Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 971: Shocking gambling

However, in the current Avenue City, the gambling of the avenue auction house began to spread widely, causing an uproar!

"The "Tianshi Pian" and the human form are gambling!"

"It is said that the human form is a dusty treasure, and Qiu Ming is extremely concerned. This time the gambling is really amazing. It is supervised by the Taoist temple, even on the avenue of the avenue, a fair battle!"

"Qiu Mingdu is involved. It seems that he is in a position to win this. I don't know who the mysterious man is. I dare to scream with Qiu, I don't know what Qiu Ming is."

There are many enthusiasm in the avenue city. This gambling has already attracted visitors from all directions. Regardless of how valuable it is, the Han family has a long history of the world, and it is the top inheritance in the universe.

This kind of inheritance, even if there are no major collections of major groups, only the Han family masters, now Han’s come out with this verse to gamble, the shock caused by it is too great, and all the big people want to come to watch the battle.

The bureaucracy where Qiu Ming is located, in the closed room of his retreat, is constantly boiling with the mighty life!

Qiu Ming is like a supreme god, the power of the pores to spur a rich essence, just a little blood leak, the void that has been affected is blurred, the world has a tendency to destroy!


The essence of life is leaking, and it runs through Han Weiran's body quickly, so that her breath is enhanced all the time. Even because of Qiu Ming's essence of life, Han Weiran's roots of cultivation have begun to grow!

Every day, Han Weiran’s strength has made great progress, and it is simply forging the road of the gods!

"It has been seven days and seven nights!"

Qiu Ming’s nephew broke open, and he spent a great price. He used his own source of life to lay a foundation for Han Weiran, and his strength was hardened. Even the speed of climbing the king in the future would accelerate. .

The average person who dares to be so dare, even the king of the peak does not dare to consume this.

However, Qiu Ming is different. Standing in the golden age, standing in the heyday, the blood is strong to the extreme, and the loss of some is not a big deal for him.

Qiu Ming is also convinced of the triumphant belief. Since the end of the auction, he has ordered his men to go home to collect the books about the gods.

Although the basic books are recorded, the series of ghosts and gods are also divided into three or six!

Even the shackles created by the general awesome forgings are extremely valuable and worth the price.

Even the classics have recorded that the top shackles that have been forged by the singularity of the gods are a top secret event, and it is feared that the Taoist temple has no such hidden events.

However, Qiu Ming did not believe in the top crickets recorded above. Because it was too outrageous and horrible, it was absolutely impossible to have such a sinister thing, and immediately vetoed that Su Yan’s mastery was not a top thing.


The door of the Chamber of Secrets was knocked, and Qiu Ming’s mind was moved. The door of the Chamber of Secrets opened.

In the portal that opened, flying in an antiquities, the purple artifacts are dim, and the age of existence is long. This is a purple big print, filled with the light of the avenue!

"This is the treasure of my family."

Han Weiran also returned to God, she was surprised, she knows a lot of Han's series of treasures. This big print is especially amazing. It has been stored in the treasure trove. Now Han Jia won for Han Weiran, and he will take this treasure. Out!


Han Weiran’s big sleeves glimpse, this faint faint purple big print instantly shines, and the inscriptions on the prints suddenly illuminate.

The short-lived glory, this secret technique is gently shaken, the energy contained in the purple big print is extremely vast, and the printed body is transformed into a purple giant mountain, and the sun and moon stars fight around the big Indian rumbling.

The printing body is pushed to the extreme, and there are sky and moon stars fighting around the sky, full of the peerless power to suppress the gods!

"Sun Moon River Mountain Seal!"

Han Weiran's eyes are a bit cold, saying: "My family also has a sun and moon river map, although it is a treasure of crude, but the value goes beyond the sun, the moon and the river, the **** Su Yan took away my family, the moon and the river, really I hope that person is Su Yan!"

Han Weiran stretches out the jade hand. On this day, the moon and the river are printed in her palm. This is in the hand. One face is enough to smash the gods. Even if Han Weiran’s road is strong enough, it can rely on the sun, the moon and the mountains. The king of the gods.

Of course, with the strength of Han Weiran, I am afraid that it is impossible to explode the sun, the moon and the mountains to the extreme areas, but it can soar to the intensity of the blasting of the gods, enough to show great power on the avenue.

"This treasure is good."

Qiu Ming shook his sleeves, and an old leather drum floated in the void.

The skin drum is dark red, and there is no strong expression. Qiu Ming said to Han Weiran: "Wei, this photo drum makes you use it for a while."

"Photographing drums?"

Han Weiran’s eyes looked at the leather drum, and she said: “Qiao Ming’s brother, I have a treasure of the gods.”

Qiu Ming mysteriously smiled, his eyebrows and the power of the gods, directly tapping on the drums of the gods.

The leather drum looked plain and unremarkable. In fact, it was tapped on the leather drum. There was a strange energy that sounded. When I entered Han Weiran’s ear, she really felt that the endless thunder was blasting in her sea of ​​knowledge. !

