Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 973: The gambling begins!

Su Yan glanced at Hankang, this kid is really a dog skin plaster, and he can't get rid of it.

Under the eyes of Su Yan, Han Kang's eyes were black, and a cockroach almost fell to the ground. He only felt that the scalp had cracked open, and the gods fell into the boundless darkness, and the process made him fear.

"Han Kang, what happened to you?"

I don't know how long it took, Han Kang was gradually returning to God from the impasse. His heart was like a trauma, his face was pale, and he was terrified. "Fast, let's tell the family. This person has mastered the world and is as strong as me." Unable to guard against it, it’s just right!”

"What? You just got control of your heart?"

Han’s young people’s face was amazed. He Hankang was also a young and strong man, but Han Kang’s fighting power could not stop Su Yan’s glance, and his heart would sink into Qiankun’s purgatory. .

But it is already late, because Su Yan has gone for a while, and now it is estimated that it has reached the avenue.

Han Kang’s forehead is sweating, and there is a serious underestimation of the man’s combat power. If Han’s preparations are not enough, he will have to grow up!

"The gambling is finally going to open, where is the mysterious man?"

East Street, the voice is full of people.

Their long-awaited gambling was finally opened, and the avenue of the avenue was in the void, filled with ancient charm.

This battle platform is rarely opened. There used to be a **** king who died in battle. There are young hegemons who hate and hate, and even the most sacred gods on the battle platform smashed the sky!

In short, the avenue of the Avenue of the Avenue of the City, drinking the blood of the gods of the gods, has survived one after another of the cosmic era, which also led to the entire battlefield, all exudes fierce temperament, so that people dare not approach.

"Is this platform fearing that it is 100,000 miles away?"

Zhu Qiang wait and see, the avenue of the avenue, the energy of time and space, can be seen at the glance of the entire avenue at a glance, but in the process of watching, only the corner of the avenue can be seen!

Throughout the battle platform, the light of the avenue is revealed, but it contains fierce anger and shocks the soul.


Suddenly, people saw a figure across the space, because of the leakage of their own energy, which led to a large collapse of space, this shadow pulled the broken space, all of a sudden through the avenue.

Along the way, many monks shuddered, the body's blood tumbling constantly, one by one looked terrified, really do not think it is a god, because the energy is a bit overdone!

"A good Qiu Ming!"

The King of Iron and Blood also came to watch the battle. His eyes looked at the woman in the red dress standing on the avenue of the avenue. The eyes flashed a cool color. Seeing the situation of Han Weiran, it was definitely Qiu Ming who had raised the strength of Han Weiran.

Otherwise, Han Weiran will not be able to control the energy of the body, but the energy of this leak is enough, not to mention the combat power of her Han Weiran body.

"Han Weiran will win, he will win!"

The audience was very popular, and many of the bets that Han Weiran had won were screaming for her. Many people have taken over most of their own property. Even the Korean family has been tens of thousands of pounds, and they have taken out 100,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures. Note.

The crowded venue, enthusiasm, and shocking!

"I hope he is really Su Yan!"

The Han family’s old master is looking forward to the long-term vision of the terrain.

Han Weiran stood on the avenue of the avenue. She stood proudly. This eye-catching gaze made her particularly proud. She looked up at her chin, like a proud white swan, and said coldly: "No name, no speed, no speed!"

Han’s people are all smiling and very satisfied with Han Weiran’s performance.

Today can be said to be Han Weiran's fame battle. Once this war is over, Han Weiran will inevitably rise in the same name.

"There is no name, why don't you show up?" Han Weiran frowned, majestic and full of weather, overlooking the Quartet, said: "Now the service is too late, immediately show me the stage!"

"Little brother, what are you worried about?"

The voice of chuckle came: "Let you show the prestige on the stage, is it not good to show off the talents?"


Han Weiran’s nephew was locked in an instant, and a young man who came towards this place angered: “It turns out that this is your true face, and the boy gave me the stage immediately!”

Su Yan’s nephew looked at the Emperor Kangbo and asked: “Is it brought by Tianshi?”

The Han family's upper and lower monks sneered, and died to the end, but also care about the heavenly articles?

Moreover, even if Han Weiran really loses, he can't take it away, unless he can ask for a big power to escort!

The Tianshi article is the life of the Han family, and it must not be revealed.

King Kangbo nodded to Su Yan. Although they could not fully identify them, the things that Han’s family took out were ninety-nine. Unless they wanted to mix, they dared to bully the temple.

Su Yan also threw out the human form.

The Emperor Kangbo explored the palm of his hand and grabbed the human form. This process attracted many people's attention and wanted to know what was extraordinary about it.


Suddenly, a pupil with a smashing hole opened, and Qiu Ming suddenly appeared. The figure was looming in nothingness, and his eyes looked at the human form for a moment, and wanted to see the authenticity of the cockroach.

