Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 994: Reinventing the power

The powerful palm that stretches out from the avenue city is full of annihilation!

Because the prehistoric big brother's momentum leaked out, the powerful palm slowly stopped, but the old palm of Daodian did not retreat, but squatted in the sky, and could break out at any time.

There is also an old voice that is transmitted from the avenue city, and the rumble continues to blow up here, shocking people.

"Dao You, the Shouyuan is coming, can the immortal material be given to me?"

The old hall of the Taoist temple is open, and the tone sounds somewhat sincere. He is not willing to make a bad relationship with a powerful person, but there is also a certain belief in the material of the immortality!

If the prehistoric big brother starts to block, he will break out to fight for this thing. This thing is very important for him, and maybe he can compete for a brilliant future!

"how is this possible......."

Zhentian God of War was shocked and scared. Su Yan’s side always had a power. He didn’t even know it. Even in the Avenue Restaurant, Zhentian God of War also noticed the mysterious man who covered his face.

However, the death of the town of God of War can not be imagined, Su Yan is surrounded by a powerful energy, if he has long known that he has long been scared away from Su Yan, did not dare to provoke him.

At the same time, Zhentian God of War also understood, no wonder Su Yan dare to sway through the city in the Avenue City, and even there is no fear, originally there is a powerful strongman around him, he came to the Avenue City is to come to the pit!

The prehistoric big brother is tall and tall, suddenly the chaotic ruins of the rivers and mountains are vast, the cosmic pattern is magnificent, and can not hold his backbone, this is a supreme overlord overlooking the world!

"In this case, you can only offend!"

Daodian old antiques are afraid of night long dreams, forced to start, his entire palm reveals the infinite order of light, absolutely used a avenue sacred soldier, although he only hit one hand, but it has run its most powerful Fighting power!

And his entire huge palm, revealing a grand font, a huge "town" word, full of the momentum of suppressing the sky, falling from the sky, beaten down!


Zhuyue’s nephew has shrunk and guessed the identity of this person. This town’s seal is the secret of the Taoist temple. Only the town’s celestial body is qualified to practice, and Zhentianyin is also the best in the world. The mystery of the gods is a pioneering creation of a town celestial body.

The value of this mystery is not inferior to the king of India. Nowadays, the great power has directly evolved the secret of the town of Tianyin. It can be seen that the old antiques of the temple have attached importance to the prehistoric big brother!

This cosmic starry sky is dull, and all the matter is suppressed!

It is hard to imagine how strong the palm of the power is. Su Yan has a feeling of facing the vast universe. Even if he broke out the strongest means, it is impossible to shake the tip of the iceberg!

"Is this powerful?"

Su Yan whispered, the power is too strong, enough for the world's desperate strong, to control the order, open up the universe, dominate the world, every power has the qualification to open up immortal great education, leaving behind the essence can suppress a Another era of ethnicity!

It’s just that the power of the town’s Tianyin is about to fully cover the moment.

The three old gods who are closest to the prehistoric big brother began to shudder in captivity, the body was cracked, and the powerful king of the gods began to sag!

"Do not!"

The three old gods fear, a wild dragon is waking up, the horror is boundless!


Prehistoric big brother broke out, what town Tianyin, what universe starry sky, what is open to the earth, everything in front of it, is completely empty!


The three old gods, one by one, one after another, blasted, it was just the blood of a little prehistoric big brother's pores, let them die, destroy everything!

"You let go!"

The old antiques of Daodian were furious, and the power of Zhentianyin was stronger, pulling the energy of the universe. Between the spit and the spit, the essence of a vast field was extracted, resulting in this palm, powerful Times!


In the lonely pupil of the prehistoric big brother, the final shot of a cold light, this kind of killing, a terrible picture, like the long river of shaking, stealing the power of time and space reincarnation!

The prehistoric big brother directly waved his palm and took a shot at the big hand down the town!

Different from the imagination of Zhu Yue, I thought it was the beginning of a big decisive battle. It was a confrontation that shocked the universe.....

Once they fight, they also broke the plan for Su Yan to smash the big group of strong people.

But the result was that Su Yan and Zhu Yue were in a daze.

The prehistoric big brother waved his palm and took a shot. The mighty hand that descended from the sky stopped short!

This palm is inexplicably trembling. There is a splendid blood like a big day, and then a drop of blood flows down. Every drop of blood can collapse the river, break down 100,000 mountains, and penetrate the starry sky!

It is rumored that a big drop of blood can kill a god!

More than a dozen drops of canopy blood sprinkled down, dyed the vastness of the vastness of the sky, let this world become a **** purgatory, revealing the tragic atmosphere that makes the gods and trembling tremble, and continue to spread.

