Hearing this, Su Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, and immediately said: "If that's the case, then don't bother Miss Hua."

"Wait a moment."

Hua Furong suddenly asked, "Will you and Mr. Lin attend the school celebration?"


Su Qingcheng nodded.

"Sister He, please postpone my itinerary two days later. The advertiser asked me and said that I was going to Yunhuai Medical University to be a guest singer. Please forgive me."

Hua Furong looked at Sister He and said.

"Furong, you..."

He Jie was in a hurry, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hua Furong: "Sister He, I listened to you in the past, let me be the master this time!"

"Okay, I see you are really crazy."

Sister He sighed and said no more.

Besides, based on her understanding of Hua Furong, if this girl really decides to do something, she won't be able to pull back even ten cows.

"Miss Hua, Sister He, thank you very much."

Su Qingcheng said in surprise.

Originally, she also had the attitude of giving it a try, but she didn't expect to succeed.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Lin Chen with meaningful eyes.

Regarding this, Lin Chen quickly turned his head away, pretending not to see it, he didn't need to think about it, he also knew what his wife meant.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hua Furong's choice to agree this time has something to do with him.

"Don't think too much about it, you two. I just haven't been back to campus for a long time, and I want to relive my campus days."

Hua Furong looked at Lin Chen and smiled.

But, at this moment.

Outside, there was a sudden burst of cursing.

"Get out of the way, don't block my young master's way!"

"If you dare to stop me, believe it or not, next year today will be your death day!"

While talking, a group of people broke in cursing and knocked down many security guards blocking the way.

Everyone followed the reputation.

The leader is the luxuriously dressed young man in the Rolls-Royce.

Beside him are his subordinates.

Those voices just now were also made by his subordinates.


Hua Furong frowned, apparently she recognized the young man, and said coldly, "Qin Shu, why are you here?"

"Miss Hua, I came here specially from the capital to help Young Master Qin take a look at you!" x.com

"How about it, are you free, let's have a meal together?"

"Since you stepped into the showbiz, Young Master Qin hasn't seen you once a year, so I'm very worried about you."

Qin Shu said with a smile.

"Not interested in."

Hua Furong didn't show Qin Shu's face at all, and instead said: "Go back and tell your elder brother, I don't need him to rest assured."

"I have nothing to do with him."

"Miss Hua, what you said is wrong..." Qin Shu's smile froze, and he was about to continue talking, but Su Qingcheng interrupted him and said coldly: "Sir, you trespassed on my company

Not to mention, you even injured my security guard, don't you plan to give me an explanation for this matter? "

Hearing this, Qin Shu set his eyes on Su Qingcheng.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"I didn't expect that there were such beauties in Xiaoyunhuai City. I think you are the president of the Su Corporation. The real person is much more beautiful than the pictures."

Qin Shu regained his smile and said.

"Now, I only give you two choices, either see you at the police station, or you leave me immediately."

Su Qingcheng's face became colder and colder. Obviously, she could hear the molestation in Qin Shu's words.

Moreover, those greedy eyes made her feel very uncomfortable.

"What if I choose neither option?"

Qin Shu said jokingly, "What can you do to me?"

"If you don't choose, then you can leave something and go!"

Lin Chen stood in front of Su Qingcheng suddenly, and said coldly.

Suddenly, Qin Shu looked at Lin Chen with a disdainful smile.

"It seems that you are President Su's husband, Mr. Lin Chen!"

"It's the first time we meet, you speak so loudly, aren't you afraid of bringing you trouble?"

He was naturally surprised by the appearance of Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng.

Originally, he thought about getting to know each other later, but unexpectedly, he met here.

"Looks like you know me?"

Lin Chen asked coldly.

"I have heard a little bit that we have a little business relationship with the Nangong family. Of course, I heard that Nangong Ze was recently cut off by a young boy and stayed at home to recuperate."

Qin Shu said mockingly.

"Qin Shu, you'd better be more polite to Mr. Lin!"

Hua Furong stared at Qin Shudao coldly.

"Miss Hua, are you familiar with this kid? If you help him like this, Young Master Qin will be angry. You should also know the consequences of Young Master Qin's anger!"

Qin Shu said disapprovingly.


Hua Furong's chest heaved in anger.

"Hehe...do you guys like calling me a brat so much?"

At this moment, Lin Chen smiled playfully:

"Then you know, it's a brat like me who has already made families like yours pay the price one after another!"

"If you want to become like them, you can keep shouting, but I can't guarantee that your body parts will still be intact."

Hearing the threat in Lin Chen's tone, Qin Shu's subordinates immediately shouted: "Boy, do you dare to speak rudely to the young master?"

The voice fell.


A silver needle pierced this subordinate's right eye.

A blood splashed out.


Then, there was a scream from this subordinate.

"It seems that what I said, you didn't take it seriously!"

Lin Chen played with the silver needle in his hand, and said indifferently.

Seeing that his right eye was shot through with a silver needle, Qin Shu stared at Lin Chen, and said in a deep voice.

Said: "I will remember this account, I believe, you will pay for it soon!"

"We'll see."

After saying this, Qin Shu asked the subordinates behind him to support him and left.

As Qin Shu and the others walked away, Hua Furong stepped forward and said to Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng, "I'm sorry, you two, he should have come after me and caused you trouble."


Lin Chen waved his hand.

"In this way, if people from the Qin family dare to trouble you again, you can contact me, and our Hua family will definitely not sit idly by."

Hua Furong said.

"Then I would like to thank Miss Hua for her kindness."

Lin Chen nodded.


Outside the studio.

Downstairs, inside the Rolls-Royce.

When Qin Shu saw his subordinate's right eye bleeding profusely and howling, his eyes became cloudy. m.x.com

"What a boy, the shot is really ruthless!"

"Come on, let's go to the hospital first."


another place.

A tea room full of classic atmosphere.

Chu Lingling and Gu Xiaoxiao are here, practicing calligraphy and painting, tasting the fragrance of tea.

"Lingling, by the way, I don't think Lin Chen intends to teach you medical skills at all. Are we just wasting away in Yunhuai City?"

Gu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Yeah, I don't believe it. Miracle doctor Lin won't be moved by my persistent spirit. Before I came out, I made up my mind that if I can't learn the medical skills to save people, I will never go back."

Chu Lingling said seriously.

"In that case, I have an excellent way to make him willing to teach you all the medical skills, do you want to hear it?"

Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up.

"you say."

Chu Lingling looked curious, "What is the solution?"

"It's very simple. If you let him like you, then he will teach you whatever you want to learn."

"I heard that he helped you drive Nangong Ze away before, maybe he is interested in you!"

Gu Xiaoxiao said.

Chu Lingling rolled her eyes, tapped Gu Xiaoxiao's head with her hands, and said angrily: "Xiaoxiao, you are not allowed to talk nonsense. Doctor Lin helped me solve the trouble out of a sense of justice. It is not as complicated as you think."

"Ah yes yes yes."

"Miss Chu is right in everything she says."

Gu Xiaoxiao said speechlessly: "I can give you the solution, and the rest is up to you."

In this regard, Chu Lingling blushed, lowered her head, and did not continue this topic.

next moment.


The closed door of the tea room was kicked open by one person.

A group of figures with extraordinary backgrounds appeared here.

The leader is none other than Nangong Ze.

He stared at Chu Lingling with an extremely cold voice: "Chu Lingling, I heard what you said just now. I am your fiancé. I advise you to abide by women's morals and avoid twisted thoughts!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

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