Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1002: The wrath of the ancestor of Tianzhu!

Han’s proud enthusiasm collapses in the face of power!

It can even be said that even a wave has not been turned out, so that the strong players in the field are all stunned.

The blood-stained river and mountains are spreading with a breath of death.

The atmosphere of the audience is repressed, and you can’t wait to stay away from it.

The entire avenue city is silent, and some people think that the Han family is going to die. This is really mentioned on the iron plate. Half of the family has collapsed, although the outside world has spread that the Han family has the power to sit down.

However, some people have speculated that the Han family is an old antique, and Shouyuan is limited, otherwise it will definitely come to discuss it personally!

The facts also prove that until now, the Han family did not show up, and the Han family suffered heavy losses, the township killings were killed, this has to make them chill, from the heart of the tremor, this is to provoke A powerful consequence!

In the chaotic ruins of the hustle and bustle, there is a constant spread of news and continuous boiling.

There are supernatural powers watching this war, all of them are timid: "The five-color battle flag is the treasure of the town of Tianzhu, how can it fall into the hands of the genius of the funeral domain, if there is no five-color battle flag, Han Jia also Will not lose so badly!"

"Tianzhu Yimai also died several big figures, is it true that the five-color battle flag of the family will not be lost!"

"The daring courage of the burial domain is too big. I am really not afraid of completely angering the Tianzhu. The family has a great ability to sit in the town. The family of the burial domain is not afraid to provoke a great disaster?"

Many of the ancient group of people in power are shocked. I feel that this battle is not over yet. Tianzhu will definitely come to talk to people. The power is always high, but the pulse of Tianzhu is not so good.

The loss of the top avenues is definitely to be recovered!

Once the Tianzhu is able to cross the field, the war here will be extremely horrible, and it will detonate the shopping between the giants, but all this is related to Su Yan!

However, the vast chaotic ruins, the ancient ancient group of families, simply do not know the current Tianzhu pulse, the family sensation!

A drop of the blood of the ancestors, cut through the sky, rumbling, falling into the ancestral home of the Tianzhu vein!

This drop of blood appeared in the air, revealing a prehistoric atmosphere, even after a long period of time, this drop of blood is still strong, full of terrible ancestor pressure, let the whole Tianzhu a chaos!

"The ancestor ancestor is showing up!"

The ancestral home of Tianzhu, the isolated universe of the universe, hundreds of millions of miles away, are echoing the sound of panic, and even more powerful people tremble, not knowing what happened, even let The blood of the first ancestors showed up, and even exudes terrible anger.

"The descendants of the future generations are not filial, but they also hope that the ancestors Yuan Ling will temporarily anger!"

Zhu Yuanqing shivered and slammed the call.

He is the great elder of the Tianzhu, the ultimate power among the half-step powers. The magical powers are vast, and there is only a small step from the field of power. He is also optimistic about the nature of the bamboo. I hope that I will step into the field of power.

The vast ancestral ancestral home of Tianzhu, a drop of blood is manifested, full of supreme blood pressure, and thousands of people began to beheaded.

A drop of blood, sometimes turned into a stalwart figure, and sometimes turned into a drop of supreme blood, this deep blood pressure of the bone marrow, so that the strong heart of the Tianzhu confirm that this is the blood of the ancestors.

This blood rushed straight into the ancestral land and broke through a chaotic zone. This made the living fossils of the Tianzhu, which was sleeping in chaos, awakened. Their family status and prestige were extremely amazing. They were all a group of old birthday stars.

But now that the battle is rampant, even the legendary figure of Tianzhu, the talent of Tianzhu stands out!

He is terrible to peerlessness, sitting in chaos, breathtaking and ancient, full of heavy and eternal atmosphere. Tianzhu is capable of a very high life, but it is extremely powerful. During the recovery process, time seems to be still. !

"The blood of the ancestors, the fairy spirit, alarmed the power of Tianzhu!"

The entire Tianzhu has a pulse of hundreds of miles, and it is full of the supreme breath of Tianzhu's power. This makes the whole Tianzhu's veins as good as the enemy. What happened in the end, causing Tianzhu's power to come out.


The chaotic zone trembled steadily, and the sound of the avenue of the boulevard blew, and it was a screaming sound, followed by a sound, like a thunderstorm on the ground.


Tianzhu was upset and heard some terrible information.

The blood of the first ancestor, with a little spiritual will, said that he had seen a similar person, lived in the world, but his memory was blurred to this person, which shows that he is terrible, he can not remember Events related to this person!

"how is this possible!"

Tianzhu is a big man, and a person who has lived a long history is still alive. He is unbelievable. Even if he is still alive, how can such a character be born? This violates the rules of the universe and is even more contrary to his cognition!

"When living in the world, is it the ancestor of the family of the funeral family? Or related to the family of the heavenly family!" Tianzhu was shocked and stunned. "The legendary family of the funeral family has influenced the heavens and the earth. Can the family be innocent? Is the legend true?"

