Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1003: The power of 傀儡!

An ancient chariot cut through the sky, rumbling, and the crushed voids are broken!

There is a figure standing in it, full of great powers, sweeping the eight deserts and shaking the universe!

"It is the **** of Qiu Ming!"

"Is it the life-forbidden zone behind Qiu Ming that must be shot by the mighty strongman of the funeral domain!"

Many people are shocked. How did Qiu Ming come out at this time? His power is unquestionable. It is a contemporary king who is known as the powerhouse of the future. This kind of talent is endless.

No one thought that after the defeat of the Han family, Qiu Ming went straight to the stage. He looked down at the audience. As the emperor patrolled the heavens, the universe of the gods and gods shivered and shivered.

The older generation’s sorrow, Qiu Ming’s enthusiasm is too big today, Su Yan’s side is accompanied by great power, but Qiu’s attitude is so tough and overbearing, which is enough to show that the life restricted area behind him really has to start.

"It seems that there is really a big battle!"

Some people think that the pulse of Tianzhu and Qiu Ming will be involved one after another. It is impossible to block the supreme pressure of the two groups of people by the power of a family of burial fields. Perhaps today, the power of the people must drink and hate. Here!

There are also many fanatical eyes looking at the figure standing in the ancient chariot. At this moment, Qiu Ming Shen Wei Hao, in this broken river and mountains, release a unique light!

And between his breath, the sky shakes, the chest bursts with thunder, this is a terrible shock, the mighty sweeping, and finally pressure on Su Yan, let him surrender!

Can be allowed to storm the storm, the wind blows the rain, Su Yan does not move!

His warfare is filled with the ambiguity of the gods and devils. The scorpion is cold and electric, and sneer: "I am the devil, Qiu Ming, this little man, not coming late, but at the time of the Han family's fiasco Debut, you, bad heart!"

The last sentence of Su Yan, the sound of thunder, spread throughout the vast rivers and mountains, shaking the earth, contains a cold killing.

The Han family monk who had escaped far away, heard Su Yan’s words spurting blood.

At the same time, they think that Su Yan's words are correct. For a long time, the Han family has paid a lot for Qiu Ming, which has helped him a lot. Even the resources of the family are leaning toward Qiu Ming, and they are completely regarded as the dragons of the family.

However, at the critical juncture of the Han family, Han Weiran was insulted. If Qiu Ming had a strong posture today, how could their Han family end up in disastrous defeat, and why half of the country collapsed, why not!

"Death is coming, you are still here to provoke!"

Qiu Ming looked down at Su Yan, and said coldly: "You are a little god, I am crushing you as if it is a simple bug to crush a bed bug. Don't think that there is power around you. Today, Qiu Ming can't check you! ”

This sentence reveals that the atmosphere of terror is full of enthusiasm, and the pressure is even more sweeping. The pressure is even more shocking. It is called sinking, filled with the sky, covering the vast land, so that the shadow of Su Yan must be broken in the blur. !

Qiu is full of enthusiasm, because the strong power of the family has already appeared, and is secretly guarded.

As long as the prehistoric big brother dares to move, the family will stand up and kill it!

The restricted area of ​​life is the forbidden zone of life. The foundation is really unfathomable, and there are enough means to balance the power.

Qiu Ming also hated Su Yan. He now wants to directly suppress the Su Yan in the face of the world, and even get the things he wants smoothly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan Yang Tianchang smiled, his figure blazing, blocking the pressure of Qiu Ming, his eyes are full of sarcasm, said: "Dangtang Qiu Ming, a generation of God Wang Fengfeng strong, you are now a good life, I really want to see Knowledge, how did you crush me!"

"If you don't see the coffin, don't cry, give me a break!"

Qiu Ming shouted loudly, he stood in the ancient chariot, such as the emperor patrolling the sky, the airflow from the body, suddenly surged a lot!

At this moment, the sun and the moon are silent, the heavens and the earth are dim, and the glory is lost!

This broken big domain, only one figure, full of supreme power, the power of the universe, everything collapsed in the blur!

The invisible domain field emitted by the light, the mountains and rivers that have been affected have begun to annihilate silently. This is an amazing picture. Qiu Ming is angry, and the world is like returning to the wild state. Everything must be suppressed!

This surging divine power has deeply shocked everyone!

Qiu Ming’s hard life has influenced a big field of life, and it has crushed the light of all beings. He is like the king of the king, and the horror is full of volatility, and he wants to let the world fall into destruction!


Everything exploded, the picture was quite scary, and Qiu Ming had already erupted. The terrible breath, like the ruin of the ocean, contained the belief that when it could suppress everything, it would be irreversible!

"Qiu Ming is a strong shot, and there is a strong support behind it, so that Su Shi can stop it!"

"Yeah, this way, Su Yan will inevitably be suppressed. Although he has shaped and revived the power of the gods, he has nothing to do with Qiu Ming!"

The whole scene is completely different. At this moment, Qiu Ming is already quite powerful. Although he has never played the fighting power of the peak era, the top king is the top king. The Qiankun is drowned, and Su Yan’s figure is blurred and can’t be seen clearly!

“How strong is Su Yan’s cockroach?”

The iron king thinks secretly, and Qiu can't wait to get the embarrassment, which may provide Su Yan with a strong fighting power.

However, the result is that the Iron King is red, and the ambiguous region is full of destructive power. Among them, there is a vague figure shining, infinitely strong and blazing!

