the family of the funeral domain was born!

Zhu Yue’s eyes fell on the prehistoric big brother. She has the feeling of telling the legend. Perhaps the family of the burial domain is really inseparable from the remains of the heavenly family.

"Why do you mention the family of the heavens?" Su Yan said with a heavy tone, which is also very important to him.

"I listened to the strong family, and said that your family is related to the long-standing Tianzu bereaved." Zhu Yue said: "But for the Tiantang bereaved, I don't know much."

Wen Yan, Su Yan followed up: "Is there any mention of heaven?"

Zhu Yue shook his head. For the mysterious power of heaven, she had never heard of it. The myth about heaven is only spread in the ancestral stars, it is a legendary myth!

"Is it?"

Su Yan has a bold guess, the era of brilliant heaven, will the ancestral star have been born!

In other words, the family of the funeral domain is actually a force organized by the remains of the heavenly family. It has been called the funeral domain for a long time.

Su Yan’s historical mystery, which was concealed by this age, is very clear. He always feels that his own group is closely related to the heavens of the ancient times.

"My family said that the family of the burial domain is difficult to trace through the years, and it is difficult to estimate the length of the epoch!"

Zhu Yue’s eyelids suddenly looked at Su Yan, and his tone was dignified: “It’s also said that the reason why the clan is called the funeral domain is because of the ruin of the heavens and the earth, because of some special reasons, it’s involved. Some cause and effect, some long-standing grievances"

Bamboo Moon concealed, the family is afraid of big trouble in the future!

This era of the universe is not simple, and it may usher in an unprecedented change.

"Is it true that my family is related to heaven, or is it the power that continues in heaven?"

Su Yan’s mood is complicated, and he whispers in his heart: “When hundreds of millions of troops marched along a road, they left their homes and went to the mysterious world to fight. We are the group left behind to protect this homeland.”

He suddenly sneered, if it is really like his own guess, then can the family of the funeral be defeated?

However, Su Yan shook his head and did not lose. The family of the burial domain was still there, and the blood of the family continued.

"You don't have to worry about me."

Su Yan saw the worries in the eyes of the bamboo moon. He went forward and said: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. In the future, no matter what happens, the face will still face. I want to know that the battle of that year, What area is it happening?"

"Boundary sea, if the burial place is the first Jedi of chaotic ruins, then the boundary sea is the most mysterious place of the universe!"

Zhu Yue informed Su Yan of the answer he wanted, which made Su Yan fall into thinking.

He was the first to hear about Jiehai, but Su Yan is very clear that it is very likely to be hidden in the bounds of the sea.

If there is a chance, you must go to the bounds of the sea to have a look at the world.

"Boundary sea, in what area?" Su Yan curious.

Wen Yan said, Zhu Yue shook his head and said: "I don't know, the bounds of the sea is the most mysterious land in the world. The great powers are not afraid to go to the shackles, and there are very few things about the bounds of the sea in the cultivation world."

Su Yan was amazed. As a bamboo moon, he did not even know the destination of the boundary sea. This place is really amazing.

He drank a few glasses of fine wine, and the energy and food of the king's feast, the energy contained in it was amazing, and Su Yan's body had a tendency to withstand it.

However, Su Yan uses the body to devour the essence of the avenue, which is included in the flesh and stored.

"You are well prepared, don't think about other things." Zhuyue had some drunkenness, and did not use divine refining. Her cheeks were flushed and glamorous, screaming at Su Yan: "There is nothing What is special?"

"I almost forgot something big."

Su Yan set the **** and took the lead to take out the stone.

Bamboo Moon is shocked, is this thing special? The master of Jianbao of this avenue auction house, the eyes are extremely sinister, and the human form is just a glimpse of the eye. Isn’t it possible to look at the stone?

Su Yan smiled at him mysteriously. He stared at the study of Qiankun stone. This thing was contaminated by the blood of the strong, revealing a tragic atmosphere. Heng Chen had some breath in his hand.

The prehistoric big brother directly explored the palm of his hand and took the stone.

"What good things are there in the big brother?" Su Yan quickly picked up.

Zhuyue also looked at the big eyes, this piece of Qiangwu stone, the value is also very high, but then the action of the prehistoric big brother, let the moon's forehead faintly emerged from the black line.


Because the fingers of the prehistoric big brother were forced to crush the stone?

This is too violent for the sky, and Zhu Yue is shocked. This thing is the material of the casting of the sacred sacred soldiers. The prehistoric big brother directly crushed it, how strong its power is!

It’s just that the crumbling of the Qiankun stone, suddenly the golden light is flourishing, and the whole box of the reflection is bright.

“Is there other substances in it?”

The bamboo moon is moving, this is a drop of golden juice, flowing from the Qiankun stone, every drop is like a sun, blazing burning, like a round of small sun flying out.