At this moment, the secret treasure of guarding her gods almost burst, Han Weiran's face was white, and exclaimed: "Photographing drums, Qiu Ming brother, what is this level of treasure? With my gods can not bear."

"This is the **** of the gods that my family once gave me. As long as you have enough roads, the drums are enough to shock the gods and gods!"

Qiu Ming’s words made Han Weiran happy, and there is such a thing in hand. What other powerful enemies can hardly live with her?

"Haha, if it is really a small obstacle to Su Yan, I see how he escaped to the palm of my hand."

Han Weiran has a lot of confidence. Is there still suspense in this battle? There is a big killer in the hands of the **** drum, which must be the sorrow of the same generation of monks.

Now the time from the gambling is getting closer and closer.

There are many monks on the avenue of the avenue. It is also the only place where avenues are used. Once there was a **** on the avenue of the avenue.

"Betting on the gamble!"

There is also news: "Great things, this time, the Avenue auction house is doing Zhuang!"

"What? There are rules for the avenue auction house to be a bookmaker!"

Some of the old people gathered here on the avenue of the avenue shined, and quickly asked, at the moment when the avenues of the dynasty had a big battle, there were many large-scale events to be dealers, but it was rare for the avenue auction house to be a banker.

"Haha, the odds are now, the bet wins a lose ten!"

The loud voice blew in this area, causing riots. This odds are a bit scary. If Su Yan wins, it is a ten-dollar odds.

"Go to the Avenue auction house to bet!"

The monks gathered here on the avenue of the avenue were scattered. In fact, the news was revealed at the avenue auction house. Many strong people have rushed to the bet.

The person left behind has a slap in the face, the road shot

Why do you want to trigger such a strong shock when selling a bank?

There are old strongmen who confuse: "Young people are still inexperienced. There have been many large chambers of commerce to make a village. As a result, there was a dark horse at the end of the life and death battle, which led to the loss of the crotch of the Chamber of Commerce. It was dissolved on the spot."

Many young people are dumbfounded, and there are such things that they have never heard of.

"If everyone bets the mysterious person to win, if the mysterious person really wins, the avenue auction house is not going to lose a lot of money!"

"Young people say that your lack of experience is not enough. What is the identity of the Korean family? The Tianshi articles have been taken out, and even Qiu Ming is helping in the dark. Do you really think that the mysterious people can win?" There are old people posing up to teach.

"It is also said that if you press Han Weiran to win, can you win a few dollars?"

"I have a thousand pounds of chaotic treasure on my body. If I bet the mysterious person won, isn't it a profit?"

Of course, he just thinks about it. After all, Qiu Ming’s first generation is unbeaten. Han Weiran’s winning face is too big. Even if the mysterious person wins the odds, the bet is that he wins too little.

"The mysterious man is said to be a friend with the old star owner. Do you say that he will win?"

"It's hard to say, I also want to gamble, how much chaos is there on you?"

"I have more than two thousand pounds on my body."

The little lion kings gathered together to exchange and have a lot of assets, a total of eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasures, they are ready to gamble, put all the money on the mysterious people to win.

A gamble storm began to flourish, the gambling has not progressed, and the avenue auction house is full of enthusiasm. The person who makes Zhuang is the Emperor Kangbo!

This provoked the auction, a group of Jianbao masters blow their beards, can Kangbo Shenwang determine that Su Yan can win? This is his mouth. Although he said that Su Yan has great power, but Qiu Mingxiang helped Han Weiran, the result is really hard to say.

Emperor Kangbo is also under great pressure. If he loses, he really can't make a difference.

However, a prehistoric big brother who used the five-color battle flag to let the Emperor Kangbo converge his confidence, and the victory or defeat is here. If he wins, he will become the famous tycoon of God.

It is not uncommon for this avenue city to open a gambling game. There are so many monks who come to bet on it, but the amount is getting bigger and bigger.

The Emperor Kangbo is all dry, and the final property of this gamble is estimated to exceed a million pounds of chaotic treasures, and may even be even more scary.

As for Su Yan’s retreat

In the quiet secret room, there is a heartbeat that continually slams, and if the drums are moving, it will shake the earth.

Su Yan seems to be turned into a heaven and a stone, in the sun and the essence of the sun, the source of the earth and the earth, to seize the essence of hundreds of heavenly treasures in the medicine field, his self-styled body accumulation of accumulation, more and more heavy.

At the same time, Su Yan's human body in the human body that has been boiling for several days suddenly surged a lot in this day!

Su Yan broke through and stepped into the peak of the gods!

The source of energy in the body is also condensed together and turned into a chaotic sea eye.

The sea eye grows fierce!

Su Yan's breath is also extremely terrible and amazing, even in the case of self-styled flesh, he is heavy to crush the stars!

Even the power of Su Yan’s body is going to rush out of the nest, running through to the scorpio, and on the land of the gods!

. Nine-day god

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