Overnight Success

Chapter 268: Lost In A Crushing Defeat

Looking at the silver needle in Lin Chen's hand, Xue Minghao instinctively shivered.

Immediately, a look of fear appeared in his pupils, and he tremblingly said: "You, don't come here, I tell you, you'd better not mess around..."


Lin Chen smiled contemptuously, then he glanced around and said loudly: "Since you say it's luck, then I advise you to widen your eyes and take a good look to see if it's luck."

As soon as his words fell, the silver needle in his hand had already shot out quickly, and pierced into Xue Minghao's Baihui acupoint again in the blink of an eye.

"You do not want……"

Speaking of this, Xue Minghao's voice stopped abruptly, and he fell stiffly to the ground again.


See this scene.

Everyone was speechless for a while...

Faintly, he even felt some sympathy for Xue Minghao...

"Expert Gu, I've made a move just now, why don't you do it this time?"

Hearing Lin Chen's slightly joking tone, Gu Yannian's face completely darkened.

He knew that this kid was clearly doing it on purpose to keep him from stepping down.

"Why, where's the confidence in your practice of simulation theory?"

Lin Chen continued to sarcastically:

"Couldn't be, your Western medicine is only on paper, but it becomes a paper tiger when it comes to practice."

"Boy, don't go too far!" At this moment, among the crowd, a professional in western medicine said: "Expert Gu, please help me restore my dignity in western medicine, and let this kid know why my western medicine is the trend of the times. "

Hearing this, Gu Yannian even wanted to strangle him to death.

What the hell, you kid deliberately tricked me!

Do you really think you can save a vegetable by yourself?

If he really had the ability to save a vegetative person, he would have already become an immortal hero in the medical field!

Seeing Gu Yannian's lack of action, Lin Chen smiled faintly: "Since Expert Gu is unwilling to make a move, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"This time, you all widen your eyes, show me!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he repeated the previous process and gave Xue Minghao another injection!

not for a while.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xue Minghao woke up again with a dazed expression.


Everyone has colorful expressions.

There is no more contempt, contempt...the only thing left is fear and admiration.

It can be seen that this time, Lin Chen completely conquered all of them with his strength.

With just three silver needles, he could save the patient on the spot.

Living vegetatives, let alone masters, even those ancient living fossils, can't do it!

Even if Hua Tuo is alive, I am afraid he will have to bow down.

Lin Chen took back the silver needle, looked at everyone and said calmly: "Who dares to question my medical skills?"

"Those who like to question can jump out, I will let you experience for yourself what it is like to be a vegetable."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at him.

The atmosphere was unusually silent.

Everyone here is not a fool, you can say it was luck once, but the second time, if you talk about luck, then they really can't hold back this face.

However, the young man in front of him is too young. It is unimaginable that he can possess such shocking medical skills at such an age.

"Teacher, I can't be stabbed into a vegetable again and become a tool man?"

At this time, Xue Minghao came to Gu Yannian again, broke the silence and asked.

Gu Yannian sighed slightly.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning was very clear.


Xue Minghao sat down on the ground, completely dumbfounded.

It's not hard to imagine that if Lin Chen didn't save him well, wouldn't he be paralyzed on the bed for the rest of his life, and all his fame, wealth and status would be far away from him by then...

"How did you do it?"

Gu Yannian said slowly.

The whole person is bowed, as if he has aged ten years.

"As you can see, the acupuncture and moxibustion methods I use are Chinese medicine handed down from China." Lin Chen said leisurely, "Western medicine and Chinese medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no need for one to overwhelm the other."

"As a doctor, one should take saving people as one's own responsibility. The medical skills that can save patients well are good medical skills."

"Western medicine has quick results, but often side effects are not small. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on nourishing and warming, and pays attention to gradual progress. The treatment cycle is often longer, but no matter what kind of treatment, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine according to the patient's condition."

"I hope that after today, through this lesson, you can face up to Chinese and Western medicine, and don't indulge in your ridiculous pride."

Lin Chen's voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear him clearly.

After a brief silence, warm applause broke out at the scene.

"Lin Gaoren, you are worthy of the name of a master, today really opened our eyes, and we are convinced that we lost."

"Yes, we actually discarded the basics and chased the last, neglecting to learn the precious medical skills left by our ancestors.

It is absurd to think about what kind of Western medicine to study. "

"From today, I will instill the concept of Chinese medicine into my children, so that Chinese medicine will continue to be passed on."


Everyone kept talking, with affirmation of Lin Chen in their words.

It can be seen that Lin Chen's second shot not only won the competition, but also won the hearts of the people.

Here, seeing many practitioners of western medicine speak for Chinese medicine, Yan Kuan and Huang Zhengxiang looked at each other, and they were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

For many years, their Chinese medicine has been unpopular, and even called a cancer of the industry. Until today, their Chinese medicine has finally straightened up, and all of this was brought to them by Lin Chen.

Without Lin Chen, they don't know how long they would have to be aggrieved before they could be proud.

With this in mind, all the scholars in the audience who love Chinese medicine paid deep respect to Lin Chen.

The respect is beyond words.

However, compared to the surging hearts of everyone, there are always a few people whose faces are as pale as paper.

Gu Yannian staggered, but thanks to Xue Minghao's timely support, he did not fall to the ground.

"Teacher, what should we do now?" Xue Minghao gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "Are we just admitting defeat like this? That's only one hundred million!"

For him, what he doesn't want to see more than the 100 million is that Lin Chen becomes the center of the audience and is praised by everyone.

Originally, this scene should belong to him!

In particular, he noticed that Fang Yuan in the back seat was looking at Lin Chen with a different look in his eyes.

It's like the satisfaction and pride of seeing a loved one achieve success.

This made him feel very angry.

Because from the beginning to the end, he had never confronted Lin Chen head-on, and he was regarded as a tool man and was repeatedly used for competition.

"We hit the floor this time."

Gu Yannian let out a long sigh, his brows were full of loneliness.

Obviously, not only did he lose to a young man in his early twenties today, but he also lost completely.

"Let's go, the mystery of Chinese medicine in Huaguo is beyond my expectation. If we continue to stay here, it will only be more embarrassing. Buy a ticket immediately, and we will fly to the United States today."

After Gu Yannian finished speaking, he planned to leave in despair with Xue Minghao's support while no one noticed them.

But, before they took two steps.

A neutral voice sounded: "Where are you two going in such a hurry?"

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