Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 978: Boxing little master


Han Jiaxiao's hand mastered the sound of the slap in the air, he couldn't wait, the blood in the body had already rushed, and a pair of cold scorpions seemed to see the picture of Su Yan's **** head being taken off by him!

"All the shame is in this battle!"

The Han family's small masters were indifferent, and the murderous scent was scattered and the void was separated.

"What are you doing, not yet on stage!"

Su Yan waved at the Han Jiaxiao master, and at the same time said to the Emperor Kangbo: "One hundred and thirty drops of cosmic mother liquid, according to the rules, should first be managed by the Daoqiang strong? Let's not give some people I am sorry!"

"I only have fifty drops!"

Qiu Ming said with a cold face: "If the Han family is lost, another 80 drops will definitely be returned!"

"Well, I believe in the credibility of your Qiu Ming."

Su Yan is not afraid of his Qiu Ming's account, in the words of the people of the world, if he does not give Qiu Ming, it is his virtue problem.

Moreover, there is a strong supervision of the Taoist temple, Su Yan is not afraid of him Qiu Ming does not give.

"Qiu Mingdao, this war is over, don't bother you to run a family."

Han Jiaxiao master stepped on stage, he looked like a victory, and he always looked down on Su Yan, especially the powerful energy of the body, so that the Han Jiaxiao master is confident.

The spectators in the field also squinted and stunned for so long, and the battle finally began!

Han Jiaxiao master has crossed the avenue on the avenue. He is like a jade, and his figure is a bit fuzzy. It is looming in nothingness!

In the vagueness, the body of the Han Jiaxiao master is like a grand universe in full bloom, with a heavy and extreme breath leaking out, covering the entire avenue.

"Get it!"

Su Yan did not dare to care. The first person of the younger generation of Han family must have two brushes. He will not take it lightly. In this battle, he is ready to fight the physical strength of the snow, and to meet the Han family in the strongest posture. .

"Oh, you let me shoot, I am afraid that you have no chance to even take the shot!"

Han Jiaxiao's teacher dismissed the tone: "You will not only make a profit, but other things in my eyes, you are just a waste. I don't care who you are. Today, this avenue is your grave!"

"Children should not be so loud." Su Yan shook his head and smiled: "I don't know, I really think that a big man is coming!"

"Power, for me, it is not too far away!"

Han Jiaxiao master bears his hands, he really has the masters of the masters, and has developed an invincible charm, and the mentality of the road to the mighty is also firm, the future itself will be able to win the game, overlooking the world.

"The cowhide is a little big!"

Su Yan laughed: "But the strong people of your Han family are so conceited, or else they will not lose so badly. Do you really think that the chaotic ruins are the site of your Han family?"

"This is not self-confidence, but self-confidence. My family has been brilliant to the top."

Han Jiaxiao’s teacher is calm and calm. “As for my self-confidence, I can suppress you and take off your head. Do you think there is a problem? If you are not shooting, I am really afraid that you will not even have the opportunity to play. !"

"When you take the shot, let me see how strong my insights are, not too late!" Su Yan sneered.

"This is what you are looking for!"

Han Jiaxiao’s teacher suddenly laughed and said: “Let you not shoot, let me take the shot, I can guarantee that you will never have a chance to shoot!”

"This mysterious man is going to be unlucky. The little master does have a big skill. No wonder the Han family is so confident that the little master will be on stage!" There are old antiques.

Many people are stunned and have not started playing. How can they be sure that Su Yan has lost? In their cognition, the mysterious man’s combat power is not weak. At the very least, can he fight for hundreds of rounds?


The sound of Thunder blasted fiercely, and the top of the avenue of the avenue showed a very sudden picture. The vast space of the entire avenue, suddenly emerged, and a horrible wave of earth collapsed!

The avenue of the avenue has changed, as if it has disappeared into the eyes of the world.

When it is once again presented, it is like a place of purgatory. The pervasive fluctuations make the whole monk suffocate and extremely difficult to bear!

"what is that?"

Many people are big, because they see the vast expanse of the vast sky, flashing a dense trace, one after another intertwined, countless.

Countless traces of avenues criss-cross, built into a land of gods and purgatory, the town is on the avenue of the avenue.

"Void gusts!"

The master of the martial arts exclaimed: "A good little master, the younger ones will be immersed in the cultivation of the martial arts. When he was in the line, I did not see it at all, but in a very short time, the entire avenue, They are all arranged in a void, and the Han family is the first person to be the best in Korea!"

Endless arrays of ruins are constructed and intertwined to form a catalogue of extinctions!

This method is extremely amazing. At the moment when the Han family's small masters arranged, only some old antiques saw some vague pictures, but Su Yan did not notice it, which shows that he really wants to be unlucky!

