Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 970: Master the power of the king

Time seems to be stuck in the stillness.......

It is almost impossible to find words to praise the bamboo moon, her skin is fat, and she is full of beauty.

A pair of snowy and slender jade legs lie down together, the waist of the willow is unsatisfactory, and her figure is undulating, and the white and crystal clear skin is filled with moonlight. This is the perfect and incomparable figure, which is in the eyes of Su Yan.

Even in the eyes of Su Yan, she does not seem to be insulted, but there is still a kind of dignity that is not allowed, she is still so graceful and elegant, rich and perfect, and quiet.

At this moment, the eyes of Zhuyue have also been opened, the same amazing and terrible, after all, the Kun Kun eyes are the most powerful Tianmu in the world. Once they are completed, they will be in charge of the changes of the universe, and the insights into the heavens and the earth will be horrible!

She knew the mystery of this Kun Kun eye beforehand, so she did not look at the every move of the Tianzhifu. After all, even the big people of all ethnic groups would not be unscrupulous and watch the Tianzhifu’s every move, which is easy to be repugnant.

Zhu Yue’s cheeks showed a smile, and he never expected to get such an opportunity. This is a great opportunity to envy the king of the peaks. Even the peaks of the great peaks have to cultivate the younger generation of the family, and they don’t know the cost. How much effort has been made.

After all, once you have become a strong Tianmu, the same generation will fight for the opportunity, you can seize the opportunity, take the initiative in the duel, but Qian Kun eyes is one of the most powerful Tianmu in the world, the effect is even worse!

Prehistoric big brother eyes sinister, let Su Yan bought the Qiankun stone, dug out a whole twelve drops of Qiankun stone.

If this item is really auctioned in the avenue auction house, the price will be terrible. If it is divided into two groups of auctions, it is feared that each group will not be weaker, and hundreds of thousands of chaotic treasures may even be more expensive. Outrageous!

This thing, after all, is very important for the younger generation. When the Northern Demons fight for their lives, they will also bid for it. For them, it is not inferior to the mighty battle suit, or the Jindan!

However, for Su Yan, he is proficient in Qimen secrets, and now he has become a Kun Kun eye, enough in the Qimen field, to cultivate into a very terrible level, and to compete with the eyes, perhaps has surpassed the peak of the king!

However, when the eyes of Zhuyue fell on Su Yan and found Su Yan looking at his own moment of stunned, the face of Zhu Yue almost stunned.


Su Yan slammed back and slammed up and stretched out, saying: "There are a few days of retreat, and the legs and legs are a little stiff."

Zhu Yue's face is black, there is an impulse to make Su Yan fat a meal, but Zhu Yue is thinking again, can he still suppress Su Yan in the end?

"Hey, where is the big brother?"

Su Yan found an excuse to slip out, and could not bear the eyes of the bamboo moon.

Just opened the door, Su Yan sighed, he really worried about the mysterious disappearance of the prehistoric big brother, has reached the most critical moment, once his old family left, then Su Yan had to run.

Zhu Yue also followed, and he noticed that the prehistoric big brother is studying the human form!

She is also curious, Qiu Ming is so concerned about things, is not idle, and this extremely powerful and powerful, is actually studying 傀儡, which shows that the human form is really not simple, the value is afraid to surpass the Qiankun stone bile!

The human form is standing in the courtyard, filled with the horror of the gods and monsters.

It is like a living creature, proud of the heavens and the earth, the tall body exudes a beam of sultry, full of a thick, mysterious, arrogant gas cap, really not like a cockroach.

"Big brother, is there any hope to fix it?" Su Yan went up and asked.

The prehistoric big brother nodded, and he also attached great importance to this. This response surprised Su Yan and said: "What kind of materials do you need? Can you fix it with your big brother? How strong is the real strength of 傀儡!"


The prehistoric big brother also said bad, but he commented: "It is a series of supernatural work, the most top-notch!"

The prehistoric big brother rarely said so many words, there seems to be a smile on the face of the vicissitudes of life, he is also a special surprise for this kind of mistake, this thing is measured by value, but it is the treasure that is hard to find!

And if the value of 傀儡 is promoted, it is still auctioned in the auction. It is no longer a simple auction. This is hard to find, and it is enough to cause a terrible shopping. Avenue City may be sunk!

"uncanny workmanship!"

The bamboo moon flower is eclipsed. Obviously, she has heard of this lost forging technique. At this moment, the bamboo moon has already understood it. No wonder Qiu Ming pays attention to it. It turns out that this is related to the legendary magical work!

"Ghosts, you know." Su Yan is very surprised.

Zhu Yue glanced at Su Yan, and smiled at the prehistoric big brother: "Big brother, this awesome forging technique, I know, the origins of the years are difficult to trace. Once my family got some books in the incomplete universe, it is said that this is the world's most Strong forging, but unfortunately did not come out!"

