Overlord Wizard

Chapter 131 Exploring the Secret Land (Forty-six)

The earth vein magic bamboo shoots are third-order wonders. After most of them entered Li Luo's body, under his powerful soul power, all the cells entered the body and began to strengthen. But with less than ten percent of the remaining energy, his fighting spirit, which had been suppressed by the world, surged in his body like a wild horse running wild.

Under the blessing of the sub-dragon-level physical body at the peak of the second-order and the violent fighting spirit, Li Luo's speed suddenly increased, and the whole person turned into a phantom and rushed towards Thiorik.

Thiorik was full of confidence at the beginning, but after feeling Li Luo's monstrous aura, his complexion changed, and he suddenly punched hard into the void on the upper right.

There was a "boom".

A ball of dark green evil energy flew out of the fist, and circled in a trickle. Then it turned into a black skull the size of a washbasin, and flew towards Li Luo who was attacking in mid-air.

"It's death entanglement!" Li Luo screamed in his heart, his body turned over at an incredible speed, his feet turned into a whip shadow and pulled towards Thiorik, and his body also bounced away towards the distance with this recoil force. .

However, as if the black skull had locked on to Li Luo, it let out a howl like ghosts and wolves in mid-air, and flew towards Li Luo like a dead ghost.

With his eyes fixed, Li Luo took out the golden shield that Zhao Hu had given him earlier, and threw it forward.

The golden shield turned into a size of ten feet, and under the golden light, a multicolored light curtain blocked in front of the shield. The black skull plunged headlong into the colorful light curtain, and the light curtain sizzled a few times before it shattered with a strange sound like a whine, and the black skull disappeared.

But at this moment, Li Luo's back suddenly jumped, and an unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped his heart.

He didn't even think about it, he stomped hard, the ground exploded, and the whole person moved a distance of more than forty meters.

Afterwards, amidst the sound of friction like an electric drill, Li Luo turned his head and saw that a black ray dissipated from where he was standing just now, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared on the shield. The entire golden shield They all quickly dimmed and turned into a piece of scrap iron that fell to the ground.

Theorik slowly withdrew his right hand, showing a look of great pity.

Li Luo looked at the fallen shield, his face sank, and the war blade in his hand clenched even more.

"I didn't expect that you, a mere human being, can have such speed. But sometimes it's useless to be fast!" Diorik said in a low voice, and at the same time his face was ferocious, and a glaring dark green light shone in his hands.

Then, the dark green light in Thiorik's hand became more and more intense, and a dark green fireball with a size of ten meters billowed out of his hand. The nearby void was distorted and blurred by this evil energy fireball, and wrinkles appeared faintly.

Li Luo was startled when he saw this.

"Is this demon going to die with me?"

With this thought in his mind, he frantically rushed towards the back.

But at the next moment, the demon smiled strangely, and threw the fireball into the air. Instead of exploding, it turned into a circle of dark green magic flames and swept away in all directions.

Mo Yan's speed was very fast. Although Li Luo's speed was not slow, he was still submerged in an instant.

"Hmph! After being hit by my evil eclipse fire, it's hard to leave the whole body behind!" Diorik said in a low voice, and turned to look at his two companions, his pupils shrinking.

At this time, Anda and the others were able to withstand the attack by relying on the defense of the shield of unknown grade. Beside them, two shriveled corpses lay there quietly, apparently without sound.

"What? Could it be that the vine is a young plant of Datura!?" Diorik yelled, then seemed to think of something, and turned to look in the direction where Li Luo was submerged by the fire wave.

After the evil fire dissipated, a figure entwined by vines knelt down half-kneeling on the ground, the two war blades in his hands were trembling unceasingly, as if his whole body was in great pain.

The vine slowly drew back and turned into a miniature vine and slipped into Li Luo's sleeve, and he stood up with difficulty.

If the mini vines hadn't taken the initiative to protect the lord just now, even if Li Luo didn't die, he would have been seriously injured here.

At this time, he looked at Theorik with serious eyes, and after winking at the others in a blink of an eye, he stomped again and disappeared in place.

Li Luo appeared in front of Tiorik like a ghost, and danced the war blade in his hand. In an instant, under the interweaving of lightning and colorful flames, it turned into overlapping shadows of knives and shrouded towards Tiorik.

But Thiorik didn't care about these sword shadows at all, and with a wave of his hand, another black skeleton rushed towards Li Luo.

Li Luo didn't intend to dodge either, he propped up the anti-energy shield, and prepared to take the blow forcefully.

As soon as the black skeleton approached, a howling sound of ghosts and wolves followed, and at the same time, under the influence of this evil energy, Li Luo's heart shrank suddenly, as if it was about to stop. An incomparable feeling of palpitation and palpitation rushed into Li Luo's mind, and there were many illusions in front of his eyes.

"It's not good! It's too big!" Li Luo yelled secretly, feeling a chill in his heart.

But the next moment, the protective heart on his neck suddenly shone brightly. As soon as the black skull wrapped around his body, it was swept away by the glow, and the glow swam around Li Luo's body. It made him regain consciousness.

And at this moment, a dark green palm continued to pat Li Luo.

boom! With a loud sound, "Li Luo" was scattered away by the palm of the evil energy.

Theorik was startled, turned around abruptly, and saw the humans in the distance, with a sneer, suddenly six first-order spells flew towards him, almost as soon as he turned around, the spells arrived in front of him.

Obviously, it was too late to take any defensive action at this time.

boom! Stab it! .

Explosions, piercing rubbing sounds, one after another, but the smoke and dust cleared, and the demon still stood there firmly, braving the dark green magic fire all over his body. It's just that now he seems to have suffered some injuries. Not only have the scales on his body exploded a lot, but even his thigh has been cut with a deep bone wound.

