Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 996: Bloody and crazy!

In the eyes of some people, Su Yan is the fish on the cutting board. As long as it can be eaten in one breath, it is completely developed!

In short, most of the people who come from Shouyuan are old, their lives are almost gone, what are they afraid of?

As long as you win, you may not be able to stand in the universe and look down on the world!


The old man in the red robe has a big fire, and there are dozens of top figures in the rear. The awakening, the horror of the atmosphere, the rapid impact of this place, the speed is amazing!

These characters are very strong, one by one like the eternal furnace burning, the released blood comes to the top of the sky, almost boiling, how can not let people be scared!

They are all strong, the smoldering blood is like a dragon in the void, bloody, very scary.

Although these old powers are bound to come, but this time has to use the dry blood, the explosion is also quite powerful, endless light is running through the Han!

There has been a terrible sense of oppression, so that the mountains and mountains are swaying in the trembling, the ten clouds have collapsed, and the sky is divided!

This is a very amazing picture. The four strongest players in Su Yan are in a hurry. They are all fighting each other and no one wants to.

If the situation continues, the rear chasing soldiers will kill it, then it is not so easy to take Su Yan’s suppression away!


Suddenly, the horror fluctuations spread, the light of order burns!

The old man in the red robe flashed a hint of haze, staring at the moment when the three strongmen were in a hurry. He took the treasure of the bottom of the pressure box with great decisiveness and screamed: "To fight with the old man, give me death!"


Suddenly, the void was crushed, and a treasure was decisively hit by him, heavy to the extreme, and an extremely fierce murderous release!

The light of a short time, the countless monks trembled, the real head fell, even the gods were hairy, the goose bumps all got up!

"Avenue Saints?"

Some people in the distance exclaimed, seeing the old man in the red robe, offering a blood-red gourd, lingering with the fierce fluctuations rolling like the sea, this gourd looks a bit broken, but the gourd lingers on the light of order, to open up here!


The three old strong men were shocked and gave up Su Yan directly, and turned around and ran!

However, the treasure has been sacrificed, and the old man in the red robe can easily spare them. Even if he kills the three strong players, he will shock the rear chasing troops. This is exactly three arrows.

"Please baby turn!"

The indifferent voice slammed into the word, like an ancient mantra, opened the door to killing the slash, and went deep into the soul of the human soul to make a death ruling.

Prehistoric big brother's eyelids jumped slightly, a pair of lonely pupils burst into strange luster, staring at this **** gourd, his face was a little dignified!

Su Yan swears, please baby turn?

This word is too loud. In the mythical story of the ancient Chinese history, there is also such a line, please turn the myth weapon of the baby, how can this gourd also need to recite the spell to open the proper power!

However, its power, so that the bamboo moon is covered with red lips, it is very scared.

"Puff puff!"

The blood-colored gourd glows, and suddenly expands. When it starts to wake up rapidly, the gourd is huge. If a blood-colored superstar turns, the moment of turning around is a thin stream of blood.

This is like a **** spurt spattered from a gourd. It looks like a **** sword, and it breaks through the void in an instant, and smashes into the three old powerful escapers!


The top three fears are awkward because they can't escape, and even the next moment their necks are cold, their heads are rolling directly into the void, and their mouths are still making a fear.

The prehistoric big brother frowned slightly, this is not a real thing, it is a replica!

But this thing is already very bad, killing the three strong, the shocking rear trailing forward strong hairs, this is what his mother's treasure, suddenly lost three big men.

After doing all this, the old man in the red robe did not have time to wipe out the three gods, and swooped forward directly, smirking and laughing: "Su Yan baby, the old man is coming, hey, if you resist, hey, the consequences you can know!"

"Your ancestors!"

Su Yan’s face turned into a black pot and was spit out of this disgusting voice.

The old man in the red robe did not want to kill Su Yan. He did not know enough to get the secret of the mountain.

However, when the old man in the red robe was about to approach Su Yan, the wind was overwhelming, and the horror of the atmosphere was overwhelming. The corner of the vague universe was overwhelmed, and the old man in the red robe changed his face and was dizzy.

"Please baby"

The old man in the red robe is eager to break the power of the gourd.

However, this gourd seems to be urging the spell, but unfortunately, Wei Neng did not play the time, hit a big hand in the void, and the old man in the red robe smashed, as if he had touched the lightning, it was terrible.

"A half step can be shot!"

The audience was eclipsed, the top figures couldn't help but start, and the half-step power of the old man in the red robe was ruined. His other hand was hit, and Su Yan would be taken away by the suppression!

In Suyan, the road map was presented, which originated from the resurrection of the Han family’s treasures, such as the magnificent universe of rivers and mountains.

Because Su Yan’s insight was not only the arrival of a top figure, but at least a full three, he resisted the road map because he resisted the aftermath of the battle and even prevented the predecessor’s big brother’s fighting power from leaking out!