Su Yan shrugged helplessly, and said at the side: "Big brother said it is the top of the treasure!"

Zhu Yue’s face is uncertain, and he feels that the prehistoric big brother is wrong, because according to the records of ancient history, the top of the series seems to be against the sky.

How strong she is, she doesn't know, but this thing is still damaged after all. It is difficult to fix it, and I don't know if I can do it one day.

Su Yan pays attention to the human form with the eyes of Qiankun, and can't see what is hidden in the end. I don't know how the prehistoric big brother actually saw its special and extraordinary.

Of course, even if it is damaged, then the forged material is also a hard-to-find material!


Su Yan's figure through the void, in an instant and human form together!

At this moment, Su Yan's momentum has changed. If a **** is born, the long black hair is full of wind and dance, and the whole is swaying with a heavy weight, tearing the heavenly power of the world!

This is definitely the power of the king level, swallowing the river and shaking the stars!

Su Yan is a kind of mentality to break the Bohai Sea!

Undoubtedly, when it is combined with harmony, Su Yan has a belief in becoming a war god, and he has to say that the power of the king has enough metamorphosis!

"Good and strong!"

Su Yan’s tongue, even if it’s not a forged scorpion, is just an ordinary shackle, so even if it takes tens of thousands of pounds of chaotic treasure, Su Yan feels very worth it!

This thing is vital to Su Yan.

However, after a little bit of running power, Su Yan's face changed slightly, and he found that the energy of the gods released by the dragonfly was rapidly decreasing.

"Lack of driving energy!"

Zhu Yue saw the clue, she said: "Usually, you need energy spar drive. If you want to maintain long-term combat power, you must lose a lot of resources!"

Su Yan took out a hundred pounds of chaotic treasure, spilled on the humanoid.

At this time, the momentum of the human form suddenly changed. It really is like having a life. It is like a breath, and it shines like a body of flesh and blood. It is the power of the pores to squirt the chaotic treasure, and restores a little dry function!

Really, the declining power of the gods began to skyrocket, which made Su Yan laugh, this thing is really extraordinary, there are ghosts and gods in the hands, the strong king of the king of the king also think about it.

Here he is familiar with and the ability to sense sputum. This perfect combination with Su Yan can even control the energy intensity of the eruption with Su Yan's belief.

However, the loss is huge, and hundreds of drops of chaotic treasures are just exhausted by half a cup of tea.

"It is another burning vault."

Su Yan helplessly smiled, this thing is too burning, and it has not been astonishing to the battle state. If the combat power is fully open, then the loss of the shackles will inevitably soar a dozen times. If it is a real war, then the resources are lost. It is a bottomless pit!

Fortunately, there was a large amount of chaotic treasure in Su Yan. When he extorted the gods, a large number of chaotic treasures were sealed by Su Yan.


When Su Yan’s mind was moved, it was separated from the shackles. He had an illusion of falling from the realm of the king of God to the illusion of the realm of the gods.

Su Yan is slightly lost. This thing is terrible and can affect people's mentality.

"I have to shut down for a few days, getting closer and closer to the gambling time."

Su Yan also has a dozen kinds of heavenly treasures, ready to use these treasures to strengthen the accumulation of health.

Su Yan has self-proclaimed flesh, even if it is a confrontation on the avenue, it is not a critical moment, Su Yan will not shake the flesh.

Now Su Yan has been repaired into a Kun Kun eye, full of grasp of this war, even in the state of the eye, even the speed of the king of God will be reduced, not to mention the region's strong peak of the gods.

Su Yan went directly to the cultivation room and took out the empty medicine field.

He planted all the treasures of heaven and earth on the empty medicine field, and he planted a few kinds of rare medicines.

Many herbs are harvested before Su Yan and are not willing to sell.

Nowadays, this medicine field has planted hundreds of herbs, which is a bit surprising in a short time. The medicine field shines, and hundreds of medicines breathe spontaneously, filling the source of life and making the whole cultivation room full of life!

Su Yan entered the practice of body-building, and once he sighed, the self-styled body stretched and began to contain the roots of the medicine.

Very special and wonderful feeling, Su Yan's body seems to start to mutate, there is a body of life stone, the scent of strong life is filled with.

Time flies, the Han family has been monitoring Su Yan's every move.

"He went to the top box of Tianzhifu, and we couldn't go to the news."

There are spies who come to report, and among the bureaucrats where Qiu Ming is located, many Korean families are relieved, as long as Su Yan does not leave the Avenue City.

"I don't think he is Su Yan. If he is really Su Yan, he dare not take risks in Avenue City!" The Han family's old strongmen made speculations and caused many strong people's approval.

"Whether he is or not, you must get it!"

Han Kang sneered and said: "My brother-in-law has spent a lot of time helping me. This person is not a long-term life. I really don't know what speciality there is, and it has caused my brother-in-law to pay so much attention!"

(Looks like it has made up three chapters, tears collapse...·········)

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