Bamboo Moon is not worried. Even if his small masters are in a high-minded manner, where can they go? From the very beginning, it was perfectly presented in Su Yan's pupil.

"how is it?"

Han Jiaxiao master shouldered his hands and asked confidently at Su Yan, even trying to be shocked from his face.

"There is a lot of work." Su Yan calmly responded.

"The things that are hard in the mouth, I still give me a swearing voice now."

The nephew of Han Jiaxiao’s nephew was cold and yelled: “Give me, I don’t need one hand today, enough to use the heavenly chapter to directly suppress you in purgatory!”


The voice of Han Jiaxiao’s master just blasted, and on the avenue of the avenue, there was a rush of tens of thousands of glory!

The infinite plaques, like the formation of the vast cosmic galaxy, the intertwining of the strips, the formation of the extinction catalogue has a strong cut.

The world is gloomy, and the avenues of the avenues have become the land of killing, and the snow that shines out makes the world blazing to the extreme!

"This is the era of great peers!"

Many people exclaimed that the platooning of the avenues of the avenues, such as the murder of the sea, runs through the Shuhan, and gathers into the trend of no heaven, which contains the amazing fluctuations of the same generation of enemies!


The Scorpio has collapsed. It is a vast glory that rushes to the nine days. It has shaken the stars and the stars, and the brilliance is infinite!

At this moment, the Han family's small master is extremely arrogant, just like the emperor who is in charge of the world.

"The stranger is so tyrannical!"

Some young people are eclipsed, and it is the first time that the best of the strangers have been seen.

At the beginning of the war, the Han family's small master directly controlled the entire avenue, and in the pattern of the gods and light, through the pattern of Han Han, the figure of Han Jiaxiao was very attractive!


He stood at the top of the pattern and looked down at the enemy in the world. At the same time, he pressed the palm of his hand to print it!

Qing Tianshou was called a powerful and prosperous hand in the hands of the Han family, and covered with one hand, like the hands of the gods, overwhelming the entire avenue!

The boundless pattern has turned into a big hand, and it is on the avenue of the avenue, flowing with terrible brilliance.

Many people are suffocating, this palm is too scary, like the giant palm of the gods that is knocked out of the field, the cover of the universe, full of the power to suppress the gods!

Han Jiaxiao master, like the leader of the heavens, turned into an eternal master.

In the moment when the palm of his hand was infinitely close to Su Yan, he smiled coldly and said: "I don't want to go to the law quickly. Now I can't get the softness yet. I kneel down and admit my mistakes, and I can spare you a life!"

This sentence makes Su Yan fry!

"Bunny rabbit, don't kill you, you really don't know what Grandpa is!"

Su Yanteng’s sudden rise from the ground, the self-styled meat shells turbulent, as if a wave of long-term volatility, across the ancient history, through chaos!

"Want to run, you can't escape my Wuzhishan, on the road of today's avenue, let you pay the price of blood!"

Han Jiaxiao master sneered, the big hand suppressed down, the heavy breath fell.

The small master's five fingers are like mountains, the weather is magnificent, and the five fingers are infinitely magnified, like the five pillars of the sky, which open up the space.

His palm is also like the world of the stars, including a cosmic star, revealing the general trend of the sky, wanting to overwhelm the whole world.

This palm can be said to be the peak, and the image of Su Yan must be buried in it. Even the chance of shining is not left. This is the enthusiasm of his little master, and he wants to slap the Su Yan to suppress it. , write your own myths!

However, Su Yan's body returned from the slumber, his own pores rushed out of the blood, this is definitely the vast storm of divine power, the moment of dancing, the blood in the moment to break through the Han!


Su Yan couldn't help but make a big noise, and the whole blood was rolling like a torrent, bursting out, running through the Han.

Even the flesh returned from the body of the body, the imposing momentum is arrogant!

That innumerable blood transpiration, turned into a wild giant, lying on the head of Su Yan, proud of nine days and ten places!

In the realm of the gods, accumulating to such a degree is really against the sky.

"what is that!"

Some onlookers are hairy because they seem to see that the vastness of the blood has drowned the entire avenue, covering the sky and the void!

When the innumerable blood returned to Su Yan's body, he seemed to be the **** of the chaos!

Su Yan's momentum is completely different, the horror of the atmosphere, the world is gloomy, many strong people near the avenue of the avenue are soft to the ground, shivering!

Su Yan screamed, he was like a comet across the road, shining in the sky, tearing the sky!

Once the North Fighting Fist broke out, it fell into the sky!

"Come and die!"

Su Yan is so brave, a fist banged up, the void of the entire avenue battlefield disintegrated in the middle of the twist, the void created a big bang!

This is a humanoid fierce dragon to start, too much hegemony and metamorphosis, and suddenly hit the end of the battle platform!

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