Overlord Wizard

Chapter 132 Changes in the Secret Realm

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The slain Diorik was placed together with the corpses of many demons, and a medium-sized sacrificial circle enveloped these corpses.

Two hours later, a ten-meter-sized milky-white mass of essence appeared in Li Luo's hand, and he divided it into ten parts and distributed it to each of the people. Finally, Li Luo gave another part to Anda, and devoured them all. .

After rectifying, everyone sat around together.

"Brother Ailan, it's really strange that so many demons appeared at once. We have to go back to the base and inform the others." Zhao Hu said to Li Luo with a solemn expression as soon as he sat down.

Li Luo nodded and said, "Brother Zhao Hu is right, brother Anda, how do you feel?" Then, his eyes turned to Anda again.

Anda waved his hand when he heard the words, and said solemnly: "It's okay. I also have the blood-enriching potion that brother Zhao Hu made. In addition, I absorbed two copies of the soul essence just now. It's all right now. It's not too late. Let's go back to the base as soon as possible." Let me know."

Seeing Anda's seriousness, Li Luo's heart skipped a beat. Usually this guy always looks lazy, and he takes this matter so seriously, which shows how bad things are.

Thinking of this, he also stood up and hugged everyone with both fists: "The matter is urgent now, let's go back quickly. Irene and Ivy are from the same academy as me, so it's good to go together, and the rest of you go together. Be sure to return to the base as soon as possible."

Several people looked at each other, nodded, and flew up.

Li Luo had a lot of mana potions, and after giving some of them to Irene and Ivy, the three of them flew back towards the base day and night.

Along the way, Ivy wanted to say something, but Irene stopped them all. Luo Li also sensed Ivy's abnormality, but he didn't make it clear, just continued to play the role of a lone wolf.

Soon, the three returned to the base.

Li Luo walked quickly with the two witches, and soon came to Aianna's room.

After half an hour.

With a serious face, Aianna continuously tapped runes one by one on a witchcraft, muttering even more, the witchcraft in her hand began to flash with light, and then a beam of light sank into the void and disappeared.

"I didn't expect that the two girls, Irene and Ivy, were not killed in battle. This is really great. As the team leader, I am very grateful to you for bringing them back. This time you found a lot of demons, which is considered a great contribution. Father asked you for credit." Aianna glanced at Irene and Ivy, and said in a very pleasant voice.

Ivy curled her lips, and simply sat aside, leisurely playing with a space bag.

"Hey~ Really. This time the lone wolf took our sisters to hunt the little Balrog and the tree man. We got a lot of original fire and original wood. In the end, our sisters were a little embarrassed It's over." Ivy weighed the interspatial bag and said with some complacency.

Aianna's face turned red when she heard this, and she didn't have the nerve to attack, but just looked at Li Luo with some resentment.

Li Luo spread his hands, looking innocent, and then seemed to think of something, said: "The dean asked me to get back a copy of the original fire, I still have three copies, so I will give you one. Yes Yes. Remember to say something nice to me in front of the dean."

Li Luo turned his hand and took out a sealed ball, and handed it to Aianna: "Then see you later, miss."

Li Luo didn't wait for Aianna to thank him, and walked out without looking back.

"Hey!" Aianna wanted to stop Li Luo, but saw Ivy flushed with anger, and she looked bad.

Glancing at Ivy proudly, Aianna took the original fire and walked towards the closed room outside.

After Li Luo got out of the room, he walked all the way, rented a closed room, and couldn't get out behind closed doors.

After entering the room, Li Luo sat cross-legged on the bed and began to carefully check his own state.

First of all, his physical body has reached the strength of a third-order earth knight. In addition to the suppressed fighting spirit, both cell vitality and physical fitness have already possessed the potential of an earth knight. Advanced Earth Knight.

Secondly, the strength of the wizard has skyrocketed, and now it has reached the middle stage of the first-order wizard. It can effectively mobilize the elemental energy in the void, and with the blessing of the original fire and the original wood, Li Luo's magic power is almost comparable to that of the same class. invincible.

Again, the datura seedling in his hand, which was called by the demon he fought earlier, seemed to be growing faster than he expected, and it was faintly about to break through to the peak level of the first-order demonized plant.

Next, he didn't know what would happen in the secret realm, and if something went wrong, he could only retreat and meditate first, and continue to improve his own strength. As for why he didn't continue to absorb the essence to improve, it was because he had to rely on this period of time to turn the absorbed cultivation base into his own strength. This is like giving a patient a blood transfusion. The ultimate goal is to make the patient better and improve his physical fitness.

