Overnight Success

Chapter 327 My Sister Is Not Clingy


After this episode, everyone in the yacht continued to have fun.

And Lin Chen followed Fangyuan to their lounge.

in the lounge,

Fang Yuan said with a sad face: "Lin Chen, do you think I have become very useless after leaving the big shot?"

"If it weren't for you just now, I'm afraid I would have been arrested by that woman."

Immediately, Lin Chen smiled faintly: "What is the origin of that woman? It seems that she doesn't get along with you."

"Her name is Xia Qing, and she was also adopted by a big man when she was young, but she came later than me."

Fang Yuan said slowly: "It can be said that since childhood, the big man has given me the best, so she is naturally jealous. With her on this trip, I think she will target me everywhere."

In this regard, Lin Chen shrugged: "If you think she is a trouble, then I will get rid of her. Anyway, I don't like the group of big shots."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan blinked: "Then what about you, do you have a crush on me?"


Lin Chen was speechless. He realized that this woman was getting more and more wrong, always seducing him intentionally or unintentionally!

The next moment, Lin Chen simply changed the subject and said, "By the way, can you remember the appearance of Gong Nanjun, the master of the Dark Pavilion?"

Fang Yuan gritted her teeth and said, "Even if he turns into ashes, I can still recognize him!"

"It's the best. Anyway, it's still more than ten hours before landing on the island. We will cooperate later, and you can help me find Gong Nanjun."

Lin Chen said directly.

"What's the meaning?"

Fang Yuan was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Gong Nan Jungui is the master of the dark pavilion, there must be someone protecting the law by his side, how easy is it to get close to him?"

"Who said we were going to get close to him?"

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Since he broke through to transform into a god, his consciousness is enough to cover a thousand miles around, and now in this small yacht, he only needs to spread his consciousness to observe everything in the yacht.

Therefore, he needs Fangyuan to tell him who are the strong ones in the dark pavilion, so that he can know himself and the enemy, and win every battle.

After a while, Fangyuan followed Lin Chen's instructions, closed her beautiful eyes tightly, and sat cross-legged.

Seeing this, Lin Chen nodded and merged his consciousness with Fangyuan to share the picture.

At first, Fang Yuan was surprised by this change, but then she understood that it should all be Lin Chen's handwriting.

"Time is limited, find out the senior management of the Dark Pavilion as soon as possible."

Lin Chen's voice sounded in Fangyuan's mind.

Hearing this, Fang Yuan pursed her lips, and carefully searched every corner of the yacht.

After some searching.

Two hours later, Lin Chen's forehead was already sweating slightly.

Obviously, sharing consciousness will consume his aura very much. Fortunately, his cultivation has improved to a higher level, at least he can hold on for a while longer.

"Did you find it?"

Lin Chen urged.

"Don't worry."

Just as Fang Yuan was speaking, he suddenly saw Gong Nanjun dressed in a gold robe sitting at the main seat in a conference room on the top floor of the yacht.

"it's him!"

Following Fang Yuan's guidance, Lin Chen naturally discovered the Lord of the Dark Pavilion.

"I see there are other people in this meeting room, do you know their identities?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Of course." Fang Yuan affirmed, "Over the years, I have investigated the internal hierarchy of the Dark Pavilion clearly."

"The upper levels of the Dark Pavilion, from bottom to top, are divided into twelve constellations and four elders."

"In this meeting room, all the high-level officials of the Dark Pavilion gathered. I didn't expect that the high-level leaders of the Dark Pavilion would come out in full force during the summit of the kings. This is really surprising."

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan set his eyes on the left side of Gong Nanjun, where an old man who looked like a fairy was sitting.

"This person, named Wu Ying, is the most powerful of the four elders, and can be said to be Gong Nanjun's right-hand man, but recently, I heard that one of the four elders was aged and died tragically in Piaomiao Village... "

Hearing this, Lin Chen sneered in his heart, and probably guessed who Fang Yuan was talking about.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired old man who pretended to be the head of Piaomiao Village was actually an elder.

"The old man was killed by me."

Lin Chen said flatly.

"Ah?" Fang Yuan was surprised, and then said: "When did you kill him?"

"It's a long story. After landing on the island, I will tell you slowly. You should introduce other high-level officials first."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Fang Yuan continued:

"There are also these twelve constellations. Today there are only eleven. For some reason, one is missing."

"I remember that one, who often wears sackcloth and black stripes on his head..."

Lin Chen chuckled: "Coincidentally, this person was also killed by me last week."

Mai, with black stripes on his head, he went to Piao Miao Village for the second time, wasn't he the guy who beheaded him!

This time, Fang Yuan was completely shocked.

"I didn't realize that, you have already had a feud with the people in the Dark Pavilion!"

When Fang Yuan said this, he paused and said, "If you're like this, people in the secret pavilion won't recognize you, right?"

"Don't worry, anyone in the dark pavilion who has seen me,

All solved by me. "

Lin Chen spoke with confidence.

"Okay..." Fang Yuan didn't know what to say at all...

"However, I need to remind you that the Dinghaishenzhen in the Dark Pavilion is actually the one on Gong Nanjun's right."

In fact, even if Fang Yuan didn't say anything, Lin Chen had noticed this person.

This person, about seventy years old, was dressed in blood, with a cold face, exuding a murderous aura all over his body.

He just sat here, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"This man's name is Xue Sha, and he is the Supreme Elder of the Dark Pavilion. It can be said that Gong Nanjun will directly become a handyman from the master of the Dark Pavilion at his command."

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice, a trace of fear flashed across his eyes.

"In these years, the reason why I have been slow to take action against the dark pavilion is because of this person. Many years ago, the big man mentioned to me that the underground forces in Tianhai Province are difficult for him to attack because of the existence of this person. "

"It can make even a big man fearful. I think his strength has definitely reached the peak."

"That's the fun." Instead of being afraid, Lin Chen was eager to try.

After breaking through to transform into a god, he urgently needs an opponent to test his current strength.

Coincidentally, this time he used this bloody old man to practice his hands and polish his foundation.

Ten minutes later, when Fangyuan introduced all the high-level members of the Dark Pavilion one by one, she was already exhausted.

After all, sharing consciousness is also a huge burden for her.

Seeing Fang Yuan dripping with sweat, Lin Chen withdrew his consciousness, supported her fragrant shoulders and said, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"What do you want?"

Fangyuan exhaled like blue, and her jade arm like a lotus root took the initiative to hook Lin Chen's shoulder, and teased her ear: "If you want to see my sister, you can just say it directly. It's not like my sister can't show you."

After saying that, seeing Fang Yuan take the initiative to take off the shoulder strap, revealing a smear of white, Lin Chen quickly turned his head and muttered: "See no evil, see no evil..."

"Smelly brother, you don't know how many men are greedy for my sister's body, now my sister is giving you a chance, you have to seize it!"

Seeing Lin Chen's cute appearance, Fang Yuan put both hands on Lin Chen's chest and pushed hard.

Immediately afterwards, she straddled Lin Chen and said condescendingly: "Don't worry, sister is not clingy. I promise that no matter what happens to us, I won't say a word to your family when I leave this room."

"And I might as well tell you another secret. This is the first time for my sister. Are you willing to refuse my sister?"

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