Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 997: Han family is coming!

The **** chaos, the blood blooms, the world is red, and it has already dyed the stars!

From the very beginning, this battle has been turbulent, and the ghosts are crying. It is a shocking ghost. So far, many spectators have been silent in shock. They are thinking, what is Su Yan’s material? Why is it that the top people are killing!

Even now things have not been obtained, they have already killed the mad, the king of God has hated, many of the long-lost big-named people are fighting here, swaying the mountains and rivers, wanting to tear the enemy, will hide in the hands!

There are also dying strongmen who flee. This battle is more cruel than the imagination. The material of the immortality can be so good. The half-step powers are standing out and fighting. They are afraid, they want to keep their lives. Continue to linger!

"The road map is breaking!"

In the world of **** blood, some people have seen that the road map of Su Yan’s ruins is so riddled that it has been unable to withstand the various energy fluctuations that have been continuously squeezed from the outside world.

“Su Yan’s life is not long, I don’t know who will be the ultimate winner.”

"This is a war of gods. Once the material is taken away, the hegemony will continue. I really don't know how many people are going to die. It is too fierce."

"Most of them are the old strongmen who have died in Shouyuan. They don't have much life. They want to fight for a future. Unfortunately, they haven't touched the supreme material, and they have died in the middle of the road."

There are too many onlookers, and there are also raging rumors in the avenue city. They look at the trepidation and turmoil, and they are all embarrassed. One day they will also enter their old age and face the smashing of years.

On that day, will they die like these people and die on the way to extend Shouyuan?

"Since ancient times, no one can live forever." Some people look sly and mutter: "Even the power can't stop the energy of the years. No one can live forever, breaking through the limits of the universe and breaking the ancient times. Immobile iron law?"

This has made many people calm. Who can live forever? They have not heard of it, even if it is not recorded in ancient books, it is already great to practice for tens of thousands of years!


In the intense watching of the audience, they all saw the road map smashed, and the various groups of people rushed at the same time.

This moment has touched the nerves of countless spectators. The Emperor Kangbo is laughing, how many people will this kid die? Even he was thinking, even if the big power stood up, then the Han family and Qiu Ming are in the same vein, can you watch Su Yan shake the distance?


Suddenly, suppressed to the ultimate battlefield, the entire bloodshed is trembled, and the brilliance of all kinds of sorrows begins to be released. This is the ultimate tyrannical killing power, surging, sweeping the eight wasteland!

The whole large area must collapse in the trembling, there is a shouting sound, and there is an ancient chariot crushing the sound of the sound of the sky, and the sound of the big man’s anger is shaking the soul, and there is also the rush of the rushing sound of the army. Come!

"Look at you, there are strong families and come to fight!"

Some people numb their scalp and called out loudly: "It's crazy. What kind of group is this, is it going to continue Shouyuan for the ancestors of this family?"

The light of the killing of the entire large area, this moment is covered by the emergence of the gods!

One after another, a strong terrorist who stood in the cosmos of the universe, ordered the heroes, shouted and shouted, with the suppression of the entire **** mess!

They are going to glory for a battle, a brilliant battle!

The storm that surged was too fierce, and there was a kind of suppression of the whole bloodshed, and the great power of the whole audience was swept up!


Some old antiques were shocked, and a pair of inconspicuous eyes looked at the past. He directly observed, and one after another, a powerful and powerful man came in shock!

There are more than a dozen of the kings of the gods, and even a half-step can come to the whole three!

They seem to see that Shenmian was born in a group of living fossils in the famous mountains and rivers, commanding the world, mastering the general trend of the universe, and overwhelming the whole bloodshed.

"Han family!"

These old monsters were shocked. How did the Korean family suddenly kill so many powerful people? After all, the immortal material was leaked out. Many old monsters were directly eyeing the Korean family, and they felt that the Korean family still had this substance.

Shouldn’t the current Han family guard the family and guard against foreign enemies?

But nowadays, how dare they kill so many powerful people at this festival, is it true that the Han family has the power to sit down?


A group of old monsters were frightened and fled in succession. Since the Han family has killed so many people, it is enough to explain their attitude. The substance is not that they can fight for hegemony.

Some people are dissatisfied, want to stay, see if you can fish in trouble!


The radiant radiance is released from 100,000 miles away. It is a living stone with a white hair. The dry walk of Shouyuan is staggering, and it is always planted on the ground, an old monster that is coming into the earth.

However, a sword that he carried was out of the way, and the light of the snow spurred the eyes of the people to lick blood!

The heavens and the earth are all falling apart, and the big cracks in time and space are followed by one another. At this moment when the swordsman is out of the way, the Xinghai is cut, and the holy demon!

"Avenue Guards!"

The strong shudders, this is a avenue sacred soldier was sacrificed by the Han family, the old antiques that escaped were directly split by the flesh and blown into blood!

"What? You dare!"

The big man who has a longevity in Shouyuan has a gloomy face. What does the Korean family want to do? When they came up, they made a big move, and the avenues of the avenues successively killed three old escaping antiques.

"Ha ha!"

