Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 986: Zhentian God of War

The black man's posture is very high. His approach makes the Emperor Kangbo not unexpected. This one is very big. Even his fighting power is extremely terrifying. He is also known as the invincible **** of war in the chaos of ruins!

If there is a supreme body in the body, if it is full of amazing supremacy, it will be filled with amazing pressure. It will be born with a kind of deterrent force to suppress the heavens and the earth, overlooking the monks of the same generation, and it is too much to pay attention to Su Yan. .

In his mind, only the Supreme Body of the same generation can let him really pay attention to it. Only this terrible constitution can become the ultimate king of the same generation. After all, once this physique is excavated, it will go to the ultimate field. There are few rivals in the realm.

Su Yan’s eyes glanced at the black man, who was so contemptuous of himself, even unsolicited, rude, why Su Yan had to be polite to him.

"King of the Emperor Kangbo, we can wait for your wine, but we can't wait any longer." Su Yan's nephew fell on the Emperor Kangbo and smiled: "The delicious food of this Avenue restaurant is top-notch, but it is sent. The wine is a little bit worse."

"Haha, let the Taoist friends wait anxiously, this is what I am!" Kang Bo Shen Wang laughed loudly, he was very clear about the character Su Yan, why should he bow because of a supreme body.

The black man's face slowly cooled down, staring at Su Yan, and screamed in a word: "The sultry Su Yan, it would not be a wine bag, now? Your customers are coming, is this your hospitality? Su Yan, you too disappointed me!"


Su Yan’s heart was filled with anger, staring at the black man, and said: “It’s clear that I’m cheeky, I’m not asking you, but I’m disappointed, who do you think you are!”

"Su Yan, you can let go, you know who I am!"

The man in black is roaring in the pupil, and the sense of oppression in the body is suddenly skyrocketing, and the breath is terrifying!

He is like a sleeping ancient ancient spirit in the rippling to the prestige, filled with the power of the town.

Bamboo month slightly moved, feeling a kind of oppression!

The invisible domain of the black man’s own body is extremely rare and extremely rare.

She thought for a moment and then understood that the reputation of this person is indeed amazing, and it is said that the realm of the king of God is far from him.


Su Yanteng stood up and breathed out, and the space of the earthquake shook. The power of the black man was strong, and he could not affect Su Yan. He showed all the fierceness of the ancient dragon and glared at the black. The man said: "Kid, I see you are looking for you, I said Kangbo, how do you bring such a sly thing!"

On the face of Emperor Kangbo, he squeezed some ugly smiles and said with a bitter face: "Su Yan Daoyou, the purpose of this town of war, I really don't know!"


Zhuyue’s hand is slightly gripped, and she guessed it well. There are three great wizards in the temple. The Holy God is one of them. The second one is the Tiantian God of War. Two kinds of supreme body, once the future climbs into the realm of the gods, It is the two shocking young warlords, terrible!

The strongest era of the Supreme Body, in the realm of the king of God, this is beyond doubt. Once the Supreme Body enters this level, the mana is so powerful that the King of Heaven and the King can compete with the half step.

The Zhentian God of War is a kind of town celestial body. This kind of physique is extremely special. Once this kind of physique is born, it is born with an amazing sense of oppression. The same generation of monks in front of the town celestial body is really not enough to see.

"Tiantian God of War?"

Su Yan frowned and shook his head: "I have never heard of it, where is it?"


The face of Zhentian God of War is gloomy, and his heart is furious. He never thought that Su Yan didn’t know himself. Is this guy intentional?

Whether it is the Holy God of War or the Tiantian God of War and the Han family's little masters are completely different, the Han Jiaxiao master is taking the path of the Qimen, and the Holy God of War and the Tiantian God of War, the fighting power is superb, powerful and unmatched, good at Fighting close.

"Zhentian God of War is a Taoist genius."

The Emperor Kangbo quickly stood up and played round the field and said: "Haha, I don't think everyone is an outsider. You have nothing to do with Zhentian God of War. Let's talk to Su Yan!"

Emperor Kangbo did not tell Zhentian God of War, there is also a powerful strongman in this room, or else he would not be willing to rush into the door.

The main reason is that the Tiantian God of War does not give him a face. Although he has a powerful elder, even the old antiques in the town of Daocheng, but the Kangbo God is saying that it is also the peak king.

Even on the way, he also clearly told Zhentian God of War, Su Yan is his friend, have something to say, can not hurt.

As a result, it seems that because of the relationship between the old and the old temples, Zhentian God of War does not put him in the eyes, which makes Kangbo God King unhappy, is not a powerful elder? Su Yan had a big brother with him, and he didn't see how arrogant he was.

Zhentian God of War said with a cold face: "Su Yan, the purpose of my visit is very simple. I said a few words to you, people must have a heart of insight!"

"There is a fart!" Su Yan was angry. This kid is too serious about himself. He doesn't know him at all, and he doesn't have any hatred. But this guy comes up with a pair of nostrils, and he can't clearly see it. Yourself.

"Looking for opportunities, I am packing you!"

Zhen Tian Zhan Shen’s heart was full of anger and anger, but he could only force it down. He sank his heart and said: “The powerful powerhouse in the city’s avenue city has repeatedly robbed you for smashing and smashing the old strongmen who are unfavorable to you. Even half a step can kill one, and it has caused a lot of cause and effect."

Sue said that Su Yan understands that this guy is for the material of the immortality!

"But you are good, the powerful strong let you talk in the past, you refused, I see you are too lifted!"

Zhen Tian Zhan Shen took a sigh of anger and sighed coldly: "I will go with me to the powerful bureaucrats and explain things to me clearly."

