Overlord Wizard

Chapter 130 Exploring the Secret Land (Forty-five)

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At the same time that Anda and Zhao Hu flew backwards, there was a crackling sound on the ground, and hundreds of vines gushed out from under the earth and rocks, swishing around the two demons.

"Stupid humans, what effect do you think vines of this level can have?" The two demons smiled ferociously, and one of them said in a low voice.

After saying that, the two demons exerted their strength one by one, and more than a dozen of the hundreds of vines were broken, but the expressions of the two demons also changed. In the past, it would never have such an effect if it was controlled by a first-order magic of humans. But they didn't care, it was just that the whole body suddenly burst into dark green light, and the dark green flames shot up into the sky suddenly, turning the vines dry and twisted in an instant.

But at this moment, the four witches pressed the vines on the two demons, and mana poured in, and the vines returned to their original state in an instant. The crystal luster seems to be stronger than before.

At this time, Anda and Zhao Hu also limped over and pressed their hands.

In an instant, vines sprang out of the ground again and again, piercing towards the two demons. At the same time, the four metal tigers stopped spinning suddenly, and rushed towards the two demons, firmly biting their struggling limbs, trying to control them in place.

at the same time.

A strange color flashed in Li Luo's eyes, and a dark green figure flashed out from the void behind him, and his hands turned into black claws about a foot long and grabbed his back. His complexion remained unchanged, his body flickered, his body suddenly became blurred, and he moved a few meters away in an instant.

The leading demon twisted the broken iron in his hand, showing a hint of surprise. Li Luo touched his back with an ugly expression. The five claw marks had already been broken by Zhao Hu's unleashed armor, and his back was burning with pain, as if his skin had been ripped apart. But when he glanced at his hand, there was no blood flowing out, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But his heart became more and more serious. This demon easily broke through the defense of the first-order iron armor technique just by touching him. If it hit him completely, one can imagine the result.

Thinking of this, his face turned cold, and several fireballs shot towards the demon with his hands.


As soon as the fireball approached, the dark green flames on the demon's body exploded in vain, swallowing all the fireballs, and then the demon stomped on the ground again, exploding with a bang, and suddenly appeared in front of Li Luo.

This time, the devil carried the billowing flames in both hands, and came straight to Li Luo's chest.

Li Luo yelled violently, waved his hands, opened and closed the war blade, and billowing thunderbolt and colorful flames spewed out, turning into several brilliant knife lights, which collided with the dark green shadow of the fist.


The thunder and the seven-colored ground fire are like the nemesis of this evil energy. Although each claw of the demon in front of him looks fierce and abnormal, but under the interweaving of the thunder and the seven-colored flames, the magic flames collapsed, and the scales on his hands were even stronger. A burst of sparks flashed down, cracked open, and the pungent dark green liquid sizzled Li Luo's war blade, as if it had been corroded.

The demon withdrew his hands back, looking at Li Luo's war blade in disbelief.

"Evil Breaking Slash!" "Soul Slashing!"

Li Luo found the neutral position, and danced with ghostly steps under his feet, two cold lights flashed, the demon's chest suddenly clicked, and more than a dozen scales pierced and cracked, revealing two shallow scars. And at the moment the demon was injured, his body staggered and took a step back, and the protective magic flames on his body collapsed in a flash.

Li Luo's eyes lit up, and a flash of fire shot out with his hands, and eight fireballs rolled away with a flick of his sleeve robe, and with a few bangs, they hit the leader of the demon solidly.

After this series of attacks, Li Luo didn't stop his movements, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards the demon again.

Looking at this demon again, although he was not injured by the fireball, he still shook his head fiercely, as if he had been hit on the head by some heavy object.


In the void, Li Luo's battle blade shone with bursts of thunder, making the air friction and buzzing, and continued to slash towards the demon fiercely.

When the demon slowed down, his face changed slightly. In a hurry, he had to attach the protective magic flame to the body surface, and grabbed it with both hands, trying to block the blow.

As soon as the demon raised his hands, his eyes blurred, and the demonic flames on his body shook even more, appearing a little unstable, as if he was about to collapse immediately, and he was about to burst back in shock, but it was too late Night.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, and his whole body was spinning around the demon like a spinning top.

"Soul Slash!" "Evil Breaking Slash!"

The two martial arts swung out continuously, and all of them hit the demon solidly. During the dancing, thunder light and colorful flames intertwined, as if a thunder flame bloomed on the demon.

rub rub rub!

The demon withdrew dozens of steps in a row, and the flames on his body were completely dissipated, with traces of dark green blood continuously flowing out, and a pungent smell spread into Li Luo's nose.

Li Luo frowned slightly, taking advantage of the trauma to the demon's soul, he waved his hands and sent eight fireballs flying away.