The hairy white Han family activated Shi Yinsensen: "Take me Han Jiazhibao, you will die here!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience trembled and the gods seemed to be crying.

Some people are astonished. What do Han family want to do? Do you want to kill the whole audience, he can know the consequences.

Kang Bo has an insight into the intentions of the Han family. The name of the family has been damaged successively. Now the Korean family is on the spot with a hegemonic attitude. This is to restore the prestige of loss and re-kill to the peak.

For these dying old antiques, the Han family did not put it in the heart, and directly opened the killing ring. The dozens of old antiques that escaped were all destroyed!

This scene shocked the world, and also inspired the morale of the Han family's strong, and some people screamed: "The battle of glory, whoever wins the Han family to the treasure, should kill!"

"A small Su Yan, I must anger my Han family. Is it true that my Han family is a soft persimmon? Oh, there are those who have been harassing my family today, and today I will die here, one cannot leave!"

"Su Yan, this little beast, once again provoked me Han family, today let you know what is the peak group, you still don't leave me to confess your sins!"

The Han family Zhuqiang Shenwei rushed over in large numbers, and the whole **** chaos continued to have a strong mourning sound!

Many of the strong players who compete for the immortal material are, after all, the squadrons, and truly face the power of a Korean family that is infinitely close to the peak group, really not enough!

Moreover, the Han family is really moving, and it is necessary to re-kill to the peak and carry out a battle of glory!

"Han is really too embarrassed!"

"There is a great power to sit in the town. With this kind of qi, this is not a scream. This is called a strong hegemony. A group with great power is different."

"Su Yan is really sad enough, and now the Korean army is pressing, although it is said that it is overkill for Su Yan, but the purpose of the Han family is to shock the people of the world!"

The onlookers were shocked. The Han family lost the small master. If they don’t kill the prestige, the family will really decline. Nowadays, the major families are awed by the Han family. The dead are still too many. Now!

"Su Yan children, still don't give me a confession of your sins!"

The Han family's contemporary lord is full of anger, he is a king of the peak, and standing in the golden years, once mad and blood is more turbulent than Wang Yang, packed with the vast land, angered by Su Yan.

The world was quiet and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

The Han family's powerful gods are deterrent, and the contemporary lords are also strong and domineering at this moment. The family has stood up to be powerful and full of enthusiasm, and directly let Su Yan confess.

"I have killed the Han Jiaxiao master on the battle platform, and the one that won is upright!"

Su Yan dismissed: "Which like you, you have been slashing your knife behind your back, and you have to be black-handed. How do you feel that you have lost too much? Now you have sent a large army to encircle me. Your Korean family's face is really thick enough!"

"Looking for dead bugs!"

The eyes of the Han family's lord are faintly red, and the death of the little master is an irreparable loss of the Han family. However, the scar just healed and was exposed by Su Yan's blood. This made the Korean family anger anger: "Death is coming. You give me a good taste, I see you really don't see the coffin and not cry!"

"I am living well now!"

Su Yan sneered, his eyes patrolled the audience, some accidentally said: "Where is the old nephew of your Korean family? This old guy always wants to kill me, how can I not see people now!"

The first thing Su Yan wanted to kill was the Han master, but he did not come.

"It’s ridiculous, my Korean family wants to crush you, do you still need the whole family to be dispatched?" The Han family sneered: "Han Kang, you give me a stand out, in the past, Su Yan gave me off, if anyone dares to move Direct killing!"

The discourse has just fallen, and a horrible sword fetus faintly recovers. The Han family’s avenues are awakened, filled with the light of order, and lie in the top of the sky, aiming at the prehistoric big brother.

This sentence is said to the prehistoric big brother, once he dare to help Su Yan, the first one will marry him!

"The lord, I will definitely screw Su Yan's head off!"

Han Kang glanced out and pointed at Su Yan’s cold smile: “Su brother, we met again, but this time I have to remind you that if you dare to move, the avenue kills the sword and cuts your legs directly. If you stand honestly let me hammer you, you can die easily!"

After that, Han Kang took a black sledgehammer and killed Su Yan directly!

He wants to crush Su Yan in front of the people of the world, so that he can hate his heart!

"This is humiliating Su Mania!"

Many people can't bear to watch, the avenues of the avenue are across the sky, who dares to move? Although Su Yan has an old strong guardian, but can not protect Su Yan!

"I don't humiliate you, just because you stand still, you can't threaten me!"

Su Yan dismissed: "Are you no one in Han's family? Send a small shrimp and I have a matchup?"

"Give me kill him!"

The strong men of Han Jialai are long and sturdy, and the death of the little masters has not been able to return to God from grief!

"Su Yan, give me life!"

Han Kang also received a huge shame, his eyes were red, and a healthy step rushed up, and the giant hammer slammed Su Yan, and he would be ruined!

Bloody pictures, many people can't bear to watch, this is to hammer Su Yan, too ferocious, right?

The giant hammer broke through the air, the power was terrible, and it was bombarded all at once. It was hammered on the chest of Su Yan and hit a shocking sound!

In the field, there was blood bloom immediately, and the screams blew open, and it was extremely fierce. It echoed constantly between the heavens and the earth, causing some people to chill.

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