Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 142 Chalk cicada amber, great research value

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In the afternoon, Ning Fei was teasing Xiaodog and Xiaofei in Qingfengguan. The village chief knocked on the door and shouted:

"Ning Fei, someone from the Geological Bureau is here."

After Ning Fei opened the door, he saw a total of four people outside.

The two people in the middle, one Ning Fei knew, was Zhu Mu, a civil servant of the Geological Bureau. When the cave was discovered last time, Zhu Mu came over and gave him a cash reward of 50,000 yuan and a certificate.

The other person was an old man, and he looked a little rickety, but Ning Fei could see something different in his eyes.

Appearance is born from the heart, and when you reach a certain age, you can see some things through the face.

The face here refers to the face in the natural state, not when performing or emotional.

For example, some people have very smart eyes, and they are smarter at first glance; some people have a fierce look between their brows, and they are not easy to provoke; some women look rich and noble, and they are obviously rich families with rich heritage.

This old man's eyes are not so mundane and utilitarian, just the kind of eyes that are calm and will not deliberately change when encountering people.

Zhu Mu, who was on the side, immediately smiled when he saw Ning Fei, his eyes were polite, and said, "Hello, Mr. Ning, let me introduce to you, this is a professor and a geological scientist from the Kyoto Municipal Geological Bureau, Xu Qiu. senior."

"Hello." Ning Fei greeted Xu Qiu kindly.

Xu Qiu looked at Ning Fei, and at first glance felt that this young man was very nice, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Hello." Xu Qiu also responded politely.

"I'm still broadcasting live, don't you mind?" Ning Fei asked again.

"No problem, it's not a secret thing." Zhu Mu replied immediately.

"Okay, please over there."

A few people walked into the Qingfeng Temple, and when Jiang Xue saw someone coming, she also prepared a pot of tea, came to the living room, and poured tea for several people.

Netizens watched this scene the whole time. It is relatively rare for local civil servants to come to the door.

After sitting down, Zhu Mu said:

"Ning Guanzhu, this is the case. According to the new "Huaxia Cultural Relics Protection Law" and "Huaxia Ancient Fossil Protection Law", there will be a relevant rating for the ancient cultural relics and ancient fossils discovered by the common people to give different rewards. ."

"Of course, there will be some discrepancies between our rewards and the prices of market auctions."

"Professor Xu is here to grade the chalky cicada amber."

"On behalf of the Geological Bureau, I sincerely thank you for contacting us."

Zhu Mu's attitude was very sincere, Ning Fei just nodded and said, "Well, good."

After speaking, Ning Fei took out the chalk cicada amber and handed it out.

I saw Ning Fei holding a golden transparent amber in his hand, with a lifelike white cicada wrapped in the middle, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Qiu's attention was immediately attracted to the amber in Ning Fei's hand.

When he took Amber from Ning Fei, his hands trembled.

"You look at that scientist's eyes, it was dull just now, I thought it was fake, but now the eyes are so serious."

"That person is Xu Qiu? My God! Xu Qiu is an authoritative professor of geology, and many of his discoveries have been written into the textbooks of geology!"

"This old man is so powerful?"

"Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, what do you think!"

"I remembered that he has a very authoritative paper, which found traces of meteorites in fossils from the Jurassic era, proving that meteorites were the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs!"

"That's his early thesis, and Xu Qiu's later papers are amazing!"

"You mean, this old man is a very authoritative scientist?"

"That's right!"

"Qingfengguan is amazing, you can see scientists."

Many barrages are discussing this matter.

No one thought that the Bureau of Geology was supposed to deal with the matter of Ning Fei picking up the chalky cicada amber, but a scientist would come here specially.

In fact, Xu Qiu didn't need to come in person, just wait in the Qincheng Geological Bureau. But knowing that such an important piece of amber was outside, he really couldn't wait, so he took Zhu Mu and took the initiative to come over.

Xu Qiu carefully held Amber in his hand, then took out a small cylindrical magnifying glass and observed it carefully.

Everyone else looked at him silently.

The small animals in the viewing area were not disturbed by these guests. The little dog and Xiaofei played in the backyard, the little fox lay on the promenade to bask in the sun, and the little falcon flew to an unknown place.

"It's a chalk cicada from the early Cretaceous period, and it is so well preserved!"

After Xu Qiu confirmed it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Now that there is no professional equipment on hand, Xu Qiu can only judge the approximate age of this piece of amber from the chalk cicada.

The more he looked, the more excited he became.

The current geological research in Huaxia has almost no understanding of the Cretaceous era.

It is undeniable that in the field of geological research, China is far behind some of the world's leading powers.

Especially the research on prehistoric creatures is even more rare. Scientists in China can only accumulate some knowledge about prehistoric creatures by studying articles published by foreign scientific research institutions.

And now, the amber of the chalky cicada that Ning Fei picked up is undoubtedly a big help to the research in the field of Chinese geology!

Even if the research results, the field of Huaxia geology may even shake the entire geology community!

This thing is really invaluable for geological scientific research.

"This piece of amber is too precious, comrade, can I ask, where did you find this piece of amber?" Xu Qiu was extremely excited, and his eyes brightened.

"I now suspect that that place is likely to be the place where the earliest Cretaceous moths were born and evolved!"

Hearing Xu Qiu's conclusion, Ning Fei couldn't help but turn his eyes slightly.

