Overnight Success

Chapter 705: A Shocking Scene

At this moment, Chu Lingling's face became extremely ugly. She looked at Nangong Ze in front of her and said coldly, "How did you find this place?"

"Miss Chu, you should understand that it is not difficult to find you with the power of the Nangong family."

Nangongze said, then glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao: "Miss Gu, it's none of your business here, you can leave!"

"I want to go!"

Gu Xiaoxiao did not give in, sonorously: "With me today, I will never let you touch Lingling."

Hearing this, Nangongze's eyes gleamed coldly, and he gave the old man beside him a look.

The old man immediately understood, and directly grabbed Gu Xiaoxiao's throat with one hand, making him unable to resist, feeling a sense of suffocation.


Chu Lingling was anxious, and shouted to Nangongze: "I will cooperate with you in whatever you want to do, but there is one thing, you can't hurt Xiaoxiao."

"That's good." Nangongze said indifferently: "Call that kid Lin Chen."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Lingling couldn't help but fell into hesitation.

Apparently, she also saw that the main purpose of Nangong Ze's visit this time was to take revenge on Lin Chen.

"Why don't you fight? I'm giving you a chance."

Nangong Ze glanced at her, and then said: "Since I can find your location, I can also find Lin Chen's location, but if I do it myself, your best friend may have to go to hell to meet the King of Hades."

The voice fell.

The strength of the old man's palm increased.

Gu Xiaoxiao's face was extremely pale, and there was no blood left.

"I hit, I hit..."

Seeing this, Chu Lingling anxiously said: "Please don't hurt Xiaoxiao."

"That's not a quick call. As for what to say and what not to say, you should be clear."

Nangong Ze snorted coldly.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Lingling had no choice but to call Lin Chen.

As for the specific content of the phone call, there was no mention of Nangong Ze's arrival at all.

Obviously, the reason why Nangongze came to find them was to use them to make Lin Chen relax his vigilance.

Give it a fatal blow.

the other end.

Lin Chen, who received Chu Lingling's call, felt something was wrong when he heard that the other party's words were not quite right, and he was only invited to dinner alone.

"what happened?"

Seeing Lin Chen hang up the phone, Su Qingcheng asked.

"There's something that I have to deal with."

Lin Chen said.

"Then go get busy."

"it is good."

Lin Chen nodded, and immediately rushed towards Chu Lingling's meeting place.

half an hour later.

When he came to Chu Lingling's tea room.

After knocking on the door and finding it unlocked, Lin Chen pushed the door open and entered.

Following his eyes, Chu Lingling and Gu Xiaoxiao's mouths were gagged, and their hands and feet were tied up.

Immediately afterwards, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side, stabbing Lin Chen's neck with the dagger in his hand.

See this scene.

Chu Lingling and Gu Xiaoxiao stared wide-eyed and shook their heads frantically.

However, Lin Chen had been prepared for a long time, and with a crooked figure, he easily dodged the sneak attack.

next second.

He snatched the dagger from the figure's hand with his backhand and thrust it into his palm.

Blood splattered everywhere.


A scream sounded.

Visible to the naked eye, the dagger penetrated the palm of the figure and was directly inserted into the ground.

"Nangongze, after all, you are also the young master of an aristocratic family, why do you like playing tricks like this?"

Lin Chen turned his head and set his eyes on Nangong Ze who was sipping tea carefully.

Beside it, there are a group of men in suits and an old man with white beard.

"Lin Chen, you know what I'm here for!"

Nangong Ze put down his teacup, his tone full of hostility.

When he raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Chen, a pair of eyes were bloodshot, revealing extreme hatred.


Lin Chen shrugged.

"That's right, ask for an explanation for my lost ear!"

When Nangongze uttered this sentence, he had already stood up, and the teacup that was still half full exploded.

"This should be the last time you drink tea." m.x.com

Lin Chen faint


"Boy, in order to kill you, this time I am very well prepared. Even if you have great abilities, you still won't survive!"

Nangong Ze said indifferently, and with a wave of his hand, the men in suits beside him rushed towards Lin Chen one after another with fists and kicks.

"If you say that these people are your preparations, it would be too disappointing to me."

Lin Chen shook his head and flicked his fingers.

Silver needles are flying all over the sky.

In the blink of an eye, streaks of silver light pierced the throats of the men in suits, ruthlessly harvesting their lives.

Less than three seconds.

These men in suits fell to the ground one by one, dying.

"Aren't you going to make a move yet?"

Lin Chen looked at the old man beside Nangongze, and said indifferently.

"Old Yan, please take action and get rid of him."

Nangongze said in a low voice, suppressing the fear in his heart at the scene just now.

"Boy, your skills are indeed good, but that's it."

A terrifying aura emanated from this old Yan, covering Lin Chen.

Gu Xiaoxiao was shocked, and her eyes were moving with anxiety.

Just now, it was this person who made the move that made her helpless.

I just don't know if Lin Chen can withstand his offensive.

"I'll return this sentence to you as it is. Since you don't want to live your life honestly, then go with the fallen group of people as companions."

Lin Chen responded blankly.

"Looking for death!" Biquku

The old Yan was furious, and with a wave of his sleeves, waves of internal energy, like the roar of a tiger, came towards Lin Chen.

"Boy, if you dare to provoke Yan Lao, you are really looking for your own death!"

Nangongze laughed wantonly, looking at Lin Chen as if he were looking at a dead person.

You know, Mr. Yan is an expert hired by the Nangong family at a high price to sit in the town, and his strength has reached the peak of his state many years ago.

Right now, Lin Chen took the initiative to provoke Yan Lao, which can be said to be a dead end.

But, just when everyone thought Lin Chen was in danger.

A shocking scene happened.

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