Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 984: Kill the machine!

Su Yan’s heart “fluttered” and trembled, and the substance was taken to him by him.

From this moment on, he really didn't know how many hot eyes stared at himself, staring at the ups and downs of the masses in his palms!

Also from this moment, the cold killing of the light, must pierce the soul of Su Yan!

Su Yan does not know how big the creation of this thing is, but the rare material that can make half-step big energy take the risky start is not idle, it also has the anti-day effect that will definitely return to life!

In short, this thing makes many old monsters jealous, and there is a murderous gaze gazing at Su Yan!


Inexplicably, the big avenue city trembled fiercely, and the heavy and heavy atmosphere finally filled the entire avenue city.

The weak monk shuddered, his heart twitched and he was dizzy.

This is definitely the energy fluctuation released by many powerful people at the same time. It is too horrible and hegemony. It is completely a group of dragons recovering!

"not good!"

The little lions are discolored. The material that Su Yan got from the Han family is very terrible. It leads to a group of old monsters who can’t control it. Even if there is a **** lesson that has been killed in half a step, they are still fast. Can't live!

What is the opportunity? The Avenue City, where the power can sit, has signs of rain and rain.

In fact, many jealous old antiques do not know what the substance is, but they can make the Han family small masters come back to life and reunite the broken battle body, which is enough to explain the material that Su Yan got, enough to be earth-shattering!

Just kidding, half-step power is not to sneak into the avenue of the avenue, can this thing be a general substance?

Faced with the pressure of the sky and the raging weather, Su Yan is suffocating, too many people want to get this thing!

Perhaps if it is not because the prehistoric big brother is around, Su Yan will not touch this tricky thing at all. After all, even if he gets the hand, how many days can he master? The safest way is to throw it into the auction.

Now that this thing is mastered by Su Yan, it will certainly cause a storm.

"That is my family, it is my family!"

Some of the oldest men in the Han family hate madness.

But now that they are angry, they can only swallow their teeth and swallow them into their stomachs. Then the big anger is not now vented. Once this moment is over, the old antiques of the temple will inevitably be forced to intercept!

The atmosphere of the whole scene was extraordinarily heavy, and all eyes were gathered on Su Yan, and two gambling battles took place, killing the style of the sky, and will definitely be famous in the world!

"Want, come and pick it up!"

Su Yan took a deep breath and collected the fairy material. How to use this thing is also to ask the prehistoric big brother.

"Just left like this?"

The cold voice came, and Qiu Ming finally couldn't help but stand up. He carried his hands, his figure swayed and shone, and he shouted in the air.

Qiu Ming’s powerful grace is doubtful, but what is he doing now? Aroused many people's attention, the Han family's small masters can all fall, and Qiu Ming is standing up now and wants to target Su Yan?

Su Yan’s coldness fell on Qiu Ming’s body, and he said coldly: “There is something to say!”

Qiu Ming looked down at Su Yan with a high height, and his eyes showed a scorn, like looking at an ant worm and disdain.

Who can bear this kind of look and attitude?

Su Yan sneered in his heart, this Qiu Ming wants to do what he knows, and responds with: "Why, I want to fight with me!"

"I said, do you dare?"

Qiu Ming's tone exudes a disdain, he is angering Su Yan, let him shoot and fight with himself!

He Qiu Ming is invincible in all major fields, but it is the true pride of the heavens. It is one of the protagonists of this world among the extent of the horror of the war to the extent that it is difficult for the world to estimate.

"Say, what do you want to gamble?" Su Yan asked quietly.

There was a riot around, and many of them were big. Is it really necessary for Su Yan to fight again? Is this guy not crazy?

Qiu Ming is the ultimate king. Even if he suppresses the power to the realm of the gods, his strength is definitely the hegemon of the same generation!

"Gambling that drop of blood!"

Qiu Ming believes that Su Yan does not know what the material of the immortality is. There are very few groups of people who know this thing. I am afraid that the Han family’s understanding of this is extremely limited. The value of this thing cannot be measured by money. It is hard to find. substance.

"Haha... hahahaha!"

Su Yan looked up and laughed, and there was a kind of disdain and ridicule between the words. The laughter was soaring and spread far.

On the avenue of the avenue, Han Weiran did not say anything, and her expression became more and more dim and disappointing.

Hundreds of years have passed, she has always admired Qiu Ming, this Qiu Ming is sure that even if it is not Qiu Ming, she will take the initiative to express some, and she may not be able to admire her for hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, Han Weiran thought that waiting for himself to enter the realm of the king of God, he could be married to Qiu.

However, the man she always admired, from her gambling failure, to the face of sweeping the floor, was humiliated, but Qiu Ming did not say a word for her, and even stood up to challenge Su Yan, but also for the Han family small master to return to life.

"Why are you laughing?"

Qiu Ming coldly said: "If you are afraid, just say, don't pretend to be crazy here!"

"Afraid, I will be afraid of you Qiu Ming!"

Su Yan pointed to Qiu Ming, and the tone was cold and shouted: "Isn't it the same battle? What is wrong, but you can think clearly about this bet, what should you use in exchange for this drop of blood!"

