Overnight Success

Chapter 21 Brother Died

"Damn it—!"

Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath and were stunned.

No one thought that the man in front of him, when the wounded was seriously injured and dying, added another fire, and punched the wounded hard in the heart. You are afraid that the wounded will not die!

And after this punch, the wounded stood up suddenly, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground again with his head up.

The old man clutched his chest, pointed at Lin Chen and shouted angrily, "Boy, who sent you here!"

Apparently, his son was in a car accident, and now this young man even made amends to his son face to face.

This is to want the life of his son!

"Get my son on the stretcher quickly."

The old man didn't care about punishing Lin Chen, and immediately yelled at the medical staff.

The medical staff came to their senses, glared at Lin Chen angrily, carried the injured onto the stretcher, and immediately got into the ambulance and left.

"Boy, tell me, who ordered you to do this?"

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Chen sharply and said.

But Lin Chen ignored the middle-aged man at all, put one hand in his pocket, turned and left.

The last punch just now, on the one hand, used the strength of the fist to disperse the blood congestion near the injured person's heart, on the other hand, the fist was mixed with silver needles, and the silver needles were used to seal the acupuncture points and hang the injured person's heart veins.

In this way, the injured can already make it to the hospital, and there will be no danger of sudden cardiac arrest on the way.

Seeing that Lin Chen wanted to leave, the middle-aged man stretched out his palm, just about to grab Lin Chen's shoulder.

Unexpectedly, he was hit by a strong shock, which made his palms go numb.

Lin Chen glanced at him sideways, "If you dare to touch me again, the end will not be so simple."

He knew that his actions just now were misunderstood by everyone, but so what?

Everything should be done with a clear conscience, why does he need to explain to others how he behaves?

"Boy, you..."

The middle-aged man's expression turned cold, and he had just ignited a fierce fighting spirit, but was interrupted by the old man: "That's enough Sun Tzu, let him go."

"But, dragon..."

Before Sun Wu could finish speaking, the old man directly stopped him from continuing with a sharp look in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Chen's fading back, Sun Wu turned to the old man and said in a low voice: "Master Long, he did that to the young master, and you just let him go so easily?"

"You are not his opponent, let's go to the hospital.


The old man said slowly that he had seen countless people in his life, and although Lin Chen's behavior angered him at the moment just now, from the beginning to the end, he never saw that Lin Chen had any hostility towards them.

Therefore, he was able to judge that this young man should not have been sent by that person.


I hailed a taxi just as Lin Chen was about to return to the company.

The phone rang suddenly.

Opened it and saw that it was Niu Dafu calling.

Niu Dafu is his buddy, who is in the same class in elementary school and junior high school. When he first left the society and had no money to eat, Niu Dafu took 200 out of the 500 a month for food to support him.

Sometimes, he even thought that if there was no Niu Dafu, maybe he would have starved to death on the street.

Thinking like this, Lin Chen immediately connected the phone.

Unexpectedly, an anxious female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Are you Dafu's brother?"

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, and instinctively said: "What's the matter, what happened to him?"

"I am his wife. Dafu was working on a construction site and was hit by falling cement on his waist. The doctor said that his lumbar spine was broken and needed an operation. If it is not timely, he will probably be paralyzed in his next life."

As he spoke, crying came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Chen frowned and said, "Then hurry up and have surgery, what are you waiting for!"

Hearing this, the crying on the other end of the phone became louder.

"The doctor said that the operation fee is 500,000, and there is still a risk of half the operation failure. I asked the construction site, but they didn't care about it. There is no way. I once heard Dafu say that you are his best brother. Please help us. Happy family!"

"Which hospital?" Lin Chen tried to calm down and asked.

"The First Hospital, Department of Orthopedics, Room 401."

"Okay." Lin Chen just hung up the phone when he saw a series of messages from Su Qingcheng.

"Where are you and why haven't you come back?"

"What happened?"

"Lin Chen, you have to see, please reply to my message, I am really worried about you."

After hesitating for a while, Lin Chen briefly told Su Qingcheng everything about Niu Dafu.

Soon, his account received a remittance of 500,000 yuan.

I saw Su Qingcheng replied: "It's important to save people, come back early."

Immediately, Lin Chen almost burst into tears,

Taking a deep breath, he then asked the driver to go directly to the No. 1 Hospital.

The first hospital is located in the cloud

The center of Huai City has a long history and strong medical resources.

Lin Chen came to the orthopedic inpatient department. He just stepped into room 401 when he saw a young woman with red eyes holding a one-year-old fat boy in her arms.

As for Niu Dafu, his face was pale, lying on the hospital bed, his lips trembling constantly.

It can be seen that the fracture of the lumbar spine caused him unbearable pain.

Seeing Lin Chen coming, Niu Dafu squeezed out a smile: "Brother Chen, why are you here?"

"If it wasn't for younger siblings, how long are you going to keep it from me?"

Lin Chen walked up to Niu Dafu's bed, and said badly.

"Xiaoli told you?"

As he said that, Niu Dafu glared at the young woman who was hugging the fat boy: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I just have a cold, and I'll be fine in a few days."

"I'm already planning to sell the house. Even if it's a waste of money, your disease must be cured. You're about to collapse. How do you let me and my children live?"

Li Xiaoli hugged the child, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Xiao Li, why are you so stubborn? The director has already said that the operation for my disease is not 100% successful. It's not worth it to gamble for me."

Niu Dafu sighed.

"No matter what you say, I have already decided that the house is gone, and I can earn money to buy it, but if you are paralyzed, what will our mother do?"

Seeing the two arguing, Lin Chen didn't speak.

He can see that Li Xiaoli is very beautiful and has a good figure. Even if she abandons Dafu, she may be able to marry a good family again.

But she didn't do that, and instead wanted to treat Dafu without hesitation, which made Lin Chen sigh.

My brother really married a good wife.

"Don't argue, Dafu is my brother, I will pay for the operation."

Lin Chen interrupted the dispute between the two, and turned to Li Xiaoli and said, "Dafu is right. If there is no house, where will you and your child live?"

"Brother Kechen, where did you get the half a million dollars?"

Niu Dafu knows that Lin Chen works in a maintenance company every day, and he doesn't want his brother to be in debt because of him.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was a little embarrassed, and muttered in his heart: "Although I don't have one, my wife does."

At this time.

Outside the door, a loud voice came.

"Have you considered it?"

"The beds in the hospital are limited. If you don't pay, don't blame me for driving you out."

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