Overnight Success

Chapter 328 Love Has To Be Spoken Out Loud

Hearing Fang Yuan's provocative words, Lin Chen couldn't help swallowing.

Really, as a man, who can stand this kind of test?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen ran "Immortal Judgment" to suppress the burning desire in his lower abdomen, then turned to Fang Yuan and said, "Miss Fang, I already have a family, please respect yourself."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan's eyes showed a hint of resentment, bit his lips and said: "I really don't know what's so good about Su Qingcheng, who can make you so loyal to her, don't I, sister, be beautiful?"

"Beautiful, Miss Fang is indeed beautiful." Lin Chen nodded and said.

"Then why can't I get you?"

Fang Yuan leaned forward and asked Lin Chen directly.

"Miss Fang, you are naturally beautiful, and you can fascinate thousands of men with your gestures. Why do you have to stare at me alone?"

Lin Chen smiled wryly.

Now that things have come to this, he can tell that Fang Yuan likes him.

But, let's not say that he is married, even if he is not, it is impossible for the two of them to be together, even if they cooperate, it can only be temporary.

"Because it's only you, which makes me feel different from other men."

Fangyuan said, and continued: "Lin Chen, I made an oath at the grave of my parents, if one day, who can help me complete my revenge, I will marry him, if that person doesn't want me, then I won't in this life marry."

"So, if you can really help me complete my revenge, from now on, sister, I will only belong to you."

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen bit the bullet and said, "Well, well, I'll go out for a while first."

After saying that, Lin Chen left the room as if fleeing.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan sat slumped on the bed, his eyebrows filled with confusion and regret.

Why is she the goddaughter of a big shot?

Why couldn't she meet this man earlier?

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan was very disappointed.


Sunset Xishan, in the evening.

The setting sun dyes half of the sky red, echoing the sparkling deep sea.

Today's dinner was held on the deck of the yacht.

Firstly, we can not only appreciate this moving scene, but also communicate with each other and discuss future cooperation.

Fang Yuan put on a pure red dress and high heels, showing her figure to the fullest. Biqu library

With every frown and smile, countless onlookers were obsessed with it.

On the deck, Fang Yuan walked towards Lin Chen and smiled slightly: "Lin Chen, I was not sober before, please don't mind."

"It's okay." Lin Chen smiled back.

At this moment, he was only thinking about how to deal with the dark pavilion, so he didn't have time to think about other things.

"This is a disguise mask. Although you have dealt with the people in the dark pavilion who have seen your true face before, it is inevitable that no photos will fall into the hands of those people. Just in case, you still wear it

as well. "

Having said that, Fang Yuan handed a human skin mask to Lin Chen.

"Where did you get this?" Lin Chen was slightly surprised.

"This was given to me by a big shot when I was on a mission before. Don't worry, this human skin mask is of excellent quality. As long as you don't open your mouth, even your closest people won't be able to find it."

Fangyuan explained.

"Thank you." Lin Chen said sincerely, then went to the bathroom and put on the disguise mask.


When Lin Chen came out again, he was surprised to find that two acquaintances were walking towards him.

It was Dong Haihua and Jiang Meigui.

"Miss Fang, I have admired your name for a long time."

Dong Haihua glanced slightly from the corner of his eye, and when he saw Fangyuan nearby, he immediately greeted with a smile.

"President Dong."

Fang Yuan nodded.

"Miss Fang looks stunning, it's better to bring some followers when you come out, lest anyone has evil intentions."

Seeing that there was no one around Fangyuan, Dong Haihua reminded him.

"Thank you, President Dong, for your kindness, but there are no more followers, as long as they are useful."

After Fangyuan finished speaking, he took the initiative to take Lin Chen's arm, and introduced: "This is the president of the Dong Group in Huaiyu City. Now nearly half of the underground industries in Huaiyu City are in the hands of President Dong."

"Miss Fang, I'm ashamed to say it, but I owe my current status to the help of an expert."

While Dong Haihua was talking, suddenly, a man wearing a windbreaker with a stern face walked past him.

His shoulder accidentally bumped into Dong Haihua's body, causing him to almost lose his footing and fall to the ground.

At that moment, Dong Haihua said angrily: "Boy, you bumped into someone, can't you even say an apology?"

After realizing that the man didn't respond, Dong Haihua got angry and wanted to grab the man's shoulder to ask for an explanation.

Of course, the next moment.

A deep shout stopped his movement.

"Don't touch him."

Hearing this, Dong Haihua's body trembled, and then he looked at Lin Chen, his pupils filled with disbelief.

"You, are you...?"

Dong Haihua said in surprise.

"Old Dong, can't hear my voice so soon?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly.

At this moment, Dong Haihua hurried forward and said excitedly: "Mr. Lin Gao, it's really you, but your face..."

"After landing on the island, I have to do something, it will be more convenient to disguise myself."

Lin Chen said concisely.

"Oh." Dong Haihua didn't ask any more questions, but instead said: "Mr. Lin Gao, if you need me, just open your mouth."

"By the way, what was your intention to stop me just now?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "That man is from Miaojiang, and he has Gu on his body. Once you touch it, you may encounter disaster."

Hearing this, Dong Haihua was startled, and said with lingering fear: "I also listen to this Miao Jiang.

I said it, but weren't they exterminated? Why did it pop up again? "

"I don't know."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he murmured: "And I'm even more curious, what are these people doing here? They shouldn't be just to participate in the competition, so as to divide the underground industry."

"Miss Fangyuan, Mr. Lin already has a family, so it's probably inappropriate for you to act so intimately?"

At this time, Jiang Meigui stared at Fangyuan and said.

"He's my thug now, why should I hold his arm?"

Fang Yuan said without any hesitation, and for a while, his body even stuck to Lin Chen's body.


Sparks shot out of Jiang Meigui's eyes, and her body was terribly cold.

"Miss Jiang, you care about Lin Chen so much, don't you also like him?"

Fang Yuan said jokingly.

"Also, what do you mean?"

"It's literally, I like Lin Chen, what's the problem?" Fang Yuan admitted generously.

Her character is like this, straightforward, never twitchy.

To like is to say it out loud, so that even if you are rejected, it is better than a crush.

Trying and not trying are two different concepts.

"Shameless!" Jiang Meigui said coldly.

"Can you say it again if you have the ability?"

Fang Yuan frowned.

Seeing that the two women were about to fight, Lin Chen quickly persuaded the fight: "We are all on our own, and besides, we are going to land on the island soon, so there is no need to quarrel here, right?"

"Who is her own?"

The two girls replied in unison.

Then, the two women looked at each other, and then snorted coldly, but they didn't confront each other again.

Seeing this, Lin Chen felt dizzy.

Dong Haihua simply hummed a ditty, pretending he didn't see anything.

Fortunately, this stalemate did not last long, and the yacht was already approaching the island.

caught the eye.

The island has lush vegetation and countless coral reefs around it.

After getting off the yacht, everyone headed towards the competition field, and they could see colorful poisonous snakes every two steps.

"Everyone, be careful. This island is called Poisonous Snake Island. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake here, you will die on the spot within ten seconds."

Ahead, the previous person in charge of the Kings Summit reminded.

As soon as the words fell, everyone walked more cautiously.

Finally, after half an hour's journey.

A vast area came into view.

Here, there is a square arena. Obviously, this place is the venue for the summit of the kings.

next moment.

Below the arena, in the front row of the seats for nearly a hundred people, a majestic man in a golden robe slowly stood up and stepped onto the arena.

In Setsuna, a chilling aura rushed towards his face, making people tense up.

Obviously, this person is the master of the dark pavilion - Gong Nanjun.

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