Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 982: Fairy substance

The **** scene makes many monks directly petrified.

The picture presented by the avenue of the avenue, for some people, is like a thunder, and the flesh is shaking.

What did they see?

Han Jiaxiao's master was Su Yan, a punch to the body of the body burst, this is the trend of the gods, especially the small master who lost in the blood soul state, this fist is enough to directly kill him!

Moreover, even if it is not to start with Su Yan, the disastrous Han Jiaxiao master even if there is no magic medicine to continue life, it is not a long time!

The whole audience boiled, and no one thought that from the gambling to the present, there will be a young overlord who lives in invincible, drinking and hating on the battle platform, the body is smashed and smashed, making the audience boil!


The strongmen of the older generation are sucking in the air, and they are unbelievable to the picture in front of them. Like a dream, a generation of young hegemons, so they drink and hate on the stage, and even be directly blown by the head!


There is a roaring sound that blasts, shakes the sky, and shakes the sky. This is a fierce voice, accompanied by the light of the killing.

The Han family’s old master was crazy, and the energy source that turned out of the body made the big bang appear!

The eyes of Han’s old masters are all red and bloody, and the fists are clenched. There are uncontrollable killings in the body. He is about to control and kill the avenue, and will kill Su Yan to live!

This picture makes the Korean family strong and crazy, they are proud of the small masters, but also their future hopes of the Korean family, and even the strongest who will soon step into the guru's realm, even hate on the battle table!

How can the screen not let them go crazy, the cold killing has been crowded with the entire East Street, rippling out, so that the vast Avenue City is cold and biting, all the strong people of the Han family want to go crazy, blood wash the road platform!


The scene was a mess, and the Taoist temples couldn’t keep up. The Han family Zhuqiang was really crazy. They had to kill in the Avenue City and storm the avenue!


Suddenly, a voice of indifference blew between heaven and earth!

The great voice, the mighty, makes all the Han’s crazy monks fear, only the flesh is to burst, and even the gods of the Han family are hairy, as if after nine days, there is a supreme being staring at them.

This is a basin of cold water poured down, so that the Han family strong warfare, they must kneel on the ground.

Undoubtedly, this is the dissatisfaction of the avenues of the Avenue City, and almost murdered, causing the entire Avenue City to tremble. This first city of the universe is extremely difficult to bear the anger of a powerful power.

The entire Avenue City is silent, who dares to come in the Avenue City?

The land of the dynasties of the past dynasties, by the old temple of the Tao Dian, no matter who is in the avenue city, is in bad rules, the Tao Dian naturally will not sit idly by, this is the iron law of inheriting one after another of the cosmic era, impossible Because of the death of Han Jiaxiao, an exception was made.

In the quiet and silent Avenue City, the group of heroes are still in the midst of shock, and they are using incredible eyes to patrol the avenue of the avenue, a broken body!


Some people slammed low and noticed that scattered around the avenue of the avenue, a piece of flesh and bones glow at the same time, like death to life, resurrection in general, transpiration of Xian Xianhui!

The whole monk moved, what is the situation?

Han Jiaxiao master has been blasted, but now his flesh and blood is shining, suspected of reorganizing the flesh, to be resurrected!

This makes people stutter and don't know what to say. Is there such a secret in the world that allows a blasting person to reorganize the body and resurrect?


Even the old temples that were revived in the avenue city opened a pair of eyes filled with chaotic light, which revealed a strange beam of light, and the words were shocked: "Han’s family still has this kind of material, great creation!"

If Hankang heard this sentence, they must be shocked and stunned. They must know the city of Daocheng, but the ancient power of Daodian!

What makes the powers both startling and moving, and even saying that they are big, is definitely the material of the sky!


On the avenue of the avenue, Xianhui is now, the flesh and blood of the sky is glowing and hot. In the incredible gaze of Su Yan, these flesh and bones, like the ingenuity, converge on their own, to form a brand new person!

"how is this possible!"

The whole frying pan, how can there be such a ridiculous picture, Han Jiaxiao master can still die and resurrection?

The prehistoric big brother walked around the crowd. He was full of hair and messy, his tall body was stable like an abyss, and his throat was full of strange luster.

"Xiandao material!"

The prehistoric big brother is speaking, but this voice is directly transmitted to Su Yan's ear, so that Su Yan's fist is clenched. The prehistoric big brother has told him that he is telling him that this thing is helpful to him.

Although he didn't know what the fairy material was, there were some old monsters who saw it. Even Qiu Ming's face was a bit gloomy. He sneered in his heart: "Han's master of this substance, I don't even know it!"

Qiu Ming’s voice is extremely dissatisfied. This kind of material is too expensive. It is a treasured material that is hard to find for the world. He is estimated to have been unexpectedly obtained by Han’s family. It should be explored in certain restricted areas of life. Perhaps from the burial ground!


In the eyes of the public eye, the bones and flesh and blood melt into a furnace, forming a blood-stained figure, filled with unusually large fluctuations!

Han Jiaxiao master came back to life, and actually ushered in the resurrection!

Who is not scared, this is too outrageous.

Even the Han family, who reorganized the flesh, sang the sacred radiance of the body. He was born with a terrible substance, and this substance eventually began to glow and heat, and sprayed out the fairy radiance, reflecting the cosmic sky!