The blood-stained palm, withdrawn like lightning, was as frightened.

In the process, the power of his palm was wrapped in the heart of the town, and the world was restored to silence.

Zhu Yue and Su Yan looked at each other and saw the shock from each other's eyes. The one who had just shot was a strong and strong, prepared, but the prehistoric old brother patted a big shot and hit the big one. Can have injuries!

Although Su Yan knows that the prehistoric big brother is surging, but he did not expect that the big brother is terrible in these fields.

"Where something happened!"

In the chaotic city of the avenue, the old monsters couldn’t sit still, and they all searched for Su Yan in the city.

However, they did not think that the old antiques of Daodian had broken the iron law of the Avenue City, and they violated the rules and started to move them out of the city.

Only the distance between the heavens and the earth far away from the Avenue City, vibrations, and unusually horrible energy fluctuations slightly bloomed, alarming many big people in the city, there are changes outside the city, is it Su Yan has already left the city!

Some people also opened the eyes of the sky and saw the picture of blood staining 100,000 miles!

"What is the situation? Is it Su Yan out of the city, suffered a blockade!

"I don't know. It's going to happen when I look at it. I have to send a breath before, let me panic!"

"The blood flow is 100,000 miles. Is it a sign that half-step can be degraded?"

There is a big chaos in the avenue city. Only the strongmen of the Han family and Qiu Ming are not concerned. No matter how he escapes, he can’t escape the mile of the avenue city. Their killers are ambushing outside the avenue city. !

"This bug must be out of town!"

Qiu Ming’s official residence also moved. An ancient chariot glowed and slammed into the sky, carrying Qiu Ming’s journey.

"The fairy material, absolutely on Su Yan, such a valuable thing, it is impossible to stay in Avenue City!"

"If I can master this thing, I am very hopeful!"

In the avenue city, the old monsters with breathable breaths have moved. The destination is only 300,000 miles away. They want to catch up quickly, but hope that Su Yan has not been captured yet.

"Su Yan, life is not awkward!"

They are entrenched in the city of avenues. They have not acted. It is impossible for them to participate in them. Qiu Ming may have certain qualifications. They can only wait and see, and hope to hear some good news.

"Unfortunately, he can't be killed on the avenue of the avenue!"

The Northern Demon said that this matter deserves to be pity. When he and Su Yan played against each other, the winners and losers did not know. The Northern Demon regarded it as an insult, and the future was afraid of his major reputation.

"Su Yan, this arrogant thing, dead or not!"

The Holy God of War is in vain, even if the non-family strongman blocks himself, he has already fought with Su Yan for a long time. He believes that with his own invincible body, it is enough to kill Su Yan!

In the city of Avenue, killing light is like a tidal wave!

But at the same time, starting to roar and roaring toward the position of Su Yan, some people seem to see a terrible catastrophe to be unfolded!

Even if someone can take the material of the immortality, can it be easy to take the material of the immortal?

In short, since this thing appears, it will inevitably lead to the battle of the strongest forces in the world, and it is also a battle for the hurricane.

Only in the avenue city, among the huge underground palaces, there is a faint atmosphere of horror!


The scared face of Zhentian Zhanzi was purple and trembled.

Because the old antiques of the temple are very bad, he sits on the platform, and his head is sparse and silky, and the body is full of fear.

What is it?

Let a person be afraid, uneasy, and even fearful!

The veteran around him is frightened. What is the situation?


Then they shuddered, it was because of an old arm of the temple, a dense crack appeared, revealing a murderous murder.

The source of life in the powerful body is flowing, and the source of life is powerful. The effect is not inferior to the magical medicine. Serious injuries can be cured quickly!

Visible to the naked eye, the scar on the powerful arm is still healing!

However, only a part of it healed, there was an indelible killing in his arm, and the healing wound just broke again!

Zhentian Ares are scared, can not heal the injury, and continue to deteriorate, the power can not be resolved!

In the end, the entire arm of the power continued to crack and eventually began to smash.


The entire underground palace is shaking, this is the sound of the painfulness of the mighty, the palm of the prehistoric big brother casually shot, but left him an indelible injury, his arm can not grow!

"How could this be, how could this be!"

Zhentian God of War and half-step power are scared to say no, what kind of ridiculous people have encountered in the end, Su Yan in the end asked what kind of gods to suppress, slap a random slap, will one A big power can be hit hard.

If Su Yan and Zhu Yue are again, they will inevitably be scared.

Now they are moving on!

Su Yan wants to scream at the sky, can you kill a big power, the big brother has not warmed up and the old antiques have run, can you come to a superb and come out to compare with the big brother.

(Come on the moon ticket to the big brother to warm up.

Unconsciously, I still owe everyone 14 chapters)

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