Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1004: Jedi

The icy murder swept the audience, and Qiu Ming’s heart was rugged with anger!

A small Su Yan, although with the help of the power of the axe Tiangong series, but can not attack for a long time, so that Qiu Ming feels very shame!

“How strong is this?”

As for the onlookers in the distance, he was almost shocked by the chin. Qiu Ming is the person who is also the top person in the king. Su Yan is now relying on a scorpion, and he can continue to collide with Qiu Ming!

Although Su Yan was injured, but the strength of this shackles, the North Demon they are very scared.

None of them thought that this was so strong that they were in this field. Even the masters of the auctions were black. They used to check the human form, and only the general level of the gods.

However, the combination of 傀儡 and Su Yan has inspired the horrible power to come out, and the power of its power is like the king of the gods and the suffocating!

They didn't even think that this person's shape would be so strong. If you can recover to the strength of the top kings, the value is not a simple seven or eight thousand pounds. It is definitely necessary to bid for hundreds of thousands of chaotic treasures!

It will even be even more horrible. Don't forget that Su Yan Yang can and Qiu Ming hardly touch, how much resources does it take to cultivate a Qiu Ming? At this point, the power of the peak group of people is accelerating, which is an astronomical number!

Don't even forget, this is a broken king of God, but if it is finished, isn't it...

Many people want to be more and more shocked. No wonder Qiu Ming wants to get this thing. Once it is repaired, he will merge with him and fight for it. Is it possible to kill half a step? Even save your life in the big hands!

Qiu Ming has long been jealous, and it is almost certain that this is inevitably a shackle of the power level. It belongs to the treasures of the axe series. As long as you can get the hand, the value is hard to imagine!

This is the reason behind his shot in the restricted area. Doesn't it mean that as long as the repair is completed, Qiu Ming is the king of the younger generation, leading the earth to rise and fall, and the same generation has already possessed the invincible Tianwei!

More than just Qiu Ming, many people are just around the corner!

Human form, fairy material, two rare things, is controlled by Su Yan, if you can get it, it is equal to a Tongtian Avenue!


The greedy desire to burn in the sky is now crushed by the sudden breath, broken!

As the dream is broken, the oncoming is the purgatory atmosphere, let the strong fall into the ice cave, shivering, goose bumps all got up!

One by one, the air that dominates the universe, transpiration from the end of the world, smashed the avenue hard!


The gods and gods are all hairy. This is the atmosphere of the sky, and the city of the avenue is shaking gently. The city shines autonomously and resists the oppression of the birth between heaven and earth.

"Powerful strong......."

Some people’s voices began to tremble, and their eyes were filled with fear. On the final day, there was still a smashing of the hegemony. Once the mighty might participate in the war, they might penetrate several vast fields and become a disaster!

Powerful confrontation, even the Taoist temple is extremely difficult to reconcile, under the wrath of their existence, what can't be done, the dying of the corpse of millions of creatures, the sky of the killing, the gods crying!


Qiu Ming is laughing, cruel laughter, if a great power is destroyed today, the gods are more prosperous, and Qiu Ming’s qi is more abundant!

"This is power!"

Su Yan must be physically and mentally smashed, because the killing is in the direction of this, the power of one thought, enough to destroy the enemy hundreds of miles away, unless you can confuse the secret, blinding the perception of power!

The airflow that drifted away from the distant world quickly expanded and covered the sky!

A whole broken power was covered, and the energy was fluctuating, the sky, the earthquake, and the spread, which drowned one big field after another, covering another magnificent starry sky.

When the power is born, the world is imprisoned, and the years are like solidification!

Desperate pictures, the whole world is quiet, only a dragon moving figure is branded in their hearts, infinitely tall!

Eventually, the figure emerged, and the body killed the Scorpio, and the crushed Cosmic Avenue rumbling!

The figure is huge and huge. When his gaze overlooks, the entire large area enters the process of dusting, and only the people in the avenue are innocent.

But the strong man in this city is enough to feel that one after another, the supreme seal power, the influence of the avenue city is dim, this is just energy oppression. If the power is directed to the avenue city, perhaps the entire avenue city will be sealed directly. live!

"The guardian of the closed domain has shot!"

The whole scene was sensational, and the forces behind Qiu Ming were called by the world to seal the Tianyu!

An independent large domain, to be precise, the family occupied a crippled universe, and sealed the heavens and the earth, and turned the broken universe into a small world. It was called the Tiantian domain for a long time.

Why is it called Tiantian!

In fact, there is another saying, that is, the ancient heavenly merits of the tribe's practice, for the "Fengtian Ancient Classics", it is said that once this book is completed, it can seal the heavens and the earth, the most outstanding heaven in the world!

Now from this emerging figure, it can be seen that his appearance has caused the entire broken domain to enter the seal. Some strong people outside the city are shaking, feeling that they are oppressed by millions of mountains, and life is in the seal. Go to the end!

Even if the half-step power is stunned, I feel that the fire of life will be extinguished, and Shouyuan will soon dry up.

This is an amazing influence. The vegetation has withered and withered. This is not only the energy of the heavens and the earth, but also the order of the hegemony that affects the beings of the universe!

"The power of horror, the world that affects is changing!"