Twelve drops of golden juice, can be like a sun.

Even watching, these golden juices are like the same horrible golden vertical eyes, floating in the void, making the turmoil turbulent.

Bamboo Moon surprises, looks like a happy child, Yan Yan smiles: "The hidden stone in the stone, this is the world's hard-to-find **** liquid, you really make a big profit, with such a chaotic treasure, Bo It’s amazing!”

"Stone bile?" Su Yan is a little confused, I don't know what it is.

"This thing, not inferior to the cosmic mother liquor!" Zhu Yue excitedly laughed at Su Yan: "Even the effect is extremely amazing. According to the classical records, if the Qiankun stone reaches a certain year, it can breed the blood bile liquid. The mystery of the change of Qiankun!

"Is it my god?"

Su Yan’s fist is violently gripped, his eyes are shining, what is the treasure of Qiankun Stone? The stone bile that it breeds is bound to be shocking enough.

To be exact, even many ancient powers have never seen this thing, because it is so rare, this Qiankun stone has accumulated over a long period of time, and concentrates its own energy essence in the stone bile!

Once you absorb refining and refining, you will know how shocking it is when you think about it.

I haven't waited for Su Yan and Zhu Yue to discuss one sentence. The prehistoric older brother gave a little bit of a bit, followed by a drop of stone bile, and shot into the eye of Su Yan!

A face-to-face, Su Yan felt that the eyes were stinging, like being pierced by fire.


He couldn’t help but yell at his head.

The face is distorted, because it is too painful, the eyes are really pierced and burned, and this kind of pain is extremely difficult to bear, affecting the soul of Su Yan.

"Resist the point, it will soon pass, and once it is awakened, it will be one of the biggest gods in the world!"

Zhu Yue quickly went to appease, who knows that she has not waited for her to finish the talk, the prehistoric big brother will directly into the stars of the bamboo moon!


Zhu Yue also had a pain, his eyes were bleeding, and Miao Man’s body squatted on the ground and shivered.

"What happened to you in Zhuyue?"

In the pain, Su Yan heard the scream of Zhuyue. Su Yan was like a scorpion reaching out and grabbing the palm of his hand. He quickly touched a soft and delicate body. Su Yan, who was in a hurry, had no thoughts and thoughts. The Jiaozuo to Zhuyue is shaking.


When the bamboo moon bites her teeth, she squats on the ground and scatters her soul.

In this way, the two nephews appear painful and nervous, and they are really worried that their eyes will collapse.

"Don't be afraid, Big Brother has his own size!"

This time it was Su Yan’s turn to appease the bamboo moon, and the palms of the hands were caught around, and some soft parts that should not be touched were encountered.

The body of Zhuyue is soft like water, and it is a fairy and a bone.

"I'm fine, don't run around."

Zhu Yue’s cheeks are slightly reddish. She has been keeping her body like jade. She has not been in close contact with other men, not to mention the close contact with Su Yan.

Su Yan has a lot of peace of mind and is not in the mood to think about other things.

And trying to calm down, the eyes are still stinging, but Su Yan felt that there is an amazing substance in the Qiankun stone bile, which began to penetrate into the eye of Su Yan!

Su Yan felt that her eyes were going to explode, and she felt that her eyes had become magnificent.

Very contradictory feeling, in short, the energy of the gallbladder to **** the blood.

Pain is gradually alleviated

Slowly, Su Yan felt that his eyes were hot and hot, and there was a trend of heat to the extreme, about to disintegrate!


His ears roared and he really felt his eyes burst!

However, after a catastrophe, he captured a terrible result, as if he had an insight into the changes of the Qiankun, and realized the power of a mysterious birth!


Su Yan’s binocular tremors, when he realized the important changes in the universe.

Su Yan’s pupils opened in an instant, as if the eyes of the fire were coming out, and they shot two rays of light, like the glory of the glory, the split of the void, and the smashing shots, all of which must penetrate the universe.

His pupils are blazing, as if the two groups were in a fire.

The world has changed. Su Yan seems to have seen through the essence of the world. He has seen the essence of the space, and even penetrated the guardianship of the other gardens, and watched the people and things of the entire heavenly palace.

Su Yan was sluggish and he was silent.

And the short-lived light, in the heavenly palace, there are many disgusting strong people discolored, faintly feel a terrible creature staring at them in secret.

There is no doubt that Qian Kun’s eyes are too strong, and many of the strongest people in Tianzhi’s house are uneasy because it is difficult to pursue the source direction!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed in his heart, and he converges on the look and feel of Qian Kun’s eyes, worrying about being seen by the strong.

Su Yan’s face was filled with a smile, and when his eyes stayed in the box, he was petrified.

Because in front of the plate sitting a graceful woman, under the insight of Qian Kun's eyes, a beautiful petite body was exposed in Su Yan's eyes.

. Nine-day god


. _:

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