Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 993: Prehistoric big brother shot!


Zhen Tian Zhan Shen screams, Su Yan this punch must penetrate his soul!

His fists were shattered, and his body spurted blood, and half of his body was derived from cracks in the turtle.

Zhentian God of War is suffering to the extreme, I can't wait to disintegrate immediately!

What a horrible person in this series of sorcerer's work, and the integration of Su Yan, made him broke the king's fighting power!

Su Yan was brave and unparalleled. This fist hit up and let the fist of Zhentian God of War blow up, and half of the body collapsed!

What about the town's celestial bodies, how can the Supreme Body be!

In the strong Tianjiao, when facing the king of the gods, it is necessary to tremble. Su Yan now has the power of the king. When he hits a fist, he must destroy the **** of war and war, and kill himself!

Of course, this also shows that the Supreme Body of Zhentian God of War is strong enough. If you change to other people, this fist will directly smash into blood and fog, and the bone scum will not be left!

"This crazy man!"

Several secretly observing old antiques are going to be mad, they have no time to stop Su Yan’s crazy behavior, and even did not even think that there is a powerful town of God and God, will encounter Su Yan’s **** killing!

I really have to kill the Tiantian Gods with a fist. These three old antiques are trembled. The madman is a madman. No wonder the outsiders call him a madman. If you don’t say a word, you will blow the town to war!


Zhentian God of War madly mourns and screams: "You are mean, mean, shameless, shameless!"

He couldn’t think of his life, and Su Yan would make such a crazy move. Even he clearly knew that there was power behind him, but Su Yan still did it. After all, Su Yan broke the rules and used the king’s power!

"To deal with this villain, it should be!"

Su Yan’s binocular blasting cold light, he once again cracked his shot, the human form and Su Yan perfectly blended, his treasure reveals the inexhaustible **** Devil Tianwei, the king is full of breath, running through 100,000 miles, Let the seal of the land burst into tears!

The king’s breath was overwhelming, and the Tiantian God of War gulped the blood. He was terrible, and there was a generation of young and supreme prestige. Now it’s a chicken and a dog, and the head crushed by Su Yan can’t lift it!


In the darkness, the three old antiques that are crouching are already moving toward it. When they see Su Yan want to make a second shot, they are out of control and smashed out!

This is the three old gods, there is a peak of the king of the king of the king, three screams, the king is full of breath, blood, so that the land is turned over!

They are really worried that this monk will kill the **** of war.

The sound of the sky is full of waves, Su Yan still dominates the world, the long black hair dances like a singer in the darkness, the whole peak of the blood, against the scorpio, roaring!


The world directly blasted open, and Su Yan’s overall killing of the singer, directly ignoring the pressure of the three old kings of the town, toward the town of God, step by step, step by step!

"Stop him!"

The town wars God panic, Su Yanlong walks the tiger, stepping out every step, the momentum is full of points!

Stepping out in a few steps, the picture of the **** sea of ​​the corpse is born. There is a **** picture of the gods and gods dying behind him. Like a million creatures, the corpse is at his feet, and the universe must be destroyed in one mind!

This is how fierce, how brave, ignoring the rules of the heavens and the earth, to open the killing ring, crush the town of God!

The next moment of the Tiantian God of War is desperate, because the three old players who rushed to Su Yan, one after another, were imprisoned in the void, the figure was frozen like a sculpture, even from the eyes of their three, you can see Frightened!

They don't know where the source is, just think that the universe is tremble, and the stars are sinking.

This world has gone to the end of the day, and the three old gods have a fear in their hearts. When they are looking down on Suyan, there is still a wild dragon, and they are regarded as ants!

what is this?

This is definitely the deterrent power of the mighty strong, let the three old gods scalp numb, no wonder Su Yan has no fear, it turned out that there is a power around him to protect him!

Zhu Yue Su suspected, the three old gods, do not know that Su Yan has great power!

In fact, the three old gods of the present are finally understanding, why the half-step power behind them, saying that you should not directly target Su Yan, you must let Zhentian God of War and Su Yan fight the same level!

They only know now.

There is a powerful person behind Su Yan. They really want to swear. Why don’t you say it, why let us come here to die?

They are like the same piece of chess. Once they have fallen, then the old antiques behind the half-step power can definitely have a good reason to forcefully take away the material of the fairy!

In fact, everything that happened here has been presented by a time-space mirror, an extremely rare time and space, reflecting all the pictures of the battlefield!

The strongman who is in charge of the treasure mirror is a half-step power, and even this half-step power is still a veteran who is capable of training.

