Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 981: Bombing the little master

Su Yan was brave and shocked. On the avenue of the avenue, it was fierce!

If he is standing in the blood of the corpse, he is amazed, bloody, spreading terror, and shocking the same generation!

The king of the gods was shocked. From the confrontation to the present, Su Yan broke the law with force and hardly smashed the means that the Han family was proud of. They all witnessed this battle!

They have also heard about various legends about Su Yan before. In short, they have never witnessed it, and it is difficult to recognize the power of Su Yan.

But nowadays, on the avenue of the avenue, Su Yan succumbed to the shooting, the bombarded Han Jiaxiao master despair, such a brave gesture, immediately got the strong recognition of the strongmen of the avenues!

After all, Su Yan is facing the first person of the younger generation of Han family, and the Han family, who is about to step into the realm of the master, has defeated a top fighter who lives in the myth of invincible. This style has attracted some women in the field. Scream!

"A good Su madman!"

For many young wizards, these three words are a bit heavy, fierce, and even in the legend, Su Yan is more powerful than the legend, shocking people, and the overlord said that the suppression will suppress!

This is not an invincible battle. What is it? This is absolutely the supreme of the heavens, and the stunned people who are trembled with the same generation!

"A good man!"

The Emperor Kangbo sucked the cold air and said: "The deserved overwhelming hegemony, but the small master of the Han family, ended up miserable, completely fulfilling the name of Su Yan. The original Su Yan is not particularly famous in the chaotic ruins. However, after this war, there is a great convergence of power, and how many strong players can be found in the same generation?"

In the Avenue City, it’s a piece!

They witnessed this battle, there was no cheating at all, and there was no speculation. Su Yan broke the law with force and was recognized by many powerful people.

"Ha ha ha, Su Yan brothers are stronger than before, hahaha!"

The little lions laughed in their hearts: "All said that our family of the ruined family is a group of decaying people. It is a waste family. In the end, who is the waste family, hey, the Han family has repeatedly oppressed the Suyan brothers, and now they have finally tasted the bitter fruit! ”

Whether it is the sun, the moon and the river, or the road map left by the eight masters, Han Weiran lost his face.

But all of this can't be compared with the first defeat of the Han family!

Once the Han family's small masters have been defeated, they are destined to succeed in this generation, and there will be no strong players in the future to compete for the world.

For example, the Kun family has a lot of low-keys in these years. Kun Wang was directly killed by Su Yan. The younger generation of the family has had a fault. If it is not honest, it will be difficult to protect it for thousands of years.

The Korean family is superb, but in this era, if the younger generation is no one, this will be an extremely embarrassing pattern!

"How can you lose!"

Hankang lost control, and it is difficult to bear the picture in front of him. How can the Han Jiaxiao master be defeated, even if he is really defeated, he will never be defeated by Su Yan!


The old master of the Han family slaps on the face of Hankang, and he beats him three times in the same place. The old Korean master said: "When did you lose it? The little master has not lost yet, but he can fight again. Call me, believe it or not, I am jealous of you!"

Han Kang scared and shivered, not dare to talk nonsense.

That Qiu Ming’s face is also gloomy!

If he is defeated again, he will lose one hundred and thirty drops of cosmic mother liquor!

This is a huge fortune, enough to make the property of the blissful, if Su Yan really won a hundred and thirty drops of cosmic mother liquor, then this will be crucial for his current practice!

The extent of such heaven and earth, the degree of scarcity is self-evident, if you really let Su Yan get it, the consequences are the most serious!

Qiu Mingzhen feels wrong and angry!

He is the same as the top king of the same generation. If it is not due to the rules of the Avenue City, he will forcibly start to kill Su Yan, but now he can only blink. Once lost, the cosmic mother liquid must be handed over to Su Yan.

"Some people say that you can fight again?"

Su Yan stood between the heavens and the earth, overlooking the Han family, and said coldly: "You are not satisfied?"

Wen Yan, the Han Jiaxiao masters are lost in the soul, his dim pupil shines, roaring: "I try my best, but also kill you!"


In the blink of an eye, the Han family’s small master’s blood-stained body shines, and there is a vague volatility in the vagueness, as if the **** sea is in full bloom!

The world is discolored, Yinhong is a piece of blood, and the blood is rolling, and the rolling Tianyu is rumbling!

In the vagueness, a huge blood-colored figure is manifested on the avenue of the avenue. If it looms, it reveals the fluctuations that dominate the souls of all beings, so that the spectators in the field tremble, even some gods and gods are shaking!

"Blood Soul!"

Some people were shocked and pointed to the huge and vague outline of the battle platform: "The taboo secrets lost in history, blood soul surgery!"

The audience was sensational, and the Emperor Kangbo changed his color instantly. He said: "The big thing is not good. Han Jiaxiao master is crazy. He wants to change his life with Su Yan. How can they see the young master’s blood? Soul, don't know how serious the consequences of applying Blood Soul?"

"What is Blood Soul?"

