Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 979: Tenno seal!

On the avenue of the avenue, the wind is broken, and the ghosts are crying!

The energy is fluctuating violently. There is a figure, a lightning-like recovery, and the emerging energy madness reaches the extreme, and dominates the entire avenue!

Tianyu is divided, and this is completely the magic of the gods, the sky is falling apart!

Su Yan rises from the ground, the energy of terror is overflowing, the supreme power is crowded with the whole audience, and the source of energy leaking out makes the crowd around the battle platform directly soft to the ground, and it is difficult to bear the power of this madness!


The audience are exclaiming, this is a picture of the soul, a person rises up, the process of awakening, the light of the sky, the blood is like a wild dragon, and the inexhaustible power storm!


There was a big collapse on the avenue of the avenue, and countless voids of the void accompanied the light of the energy of Su Yan's pores, and it was riddled with holes!

He is too scary and hegemony!

In the whole, there is a kind of arrogance that is dedicated to me, and the enemy in the world is swayed. The figure of the world is like a picture, and it begins to break into pieces.

Everything is overpowered!

A shocking figure, even more horrible than the demon, full of black long hair dance, shine the boundless earth!

He succumbed to peerlessness, pedaling the sun and the moon, and the magnificent avenue of the avenue seemed to surrender to his feet. The fist he waved out was like a comet bombarding at the end of the battlefield, and the earthquake hit the sky!


Some gods are exclaimed, what kind of king is this? Once the real thing is so overwhelming, it is completely different from the previous Han Weiran confrontation, raising the hand and raising the foot, all show the boundless arrogance!

Even this punch, igniting the sparkling stars, hangs down the endless star of the Galaxy, running through Su Yan's fist!

At the moment when this fist broke out, Xinghai was floating in the battle platform. Su Yan’s fist was a great peer. The sun and moon stars are all running around the fist. This punch is called a bombardment of an ancient star sea, and it is necessary to blow the entire avenue platform. !

"North Fighter!"

Some people are eclipsed, and they are all straightforward. They can’t help but shout out: "This is the secret of Beidouism, the Big Dipper!"

Since the defeat of the Northern Fighting Church, Beidouquan has disappeared into the eyes of the world. However, in the era when the madman was born, he fought all the way, and in the era of blood-washing chaos, Beidouquan once again became fierce.

Now that the North Fighting Boxing is shot on the battle platform, it is enough to confirm a problem!

"He is Su Yan, the young overlord of the funeral family Su Yan!"

A terrible truth that many people can't bear, breathing is heavy to the extreme.

This one has a strong enough legend, and nowadays it is debuting in a shocking manner, so that the older generation's strongmen are scalp numb. This madman dares to sway through the city in Avenue City. He doesn't know how big his trouble is?

The Iron King is even more stunned. He turned out to be Su Yan. This result made him feel incredible. Even the guy said that he was Su Yan. What did he want to do? Do not know how dangerous the Avenue City is?

The strength of Su Yan also surprised the King of Iron King. It is rumored that Su Yan has not entered the Tianshen territory for a long time, but now he sees the energy of his recovery, and it is absolutely powerful. It is not the strength of just entering the heavenly realm!


The devil is moving, the killing is rolling, and the emptiness is annihilated.

This punch is strong to the hegemony, and the Han family will be fully inundated, and the Han family is screaming in this situation: "I care who you are, you will die today!"

Han Jiaxiao masters stepped forward step by step, step by step, stepping out every step, his power is surging!

For a short time, the Han family's small masters stepped out for a full nine steps. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be promoted by him. The sly scorpio moved with it. It was really the sky that fell over and covered the vast land!


The sky is gloomy, and a king is in the lower bounds.

"Well, be sure to blow Su Yan and let him know the power and prosperity of my Han family!"

The old master of the Han family screamed at the bottom of the screaming, this is the Han family's earthquake education, the originator of the origin of the pulse!

When it is truly confirmed that this person is Su Yan's moment, the Han family group strong are crazy, must be rid of him, since the small master shot, they also have full grasp of Su Yan Fufa!

A big horror matchup, on the avenue of the avenue, has brewed a strong enough energy storm!

One side is the king of the Xinghai, the blood is rushing to the Han, and the gas cover is mad.

The Han Jiaxiao master, the style is absolutely unrestrained, went out nine steps in a row, stood in a state of prosperity, and Tianzhu was overturned. With his operation, he seemed to be the king of a person, containing a great power, sweeping Liuhe Eight shortages!

"Heavenly Print!"

The older generation of monks have been shocked, this is the secret of the Han family's non-transmission, but also the Han family's non-uploading Tianwang print!