In this icy underground palace, he said coldly and faintly: "Everything is going well. Waiting for the Lord to close the net, you can take away the material of the immortal. With this substance in hand, the Lord is expected to go further. This is a bad opportunity." , you can give up easily!"

"If it is not Su Yan, there is a powerful way to protect the road, do you still need such trouble? If you spend a little money to buy it, it will destroy the iron law of the avenue city Henggu, but as long as the Lord goes further, the Taoist Temple Lu Mingsu will not say anything more!"

"There are also powerful people of various ethnic groups, and they still want to take away the material of the immortal. It is ridiculous, and I don’t take a look at who is the site!"

In the vast underground palace, echoing the veteran disdainful voice, Su Yan has always been regarded as the fish on the chopping board. Now it is the moment of harvesting. Of course, they will not kill Su Yan unless they are forced to do so. Enraged power.

"How could this be!"

The eyes of Zhentian Ares are red, why the three kings of God will be imprisoned, and the power of Su Yan cannot be so strong.

But that's the truth!

The figure that came face to face, infinitely magnified in the sea of ​​the **** of war, the final crush of him was inconspicuous, out of control: "Su Yan, you have the ability to fight with you, you use the treasure, what is the skill!"

"As a villain, you are also worthy of a fight with me!"

Su Yan came to the front and looked down at the Tiantian God of War. The tone was cold and cold: "You are just a poor worm that is used as a chess piece!"

"what are you saying?"

Zhentian God of War trembled angrily. There was a power behind him. But now Su Yan’s words made the Tiantian God of War suddenly wake up. Why did the three old gods always say that he and Su Yan had a fair fight.

Is it possible for Su Yan to have a big man in the dark to guard the way?

When Su Yan’s eyes were filled with killing light, Zhentian Zhan Shen roared: “You want to kill me, you can know the consequences, you can know the consequences of angering a powerful man....”

His words have not been finished yet, and Su Yan’s feet are stepping on his chest!


The heavily-infested Tiantian God of War, the chest was directly collapsed by Su Yan, and he screamed and screamed.

"Budget, Su Yan, you give me a hand, Zhentian God of War can't kill..."

These three old gods really want to be crazy, and the gods and gods of the Tang Dynasty are now abolished by Su Yan.

At the same time, Su Yan was extremely hot, and there was no killer at all. With his current strength, he could completely slap the town to war.

However, Su Yan believes that the power behind him, even if it is poisonous, can not put the life of Zhentian God of War in it.

In short, he is beaten in the town of God, let him remember this **** lesson!

This piece of fast-breaking space, screams constantly, Zhentian God of War is too miserable, desperate to be desperate by Su Yan, the soul has suffered a certain trauma, grief and sorrow: "You have the ability to kill me!"

"Kill you, you think too much!"

Su Yan sneered and responded, he will not be shocked to death, because once he has reached this step, then the town of God of War will inevitably have a large capacity burst, guarding his source of life.

He wants to leave a terrible shadow on the heart of the **** of war, even if his town God of War is alive, then the shadow of the future will become the cruelest obstacle on his road!

"This bug is looking for death?"

The space treasure mirror manifests the picture, so that the half-step power can be provoked. Once Su Yan is so violently beaten, Zhen Tian Zhan Shen will be desperate, the soul will be traumatized, and the future will be extremely difficult and great achievements.

This is an extremely cruel means, so that the Tiantian God of War is really unbearable, and beg for mercy!

In this urgent moment, in the cold underground palace, suddenly, the magnificent atmosphere that engulfs the universe and the sea of ​​stars!

The old antiques in the town of Daocheng are furious, and between the thoughts, the corpse is hundreds of millions, and the blood is drifting!

What is power!

This is the power, the powerful to the unthinkable agenda, and the dynamics can reverse the laws of the universe, master the universe, and open up their invincible fields.


A terrible palm was explored like this, and the palm of the hand was boundless. In an instant, it rushed out of the avenue city and reached the seal space.

Under the backdrop of the powerful hand, the entire seal space is very small!

This palm seems to be played outside the universe, grand and spectacular, so it falls from the sky, let the seal space have a big bang!

"Uncle save me!"

Zhentian God of War saw the dawn in despair, and made a trembling and excited voice: "Save me!"

This palm dominates the world, the momentum is magnificent to the extreme, enough to collapse a big life!

Su Yan's body and mind are split, and there is enough room for him to die, and there is no room for contending in the process. This is the powerhouse.

The prehistoric big brother raised his head slightly, and the messy hair danced, and the breath was too horrible!

Like the boundless abyss, the rising ancient dragons shine in nine days and ten places!

Even in his pupil, there are two amazing moonlights, calling for the monthly ticket.

(also in the evening)

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