Some people are suspicious, but then a large number of onlookers' scalp numbs, because in their pupils, the body of the Han family's blood-stained blood is quickly weakened, even dried up, decaying, and life seems to be at the end!

"Ah, little master!"

A group of strong men in the Korean family roared all day, their eyes were red, like killing people!

The old masters of the Han family are almost distorted. The **** soul technique, once the taboo secret surgery is applied, directly extracts the essence of the blood, and gathers in the gods to release the blood soul of the extreme!

“Is this?” Many people were frightened. What is this secret technique?

In the end, the older generation of strongmen stood up and wondered: "Blood Soul is a secret technique that has been lost in history. Once this mystery breaks out, it gathers its own blood essence, runs through the gods, once it hits the bleeding soul, It is necessary to lose a thousand years of life, and even the human body will go to aging, and the gods will directly fall into a period of weakness, and at any time will face the danger of death!"

Although the Han Jiaxiao master said that the foundation is strong, but it can not withstand the loss of blood soul surgery, of course, there is a line of vitality, that is, the need for the **** medicine to continue life!

"Insane, it's crazy!"

Many people shouted, Han Jiaxiao master is really crazy enough to fight Su Yan, a shameful snow!

Of course, the Han Jiaxiao master is not necessarily degraded. After all, the Han family has a rich foundation. It is not difficult to take out the magical medicine. However, even if the small master is saved, he will lose his life and even lose the life. More!

This taboo secret surgery is too serious for the Yuanshen, and Zhu Qiang has been shocked. This Han family teacher is really a personal thing, and he will kill Su Yan at any cost!

"Su Yan, now I paid the price, it is the moment when you sacrifice your life!"

Han Jiaxiao’s dry hair dances, he is screaming, and even the huge figure of the purgatory above the battle platform, releasing the horror of the gods, is the birth of a **** of the realm of God. The emerging powers, the rolling avenues of the avenues are roaring and trembling!


The huge figure, turned into a **** torrent, the rendering of the sky is a bright red, the tragic atmosphere spread!

This shot was quick and accurate, and accompanied by strange magic, the body of Su Yan was imprisoned.


Su Yan’s eyebrows burst and burst into pieces of blood, and even his knowledge of the sea was distorted under the pressure of Blood Soul, and there was a tendency to destroy!

"not good!"

The little lions were shocked. How could there be such a secret trick? Just broke out and hurt Su Yan’s knowledge of the sea. Once it continues, Su Yan will not be dead, then the sea will be hit hard and there will be big problems. .

"Give me kill him!"

The Han family is low-lying, and such a big price has already been paid. As long as you can kill Su Yan, the Han Jiaxiao master is the hero of the entire Korean family!

A magical medicine only, with the merits of the small master, it is sure that the ancestors will nod their heads to continue their lives for the little masters. Even this battle has also played the fierceness of the Han family, so that the prestige of the Han family will rise sharply!


The Han family's small master is also screaming, and the **** and infinite pictures are boiling, and the waves are shot, the sound waves are rolling, and the blood is shining!

Layers of blood, covering the void, and infinitely superimposed!

Already there is blood sea energy squeezed into Su Yan's knowledge of the sea, will soon be fully captured by his knowledge of the sea!

Rich blood, devour the soul!

People have vaguely seen that the blood sea completely covers Su Yan's entire knowledge of the sea and is about to swallow his entire spiritual land!

Many people are eclipsed. Once the blood sea is submerged by Su Yan's knowledge of the sea, Su Yan will die, and the battle will be reversed.


Suddenly, in the blood sea purgatory, it seems that a golden **** was born, bathing Buddha light, Purdue the world, reading the Supreme Truth!

This is a vast, grand, spectacular sound that suddenly blew!

Zhu Qiang was surprised. What is the situation?

A glimpse of the infinite breath of the Buddha Sea was born in the sea of ​​Su Yan, which contained a terrible Buddha nature, which pierced the whole blood world.

This voice also seems to come from the future, not to see me.


The whole monk hairs, seeing the **** sea, igniting the splendid Buddha light, suppressing the **** sea of ​​the corpse, the radiance of the explosion, the huge figure of the thorns packed in the battlefield are tremble, it seems to be purified!

"This is the Buddha's secret!"

The Emperor Kangbo is stuttering. How can Su Yan master the Buddhism?

Even how strong his **** is!

Blood Soul is really a viable encounter, encountering the Buddha's supreme truth, the suppression of the "Future Jing", the blood of the sky has exploded, only a figure, brave invincible, strong domineering!


Su Yan made a loud noise, smashed the sky, and on the avenue of the avenue, broke out invincible Tianwei!


Han Jiaxiao's sorrowful mourning, blood-stained body vibration, is about to fall apart, he was aging, and now Su Yanyan's five blood, the dry flesh is torn apart!

"You are not satisfied, I will send you on the road!"

Su Yan is full of black hair dancing, like lightning, all the clothes are shattered, revealing a strong body, male and female!

He banged up with a fist, and the broken Han’s small master was directly blasted, and his bones were scattered all over the place.

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