"what is that?"

The face of Emperor Kangbo changed one after another, and the shade was uncertain.

Many people have seen that the Han Jiaxiao master reorganized the energy and light rain of the volatility of the meat shell and gathered in the sky. There is a grand and vague outline born in the vagueness. It is like a long-lived Taigu spirit to wake up!

Even this magnificent and vague outline spreads the sense of terror and oppression, and the onlookers are shuddering and trembled. There is a tendency to surrender on the ground!

The gods and kings are all shocked. What is this anti-sky material that makes the Han family a small master resurrected? Continued the life of the smash!

The old antiques in the Daodian Temple in the town of Daocheng have the impulse to directly seek for it.

But he was jealous of the prehistoric big brother, and he reached out to the palms many times and eventually stopped!

The battle on the avenue of the avenue is not over yet. If you really start to fight for the anti-sky material, it will cause dissatisfaction with the prehistoric big brother. Once the big power battle occurs, the avenue city will smear the soul, and the consequences must be borne by him!

"Ha ha ha, I am alive again!"

The voice of Han Jiaxiao’s master is so strange, and there are shocks and ecstasy!

The body of his reorganization is shining, quite sacred, especially under the backdrop of the material of the immortality. If the immortality of the weather is as majestic, let the king of God beheaded!

"Su Yan!"

The next moment, Han Jiaxiao's sly scorpion stared at Su Yan, screaming: "Forcing me to use the material of my family, you **** it!"

"You don't know what this substance is." Su Yan sneered: "Even you don't know, you can really resurrect, this is really terrible!"

"Oh, it’s enough to get rid of you!"

Han Jia Xiao Zong Shi Chao Chao, because he can feel that the immortal material is strong and against the sky, he has a kind of power to master the universe, overlooking the hearts of the world!

This feeling, this kind of power, let the Han Jiaxiao master laughed and said: "It is the anti-sky material that the ancestors said, hahaha, Su Yan, your life should be like this, how strong you are, but it is just fulfilling me. !"


The entire avenue of the avenue was shaking, and the momentum of the Han family's small master was extremely magnificent and magnificent. When the mysterious material that he had been burning was awakened, the terrible oppression was packed with the audience.

Su Yan’s body was imprisoned and even exploded during the oppression.

He was shocked and moved, and a good material was really terrible and outrageous. If the little master mastered this substance, what would it be? Because in the face of the pressure of this material, Su Yan is difficult to have a room for help!

"This..... Is this going to be reversed?"

The group of heroes exclaimed, their voices were stuttering, and apparently they had not recovered from the shock of the resurrection of the little master.

This is enough to crush the fairy material of the universe, and the emptiness of the earthquake is broken. The avenue seems to crack as well, spreading toward Su Yan.

Su Yan shuddered and struggled wildly, and he had to break out all the means to counter the suppression of the immortal material.

Only the next picture made him worry, because the Han family's small master violently coughed up blood, and the reorganized body appeared to be cracked!

what's going on?

The old antiques of Daodian are not unexpected. This material is too powerful and hegemonic. It is unimaginable to be noble. Although it can help the Han family to resurrect, but the little master intends to master it? I have to say that he is anxious, too anxious to kill Su Yan.

Even a **** king, you don't have to master this substance!

"How is it possible, this is my substance!"

Han Jiaxiao’s eyes are all red and bloody, and he wants to reorganize the broken material, but the more he suppresses it with brute force, the stronger the oppression of the fairy material is, and the backbone of the Han family’s small master is cracked. .

He is somewhat desperate, how can this be the case, why can't control his own creation, why is it like this!


At the moment when the supreme material of the tidal water collapsed, Su Yan’s eyes flashed a sizzling spurt. In an instant, he took out the drums of the gods, and broke the power of the gods into the ultimate field, directly knocking the drums!


A screaming, screaming sound, like thousands of lightning strikes between the heavens and the earth.

This is not a sound, Su Yan will run the "Future Jing" to the extreme, it is necessary to ask the extent of the gods in the field of the gods, which also leads to the drums of the gods, which can be called a rare treasure of the gods of the gods, rumbling Shake it up!

A sound, enough to shake the drums of the gods, and sway!


The Han family's small master is very strong, and the guardian of his mysterious treasure is bursting. This is enough to target the **** of the gods, how can he bear it.

Su Yan did not dare to approach it, worried that the material of the immortality could be reunited, so he used the drums of the gods to live and survive the Han family!

"Su Yan, you give me a hand, do you want to spend all your life in the pursuit?"

The Han family, followed by an old strongman, screamed and angered.

However, any threat can not stop the determination of Su Yan to kill the Han Jiaxiao master!

Some people also feel that Han Jiaxiao's master can understand that Qiu Mingkeng is dead. This is the secret treasure of the **** drum!


A voice screams, shakes the earth, and captures the soul!

Han Jiaxiao master mourns, but in the end it is still unable to stop the sound of the drums, the gods are riddled with holes!

"I am not willing, not reconciled!"

The **** of Han’s small master could not stand, and it was blown into pieces, leaving his sorrow.

This is the true **** of the gods, Su Yan does not believe that there are strange things in the world, can make the smashed gods reunite!

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