But at this moment, two meters behind him, Li Luo's figure suddenly emerged, and with a turn of the war blades in both hands, he disappeared in place again. Thiorik only felt a burning pain in his back, and two bloodstains appeared on his back, and his eyes were in a daze. He was slightly startled, as if he had thought of something.

"Demon Hunter! No wonder you can beat me like this!" Thiorik finally recognized the source of Li Luo's skills, and a trace of retreat finally appeared on his ferocious face.

But soon, everyone fired another round of spells at him.


With a flick of Diorik's hand, a dark green wave of fire surged out, sweeping towards many spells. The fel fire wave was really powerful. After colliding with many spells, it firmly blocked the fireball, wind blade and ice cone, and the fire wave also collapsed. But after casting this fel energy spell, the evil energy of Thiorik's body protection obviously dissipated a little, becoming extremely weak.

But at this moment, Theorik's complexion changed, and he turned to the left. Li Luo's figure appeared again, opened his mouth wide, and a ball of green magic flames gushed out, instantly turning Li Luo into a sea of ​​flames. The shape is submerged in.

But after the billowing green flame dissipated, where was Li Luo's shadow in the sky?

"Cunning human!" Seeing this, Diorik narrowed his eyes and punched behind him, and at the same time a deep voice sounded.

boom! With a bang, Li Luo just appeared behind him, only had time to let go of the war blade, crossed his hands in front of him, and was knocked backward by a powerful force.

Diorik ignored Li Luo, but glanced at the people in the distance, and then disappeared on the spot with a bang.

Anda is also a person with rich fighting experience. He ordered a few metal tigers to guard the crowd early on. The moment Thiorik disappeared, he activated a prepared bowl, and a golden light shield enveloped the crowd.

As soon as Theorik appeared, his complexion changed, but his eyes still flashed scarlet, and his fingers lit up with five glaring dark green lights, grabbing towards the golden mask.

Click, a crack appeared on the golden mask, but it didn't completely shatter.

Anda didn't even think about it, he slapped his chest fiercely and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the bowl, the golden mask shone brightly, and all the cracks recovered.

But then Diorik smashed several dark green fist shadows towards the mask.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The deafening bells continued to ring, and the mask flickered on and off as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.

Anda's heart was also raised in his throat, and another mouthful of mana blood was sprayed up. But the mask still flashed, and it was about to collapse.

And at this moment, Luo Li appeared ghostly behind Theorik again, and at some point a dazzling fire condensed in his hands.

Afterwards, Li Luo opened his mouth wide, and roared at Theorik in front of him, and a dragon's roar exploded beside the devil's ears.

Thiorik felt as if he had been hit by some heavy object on his soul, his body staggered, and the evil energy around him was forcibly crushed and dispersed.

Li Luo didn't hold back his hands, stepped back three meters, and pushed forward hard.


A fiery dragon then shot out, directly spraying on the scales on Theorik's back.

This was the first time that Luo Li released the Dragon Law spell on the demon, and he kept his eyes on Theorik's back.

As soon as the fire dragon spewed out, Li Luo heard a roar of dragon roaring towards Tiorik, and the evil energy that had just recovered from the demon's body collapsed and dissipated again. Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon continued unabated, rushing towards Thiorik's scales. In the blink of an eye, the dark green scales on his body quickly curled and exploded, and the entire back was roasted into a charred color by the fire dragon.

Theorik was startled, stepped on the ground with a slam, and appeared on the ground tens of meters away, staring at Li Luo closely with a look of shock on his face.

"Dragon law! How is it possible! How can a demon hunter master dragon law!"

Theoric growled, wanting to know the answer.

"Times have changed. Old stuff. The hunters of yesteryear have become the hunted. We are called hunter-demon-men!"

After Li Luo's words fell, the aura around him suddenly rose. Obviously, the magic bamboo shoots of the earth veins had been completely absorbed by him in this series of battles!

This time, Luo Li appeared directly in front of the demon.

Without saying a word, Diorik's arms swelled, and one arm was covered with billowing dark green magic fire, sweeping out like a flaming sickle.

Without saying a word, Li Luo shook his arms, and the colorful flames and electric lights suddenly lit up, and he punched out with "huh" and "huh".

The fist covered by colorful flames knocked away the demon's arm that was sweeping over, and the other lightning fist suddenly swelled its arm, carrying bursts of thunderous explosions, and punched Diorik hard in the chest pull out.



Theorik flew upside down in disbelief, his chest sank even more, and a big mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth with a snort, and a deep ravine was drawn along the way.

In the next moment, Li Luo was full of fighting spirit, he jumped in front of Theorik in a few jumps, and kicked him flying with a bang.

When An Da and the others saw Li Luo's performance, their expression changed in Mu.

"Is this still human?"

Zhao Hu swallowed, and said tremblingly.

The four witches covered their little mouths. At first they were terrified, but the next moment their eyes were full of stars, and they fixed their eyes on Li Luo and couldn't look away.

Looking at Li Luo again, his figure flashed suddenly, and appeared above Tiorik again, and kicked Tiorik down from the air with a kick.


, As soon as the ground touched Tiorik, there was a pause, and a huge crater sank down with a bang.

Li Luo's figure flashed, and as soon as the huge pit emerged, he rode on Theorik's body, clenched his fists hard, and his arms swelled more than a circle out of thin air.


"Bang bang bang bang bang!."

Countless fists glowing with flames and lightning enveloped Thiorik. At first, Thiorik fought back a few times, but soon under the shadow of dense fists, his arms loosened and he gradually lost his voice.

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