"I finally saw the terrible horror of Feng Tianyu, and the power of the involuntary power has already affected the life of a large domain to be exhausted!"

"This is the supreme means of sealing the heavens and the earth. The Tiantian domain has also smashed the powerful powers. It seems that the guardian of the Tiantian domain wants to use the power of school to forcibly seal the life of the mighty strongman. source of!"

Some people in the field talked about it, and some people directly said: "The strong confrontation, only in the blink of an eye, if the power is really shopping, afraid that it will be a short round of rounds to be able to win the game, the strength of the Tianyu domain 毋It is doubtful, but I don’t know how strong the power of the funeral family is!"

Although the Han family has collapsed in front of the prehistoric big brother, but no one has seen it clearly, his body has the most powerful fighting power!

"A declining group of people is not qualified to block my way of sealing the universe!"

The voice of indifference emerged and spread throughout the region. This cold syllable blew in the ears of all beings and wanted to penetrate the soul.

This is the voice of the powerful power of Tiantian. It is a strong and hegemonic. This family is a forbidden zone of life, and it is the ancestral land to create a broken universe. It is the hegemonic power of the universe to the extreme. The power of this family is more than one or two!

For the funeral family? Feng Tianyu does not pay attention to it, although the family has top-notch power, but there are also closed Tianyu!

However, this overbearing voice has been echoing, but it has not been echoed for a long time!

Qiu Ming’s face suddenly gloomy, and the person who stood up was his beggar and the guardian of the Ming Dynasty’s bright face. Qiu Ming’s protector came to ask for sin, but the prehistoric big brother did not make it at all. Respond!

Many spectators have a goose bump, is this ignoring a power?

"Be bold!"

The sound of fury reveals that the eyes of Qiu Ming’s Guardian are roaring, and the beam released by the pupil splits the sky!

And as he breathes in his chest, it is even more scary than the boiling of the sea. If the tsunami sinks the earth, it is extremely powerful.

The entire broken domain, but also in the blink of an eye to the extreme!

Because of the rich life essence in the big field, in the process of the great power of the family, the beggars of Qiu Ming swallowed up, making his body infinitely magnificent and huge, seemingly and completely broken. Great domain integration!


Some people screamed, they are no longer in the city of the avenue, and the life is beginning to dry up, and the blood is declining!

Extremely **** picture, every breath of Qiu Ming's Guardian is extracting the gods of heaven and earth. This is the influence of his anger, the world has changed, the trees are withered, the mountains are cracked, and the oceans are almost steamed.

What is power, this is power!

"I can not stand it any more!"

In addition to the creatures in the avenue, the creatures that have not been withdrawn in this broken domain are on the ground, worshipping the Qiu Ming Guardians, and they are begging for mercy, praying for the mighty to spare their lives!

Under the wrath of the power, the blood and the sea will drift away, and will never pay attention to these weak creatures.

Only Su Yan and Zhu Yue stood behind the prehistoric big brother, they are innocent!

However, Su Yan was able to see that the world is changing, full of supremacy, time and space have been cut off, and the avenue has broken into cracks and sprinkled down the avenue fragments.

This large domain was directly separated, and the earth was closed, and it trembled with the breath of the Qiu Ming Guardian!

"Would the horrible Qiu Ming Guardian, can the Master be able to live? Since the coming of Tiantian, it will definitely bring the supreme means of killing the power!"

The Emperor Kangbo is eclipsed, which is too scary. It splits a large field and seals the earth. They seem to see the prehistoric big brother destroy it!

Only the energy of the Xue Guan Guardian is scary. When you touch the prehistoric big brother, the whole thing is like a mud cow into the sea, disappearing all the way!


Qiu Ming's Guardian's face changed slightly, staring at the prehistoric big brother and yelling: "Who are you, so easily relieve the power of my world, not a leisurely generation, not a new powerhouse!"

He is very clear about his ability, and the new big power will inevitably respond to it. It is not as easy as the prehistoric big brother!


Qiu Ming's Guardian was completely angry, because he still couldn't get a response. He yelled: "If you are not strong, you can ignore me again and again. You are really a big shelf. The peaks of the people of the world, the power of the people in front of my family is really not enough!"


The heavens and the earth have changed, the darkness is like ink, and the repressed kings are shuddering.

Then the world is violent, completely dark, and there is no way to reach out. The sun and the moon are all dying, and the whole world is going to bury the whole life!


There is a king screaming, crying, and mourning.

They are begging for mercy, but they are useless. The power of power is terrible. They are only affected by energy, but they are extremely difficult to bear in the body.

Even if the half-step power feels the essence of life, it will soon dry up, they are desperate and fearful. What is this? This is not for them at all, but they are facing death!

When the life of the heroes is about to return to the darkness, to the moment of calm...

The next moment they shivered, because in the darkness, suddenly there was a breath that was released, even at the beginning of the bloom, as if it were the sea of ​​the universe that collapsed the world!

"God man..."

A large number of strong people trembled and smashed the backbone!

In the darkness, a figure standing tall, infinitely magnificent and straight, and a beam of blood that his pores slightly revealed, tore the darkness.

Half-step big energy is petrified, it seems to see a little blood in his pores, crushed a powerful strong!

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