Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 985: Surprising all over the world

Su Yan’s heart jumped, and the old antiques of Daodian wanted to see himself. This was what Su Yan did not expect.

What kind of character is power, even the king of God is extremely difficult to let the power open to let it speak in the past.

However, he thought about it and understood that the old antiques of Daodian were definitely for the material of the immortality. A big name was asked to speak in the past. Su Yan was really unwilling to refuse. Moreover, before the old temple, the old antiques helped him.

"It is my pleasure to see me with great power...."

Su Yan’s voice came, and the Emperor Kangbo, who had a tight heart, let out a sigh of relief. He did not dare to force Su Yan, but the task of the old antiques given to him by the Daodian must be done beautifully.

Before the old antiques of the temple, the image of a half-step power was pinched to death. The impact on the Emperor Kangbo was too great. He now has a huge amount of wealth and he has to make up his mind to try further.


Su Yan’s words changed and his face was embarrassed. This made Kang Bo’s king smile bitterly: “Despite the direct talk of Dao’s friends, but I can see you, I think it’s best to go, of course, here is Avenue City, and My way of doing things is fair, and certainly not a friend."

Su Yan smiled and said: "Where is the Kangbo King, what can be said, how can it be difficult for me to be a junior, but I have already guessed what I can do to see me!"

The Emperor Kangbo also knows well, although he does not know what the material of the Han family is mastered, but the material that can make him die and resurrection must be the object of the heavens. Road old antiques can not stand the killing, which also shows that this thing is also attractive to the power.

If it wasn't because Su Yan had a big brother around him, he estimated that Dao Dang could directly move Su Yan to the cannon residence.

"But that thing is also crucial to my older brother!"

Su Yan’s words say this step, the Emperor Kangbo sighs in his heart, and he is almost the same as he guessed. Su Yan has great power around him. It is estimated that this thing is extraordinary. This thing will never be sold to Daodian’s antiques. .

"If the great predecessors only see me because of this substance, I am afraid I will not go..."

Su Yan’s words made Kang Bo’s **** cry and laugh. You don’t dare to do anything. Qiu Ming was sinned by you. Han’s small master said that he would kill, even by your identity. Once he was promoted, he dared. Said that the Avenue City will become a Longtan Tiger Cave!

However, Kangbo Shenwang feels that once things get too big, just a prehistoric big brother, I am afraid that I can't protect Su Yan!

"I understand what you mean, I will report it again!" King Kangbo hesitated for a while, he said: "This is nothing, so you first take my token to the Avenue Restaurant, that is the opening of my hall. The restaurant, I am half-managed in the restaurant, I have already arranged it."

"Let the Emperor Kangbo break the cost."

Su Yan smiled, Zhu Yue also turned his head, jade hands cover the red lips, if the prehistoric big brother really let go of the sea to drink, enough to make the Kang Bo Shen Wang hurt!

But Kang Bo Shen Wang, now a big family business, live a big rich, Su Yan estimated that he has won at least a few hundred thousand chaotic treasures, this is a terrible property, eat nothing, nothing?

"Ha ha ha, little things."

The Emperor Kangbo really did not care, even respected the prehistoric big brother: "Predecessors, small one step first, then I will bring a few altars to collect the **** wine to let the seniors taste."

Speaking of God wine, the prehistoric big brother clearly looked at the Emperor Kangbo.

This made the Emperor Kangbo’s fart gone, and made up his mind to pull out the bottom of his family. Maybe he was so happy that he could pass him some tips on the road!

What is Dengtian Road?

The king of the gods is already the ultimate field of monks!

Further, it is against the sky. This road is extremely difficult to explore. It is not enough to rely solely on the experience of self-cultivation or the practice of strong powers.

If there is a means to use the power of the sky, you can give yourself a finger, enough for Emperor Kangbo to be used for life, if you break through, the kindness in it can be great!

This avenue restaurant, but the top restaurant in the avenue city, is not inferior to the heavenly palace.

Su Yan walked toward the Avenue Restaurant, and now the Avenue City is full of enthusiasm, the news is flying all over the sky, all kinds of news of the world are frequent, and even the big space arrays are always shining, and the news is crazy to the outside world!

Avenue City, expensive for the first city of the universe!

Once the news here spreads, it will soon spread throughout the chaotic ruins of large and small forces.

It was only a day's time passed, the news triggered a wave of turmoil, and the chaos ruins broke out with great shocks, causing countless powerful people!

"Big news, Han Jiaxiao master fallen!"

Based on this news alone, the outside world has been experienced, the retreat in the cosmic secrets, and the young hegemons in the death of the Jedi have been trembled, because it is too sudden, and the famous Han Jiaxiao, who is a chaotic ruin, suddenly falls. Now!

"How is it possible, how did the Han Jiaxiao master die? Is it an adventure in the life and death of the Jedi?" Some people seem nervous because he is also taking risks in the Jedi, fearing death threats.

"I haven't been with the little master for three years. How can he break through the death? This is really a slippery slogan. The first person of the young Korean family is dying!"

The matter has a bad influence. After all, the little master is too famous. Zhu Qiang does not believe it at all. Many of his friends are also shocked and unable to speak.

"Han Jiaxiao master, was killed by the Su madman on the avenue of the avenue!"

This news was shocking and spread throughout the vast chaotic ruins. For a time, the people of the whole family were shocked, and the top generations of the younger generation were shocked, causing turbulence.