Eventually he broke out!

What is that picture?

A demon power is provoked, and in the process of waking up, the sun and the moon are shaking, the rivers and mountains are falling apart, and the world is trembled!


Su Yan's breath is more and more horrible, the king's breath erupts, his figure is blazing and glaring, rising in the land of destruction, and momentarily waving a punch, containing the king's gas cover swallowing millions!

The fading light of the sky is rushing upwards, and these are all hit by the punch, rushing to the ancient chariot!

"court death!"

Qiu Ming was furious, and the gods were shocked by the sounds of the earth, full of terrible majesty!

His momentum is completely different, horrible and horrible, under the anger of anger, Wanshan is blasting, and the territory of the hustle and bustle swaying his supreme Tianwei, the crushed mountains and rivers into pieces of gray smoke and smoke!

What a shocking power this is, is this the king of God? It’s terrible to let all sentient beings worship!

"Su Yan is over, he started to Qiu Ming, and he was angered by the top king!"

Some people think that Su Yan is terrible, but he seems to be a little weak, and he is not enough to see Qiu Ming.

This day, the gods of Qiu Ming were swept away. Under the wrath of the top king, the sun was ruined, the chaos was paralyzed, and the whole battle was overwhelming. All the countercurrents collapsed to his energy energy spring!

And the ancient warfare was carrying Qiu Ming, heading for Su Yan!

His palms were decisively hit, and you had to slap a slap in the face!

Many people think that this is not a series of battles at all. The realm of the two is too far apart. Although there is external help, Su Yan is not a **** king!

The light of the sky filled the divine power, the heavy enough is enough for the kings to surrender, everything seems to be imprisoned, together with Su Yan's battle!

Under this peerless crush, Su Yan's body is roaring!

The series of supernatural work that blends with it, this treasure that is hard to find in the world, under the crushing of Qiu Ming, releases the fierce light, tearing the sky into tears! "


Su Yan Yang Tianda, the scorpion have stood up, and the long black hair dances in the head, shaking the world!

Like the sleep of a living in a long time, the creatures are awakening, the heavens and the earth are shaking, the voids are falling apart, and the number of large cracks in the void is not clear!

It all comes from one person, and seems to be perfectly integrated with the cockroach. His figure is shining, and if the condensed eyes of the gods are shining, the power of the tyrants will be released!

Amazingly reflected, the audience is unbelievable!

Su Yan hit a fist and hit it, and hit Qiu Ming to cover the palm!

The fist of the fist hit, there is no picture of flesh and blood bursting in the imagination of the world, but the Su Yan gas field is cracked, and the hard life blocks the strength of Qiu Ming!

This punch makes the strong eclipse, how can such a ridiculous thing happen?

Although Su Yan took advantage of the embarrassment, but he is facing Qiu Ming, is it a powerful series that can push Su Yan’s combat power to the top of the king?

The Northern Demons are unbelievable and feel that they are against the common sense!

In short, the monk who took out the bidding for the loss of blood, the value of this thing is more than seven or eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasure, his value is enough to be worthy of the sky, difficult to measure with money!

"Still, give me a crush!"

Qiu Ming screamed, his palms glow, like a concentrated universe, releasing the avenue energy of the sky, and screaming at Su Yan!


Su Yan made a long shout, his fists glowed, and he made a decisive attack, hitting Qiu Ming’s palm!

This is not a collision, a full three collisions.

The area of ​​the bombardment is riddled with holes, the chaos is plunging, and the energy fluctuations are raging!

Every time the impact, Qiu Ming is like playing on the wall of the gods, it is difficult to break!

This made him stunned and angry, the legend is true, the axe of the heavenly work series, skillful, can be perfectly integrated!

He feels that Su Yan can't play the power of it. If Qiu Ming gets repaired, it is definitely a supreme killer. Maybe it can push Qiu Min's combat power to the extent that he can compete with the power. !


The last impact broke the whole audience. Qiu Ming broke out with full strength, and it was hard to shake the wall of the demon. The Su Yan body cracked and cracked, but it was very small and almost could not be seen, indicating that the injury was not serious. .

Su Yan was injured, and his body was bathed with blood, but he smiled long: "Ha ha ha, Qiu Ming, you are just like this. You can't hold my **** in a trick, you still mix a fart, I see You still have to find a piece of tofu to kill it!"

"Emergency to find me to complete you!" Qiu Ming heart angered and tumbling, a big hand to cover the sky, the sly hit down!

"What a big word!"

Su Yan’s figure is empty and he said to the prehistoric big brother: “Big brother, I am going to kill Qiu Ming by my avenue!”

"I also asked the elders to kill him. What about the power? The power of being respected as a **** is just a dish in front of my people. My family has the means to break down the power. When you tremble, it’s too late!”

Qiu Ming dismissed, he has been guarding the prehistoric big brother, has not run full force and Su Yan confrontation, it seems that now does not kill the power, can not safely suppress Su Yan.

(Brothers are gone today, but it is necessary to predict that the next day will explode on the 15th!

For a long time, I can't remember how long I haven't let everyone break out.

After smashing it, I almost urinated, and finally I couldn’t help it!

On the 15th, everyone is welcome to join the Chinese network.

In addition, we must predict that the plot will be very abnormal in the next few days, and everyone will be prepared.

Going to Qingtian)

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