This old man is amazing!

Ning Fei has always respected scientists who dedicate their lives to science, so he took out a map to check the latitude and longitude, wrote the latitude and longitude of the mountain on a piece of paper, and handed it to Xu Qiu.

Of course, Ning Fei did not let the netizens in the live broadcast room see the latitude and longitude.

"The research on this piece of amber is of great significance. I will go back and ask the General Administration for instructions, and I will try my best to fight for the corresponding rights and interests for you."

Xu Qiu took the latitude and longitude handed over by Ning Fei, and he didn't know how to thank the handsome young man in front of him.

A person like him is devoted to the field of science, and there are very few people and things that can touch him.

Now this amber really makes the nearly 70-year-old old man feel that the blood is boiling in silence.

It was as if he was still the hot-blooded teenager back then, and could climb another mountain of scientific research.

"Okay, trouble you." Ning Fei didn't refuse the rights he deserved, and said with a smile.

He obeyed the law, handed in ancient fossils of scientific research value, and rewarded him, and it was right.

Then, Zhu Mu said a lot of polite words of thanks to Ning Fei, but Ning Fei just responded mildly.

After a while, the people left.

The village chief Qin Zheng stayed.

"You kid is amazing now, and big scientists are coming to you. You don't know how high the status of scientists was in my time. If there is a scientist in the village, then the whole village will have a bright face."

Qin Zheng said with a smile.

Ning Fei knew what the village chief said. He remembered it very clearly. When he was in elementary school, the teacher asked everyone what their ideals were and what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Scientists have the most answers, followed by astronauts, teachers and doctors, all of which are good careers.

Of course, Ning Fei's answer was a Taoist priest, and he was laughed at by many little kids at the time.

Times are changing, and so are the ideals of young people.

There was also a short video on the Internet. The teacher asked the primary school students what they were most like when they grew up. The most answers were "stars" and "singers", and several primary school students hoped that they could become idol trainees like Cai when they grew up. .

Everyone has their own choices, and these are understandable.

"I'm lucky, I picked up a fossil, and I didn't expect people to come up in person." Ning Fei replied.

"Village Chief, I just picked some chili peppers in the morning, but I can't eat them. Bring some."

Ning Fei was going to pick up the peppers again, but he remembered that he was still broadcasting live, so he shook his head again, and just said, "I'm still broadcasting, I can't do it yet, I'll send it to you when I get a chance."

It is normal for the villagers to send each other some things picked in the vegetable garden, especially the village head has a high reputation in the village. Many people like to send him some cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes and green onions. It is not worth much, but Being able to pull in feelings, the village chief happily accepts it every time.

But the Internet can easily magnify a thing. This kind of thing is reasonable and illegal. If Ning Fei really gave it away now, in the eyes of others, it was the village chief who went to the villager's house to search for things.

Many people don't know the truth and like to stand on the moral high ground and blame a person.

Ning Fei is very smart, so he considers things very thoughtfully.

"These are all trivial matters. I originally asked you to be a matchmaker from Mashan Village next door. Let me ask you if you would like to meet other girls. Now that you have a partner, I won't bother you. "

Qin Zheng took out the dry tobacco, added some shredded tobacco in it, and took two puffs after lighting it.

For someone like him who is used to smoking dry cigarettes, ordinary cigarettes are completely uninspiring and tasteless.

Qin Zheng saw Jiang Xue and understood that Ning Fei was a lifelong event.

It just so happened that the Widow Liu from the next village liked to talk about matchmaking. Qin Zheng's idea is that Ning Fei is the most outstanding descendant of Qinshan Village, and he can like your people from Xiaopo Village.

Now that Ning Fei has a company, he can easily decline.

Ning Fei heard what the village chief meant and knew that the village chief had misunderstood. But this kind of misunderstanding is good, he really doesn't want the village chief to help him with this kind of thing.

In a place like Qinshan Village, the head of the village is like a parent. Which family does not have a wife is also a problem for the head of the village. Especially some lazy people, that is the number one problem for the village chief.

"Lao Xu, do you want a wife or not", which was very popular some time ago, also has this background.

After hearing the village chief's words, a netizen suddenly started to play a joke and posted a barrage: "Lao Ning, if you want a wife or not, as long as you open the mouth, I will send it to you later."

This barrage also made the atmosphere of the live broadcast room happy.

Jiang Xue was on the side and heard the village chief say that he was Ning Fei's target, but he was a little cautious at first, but he took a peek and found that Ning Fei's expression did not change, and he did not refuse, and his heart suddenly filled with joy.

Of course, she also knew that Ning Fei was trying to avoid trouble, but it was a good feeling.

When Ning Fei sent the village chief away, he heard another thing.

"Recently, a program group came to the village. It seems to be quite a large program group. They rented the house of Lao Li's house in Dongtou. They are being renovated. They said that they will shoot in a month or two." The village chief Qin Zheng smiled. He said that Qinshan Village became more and more popular, and he was naturally happy.

"A program group is coming to us?" Ning Fei asked with interest after hearing Qin Zheng's words.

"Yeah, I don't know what big star it is. It's up to him, as long as it doesn't affect the life in the village."

With that said, the village chief left.

Ning Fei also went directly back to the backyard and continued to tease the three cute pets.

No matter what happened to him, it was not as important as the affairs of these three little guys.

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