Overnight Success

Chapter 267 I Want To See, What Do You Call It Later?

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Xue Minghao covered his head and panted heavily.

"What's wrong with me, my head hurts..."

Seeing Xue Minghao wake up from the coma, the scene fell silent instantly.

It seems that at this moment, the huge venue is not a medical exchange meeting, but a quiet library.


Everyone on the scene looked at Xue Minghao, their pupils filled with disbelief.

They couldn't believe that Xue Minghao really woke up!

However, Lin Chen only used three silver needles, what kind of medical technique is this!

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked beyond measure.

"What's your expression, what happened to me just now, what are you talking about?"

Seeing everyone's eyes staring like copper bells, Xue Minghao looked confused.

Seeing this, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and then he stepped forward and retracted the silver needle that was pierced on Xue Minghao's head with a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

Xue Minghao cried out in pain.

The next moment, he slowly remembered what had happened.

"By the way, didn't I want to compete with Lin Chen? Then, then I was broken..."

As Xue Minghao said, he suddenly looked at Gu Yannian and asked, "Teacher, what's wrong with me, you must know, right?"

Perhaps because of his emotional agitation, Xue Minghao stood up from the ground.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned.


These days, vegetative people are just waking up, but they can stand up right now.


It's really off the charts!

Everyone even wondered if this matter would become a great miracle in the history of medicine if it got out.

Seeing that Xue Minghao looked like a normal person, Gu Yannian's eyes were dull, and he murmured subconsciously: "How is it possible, how is it possible for you to wake up..."

At this moment, Gu Yannian had mixed feelings in his heart.

From the perspective of the master-student relationship, he very much hoped that Xue Minghao could wake up.

Xue Minghaoqing

Waking up, this also means that he is the loser in this competition.

This Lin Chen really saved the vegetable on the spot!

"Teacher, what are you talking about? Why can't I wake up." Xue Minghao was very anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

What the hell happened!

Why did he wake up and found that everyone looked at him as if he had seen hell!

Simply, Xue Minghao stopped thinking about it, and turned to Lin Chen and said viciously: "Boy, we haven't competed yet!"

"Come on, just wait to be crushed by me today!"

Hearing Xue Minghao's confident tone, everyone looked as weird as they could.

Still have a try, big brother!

Have you figured out the situation, you almost became a vegetable!

"Minghao, don't be impulsive."

After recovering, Gu Yannian said slowly.

Although, he didn't think that Lin Chen really had the ability to save the vegetative, but what happened at the scene made him admit it!

In front of him, this young man used the acupuncture method of traditional Chinese medicine that he had never seen before to wake Xue Minghao up.

Seeing that Gu Yannian's face was extremely ugly, Xue Minghao asked, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you all so weird, let me meet this kid today!"

After finishing speaking, when Xue Minghao was about to step forward, he was stopped by Gu Yannian.

next second.

Gu Yannian said in a deep voice: "Minghao, don't you want to know what happened just now?"

"Let me tell you, this kid didn't know what method he used to turn you into a vegetable, and then rescued you."

"..." Xue Minghao opened his mouth wide, his throat rolled down and said: "Teacher, you are not joking!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he dismissed this idea.

With Gu Yannian's style of work, he would never lie to him. Could it be that this kid really turned him into a vegetable?

No wonder, there was a tearing pain in his head.

Thinking of this, Xue Minghao endured

I couldn't help taking two steps back, my back was already wet with cold sweat.

"Impossible, teacher, do you think this kid is lucky!"

Xue Minghao couldn't bear the medical skills he was always proud of being crushed by Lin Chen, so he questioned.

Upon hearing this.

Gu Yannian's eyes flickered, he slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, this kid must be lucky."

Thinking about it this way, it all makes sense.

He said, at Lin Chen's age, how could he have such a shocking method to save the vegetative people.

Seeing that Gu Yannian and others blamed all this on luck, Yan Kuan's lungs were about to explode.

He immediately dissatisfied and said: "You are all well-known experts in the medical field, don't you feel unconscionable when you say this?"

"If this is luck, then can I also say that your successful treatment of vegetative people in the past is also good luck?"

Gu Yannian didn't think so, and sneered, "Then ask everyone here if they agree that this kid really has the means to cure a vegetative state."

Almost all the people here today are practitioners of western medicine, so if western medicine is eliminated, it will be a disgraceful thing for them.

"Expert Gu is right, this kid is just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

"If he really has such a heaven-defying ability, how could he remain anonymous."

"That's right! With the current medical equipment, it is impossible to effectively treat vegetative patients. How can acupuncture and moxibustion be cured?"

Hearing that everyone was obviously dissatisfied, Yan Kuan was extremely angry.

Obviously, these people are looking at Chinese medicine through colored glasses.


At this moment, Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Since you are not convinced, then I will cure you until you accept it today!"

After saying that, he held the silver needle between his fingers and walked slowly towards Xue Minghao who was looking terrified.

"You just like to scream when you wake up, don't you? Then I'll see if you can scream!"

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