This scene makes Han Kang Shen Wang frown: "Qiu Ming, waiting for the end of the gambling, the attribution of this thing is still a problem!"

"Oh, now let me see my brother Qiu Ming look at it? Anyway, it will be me sooner or later." Han Weiran dismissed: "Just with this kid, it is a soft-footed shrimp, but it is a treasure boy!"

"Little brother, don't be so loud." Su Yan shook his head and smiled: "If you lose, don't cry!"

"You waste this, come up to me."

Han Weiran was cold and angry, and a pair of pupils screamed, the whole body swayed out the rich energy of the gods, the influence of the void was fiercely distorted, and even the energy of the crouching in her body had shaken the sky!

The extremely shocking picture, the same generation of gods are surprised, really like seeing a **** of heaven, shaking under the wrath of the sun and the moon, the sky is going to fall down!


Suddenly, people saw a shadow, completely between the electric fire time, rushed to the avenue of the avenue!

"Get down, beat you in one stroke!"

Han Weiran once again began to erupt, the body can be surging and looting, an extremely ferocious picture, this moment of Han Weiran is not like a god, if the king of the road to the king of God!

Han Weiran's jade hand covers the sky, the back of the hand opens the sky, the palm of the hand is like the condensed star sea, the spurt of the light, the moment when the mad shot is taken, the void is blasted, and the huge palms cover the avenue of the avenue. Entrance.

This palm was quick and accurate, causing the audience to exclaim, and no one thought that Han Weiran would be so powerful.

It has already been seen that the vague figure of the stage, which has been fragmented into a smash, seems to be smashed.

"It also......."

Some monks are stunned, is this too fast? Is it only a move that has already won the game?

"So fast!"

However, some old strongmen were shocked and shocked by Su Yan’s thunder action. At the moment when Han Weiran waved his palm, Su Yan had already crossed the avenue.

"Who is he?"

The iron king suspicion, he had seen Su Yan in the tavern before, this person said that he was Su Yan, and the Iron King did not even think that the person on the stage would be him.

Su Yan's speed makes the Iron King also move, this shrinking into the inch is really cultivated into an extreme field, shrinking into the inch, Su Yan Deng Lin Avenue!


Han Weiran was somewhat angry, and the whole divine power was released. If the river was breaking the dike, her own energy came out of the nest, and it covered the entire avenue, and she promoted the endless source of energy. Surging!

"I am starry!"

Han Weiran broke off, and the evolution of the picture was shocking.

If the real starry sky is born, the birth of the sun and the moon, the cosmic galaxy, is born out of the sky, which leads to the entire avenue of the avenue, turned into a giant purgatory space, like a concentrated starry sky in full bloom!

"Han's school is the best, the power of the heavenly chapter of Qimen's way, Han Weiran is strong enough. If you are cooperating with Qimen's secret power, stand up to a higher level, you must not be small!"

Many people have a lot of arguments and have a certain confidence in Han Weiran.

Now the singularity of Qimen is blooming on the avenue of the avenue. Han Weiran has evolved out of the general trend with his own power, and wants to forcefully suppress Su Yan!

"Give me the suppression!"

The gods of the sky can be combined, and God can smash and force the energy storm in the king's field. Now it begins to sweep toward Suyan at a horrific speed.

"Amazing energy, Han Weiran's heritage is too strong, beyond my knowledge!"

"Who can stop such fierce energy suppression, and with the power of the sky, how many strong people of the same generation can survive, this person will be unlucky."

The sky can be stormed, in a thunderous posture, facing the figure standing on the battle platform, madly bombing!

Han Weiran has a mentality, directly suppressing Su Yan, and he surrendered to the peerless mentality at his feet.


The energy is vast, everything is blurred, and it is torn apart in trembling.

In fact, from the beginning of the war, Su Yan is extremely mysterious.

In the starry world where the earth is destroyed, his figure is awkward and somewhat unreal.

Some people saw that he disappeared, and some people thought he was broken.

Everything is because Su Yan’s speed is too fast, and his shadow is left in the void, even his speed is fast, so that the older generation’s strong players can’t catch the track, which has to make them feel Shocked.


Su Yan's self-styled flesh is chaotic, his body is heavy and excessive, and when he moves, the avenues of the avenues are full of deafening roars!

Facing the overwhelming energy energy spring, Su Yan swooped in like this, and the body flew up the chaotic light!

Su Yan’s momentum has skyrocketed, and his figure is like a square painting of the battlefield, and the snow is shining!


This raging energy of the gods is penetrated by the ray of light, and is destroyed by the power of peerless life!

How brave is Su Yan!

At the moment of **** battles, there were many visions. He stood at the top of the **** sea of ​​the corpse, with a fierce sigh, and slammed to the end of the earth!

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