Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 987: Han family heritage!

The Emperor Kangbo’s demeanor is somewhat embarrassing, and he does not ask what the immortal material is.

He took out some jars of wine, these jars are made of precious chaotic treasures, filled with chaos and ancient times, exudes a sense of vicissitudes.

The vintage of the altar seal has a long history. After the seal is unveiled, the rich fragrance of the wine is scattered and stunned.

Bamboo Moon smelled it and there was a feeling of being drunk.

She was amazed that the year of the seal of the gods and wines was beyond 100,000 years. This is a rare wine, and the value of each altar is beyond a thousand pounds of chaotic treasure.

The Emperor Kangbo also bleeds and takes out the whole five altars. He smiles and said: "I can't bear to drink this thing. I don't know if it was left by my grandfather's grandfather, or the grandfather's uncle, and it has been treasured so far!"

"It's a good wine." Su Yan returned to God and looked at the Emperor Kangbo.

King Kangbo smiled bitterly: "Su Yandao friends, the things inside have nothing to do with me, I don't know what the material that Han Jiaxiao's master took before he died, but I think that Avenue City should not stay for a long time!"

"I am not in a hurry now."

Su Yan’s response made Quin’s heart tremble, how strong is the prehistoric big brother?

This is already the scene, Su Yan can still be stable?

Before the big brother had not shot, Su Yan did not know the level of combat power of the prehistoric big brother. In short, he once made a big incident, and the whole chaotic ruins of the shock were trembled.

With this **** man around, what is Su Yan afraid of?

In fact, what Su Yan doesn't know now is that the entire Korean family has gone crazy, and the family has been killed, and one old man who has been sleeping forever has come out!

Even the strong family of the Han family went far away from their ancestral homes and went to the sinister land, and some people called in the famous mountains and rivers.

In just a few days, some of the Han’s families were sleeping in major dangers, and even the old monsters that crouched in their own cosmic secrets returned to the family. The entire Korean family ushered in a big change!

Among the entire Han family's ancestral land, even a few sleeping figures of the living stone grades climbed out, one by one, although the flesh and blood were dry, and there were not many longevity, but they really started to mad, and the body was very close to the dry blood. A terrible momentum!

Han family ancestral land, group magic dance, Han Jiaqiang roared: "The first generation of my younger generation, was killed on the battle platform, this hatred is not reported, my Han family still has face in the chaotic ruins of the founding, also 愧For the ancestors!"

The little master was beaten on the battle platform, making the entire Korean family crazy!

"Su Yan, this little scorpion animal, smashed him!"

The celebrities in the family began to linger, shaking the stars and smashing the stars of the universe.

A group of gods gathered together, one step after another, one after another, the Korean family certainly did not get out of the mighty strong, but the foundation of the family is really horrible!

Everyone is yelling: "Please move the family to guard the big killer and annihilate Su Yan children!"


The ancestral home of Han Jiaguang's vast expanse, the light of order burns, the spread of terror, and the murder of a sacred eternal murderer is releasing, the snow is rolling, and the murderous to the extreme killing, all of them must collapse into the corner of chaos.

A once glorious group of people, a group of ancestors of the ancestors, the terrible scare of the people, nowadays the Han family wants to have the best, there is a strong attack on the avenue city, the spread of Su Yan to the suppression of the group !


Especially at this moment, the whole ancestral home of the Han family is filled with the horror of the world!

The gods in the field are trembled, the blood in the body is tumbling, the flesh is trembled, and only the body can't bear it.

They are so excited. After all, the elders of these Korean families are the kings of the gods and the kings of the people. But now the Korean family suddenly feels awakened, causing them to panic, trembling, and goose bumps!

"Old ancestors!"

They are out of control and roaring. In the Han family's ancestral land, all the densely populated people are lying on the ground. Even the five old fossil-level monsters are lying on the ground. They tremble: "I don't filial sons, spare my ancestors, sleep, ancestors don't blame!" ”

Han Jiaxiao's generation of people are swearing, what is the situation? The ancestors of the Han family who have lived for tens of thousands of years are trembled on the ground. Do they have great power in the Han family?

In the Han family ancestral land, the land of the restricted area, an ancient chaotic seal, blasted in an instant!


Among the chaotic caves, the chaotic light of the sky is sprayed, and the chaos is followed by a chaotic heavenly essence, and the huge stone temple is spewed out from the chaotic cave! .

If Su Yan is absolutely shocked again, this stone temple is tall and sturdy, and it has bred a natural avenue texture, full of unpredictable breath, at first glance like a concentrated abyss!

This is a natural avenue to the treasure, and even with the precipitation of the years to form a stone temple, this is a peerless field, the energy of the eyes are red.

However, the Han family has a long-lived and scary existence, living in the stone hall, and now he woke up, there is a magnificent to the extreme fluctuations in the blast!

From this moment on, the vast fields of the vast expanse are shaking, and the mountains and rivers are roaring!

The big domain is a piece of land, they have an insight into the power of the power, from the Han family!

Is there a big man in the Han family? This is what they did not expect, and the spread of things will inevitably shock the world!

If it is a great power, then it will be against the sky, and it is likely to be an eight-character master. It’s scary!

"Old ancestors"

The Han family was so excited that a group of living fossils trembled. They led a group of strong men from the Han family to go to visit and see the ceremony.

This light-filled stone temple is located on the small chaotic dragon veins.

"Is there a chaotic dragon in my family?"