An astonishing big collision started in this way. The three and a half steps were able to break out at the same time. They all showed their magical powers, collided together, and collapsed everything. The whole world was broken like a mirror.

Su Yan they are innocent, because the road map blocked the aftermath of the battle!

However, the entire large area was shaken by them, and there was also a fighting atmosphere spread, rushing to the Avenue City, so that the monks in the city were upright, this is the three dragons are killing, the breath is quite scary.


In the land of war, some people are in the chaos, the three great powers have been killed together, and they can’t play, they may be able to profit from it!

In this way, a large number of strong people rushed over, the picture was completely chaotic, the gods and devils danced, and the murderousness runs through the Han.


The people watching the war in the distance trembled, and the whole big field was roaring. Time seemed to return to the ancient times, and there was a terrible battle of the gods!

This is a terrible horrific conquest, all for the treasures and crazy!

Some gods and kings were tragically killed, and they were directly separated from each other. They became a group of ash.

In order to compete for the material of the immortality, these people are really mad, and even the storm of half-step power can not be ignored, it is completely desperately fighting for.

In fact, most of these people are blood and dry, and there are not many longevity!

Then, if there is no fight at this time, there is no hope in the future to encounter such a great luck!

The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death!

The same is true, the limit will come, it will be crazy!

Su Yan was shocked by the crazy picture. He couldn't help but think that if he had to face the limit after thousands of years, would it be necessary to make some inhumane **** events because of the continuation of Shouyuan!

In the past, this thing has gone to the sea. There are fierce devils, blood-washing an ancient city, taking the flesh and blood of life as the essence of Shouyuan, and eating!

When you think about it, you know how cruel it is. Now a group of old and strong people are trying to make a living, even if they don’t know how to make a breakthrough, and thus make crazy events.

They used to be big men who were destined for one side, but in the face of the years, they had to stand up and fight for hegemony!

"A group of ants!"

Half-step can be extremely angry, and the half-step power that has been involved has already risen to five. They are angry. The gods are fighting, and a group of young kings are messing around here. It is totally disrespectful!


There is a big step to make a giant scorpion. This is a horrible creature. The **** mouth is wide open, and the source of life is swallowed up by the gods, and the power of anger is raging.

"Put them out for me!"

There is also a half-step ability to cruelly open, but the opportunity to take his opponent directly to Su Yan, lifted his hand and hit the road map!

This road map shines like a corner of the truncated cosmic river and mountains, and it resists the aftermath of the battle. Even if it is a half-step slap in the face, it is extremely difficult to destroy the road map.

Zhu Yue also understands the meaning of Su Yan, do not want to let the prehistoric big brother's strength leak ahead of time, after all, he wants to lead the opponent!

Not them

It is not the old antiques of the temple, not the Han family!

It is Qiu Ming's pulse. He thinks that Qiu Ming knows the series of ghosts, even the fairy material, the chaotic motherhood, and even the topography.

Then Qiu Ming is definitely the most want to suppress Su Yan!

Even if the road map is hard, it will start to be dull. This secret treasure will be broken at any time. After all, it has lost a lot of power in the funeral mountain. This treasure is really not going to work!


In the end, a **** king sacrificed a knives and opened the corner of the road map. He sneaked in and went straight to Su Yan!

The prehistoric big brother's pupil exudes a little cold light, and raises his big hand and slams up.

At first, this **** king did not care, but who knows that the soul of the gods is instantly steamed by the vast gods!

He has died and is steamed to the soul in an instant!

Even, the king of God had no will to think before he died, why did he die?

Even the body of the king of God looked intact, Su Yan decisively started, revived the human form, a fist banged up, the king spread, directly smashed his head, and the backhand shot his whole person in the earth, blood flow One place!

"A palm against the king of the gods, shocking its god, it looks like a half-step power!"

"It turned out that this is Su Yan's Yangshao, but a half-step power standing in the golden years is indeed a small feat!"

"Oh, it’s been so long for a long time. It turns out that this kid’s card is just a half-step ability. Oh, although it’s OK, but in front of me, what can you do half-step?”

"Now it’s time for my Korean family to come on stage!"

"The lost glory, the lost fairy material, today my Korean family will be fully recovered!"

The living fossils of the Han family are all talked about, and the tone is gloomy: "Where are my Han family, I am going to rush to it, to dominate the game, and the evil of Yang and Han, shocking the universe, this is the glory of our Han family. War, re-emerge in glory!"

"Glory battle, regaining glory!"


The Han family is excited and excited, and a large number of strong people charge!

One after another, the living fossil stood up and shouted, and they seemed to see the **** battlefield being suppressed. One by one, the old monsters were slaughtered by them. They stood on the top of the **** sea, overlooking the world, reuniting the glory of loss and brilliant!

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