Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 143 Ning Guanzhu hangs on the wall

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In the early morning, it is still the plain and light farm chores, and the view of the breeze is as always, quiet and beautiful.

Ning Fei read the morning homework scripture for a while, and then weeded, watered the flowers, and swept the leaves. At about ten o'clock, he came to the live broadcast room to greet the netizens.

This is almost Ning Fei's routine live broadcast method, that is, as soon as the live broadcast is turned on, let the drone fly intelligently first, and do your own work.

During this process, netizens are constantly pouring in.

"Let's take everyone to my elementary school today." After Ning Fei packed up, he said to everyone, "Calculate the time, it's almost the start of school in September."

"Boys, let's go."

This time, Ning Fei brought all four little guys with him.

"Qinshan Hope Primary School is next door to Mashan Village. Qinshan Village is not the only village in this mountain."

"The distance is long, but I don't plan to drive, I want to experience the feeling of childhood and exercise."

"It was very hard at that time. I got up at five in the morning and it was dark, so I smeared the black and walked along the mountain road. I didn't arrive until seven o'clock."

"School is dismissed earlier in the afternoon, at half past four."

"I went to primary school there for six years until I was admitted to the county's No. 1 middle school."

"The educational resources in the mountains have always been relatively scarce. This is a difficult problem to solve. Fortunately, there are college students who support teaching every year. I am very grateful to the society for helping me."

Ning Fei walked on the mountain road, quietly telling his own story.

This story may sound bland, but the hardships involved can only be experienced by him.

Little Falcon stood on Ning Fei's shoulder, and the other three little guys followed behind him. This scene was also very cute.

Ning Fei walked forward along the mountain road. At this moment, Ning Fei suddenly changed his eyes, pointed to the front and said:

"Everyone, look there, it's the group of pastoral dogs in the east of the village!"

The camera of the drone was turned over for the first time, and netizens could see that in the distance of the mountain road, a group of yellow dogs turned out to be running in the direction of Ning Fei.

Seeing that this group of dogs was aggressive, it seemed as if they were about to fight.

"What's the situation? It stands to reason that those dogs are quite gentle, why are they so irritable now." Ning Fei asked in confusion.

"Look ahead, it's that black cat!" Someone in the barrage noticed the clue and said immediately.

"It's true, at the front of the dog group is the black cat 'Sheriff'."

"It turns out that the dog in the east of the village is chasing the sheriff."

"I'm a newcomer, may I ask what the black cat sheriff is?"

"That black cat is the Elvis of Qinshan Village. After being abandoned, he fights every day and becomes the boss of the wild cat. Lord Ning Guan calls it the sheriff."

"I see!"

"The summit of the mountain village is real! Ling Lan and Feng Xian fought!"

"Ling Lan is chasing Feng Xian's boss!"

"Look carefully, the black cat seems to be very leisurely."

The barrage was densely packed and exploded directly. The animals in Qinshan Village have always been magical, and netizens are very concerned about these animals.

Ning Fei also carefully checked the battle situation, and then explained:

"Everyone, the black cat has a big sausage in its mouth, which is probably stolen from the helper of the local dog."

"It's no wonder that this group of pastoral dogs is so angry. The black cat is agile and courageous. There are many acts of mischief, and the group of local dogs can't chase it at all."

"But it's still time to chase."

Cat and dog fights in the village are not new, but such scenes are indeed rare.

Netizens immediately posted a barrage, which turned out to be divided into two camps.

"Go on, Ah Huang, kill that black cat!"

"Run, Sheriff, don't get caught!"

In this regard, Ning Fei directly gave the answer:

"You don't need to be arguing, the pastoral dog will definitely not catch up with the sheriff. That black cat is very powerful and has a bit of leopard cat blood."

A cat and a group of dogs rushed in his direction, Ning Fei stood directly on the side of the road,

It turned out to be the way out. The little fox and the little dog, Xiaofei, followed Ning Fei to the side of the road and sat down, looking at the group of dogs with curiosity.

Then the black cat ran in front of Ning Fei, and netizens could see clearly that the black cat had long and strong limbs, and a streamlined body, which was very beautiful.

The black cat had a large sausage in its mouth, and the expression on his face looked extraordinarily calm.

As soon as it passed, a group of grinning pastoral dogs ran after it.

Seeing this scene, netizens can't help but sigh, it is really a lot of joy in the mountain village, and you can encounter a cat and a dog fight when you go out.

"The strength of the local dog gang at the east end of the village and the village west end is not much different. In this way, the only males who are qualified to compete for the top of the mountain village are Da Huang and the sheriff!"

A netizen made his own conclusion.

"Agree! Rhubarb can beat this black cat!"

"If you say so, I'm looking forward to them fighting."

"Ning Guanzhu, Da Huang and the sheriff, who is stronger?"

"Damn, are you looking down on the North Goose Gang in my village?"

"The big goose group is very powerful, but if it is singled out, it should not be the opponent of Rhubarb and the sheriff."

As a result, netizens quarreled fiercely.

A large number of netizens love this ranking topic and are fighting for it.

For example, who is more fierce, tiger or lion? Who is better Messi or Ronaldo? Who is stronger, Obito or Itachi? Who is more powerful, Bu Jingyun or Nie Feng?

As long as one person mentions a sentence, there will be a lot of people who agree and refute.

So, the big guys really quarreled about who is the fiercest animal in the mountain village.

Ning Fei said quickly, "In terms of strength, Rhubarb is stronger, and the sheriff is faster, but they usually don't fight. The sheriff can't provoke Rhubarb, and Rhubarb will ignore the sheriff if he's okay."