And in a rumbling explosion, the demon was submerged.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the demon appeared a hundred meters away. After feeling his injury, he said coldly: "With this kind of magic, aren't you a bit too confident? Boom me, then let you taste the gap between human wizards and our demon priests!"

Hearing this, Li Luo's eyes tightened, and he fixed his eyes on the demon. Two kinds of light, one blue and one red, were shining brightly in his hands, and he began to say unknown spells in his mouth.

The leader of the demon sneered, and the dark green light in his hand was shining brightly, which instantly turned into billowing green flames and condensed. They're all dying quickly.

Seeing this, Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, but he still gathered his spells as usual.

But the next moment, the demon staggered, not only disintegrating all the evil fireballs in his hand, but he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of dark green blood.

"How is it possible, you just hurt my soul!"

The devil's ferocious face twisted for a while, revealing an unbelievable look. But then, the blue and red light in Li Luo's hand blazed, and an eight-meter-sized fireball rolled towards the demon, appearing in front of the demon with such a fast speed that it almost teleported.

It was obviously too late for the demon to dodge any more, and he only had time to fold his arms across his chest.


A wave of fire swept away in all directions. The rocks and vegetation were swept away by the fire wave, and they shattered and splashed away. The billowing debris and smoke rushed out in all directions, washing away everything in a radius of more than 300 meters. At the same time, Li Luo only felt tightness in his chest and sweetness in his mouth, and a small mouthful of blood spurted out and flew backwards. Anda had already paid attention to Li Luo's side, and had already pulled out the large shield earlier to protect everyone firmly in front of him, but they didn't suffer too much injury.

Li Luo slid for about 500 meters before stopping. He quickly pressed his hands to the ground and was about to try to stand up.

But then he touched it carefully with his hand, and turned his head to look, and the stalk of the earth vein magic bamboo shoot was being firmly held in his hand. Without the slightest hesitation, he pulled out the magic bamboo shoot with force and sent it into the interspatial bag.

Li Luo didn't care about his injuries, and after drinking a few bottles of healing potions in one gulp, he looked into the distance where the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

Soon, the demon stood there covered in blood, two arms were broken shoulder to shoulder, and one eye was blown to nowhere, revealing a blood hole the size of a baseball, with dark green streams flowing out. Blood spilled down on the ground.

After receiving such a serious injury, the demon didn't seem to be flustered, and he didn't have that contemptuous look in his eyes. He said in a low voice, "It seems that this commander underestimated you! Let me introduce myself, I am from the Nathrezim tribe." The second-order demon priest, his name is Diorik. Tell me your name, human being."

"Ailan." Li Luo replied flatly, without giving his real name.

The corner of Thiorik's face curled up, revealing an ugly smile: "It's not a good habit to lie." Afterwards, strands of dark green evil energy rolled over his two broken arms continuously, bone by bone The flesh and blood grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the two arms grew back in the blink of an eye.

Even so, Li Luo was keenly aware that the current aura of this Thiorik was still somewhat weaker than before.

Theorik glanced at Li Luo, his eyes turned scarlet. Then he let out a strange roar from the sky, and strands of dark elements continued to gather from the air, rushing towards his body. The originally clear sky suddenly darkened. The entire sky for several miles turned into pitch black in an instant.

But the pitch-black color seemed to be continuously absorbed by the demon, and it quickly rushed towards the demon, and all of it was absorbed into the demon's body.

Whoooo! Bursts of dark green gusts swept in all directions.

Thiorik's body began to rise, and he stopped when he reached a height of three meters. But then he covered his head again, his body staggered, and bowl-sized blood holes burst out of his body continuously, but wisps of dark green evil energy were filling in continuously. And with the help of evil energy, these blood holes suddenly re-grow traces of intertwined dark green granulation. After a few breaths, they are completely healed as before, and the exploded scale leaves grow again, glowing with a faint green light. , even harder than the beginning.

The aura of Tiorik's evil energy also began to rise steadily, and there was even a tendency to break through the limit of this world. A wave of monstrous magic power swept towards Li Luo and others. Except for Li Luo, everyone else felt as if As if the weight of Qianjun was on his body, he half-kneeled down. Although Li Luo didn't kneel down, his legs were still trembling, and streams of cold sweat kept coming out of his back, and he looked at Thisorik in shock.

Seeing this, Li Luo no longer hesitated, took out the earth vein magic bamboo shoots, and swallowed them in a few mouthfuls.

He only felt an unprecedented source of energy filling his whole body, and he couldn't help but let out a roar from the sky. The ground he was on seemed to have collapsed. Under a 100-meter-sized depression, there was a muffled thunder and it disappeared. in place.

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