Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 972: Peak of the gods

What is this manifestation?

Su Yan is to achieve the gods, after all, his accumulation is too amazing, and the body of the gods in the peak of the field of power, the exuberant is not inferior to the gods of the gods.

Su Yan has stepped into the realm of the gods, but it combines the chaotic motherhood and is known as the strongest substance in the roots!

At the moment when Su Yan stepped into the peak of the gods, this material excavated some of the potential of chaotic motherhood!

At this moment, Su Yan is strong and amazing. The flesh is like a concentrated chaotic sea eye. It is full of the peerless power that crushes the earth and the earth. It can destroy one time and space.

Even Su Yan’s body is not controlled by the breath, and it’s shining!


Su Yan's power behind the ups and downs, one after another, one after another, successively nine major roads of divine power come out, one weight than a heavy, until the ninth heavy moment, this is the picture of the slap in the sky!

"Give me a steady!"

Su Yan burst into the heart, he has not yet reached the moment of breakthrough!

Su Yan can continue to nourish the body. When the nourishment reaches a certain limit, Su Yan will step into the realm of the gods.

He wants to use the flesh as a way, instead of using the Cosmic Avenue to penetrate the field of the gods. If you break through now, then everything will be abandoned!


Su Yan swallows the river and mountains, condenses the chaotic sea eye glow in the body, forcibly suppresses the leaked energy into the seal of the meat shell!

His body is also infinitely strong, strong, and the body is full of chaotic gas. The treasure is the supreme energy of the mother of all things. This is the effect of chaotic motherhood. It is a combination of Su Yan and full of the power of chaos.

"The field of the peak of the gods, even if I am self-styled, but relying on the power of chaos and maternal power, the combat power is strong enough!"

Su Yan raised his hand and gave off a powerful deterrent. He had to shake the Scorpio. Before he relied on the strength of the flesh, he was suspected of being a strong god. Now he relies on his potential to dig a part of the chaotic motherhood. Su Yan is more like a A strong god.

Immediately, his whole person was silent.

At the moment when he wanted to run through the Scorpio, Su Yan had a kind of enlightenment and understanding of the field of the gods.

What is the god?

From the human beings, when you truly cultivate this step, you will run through the Scorpio, and you will be part of the Universe Avenue. Once you have cultivated this level, you will be the strongest among the strong, and you can suppress one of the strong and powerful, for my use.

"Tian Shen Jing, with the energy of the universe, is the strongest in the gods!"

"But if I use the way of the flesh, another shortcut, and the way to the heavens, I will grow my self and infinitely strengthen. At that time, my potential in the gods is strong enough!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart, the universe was still incomplete, and the prehistoric heaven and earth could not go to the same theory.

Then there is a flesh and a way, it will be a road that is comparable to the history of the strong, and even qualified to go beyond the ancients, beyond self.

He now feels that this road is feasible. Once he is up, his future potential is endless, but this road is also difficult, but it is not easy to cross the past.

Anyway, I have to deal with a series of robbers!

Su Yan’s combat power has also made great progress, and his mouth and nose are all spewing chaos. Su Yan’s feelings of chaotic maternal power in the body, he gave birth to a kind of mind that swallowed the chaos of the sky and turned into the king of chaos!

"No wonder, the roots are so expensive, the young hegemons of all ages want to get the best substances in the roots."

"The more potential this thing is, the more powerful it is. The chaotic motherhood is the most powerful substance in the roots. I will release all of its potential one day."

Su Yan got up and pushed open the door of the secret room.

The whole yard is full of wine fragrance, Su Yan looking for the taste is to see the prehistoric big brother is drinking, Su Yan scratched his head, some distressed bamboo month.

However, Zhu Yuexi smiled and looked at it. Su Yan estimated that the prehistoric big brother is likely to teach some secrets to Zhu Yue.

"You can finally get out."

Zhu Yue’s eyes were full of radiance, and she glanced at Su Yan, reminding me: “This is the last day, and soon it’s time for gambling.”

"Hey, what secret brother did you give me?" Su Yan's look is a bit embarrassing, the last time she saw the bamboo moon, she must have anger.

Wen Yan, the bamboo moon's alum reveals the color of joy. Obviously, the prehistoric big brother shot, and the things that are taken out are not leisurely. This mystery is enough to be a township inheritance even in the veins of Tianzhu!

Even the inheritance of the family's townsmanship is not easily obtained by the bamboo moon. Even if she can get the secret technique, it is not necessarily suitable for the bamboo month.

The prehistoric big brother passed the secret technique of Zhu Yue, which is enough to bring her physical strength to the extreme. Zhu Yue feels refining the moon and the moon fruit. During the retreat for a while, the realm of the **** king is not difficult!

Zhu Yue was especially respectful to the prehistoric big brother, and said to Su Yan: "Now is not the time to say this, how are you prepared?"

"no problem!"