"You are representative of the power?" Su Yan calmly asked.

"Does this still need to be represented? You can show you a junior with you. He invites you to be a blessing from your third life." Zhentian God of War said coldly: "Su Yan, I will give you a chance, now with me." Go to the big bureaucrat, give me a correct attitude, and apologize!"

The face of Emperor Kangbo was pulled down. It was originally that he invited Su Yan to see the past and the big one!

However, now the town of God and God is good, directly let Su Yan go to the powerful bureaucrats to apologize, Kangbo Shenwang some do not come to Taiwan, frowning: "I said Zhentian God of War, this is not a powerful..."

"There is nothing wrong with you here!"

Zhentian God of War glanced at the king of Kangbo and replied: "I am letting Su Yan go to the mighty bureaucrat, how can you change your arm?" If Suo could not stand on the same day, he could stand safely. Drink and eat here!"


King Kangbo was furious and confessed, this town is a **** of war, too, not taking yourself seriously!

What is the king of gods for Zhentian Ares? He is the strongest infinitely close to the realm of the gods. He is sure to step into the realm of the gods within ten years and become the great figure of the famous universe.

Once the town celestial body stepped into the realm of the king of God, he must stand by the side of the Emperor Kangbo, and he is not a character on the board at all. Is it necessary to give him face? Moreover, there are powerful elders behind the town of God of War!

"Ha ha ha, it’s a big tone, a big courage!"

Su Yan smirked and said: "There is a clear desire for me, but also a arrogant look. Today I will put my words here, even if this is the meaning of the Dao Dian, I will not go!"

"You are confusing, there is something you are telling me again!"

Zhentian war gods were furious, and the whole turmoil of horror was raging. The town celestial body that he had tried to suppress had begun to make a fuss, and there was a vast spread of the power of the town. He wanted to suppress Su Yan on the spot!

"Is the ear smashed?" Su Yan said with a cold face: "Nothing to roll me away!"

"My town God of War has been ruining the ruins for hundreds of years, and I have not seen you so arrogant!" The face of Zhentian Ares is gloomy.

"In the end, I am arrogant, or you are arrogant!" Su Yan coldly sighed and said: "Let's take the power to press me, do you think you are powerful? It's ridiculous!"

"Su Yan, you are very good. If you have a kind of thing, the original Qiu Ming will dismiss you, but I don’t think you are very good. You dare to go to the Avenue of War with me!"

The battlefield of the Tiantian God of War is undulating and rolling, and his battle body is filled with supreme power. It can suppress millions of mountains, and has been sweeping the invincible hands of the same generation. I really can’t believe that Su Yan.

"You dare not, even if you risk the offending of Qiu Mingdao, I have to suppress you. After waiting for the matter, I will go to Qiu Mingdao to plead guilty!"

The tone of the town of God of War is aggressive, and there is also a virtue of eating Su Yan, the face of cynicism.

"I have never rejected the challenge of others."

Su Yan struck over and shouted: "You go back now, give me a thousand drops of cosmic mother liquid to bet, I can play with you!"

“Isn't it a thousand drops of cosmic mother liquor?”

Zhentian Zhan Shen suppressed the impulse of the monks, and said with a black face: "What is not, I guarantee by the credibility of the Taoist temple. If you win, a thousand drops of cosmic mother liquor can give you, but if you lose, you will be the immortal material. give me!"

"Only you also represent the reputation of the temple?" Su Yan shook his head and smiled: "Want to empty the white wolf, wait for you to take out a thousand drops of cosmic mother liquid to come to me, the battle of the avenue can be opened at any time."

"You are afraid of it!"

Zhentian Zhan Shen is extremely angry. Where can he go to find a thousand drops of cosmic mother liquor? Su Yan is clearly a word of suspicion, afraid of the deity of the Supreme Body, dare not confront him.

The Emperor Kangbo has not dared to breathe. He is really worried that the Tiantian God of War will be over the head. He screams: "Zhentian God of War, the words have already said this, I don’t see it necessary. !"

"Well, King Kong, I remember you!"

The town’s war was unclear, and the Emperor Kangbo dared to be right against himself. Didn’t he know that he had forgotten his master?

However, some towns and gods can not say it, he was furious, even in this avenue city, Zhentian God of War really did not dare to chaos, although he has great powers, although he is also the Guardian of Avenue City.

However, the stalwart of the Avenue City can not be used for his own malpractice. Otherwise, it would not be a joke if the old antiques in the hall were shocked by the strong people who were trying to move.

"Su Yan, let's walk!"

The town was wary and turned away, and he also roared in his heart: "He was afraid, he did not dare to confront me. Although Han Jiaxiao master was fierce defeat, Su Yan was also proficient in Qimen field, and Han Jiaxiao master was too embarrassed. !"

The atmosphere in the box is also quiet.

The Emperor Kangbo’s demeanor was awkward, and the bamboo moon was generous and invited the Emperor Kangbo to sit down and talk.

"The fairy material, how does he know the material of the immortal."

Su Yan’s face changed indefinitely, and he sighed coldly in his heart: “It seems to be the meaning of power. This thing is really valuable. If Zhentian God of War does not have a big nod, I don’t know what the fairy material is, oh, However, the old antiques of Daodian are really certain. On the avenue of the battlefield, Tiantian God of War can suppress me!"

"The avenue city can't stay too much. The longer the delay, the more powerful enemies will be. Even if the big brother is overpowered, there will be small people who will suffer big losses if they secretly start."

Su Yan's back is cold, and the fairy material is too hot after all!

He really felt that he was in a terrible whirlpool, and the threat from all sides made Su Yan feel suffocated.

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