During this retreat, Li Luo was pleasantly surprised to find that his meditation efficiency was astonishingly high. Not only did some small troubles hidden in the depths of the soul be melted away, but even the spiritual power increased by meditation was amazingly fast. He estimated that according to this speed, it was several times faster than others.

For Li Luo's retreat, three months passed in a flash. During his retreat, a series of rumors came out in the secret realm.

First, the deans outside the secret realm reached an agreement to send twice as many people to the secret realm.

Second, a portal connecting to the demon world was found in the secret realm, and low-level demons were constantly teleporting in.

Three, the colleges put aside their respective battles for the time being, and go all out to kill demons and close the portals.

Fourth, the eliminated academies also once again sent wizards to enter the secret realm.

Fifth, the "Magic Blood Tower" wizard organization, one of the three major wizarding academies in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, unexpectedly defected, and all members fell to the demon camp, and overnight, all members of the Demon Blood Tower disappeared. , lost sight.

On this day, Li Luo also woke up, his eyes seemed to have two brilliant lights flashing away, and his whole mana surged, causing the air to explode with a trace of electric light crackling.

"The mid-term limit of the first-order wizard. It's almost the late-stage first-order wizard. But, it seems to be stuck here." Li Luo muttered to himself, stood up, and walked outside.

While walking, Li Luo frowned, listening to the discussions of the wizard apprentices around him, and pulled one of the apprentices over to question him.

After listening to this apprentice's narration, Li Luo felt more and more necessary to go out.

A month later, he appeared in a bluestone house at the base of the White Elephant Tower. Across from him, sat Anda.

Li Luo pulled out a staff and a cross sword and handed them over, said lightly: "Do you have the ability to refine a cross sword like this for me? The specific enchanting effect is this. The staff you gave me last time, It can also be smelted."

Anda smiled when he heard the words: "Five thousand magic stones. I can also add rare materials obtained during this period of time to you, so as to ensure that the refined cross sword can not only kill demons, but also increase your strength. Spell power!"

Hearing this, Li Luo was silent for a moment, then nodded, "This is the magic stone, you put it away." Afterwards, Li Luo took out a space bag and handed it to Anda.

The latter, after receiving the items, walked out of the room and walked towards the crafting room.

Li Luo stayed in Anda's room for more than a month before Anda came back.

Seeing Anda's tired face, Li Luo's eyes lit up. This cross sword can tire the top craftsmen of the White Elephant Tower to such an extent.

Sure enough, when Anda took out the refined cross sword from the interspatial bag, the whole sky began to darken, as if countless dark clouds shrouded the top of the cross sword.

Li Luo took a closer look, and found that the cross sword was one meter and five meters long and one inch wide, with runes flashing on it, forming a series of mysterious lines, and blue-purple brilliance flashed continuously on the sword, a chilling and deep feeling Temperament emanates from the sword body involuntarily, and emits bursts of buzzing, as if full of soul.

But at this moment, there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky.

The cross sword swished out of Anda's hand and flew into the air.


A golden lightning struck down and landed on the cross sword, covering the entire blade in a flash of lightning.

Then, with a buzz, colorful light spots in the air densely rushed towards the cross sword, enveloping the cross sword at once, forming an oval eggshell.

Lightning began to fall from the sky again, pouring into the six-colored eggshells, making a sizzling sound, and at the same time, storms swept in all directions.

"This is an epic-quality witchcraft that is about to be born!" Many apprentices of the White Elephant Tower looked into the air and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Click! .

The lightning fell down at once, and it took ten strikes before it stopped.

Then, the six-colored eggshells in the air suddenly shone brightly, and with a buzzing sound, the cross sword flew out and swished in front of Anda.


The whole body of the sword was purple in color, exuding bursts of eye-catching blue light, shaking constantly, making a buzzing sound, as if longing for the master to pull it out.

Li Luo's eyes were fixed, and he shook his right hand towards the hilt of the sword, and an endless fighting spirit shrouded the sword body.

But at this moment, the cross sword made a loud trembling sound, and under the radiant light, all of Li Luo's fighting spirit and magic power involuntarily poured into the sword.

The infusion was so fast that within a few breaths, his mana and battle energy had bottomed out. But fortunately, it didn't continue to absorb.

Afterwards, the light of the sword shrank and turned into a simple color, and Li Luo pulled it up with all his strength.

After Anda handed Li Luo another scabbard, he walked towards his room with a tired face.

Li Luo touched the blade of the Cross Sword, pondered for a moment, and murmured, "I'll call you Hei Yao from now on."

After putting away the cross sword, Li Luo walked out of the base of the White Elephant Tower under the envious eyes of many apprentices.

A month later, Li Luo came to a stretch of tents, which was the frontline camp for fighting demons in the secret realm.

After registering his identity, he walked towards the front line of the battle alone.

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