In fact, Tianzhu Power did not know what happened in Avenue City!

But now he is speculating that the people who the ancestors said may be related to the funeral domain!


Chaos seems to collapse, the blood of the first ancestor burns, the ancient figure that exists in it, shouts loudly, wants to send out important information.

But letting his voice grow bigger is like the words that have been heard for thousands of years.

This makes Tianzhu's powerful face anger, the words of the ancestors' blood, contrary to some terrible material, his words can not be manifested in this world, this universe is related to the order of rules.

This is a secret, not to be leaked!

Tianzhu's powers were all shocked. What kind of things were in the end, the ancestors eagerly told, but they could not pass them.

In the end, the blood of the first ancestor became more and more blurred. Tianzhu could like to keep the spirit of the first ancestor, but his Taoist line could not do it at all. The blood of the ancestors showed up, and it has violated the order of the universe!

This is because of his strong life, even the prehistoric big brother's breath, awakened his memory of sleep.

"What do the ancestors want to tell me?"

Tianzhu's powerful face was cloudy and the blood of the ancestors was completely dispersed, but he was somewhat uneasy. He immediately summoned Zhu Yuanqing and asked about some things.

Zhu Yuanqing's honest Pakistani accounted for the fact that the blood of the ancestors was taken out clearly. He did not know what had happened, and the blood of the ancestors was revealed, and did not even bring the five-color battle flag.


Under the wrath of Tianzhu, Zhu Yuanqing shuddered, the body's blood rushed, and the powerful body collapsed.

This is the ultimate power, it is really scary, expensive for the most powerful person of Tianzhu, Tianzhu can be angry and said: "A small god, dare to start with a powerful, who gave her courage!"

Zhu Yuanqing guessed that it was probably because of the fact that the mysterious man was Su Yan, and the result was not convinced. He did not want to bow down and plead guilty. The result once again angered the prehistoric big brother.

He said the speculation, which made Tianzhu angered and shouted: "Put her into the darkness of the land, and never let it go!"

The whole Tianzhu is up and down, and the chaotic land can continue to blast the sound of thunder. In the end, what makes the top anger impossible?

There is also the blood of the ancestors, why is it obvious?

In short, Zhu Yuanqing was the first time they saw the blood of the dogs. They were the first time they saw the power of Tianzhu. These people were so scared that their legs and feet were soft. Something was outrageous. What happened, Su Yan came from somewhere. God man.

It is possible for Tianzhu to personally order and throw bamboo and silver into the darkness. This is the most serious torture.

Things are completely big. Once they are not good, they are afraid that they will really bring disaster to their own group.

As for the source area of ​​this matter, the destruction of the vast domain, the Han family is broken, so that in the distant land, some of the watchers are in silence.

The family of the funeral family came out of the second power. The old leader of the family once broke through the ancestral court of the ancestors, and blew up a great power of the ancestral hall, and was praised by the cultivators as the top figure in the power.

The burial domain family actually gave birth to two powerful powers, and the younger generation was led by Su Shi people. Is this declining group really starting to rise?

This incident made the ancestral temples uneasy, the changes of the Milky Way, the change of the ancestors, the power of the old leader, and now the prehistoric big brother stood up, enough to show that the development of the funeral family has been too fast these years!

Even the Suyan of the family, the Vietnam War is more and more brave, and the King of God is only a matter of time.

Once the Suyan of this family grows up, there are two other powers to be emboldened, so the future Su Yan is afraid to be in the pattern of chaos and ruins.

"Haha, get rich!"

Now Su Yan is happily collecting a huge array of blocks, a total of nine hundred and eighty-one stands, although cracks have appeared, but these eighty sets of platforms have hopes of repairing!

This thing is dazzling, this is invaluable, guarding the long history of the Korean family, and now it was taken away by Su Yan.

"I hate it!"

The strong guys who escaped from the Han family looked back and watched, and they were so angry that they had to be mad.

The first treasure of the Han family, the first foundation of the Han family, and even the avenues of the Han family were lost.

They hated the vomiting of blood, and even the first generation of the younger generation of Han family was beaten on the battle platform.

Some people think that the Han family is really stunned and lost all kinds of means that they are proud of. They are afraid to withdraw from the big stage of the top forces.

"Su Yan!"

Suddenly, an ancient chariot rumbled, carrying a figure passing by.

The void was plowed out of a large crack, the ancient chariot was shining, the momentum was terrifying, and the vibration shattered the river.

Su Yan’s nephew was cold and stared at the people in the ancient chariot.

"Su Yan, you devil, killing so many fellow people, but also want to take away the first foundation of the Korean family!"

Qiu Ming is in the middle of the ancient chariot, sitting in an ancient chariot, such as an emperor inspecting the sky, overlooking his people, the words are cold: "Today I am going to do the heavens, remove your devil, and give the Han family a fair !"

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