Su Yan, a rising star of a funeral family, has many enemies. He broke into the chaotic channel and once opened the killing ring. He broke the life of the Jedi to bury the mountain, but also washed the three chaotic mountains!

A young overlord who broke into the ruins of chaos has been questioned by young and powerful people. Even many people have to release words to suppress the slogan of Su Yan, let him know who the chaotic ruins are. The world!

But now and now, they got a message that the Han Jiaxiao master was shattered by Su Yan on the battle platform, and the form of the gods was destroyed. This event finally made some people shudder, although they did not know Su Yan. But they are very clear that the little master is not a leisurely generation!

Overnight, Su Yan was fierce and shocked the world!


There is also a chaotic ruin of the younger generation of tyrants. The Holy God of War is like a wild beast, roaring: "A rising star of the abandoned family, dare to smash the little master on the battle platform of the avenue, our faces are He lost his light, the little master's waste is too shameful, and this Su Yan is simply mad at home, dare to blast the Han family's small master on the battle platform, the chaotic ruins will never allow such a savage outsider!"

The treasures of the Holy God of War are gushing in the inexhaustible light, the terrible flesh burning, called the golden **** furnace of the universe, and the whole rushing out of the heavens.

"Avenue City, Su Yan!"

An ancient cosmic mystery, because of a person's awakening, has led to a vast world of tremors in the world of mystery, and the mountains and mountains have all brushed up and cracked black and big cracks!

The spread of terror is spreading, and the terrible power of life is awakening.

The celestial disk sits in a stone pool with a rich magical atmosphere. The scorpion is cold. If the outsider sees this scene, it will be horrified. This is a magical sac that is a full-scale cosmic eclipse. Liquid is the priceless thing that tempers the flesh.

But this is monopolized by one person!

Nowadays, the chaotic ruins, a name blows up, killing the Han family, the small master makes it incredible.

Many old enemies of Su Yan can't sit still. The northern demon, Yangshuo, and Nanhuang, in their respective cosmic secrets, collect and cultivate their own bodies. After waiting for the end of the collection, they are doing some big names. event.

However, they did not think that Su Yan actually blew up the Han family's small master, the fierce name of the earthquake, which made them unexpected.

The storms in the avenues of the city gather. For some old antiques, they care about the immortal material, which is the treasure they are eager to get.

There are dark waves in the city, and sometimes there is a murderous bloom, so that the entire avenue city is not calm, and the waves are flowing.

Some people also smiled, and the outside world was rushing to the sky, but Su Yan was good, went directly to the Avenue Restaurant, and entered the most noble box, which is equal to isolation.

Some people even worried that he would escape, pay close attention to the movements of the Avenue Restaurant, and even more old antiques made a surprising speculation. Su Yan is likely to cooperate with the Taoist Temple to use the energy of the temple to send Su Yan out of the city.

Even he is likely to sell the fairy material directly to the temple!

Now these are speculations, and this will definitely get bigger and bigger.

As for the restaurant in this avenue, the Emperor Kangbo is also very interesting, and arranged extremely rich dishes. Su Yan eats a lot, and the essence of these foods is enough for him to complete the weakness in the battle.

Su Yan once again confiscated the flesh and made up his mind to try not to use the physical strength. After all, the body was unblocked in the body, and Su Yan needed to accumulate again. The time and wealth spent were more amazing.

"This King Kangbo has not yet returned. It seems that the power of the temple is very much like the material!"

Zhu Yue whispered, some worried in my heart, I was worried that the temple had a bad thought and secretly started.

Although the temple has always been inconsistent with the world, but the treasure that really makes the powers tempted is really impossible. Once the old antiques of the temple are ironed, it will be a big trouble for Su Yan.

"Don't worry, there is a big brother, you can't eat any demon and ghosts!"

Su Yan is full of enthusiasm, so that the bamboo moon is slightly stunned, how strong is the prehistoric big brother? This is an unknown number.

Just said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

"Haha, I am late, I am sorry."

Emperor Kangbo pushed the door and came in. He saw that there was not much left in the table. His heart trembled and he had to come to a table!

However, Kangbo Shenwang is full of qi and kungfu. He smiles and says: "How about the mountain treasures of our Avenue Restaurant? It is one of the top restaurants in Avenue City. Even the delicious utensils are rare treasures. ”

At the moment when Su Yan just wanted to respond, a powerful pressure came!

Outside the door, he walked into a tall man wearing a black long coat. When he came in, the brightly lit box was grayed out. The man’s own breath, like the black giant mountain that suppressed the universe, was terrible.

"Supreme body!"

Su Yan moved, his eyes fell on the black man, this is definitely the supreme body, Su Yan has an insight into the supreme power of the gods.

The man in black glimpsed a table of dishes, a whole dish of 108 dishes. His eyes flashed a bit of disappointment, and his tone was light and slow: "Three people eat so much, and the Emperor Kangbo Temple gives you rights, but you can't waste it!" ”

"I am banqueting friends, and I will naturally pay for it. What does this have to do with Dao Dian?"

The face of Emperor Kangbo is so heavy that he is not vegetarian. Doesn't this guy leave himself with a little face? Really think that you are the king of God?

"Ha ha."

The man in black is just a sneer, his eyes soon fell on Su Yan. He is tall and majestic, born with a sense of horrible oppression. If a **** of darkness, Shen Wei shocked the world, he waved to him: "You It’s Su Yan, there are some things I want to talk to you and come over and talk.”

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