"You don't need to argue, this kind of thing is very common in mountain villages, and animals have their own way of playing."

Ning Fei continued to drive forward with the four little guys.

The four little guys are all in the puppy period now, so they are all at their softest and cute. When they walk around, netizens also feel very comfortable watching them.

Just following the mountain road, taking a leisurely walk, Ning Fei was also very leisurely.

Ning Fei chose to take a small road, that is, it spreads down from the side of the road and directly crosses it. This is the fastest way to get to Mashan Village, and if you take the mountain road, you will have to take a detour.

The path is among the trees. Because people often walk, the ground is already very hard, and there are no small animals around.

After a while, Ning Fei came to Mashan Village below.

"Mashan Village has a good location. It is on a flat ground as a whole. The village is not big, with about a hundred households."

As Ning Fei spoke, he met two rural children riding bicycles on the "Eighth Bar".

In today's era, the post-00s generation may no longer know what the "two-eighth bar" is. In the past twenty years, almost every household in the village has a bicycle of this kind.

I have to explain that the overall frame is a bit like a road race car, the handlebars are normal handlebars, the overall black, and the car is hard.

Twenty-eight bars are often taller than children, but children have special riding skills. That is, instead of sitting on the saddle across the beam, he squatted on the car, his feet passed through the hole in the middle, and he rode with his body tilted.

These two children came here by bike like this, so netizens were also very surprised for a while.

"This kid is very powerful. People can ride a bicycle before the height of the car."

"I used to ride like this when I was a kid, I really miss it!"

"First time seeing this way of riding."

"There are very few such bikes now. To be honest, second-hand bikes are only a few tens of dollars cheaper, and it is still too difficult to ride on the twenty-eighth bar."

"Yes, you can still see it in the countryside."

Ning Fei also explained:

"Qinshan Village has many mountain roads, so no one rides a bicycle. Most of the people are electric vehicles and old-age scooters."

"Mashan Village is flat, but in such a big place, there are few bicycles. These are all left over from the past. Adults don't ride much, and children are used as toys."

"Children in the village have fewer toys, so basically they can play with whatever they have."

When Ning Fei said this, everyone suddenly realized.

I saw the two children riding bicycles one circle bigger than themselves, with their waists on their sides, one after the other, as if two soldiers were chasing, their faces full of innocence and joy.

In today's society, many young people who have not yet become parents have "child hatred", especially when traveling, there are always crying children, and it is also very annoying to see bear children in daily life.

But in the mountain village, these two children were riding a bike and laughing, and they felt a little innocent.

The two children also noticed Ning Fei, to be precise, the little falcon on Ning Fei's shoulder.

There are many dogs and chickens in the village, and a few households have foxes, so the three small animals are not of interest to them.

Only Little Falcon, standing on Ning Fei's shoulders, with white feathers and black embellishments, is very powerful and looks very handsome.

Ning Fei walked right by. One of the children felt that Ning Fei's temperament was very special, so he stopped the car and asked the other child, "Who is this person, his bird is very beautiful."

"I don't know, it's from Qin Village next door."

"I don't think so. Can there be such a person in Qin Village? Do you think they are immortals who practice Taoism?"

"Take it down, there is no immortal cultivating Taoism in the mountains, he is at most a Taoist priest who watches temples."

"I always feel that this person seems to be seen somewhere, and it is very familiar."

"I found it too, it looks familiar."

The two chatted for a few words, but they couldn't remember anything, so they simply didn't want to, and rode the car to chase freely.

Everyone and everything in the mountain village is very slow.

Not long after, Ning Fei came to Zhushan Hope Primary School.

When netizens heard that Ning Fei said it was Hope Primary School, they thought it would be a very dilapidated mud house, without a broken blackboard or chalk, and the tables and chairs were all tattered.

But the reality is that the Hope Primary School is a two-story house made of cement and reinforced concrete, with yellow paint on the outside, and it looks very bright.

The gate is also an iron gate, and there are many very childlike paintings on both sides of the courtyard wall.

"Zhushan Hope Primary School was built right after I was admitted to junior high school."

"It's strange to say that as soon as people leave, the school is rebuilt, like a spell..."

"At that time, I really studied with my teacher in a dilapidated dirt house."

Ning Fei shook his head helplessly.

In such a beautiful school, he never attended a day's class in it, which must be said to be a pity.

At this moment, Ning Fei noticed something, and his expression changed slightly.

The gate of Zhu Shan Hope Primary School was open, and as soon as he entered, he could see a glass window display panel standing beside him.

There are not many people in a Hope Primary School. The first photo on the exhibition board is the photo of the principal, Lin Weimin, a man in his forties, looking very kind.

The second photo is of Ning Fei.

Ning Fei himself was a little confused, what's the situation?

Why is your photo here?

He glanced at the following narrative:

Ning Fei, an outstanding graduate of Zhushan Hope Primary School, was successfully admitted to Huaqing University in Kyoto City with excellent grades. He is the only student in Qinshan County to be admitted to Huaqing University.

Seeing the introduction, Ning Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Both Qinshan Village and Zhushan Village belong to Qinshan County, which is subordinate to Qincheng City. In Qincheng City, there are still several students who can be admitted to Huaqing and Dabei every year, but in a remote place like Qinshan County, there is a Huaqing University student It's really hard for students.

However, I hope that the primary school is interesting enough to paste his photo directly on it, next to the principal.

At this time, in the distance, one of the two children riding bicycles suddenly stopped and shouted:

"I remembered, that person is not the one hanging on the wall in the school, the one named Ning Fei!"

"Yes, it's really him!"

The voices of the two children were very pleasant, and it seemed that they never expected to meet Ning Fei here.

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