Su Group, President's Office.

Su Qingcheng gritted her teeth, slapped the desk in front of her fiercely, and said angrily: "I won't say anything about being knocked out. This guy is doing well now. He doesn't even reply to my messages or answer his calls."

Thinking of Lin Chen's tricking her just now, Su Qingcheng became annoyed for a while, and at the same time, there was a trace of worry on her brows.

After all, she knew Xue Haiqi's character well, and it was undoubtedly difficult to get back the payment from him, and Lin Chen didn't reply to her messages for such a long time, so there shouldn't be any accidents.

Just when she was about to get up to find Lin Chen.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open.

Secretary Chen Wen walked in.

Seeing Su Qingcheng wake up, Chen Wen said excitedly: "President, you are awake, I just received good news."

"What good news?"

Su Qingcheng frowned.

"The accountant told me just now that the 100 million payment owed by Yuhuang Company to the group has arrived. This will solve our urgent need."

Seeing Chen Wen's excited look, Su Qingcheng subconsciously froze.

Based on her understanding of Xue Haiqi, the boss of Yuhuang Company, that guy is like a housekeeper for demolition. No matter how they talk with the group's legal counsel, they will not receive a single cent of the payment from Yuhuang Company.

The most important thing is that every time the legal staff failed to return home, some were even severely beaten by Yuhuang Company.

Now, what is the situation?

Could it be that the sun came out from the west today?

"In addition to the necessary expenses, the rest of the 100 million yuan will be handed over to the research and development department, and the investment in the trace cream will be increased."

Soon, Su Qingcheng recovered and said calmly.

Although she believes that Lin Chen has a way to study the trace cream, eggs cannot be put in one basket, and she has to try.

Since the Xu family can research it, why can't they?

Su Qingcheng was born to be strong, so naturally he didn't want to be inferior.

"Yes, President."

Chen Wen nodded, and then said with a smile: "The president really knows people with his eyes."

Su Qingcheng snorted and rolled her eyes: "That's up to you."

Obviously, it is self-evident whose credit it is to be able to successfully get back the payment from Yuhuang Company.

But how did he do it?

Confused, Su Qingcheng called Lin Chen again.

This time, the call went through.

I saw a mean voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Honey, have you received the payment? How is it? Is your husband good?"

Hearing Lin Chen's tone of asking for credit, the corners of Su Qingcheng's lips curled up slightly: "Tell me quickly, how did you take down Xue Haiqi."

"Hee hee, secret."

Lin Chen chuckled: "Of course my wife, if you really want to know, let me tonight

Move to your bedroom and I'll tell you. "

"But we're not married yet..."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng's pretty face blushed.

Although she has already had a relationship with Lin Chen and they are honest with each other, she is still a traditional woman in her bones.

Seeing Su Qingcheng's hesitation, Lin Chen simply stopped being embarrassed, and immediately sighed: "Pity my big baby, I have to endure it for a month."

"Lin Chen! Can you stop being such a hooligan!"

Su Qingcheng was so ashamed, her snow-white neck was filled with a blush in the blink of an eye.

"It's only natural for me to be a hooligan to my wife, otherwise you would want to see me treat other women..."

Before Lin Chen could finish speaking, Su Qingcheng said coquettishly, "How dare you."

Then her voice changed, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "Xiaofei won't come back tonight, we..."

"Yes, my wife, I promise to pay the food on time tonight."

Sensing that there was an opportunity to take advantage of, Lin Chen uttered this sentence and quickly hung up the phone.

I'm afraid that if I'm a second late, my wife will regret it.


At this time, in the Cadillac driving on the road.

Seeing Lin Chen hang up the phone, Wang Beibei asked softly in the cab: "Brother Chen, why don't you marry the CEO yet?"

"You don't have other women outside, do you?"

"Go, go, what do you know, little girl!" Lin Chen said angrily.

In fact, he also wanted to get a marriage certificate with his wife as soon as possible, but the marriage should be on a good day. He used to think it was a feudal superstition of the ancients, but since he cultivated immortality, everything he did was related to his luck.

Among them, the major event of marriage has a profound impact on luck. If you choose the right person and time, after marriage, the bottlenecks on his road to immortality will be reduced a lot.

"My sister said that men are big pigs, and when they get married, they will love the new and hate the old."

"So if you don't marry the president, you just want to keep it fresh, right?"

Wang Beibei thought he had discovered Lin Chen's secret, and said proudly.

Lin Chen has black lines all over his head.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to teach the little girl, there was a loud bang from across the road.

This turn of events scared Wang Beibei into a panic and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms.

Feeling the soft twin peaks, Lin Chen couldn't help smiling, thinking: I didn't see that, this little girl has quite a lot of capital.

Looking back, following the reputation, a Lamborghini collided with a large truck across the road.

Due to the collision between the two, no matter how good the airbag facilities inside the Lamborghini are, they are still not enough to look at in front of a large truck.

Well-wishers passing by

They stretched out their helping hands one after another, and together they tore open the door of the battered Lamborghini, and then dragged the people inside out.

Lin Chen glanced over.

It was found that the injured person was about his age, and his suit had already been soaked in blood. The most serious thing was that the injured person had only one breath left. If he didn't take action, the injured person would definitely die when the ambulance arrived.

"It's really what you say."

Lin Chen sighed inwardly.

Accumulating merit will also be of great benefit to his future practice.

Forget it, I will take action today to protect your heart.

"Beibei, you go back to the company first, I still have something to attend to, if the president asks, just say I'll be right back."

Lin Chen greeted Wang Beibei, then opened the car door and walked across the road.

Seeing this, Wang Beibei also wanted to get out of the car, but when he saw the scene of the car accident, he felt timid and had to turn around and return to the company.

at the same time.

When he came to the crowd, Lin Chen stretched out his middle finger and index finger, and pressed directly towards the two acupuncture points on the injured person's heart.

Everyone nearby was dumbfounded.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

"The ambulance is coming soon. Do you want the injured to survive the ambulance?"

"Come and take this kid away."

Everyone condemned Lin Chen one after another.

Lin Chen ignored it, felt the pulse of the injured person, and then shook his head.

The impact caused by the two vehicles traveling at full speed caused serious arrhythmia of the injured, and the heart would fall into sudden arrest all the time.

"Is there anyone selling silver needles around here?"

Lin Chen asked.

"The pharmacy over there should have it."

Someone pointed me in a direction.

"Don't let anyone touch him until I come back."

After saying this, Lin Chen ran towards the pharmacy.

Not long after.

A siren sounded, and the ambulance and family members rushed to the scene one after another.

The family member of the injured was an old man with a square face about seventy years old, exuding an inexplicable majesty with every gesture.

At first glance, he is a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

Seeing the bloody wounded, the old man showed anxiety on his face, which was always calm and pretentious: "Where is the nurse, save my son!"

After speaking, he coughed hard.

The middle-aged man accompanying him patted him on the back and said, "Master Long, the young master will be fine, your body is important."

The nurses were carrying the stretcher and were about to lift the injured up.

At this time, a stopping voice came: "If you don't want him to die, don't touch him yet!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was stunned and looked at Lin Chen who was running towards the injured.

The next moment, under the eyes of everyone, Lin Chen rolled up his sleeves and punched the patient hard at the heart!

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