Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1301: Lin Miaoran VS Corps (3)

The light exploded violently, smashed into a circle, and spread violently.

The ground along the way was booming, bumping and falling.

At this moment, the zombies outside Baizhang seemed to feel the crisis and couldn't help but stop their movements and turned their heads toward the center of the explosion.

The closer one was immediately swept away by the air.

Others, like wormwood in the wind, were blown directly into the air and fell far away.

In the distance, Li Xiu and others felt the shock and hurriedly looked up.

A dazzling light narrowed their eyes in a hurry.

But even so, their eyes were sorely stabbed and tears shed.

"what happened?"

Li Xiu jumped up from the ground and asked Shen Sheng.

"It should be wonderful."

A look of anxiety appeared on Su Yuqing's face.

"You stay here, I'll see."

Jiang Panmeng waved to the two and motioned them to take care of the others. Then she took a pill and took the Phoenix sword, and hurried towards Lin Miaoran.

Li Xiu was not seriously injured, and Su Yuqing was proficient in array formations, but the strength of frontal fighting was insufficient, and the Yun Nei costume realm was not enough. At this time, only Jiang Panmeng, who had recovered from the flame Phoenix body, could take on this task.

"This time Chu Yan is not sure that we can come in time, so we can only rely on ourselves.

And the purpose of coming here is to gain the qualification to enter the soul-cutting road with his own strength.

Each of us can do it! "

After Jiang Panmeng rushed out for a few miles, a zombie had rushed towards her, her gaze was fixed, and she pulled out her sword.

On the phoenix sword in the umbrella, if the flames swallow.

Billowing aura rose into the sky.

At this moment, Jiang Panmeng's head was empty, and his aura seemed to condense into a winged phoenix.

The blaze of flames swept the Eight Wastelands.

"None of us will be less! Explosive Flame-Phoenix Blood Refining God!"

Jianmang came out, Phoenix blew.

...... The light disappeared, Lin Miaoran panted, his chest was slightly undulating, and sweat beads rarely appeared above his forehead.

She stared at the diffuse mist of blood ahead.

The Qiushui sword in his hand now has only the hilt and half of the sword body.

The half underneath, just hit by that force, had burst.

Originally thought that that blow was enough to kill the corpse general.

But now the blood mist condenses without letting Lin Miaoran's heart sink suddenly.

Wow—in the mist of blood, the sound of chain dragging the floor came.

Lin Miaoran's breathing was suddenly delayed.

The next moment, a figure of cricket slowly walked out of the blood mist.

Although he survived the hit just now, the corpse will look countless times worse than before.

On its body, the blown sword gas cut into countless openings. At this moment, it looks like a rotten flesh, even the head, and has lost half of it diagonally. Staring at Lin Miaoran.

The chain in its hand was also blasted to a point where it was less than a few cents.

At this time, Lin Miaoran finally saw where the chain came from.

One end of the chain, connected to the corpse's lower abdomen.

It can be imagined that the body of this corpse is probably hollowed out, so that a long enough chain can be inserted.

Lin Miaoran's heart became very stressed because he had not been able to kill the corpse.

After all, just about that blow, he almost did his best.

But now seeing the tragic situation of the corpse general, her pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

It can be seen that he had a good effect just after that blow.

But I really don't have time to delay.


The loss of Qiushuijian does not mean that Lin Miaoran has no other means.

She snorted and rushed forward.

The corpse's mouth opened and a howling sounded, also rushing towards Lin Miaoran.

The chains around its lower abdomen slammed quickly, banging and banging, every time, the ground in front of it was blasted open, and the rolled up gravel and smoke and dust, in an instant, seemed to roll up a storm in place. .

boom! Suddenly, a roar.

Among the chains, a face condensed by blood suddenly whistled out.

It was like a fierce beast, with its skin peeled and **** head, opened its mouth of blood basin, and swallowed down towards Lin Miaoran.

Among them, resentment, remorse, unwillingness, and anger almost united to form the most intense resentment and curse, so that Lin Miaoran's bones should be gone.

Senhan's despair was permeated at this moment, and even the monks in the neighborhood felt it. One by one felt a chill, permeating from the bone marrow, making them shiver and look blue.

"Haoyue is empty!"

At this time, Lin Miaoran's eyes condensed, a coquettish repulsion, hands crossed, and in an instant, a round of bright and holy light of God, blooming from her palm, the endless light, such as a peacock opening the screen to accommodate all things, instantly , Operation and expansion, a bit fierce, stuck in the mouth of the monster.

Bloody and sacred, they suddenly collided fiercely.

Suddenly, the void seemed to boil, shaking and resonating, shaking and distorting the space.

Lin Miaoran has long hair flying, deep in his eyes, bursts of magic, like the rising moon at midnight.

Countless auras, at this moment, rolled towards her from all directions.

At this moment in Lin Miaoran, the whole body was shrouded in moonlight.

For a moment, she became the dark moon in this black soul city.

The light continued to spread around.

When Jiang Panmeng saw this moonlight, his eyes suddenly lighted, but he felt that the exhausted aura kept moisturizing himself, and the burning flame in his hand seemed to be poured with oil and started to rise again.

The monks in the neighborhood all felt deeply in despair and panic.

But at this moment, Yuehua was photographed, and the panic in her heart was instantly dispelled, and her original panicked face appeared again and firmly.

A little further away, a place covered by the tide of corpses suddenly exploded.

A girl in a long-looking dress, expressionless, holding the soul-locking gun in one hand and sweeping the zombies, and the other hand, holding Su Jianyuan, who was almost blood, could barely stand.

The girl's fair face was almost transparent at the moment under the light of the moonlight.

"The moon is extinct!"

Lin Miaoran spit out in one breath, and the surrounding moonlight instantly condensed to form a spiral vortex, which suddenly diffused.

The **** face was immediately torn apart, swallowed by the expanding vortex.

In the vortex, there seemed to be thousands of air mines exploding together.

But the blood that exploded was illuminated by the moonlight, and instantly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

At this time, suddenly, there was a clamor in the deep void.

A chain, as thick as an arm and as fast as a poisonous snake, wrapped around Lin Miaoran's arm.

At the other end of the chain, the corpse's figure, approaching quickly, with an extremely strong stench.

Under the light of the moon, the body of the corpse was constantly corroded into large holes, and the hard flesh at this moment seemed to be scalded by boiling water and peeled off quickly.

But it still rushed towards Lin Miaoran.

Lin Miaoran was entangled in chains, just like the corpse's determination to kill Lin Miaoran.

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