And this secret technique is the inheritance of Qimen. It is said that once it is built into the king of the seal, it can be used to control the universe. Although the Han family has not yet entered the realm of the master, it is enough to master the heavens with his combat power. Force, suppress strong enemies!

The thick, boundless, peerless, horrible energy body, born with the Han family!

"A good king of the seal, with the accomplishments of the Han family, is enough to be invincible!"

The heroes of all ethnic groups were shocked and moved. The Han Jiaxiao master really grew up. Although he said that the Soviets who broke into the chaotic ruins of the outside world have limited understanding of him, but the strength of the small masters is really true. Can't hold a Su Yan!

"How is it possible, how could he be Su Yan!"

"This guy, shouldn't it be the son of a restricted area from a restricted area? But he turned out to be a madman, God, who is the power of the madman? Who did he move out of!"

"With a big brother to enter the city and sway through the city, what exactly does he want to do?"

The Emperor Kangbo was shocked and jumped. What did he think? I couldn’t think that this person would be Su Yan!

Is the power around him the old leader of the burial domain, a tyrannical tyrant who once slaughtered the power of the ancestral hall!

"Su Yan, you give me life, I will marry you today!"

The Han Jiaxiao master awakened in the polar environment, and the sly scorpion swelled. From this moment on, the world gloomy and fell into the darkness.

The source of energy that is suffocating enough to fall from the sky is completely the ultimate force of the gods. The invincible force of suppressing the same generation broke out here, and the Beidou fist that came from Su Yan!


If such a collision is in the world, the Xinghai and the Scorpio will strike, and the brilliance will be released on the avenue of the avenue. The bang is loud and the horrible big crack is broken, and the crack is growing rapidly!

"A terrible collision!"

Nearly let the energy of the same generation of monks tremble, the avenues of the avenues trembled!

The two boundless forces have launched a peerless impact here. In the process of continuous collision, the cracks continue to expand, and the entire avenue will be blasted out of a large hole!

"Su Yan, you can't do it. Today I want to hit you to surrender, kneel on the avenue of the avenue, and confess your sins to my family!"

The Han family's small master was angered. He raised his hand and lifted his foot to make the sky turbulent. It was more raging than Wang Yang, and Shenwei was crowded with the entire avenue.

Under the state of Tianwangyin, the Han family Xiaozong was one of the best in the world. He was supernatural and promoted the vast energy energy spring, and once again launched a crackdown on Su Yan!

"Whatever is mad, even if you step into the guru today, I will kill you!"

Su Yan's pupils are marked with two fierce lights, and the eyes of the Kun Kun are looming!

How about Tianwang Printing? The world admits that this mystery is unparalleled in the world, but his Han family teacher has not yet stepped into the guru's realm. The evolved king has many flaws, all of which are presented in Su Yan's pupil!

However, Su Yan, who did not bother to sneak into the weak zone of Qian Kun’s eye, attacked his little master!

He is completely powerful enough to make all these patterns strong!

Under the state of maintenance, Su Yan has accumulated enough potential and connotation. If even a Korean master is not dead, he still mixes his fart!

At the same time, Su Yan will try to compress the time as much as possible. Because of the energy accumulated by the body, it is impossible to let Su Yan endlessly squander!

After all, Su Yan is not a god, the gap is a whole big realm. In this battle gap, once faced with the top figures of the same generation, there will inevitably be a huge gap!


Su Yan's overall killing of the sky, the treasure is transpiration of blood, accompanied by fuzzy chaos!

His momentum suddenly changed, sometimes it was like splitting all the paintings of the sky, sometimes it was like suppressing the world's great tripods, and sometimes it was like the avenue of the melody of everything.

The outbreak of the foundation, the recovery of the potential, makes Su Yan's breath arrogant!

In the incredible eyes of the audience, Su Yan swallowed the river and mountain, once again throwing a punch, heavy to the extreme, the rolling universe starry roar!

However, this is not a punch at all!

He waved nine punches and went retrograde, breaking out of the earthquake!


That is the horror of the nine universe stars running through the Han, cross the world!

Beidouquan made nine punches, and each star was surrounded by chaotic light, like a chaotic star born in chaos!

In the process of destroying the world, and even let the world swear, the nine grand stars directly merge into one!

This is the Beidou boxing in Beidouquan. The whole piece of Tianzhu is covered and gloomy. With the vast nine-day galaxy light, the entire avenue is full of supreme oppression!


Su Yan is a big man, he is amazed, his palms are pinched, his heroic arrogance, and he is smashing forward!

In the vagueness, the sky is sobbing!

This fist smashed through the whole piece of Scorpio, and the endless release was released. Tianyu directly had a big bang!

There was also a huge tremor in the body, the body was sprayed into a piece of blood, and the bones in the body were broken and smashed. It was a terrible heavy blow. The little master fell down and the body was falling apart!

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