Su Yan said with confidence: "If he is strong, Qiu Ming can't promote Han Weiran's combat power to the realm of the gods. Since the gambling of the avenue is about to begin, I think it should be a human figure. Give the temple."

Su Yan’s eye-catching chapter of Han’s family, if this thing can be successfully handed down, Su Yan is sure to upgrade Qimen’s to the seven-product field.

Once you step into this level, it is completely different. The power of Qimen is soaring. Generally speaking, Qipin is a stranger, and the magical powers can be compared with the **** king!

"You have confidence."

Although there are some worries in Zhuyue's heart, she is also full of confidence in Su Yan. Moreover, he has become a Kun Kun eye. This is the means of pressing the bottom of the box. It is said to be the strongest Tianmu in history, although there is no magical cooperation with the gods. It is also enough to be proud of the same generation.

Waiting for the prehistoric big brother to finish the last altar, Su Yan they left the other hospital.

There were a few things waiting outside the courtyard, and the expression on the face was very strange. For almost ten days, they simply ate a chaotic treasure mountain.

If you don't enjoy discounts on bamboo, then their consumption in Tianzhifu will be a high price, and the king of God can't afford it.

"How many?"

Su Yan was shocked, and a total of 15,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures. When he retired these days, how many fine wines did the prehistoric brother drink?

However, for Zhu Yue, no amount of money can match the inheritance secrets that the prehistoric brother passed to him!

"The account is squatting first, go back to the family!"

The words of Zhuyue make Su Yan's face abnormal, which can still be credited? However, in the Tianzhifu account, I am afraid that it is only the strongest of them.

Bamboo Moon is not worried about buying alcohol money. The five-color battle flag of Tianzhu is now in the hands of the prehistoric big brother. The strongest person who counts the time of Tianzhu is coming, and this family is of course a chaotic ruin of the giants, but To provoke a big power? The pulse of Tianzhu has not gone mad.

I am afraid that it will really pay a price when I bring the five-color battle flag back to the family.

Even after the bamboo moon, there is also a strong support, so the status of the family is even higher. In general, it is the fault of bamboo and silver, and it is a great power to start? If this matter is known to the family veteran, Zhu Yincai must suffer.

"Miss slowly!"

The management of Tianzhifu smiled and sent them out with great respect.

Just stepping out of the gate of the heavenly house, Su Yan’s face was cold, because a group of Han’s disciples gathered outside the door, and even Han Kang was in the middle!

"You can figure it out!"

Han Kang’s face was gloomy and he went forward and said: “The time for the gambling is coming soon. The articles of our Han family have already been handed over to the Daoqiang strong. What is your shape? Don’t tell me you are ready Give up the gambling!"

"The emperor is not in a hurry."

Su Yan glanced at Hankang, cold voice: "Your heart is really big enough!"

"I am arrogant when I die."

Han Kang suddenly smiled and said: "Boy, I have to see if you can stick to a few rounds on the avenue of the avenue. By the way, I will tell you, I am at the avenue auction house, I have pressed a whole 10,000 jin of chaotic treasures, even my Han The family directly took 100,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures, and gambled you will die!"

Tens of thousands of pounds of chaotic treasures, for a group of people is also a huge gamble, although the winner is not much, but the Han family does not mind making some storms, which can also strengthen the prestige of Han Weiran!

Su Yan suddenly, actually opened the gambling.

"Go, let's go to the avenue auction house!"

Su Yan is also going to take a look, and gamble by the way, maybe even make a fortune.

Although there is no extra chaotic treasure on his body, Su Yan can be mortgaged with treasures.

"It has been closed now." Zhu Yuezhuo said: "I have already helped you to put a thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

"Only 10,000 pounds?" Su Yan stunned, said: "Why don't you have more points, if you win, you can make a big profit."

"I also squandered a thousand pounds of chaotic treasures, and this is still collateralized with treasures. You think that 20,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure is Chinese cabbage." Zhu Yue Jiao sighed, said: "Be content, if you win, then Turned a full ten times, but if you are too much, I am afraid that the auction house will adjust the odds appropriately."

"One to ten?"

Su Yan’s tongue is really crazy. If you win, the wealth you earn is simply unimaginable.

But take out a 10,000 pounds of gambling, it is also a big rich man!

Even if the king of God gambles, it is already the limit.

If you lose, you lose. If you win, you will make a big profit.

Of course, there are very few people who bet on Su Yan, or else there will be no odds of losing ten.


On the east street of the Avenue City, there is a sudden burst of light from the rushing avenue, and the starry sky is dazzling.

As if the sleeping dragons awakened, they released the undulations of Canggu, and the movements that were born were too spectacular. In the vast avenues of the city, all the beings of the universe perceive a terrible pressure to be released from the East Street.

An imposing battle platform, leaping to the sky, blooming the boulevard, brilliant to the extreme.

"The battle platforms are all out, you are not going to stage!"

Han Kang, they followed Su Yan, for fear that he had escaped at a critical moment, urging constantly: "Now the service is soft!"...

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