"Bet you are assured." Qiu Ming's mood is more and more excited, he said calmly: "Give you time for rehabilitating, don't say when I am Qiu Mingsheng, I will watch the battle tonight, I will bring What are you satisfied with!"

"Jokes." Su Yanxiao smiled and said: "Now you Qiu Ming is challenging me, I don't ask if I have time, I am very embarrassed, I have something to do these days, when will I be free, come back to the road Kill you!"

The last sentence, the sound of the sound between the heavens and the earth, caused awkwardness.

The younger generation of stunned people are trembled, the Su madman is the Su madman, the imperious Qiu Ming, the invincible king of the same generation, now Su Yan said that taking time to kill you, this really makes them chill, this guy The courage and the suffocation are big!

Of course, some people think that Su Yan is delaying the time, Su Yan can never fight Qiu Ming.

For Su Yan, it is sooner or later to fight with Qiu Ming!

In the same battle, he was not afraid of any young overlord. Su Yan mastered the initial punch, enough to make him stand in the invincible field of the same generation.

However, he has many means of Qiu Ming, and it is almost impossible to kill Qiu Ming in the current state. After all, Su Yan is a strong peak of the gods, and during the battle with the Han family, he was able to maintain his body. Accumulated losses have been exhausted!

"Hello, big courage!"

Qiu was very angry, and the body blew the sound of thunder. He really couldn’t control it.

However, Su Yan walked directly down the avenue, and the figure appeared in the eyes of the world.

This scene, in all directions, does not know how much to look at in the dark, even with a tragic killing, do not know how many people want to get rid of him, take the material of the immortal.

Su Yan really hopes that some people can't help but start, and even hope that Qiu Ming will start with him.

The prehistoric big brother is next to Su Yan, even if a powerful force forced to start, want to be unfavorable to Su Yan, also ask this **** man to answer!

Su Yan's big model walked on the street and swept the city. Before leaving, he looked across Qiu Ming and said, "Don't forget, you still have a part of my cosmic mother liquid. You are a personal thing, don't give me a word!"


Qiu Ming’s fist was screaming, and the body was full of anger. The murderous murder was like a knive. He really had a feeling of breaking Su Yan directly.

The iron king is black, and Su Yan is always arrogant.

Although it is Avenue City, can Su Yan really hide in the Avenue City for a lifetime? One day, one day, he will leave the city. Once he leaves the city, it is hard to imagine how dark the killing will occur.

In short, the city is not calm, too many eyes staring at Su Yan, want his life!

All of this is attributed to the immortal material. Of course, Su Yan’s enemies can be quite a few. It is estimated that within a few days, the boulevards will gather in the city, all because of a single gathering of storms.

Su Yan can't imagine what the day will be.

In short, there is a prehistoric big brother, this sea **** pin is on his side, Su Yan is not afraid, since the big brother has to protect his own time for a period of time, then simply turn things upside down, in one fell swoop to the point of shocking the world!

"This is over?"

The onlookers on the avenue of the avenue gave a sigh of relief. Some people recalled this battle and were hairy.

"Han Weiran is still alive, Su Yan did not kill Han Weiran!" Someone saw Han Weiran who was still lost on the battle platform.

The old strong man who has become a fine man shakes his head. Su Yan does not kill her because the purpose has been reached. From now on, it is feared that Han Weiran will be completely dead of Qiu Ming. The relationship between Han and Han is not the same as before. So close.

"Han Weiran and Qiu Ming are completely finished!"

There are also strong people in Tianzhu who watched the game secretly. Some people whispered: "It is said that Qiu Ming loved Zhuyue for a long time. Since Han Weiran and Qiu Ming are about to break, my family will not be able to enter the country. ?"

"It's not good, it is said that the relationship between Zhuyue and Su Yan is not trivial!"

"Su Yan is indeed terrible. My family has miscalculated his strength. But today he is too overdone. He will soon face a terrible disaster. He will live and hope, and the potential of this person and Qiu Ming. It's too big a gap!"

These monks of the Tianzhu are talking about it, fearing that they do not know the five-color battle flag of the tribe, and they have been taken away by the prehistoric big brother.

It is because Han Weiran seems to be parting with Qiu Ming, so that many of the big group of strong people are eager to move, is it possible to let the jewels of the tribe and Qiu Mendo get close to each other, maybe you can enter the eyes of this top king?

As for the current Su Yan, he is striding away from East Street.

The Emperor Kangbo directly plunged up and smiled and said: "Daoyou really does not show the mountain leaking, even I have looked away, disrespect and disrespect!"

"King of the Emperor Kangbo, you have made a profit, do you want to treat you?"

Su Yan looked at the Emperor Kangbo, but now he is a big local tyrant, it is entirely because the gambling is rich!

"That is certain, sure!"

The Kangbo God King suddenly nodded, isn't it a meal? If you have a big deal, you can't spend a few dollars.

Even he was eager to climb up with the power, and whispered: "There is something to say to the friend, I am a great man, I want to meet with the friends!"

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