Some young people were scared. This is the most powerful energy ancestral branch of the chaotic ruins. The peak group is rarely mastered, but they did not expect the Han family to have one. Why haven’t they heard of it before?

Only the living fossils of the Han family know that this small chaotic dragon is not for them to cultivate, but to extend the life of the ancestors!

The entire Korean family has only this chaotic dragon!


The sorrow of the sudden anger in the stone temple is like the killing of the birth of the opening age, the sound waves are soaring, and the rolling Tianyu rumbling!

Overwhelmed by the sky, the entire Korean family was overwhelmed!

All the people were shuddering, only that the sky was coming to the flame of anger, and they could not bear to tremble on the ground.

The presence in the stone temple is angry, because the matter is too important, it is the hope of their future in the Korean family!

Han Jiazu is brilliant!

But as the years passed, the Korean family gradually declined, and he was the last big power of the Korean family!

As for the immortal material, it was passed down from the Han family to the next generation. Only the ethnic group leader of this family is qualified to understand. This is a top secret incident, and no one knows.

The owner of the stone hall is not a long life, the deadline is approaching, the following determination to take out the material, handed over to the Han family's best small master, I hope he can lead the rise of the Korean family, and even let the family out of the mighty strong!

But now he heard an amazing news!

The little master was blown up, and the material of the immortality was taken away. This made the ancestors of the Han family mad, and they couldn’t bear it. It was just cutting the flesh on his body and cutting off the hope of the Korean family!

The Han family's old masters shivered, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, do not understand what his material is!

The owner of the stone hall also knows the limited. It is said that it is also the most glorious era of the Han family. The existence of an ancestor level once followed a certain terrorist head. Because of the great work done by opening up the restricted area, he was given a group of immortal materials!

The use of this ancestor's ancestors, once passed on, in the era of the most declining Korean family, can make the Korean family once again brilliant, to the heyday!

This thing is the first treasure of the Han family. It has been passed down for a long time, but millions of years have passed. The material of the immortality was activated at the time when the Korean family was declining to the extreme!

But now someone told him that the thing was lost and was taken away!

"Who belongs to my Han family, no one can take it away!"

Han’s old monster is mad. He lived in the last cosmic era. He went to the Great Hall and got the stone temple. He self-styled to this cosmic era, and continued his life with chaotic dragons!

Although the stone hall confuses the heavens, it isolates the universe.

However, the blood in his body is still slowly losing. Until now, his life has reached the limit.


The Han family is up and down, killing hundreds of millions of people.

Within the family, there is a faint scent spread, extending a whole large field, and even spreading to the eight wasteland!

On this day, the performance of the Han family shocked the world. There are many old antiques that are going to go to the Han family to check. The Han family has the power to sit in the town. Who dares to ask clues about the material of the fairy!

Because of the immortal material, the entire chaotic ruins, it can be said that the group dances.

Of course, this is the secret of the strong, and the younger generation is not clear at all.

The current Avenue City, at night, sometimes has a horrible atmosphere, like the avenues of the avenues of the avenues, it is terrible and against the sky.

In the city of Avenue, the world seems to have changed. In just a few days, Avenue City has gathered a large number of top powers with unclear intentions.

Some people think that it is directed at Su Yan, and the material he got is not simple!

"More and more horrible!"

Su Yan felt suffocated. He lived in a simple and simple way, and he was increasingly integrated with human form, trying to master the power of the god.

But when night comes, Su Yan is a little panicky, and she must be suffocated. The light source is invisible from the invisible avenue in the city. Su Yan is extremely difficult to bear.

If it is not because this is the Avenue City, I am afraid that this city has been blown up, and all the monsters and ghosts have already appeared!

"What the **** are you?"

Su Yan took out the fairy material. The prehistoric big brother told him that he should not use it unless he had to. It is a good thing, but it is not so well controlled.

As for the prehistoric big brother, it is not too much to care about this thing.

On the contrary, the Emperor Kangbo bleeds, the meat hurts, and eats too much!

Originally sullen, the prehistoric big brother still pointed him out, let Kang Bo Shen Wang spirit rejuvenate, very excited, very respectful to the prehistoric big brother, met with the disciples of the disciples, can not wait for three.

Su Yan had to say that the face of Emperor Kangbo was too thick, and when he met, he screamed enthusiastically to the Master.

The Emperor Kangbo, who has been in the hall of the temple all the year round, hasn’t seen anything in the scene?

The power has seen more than a dozen, but the terrible existence of the ancient giant dragon like the prehistoric brother is really revered from the heart.

"Haha, Su Yan brothers, this is what you want!"

The Emperor Kangbo brought good news from Su Yan, and he had a large sleeve and a hundred pieces of Tiancai Dibao to throw him out. These are the various days recorded by the prehistoric big brother. Material treasure.

It is not difficult to get more than 100 plants with the energy of King Kangbo.

However, the price is expensive, and Kangbo Shenwang has already followed the lowest price, but it also cost nearly 60,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure. He said that if you buy it yourself, the price can not run at least 80,000 kilograms.

"The newspaper, there are more than a dozen young talents visiting the door, and two gauntlets are served."

There are guards outside the door to sue, and now Su Yan’s private room has been listed as a restricted area by Emperor Kangbo.

In the past few days, hundreds of young talents from all walks of life have come to see each other, and even the war book has received more than a dozen copies.

Even in the Avenue City, there are also well-known and beautiful people who are not well-dressed. They visit in the dark and their intentions are unknown.

These were all sent away by Zhu Yue, so that they would not come again in the future.

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