Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1302: Lin Miaoran VS Corps General (4)

"Oh-" Lin Miaoran's eyes appeared with awe-inspiring spirits.

On her face, there was no loss when Qiushuijian was abandoned, and there was no panic after failing to slay the corpse after a hard blow.

At this moment, her green silk is like ink, and her white clothes wins the snow.

He was holy and moon-like, and his majestic power was bright.

Lin Miaoran couldn't say why, but at this moment, she had a strong feeling like never before.

It's like something, after accumulating a long time, it will finally break out of the cocoon.

She simply no longer deliberately asked herself to perform any technique or technique.

Everything changes with the mind at this moment.

Immediately, she glowed all over! This light cannot be described by the simplest moonlight at this time.

It is more imposing and sacred than moonlight.

The rushing corpse, at this moment in the wound, began to burn white flames.

The flame made it extremely painful, his body twisted, and roars of pain.

"Zhan Ying Qing Xian Palm!"

Suddenly, there was a divine light like green but not green and white and white, spreading out, full of light and magnificence, just like the heavenly palace, beautiful, and advancing layer by layer.

There was a sound of noise in the empty space around.

At first, it fell like a pearl and a jade plate, but as the light moved forward, the sound became louder and louder, like a flat mine, like a turbulent wave, like a thunderbolt! This is not any method that Lin Miaoran learned in Xuanyuemen.

This is the talent technique that is realized after Qingyu's body is promoted to a certain stage! Just like Jiang Panmeng's flaming phoenix body, he will be able to awaken talents to explode the phoenix blood smelting magic.

The realm of the Diyuan Realm, the battle with the corpse general, the farewell to Qiushuijian, the needs of the partners behind him, the desperate desperation, let Lin Miaoran at this moment, awaken the talents.

boom! The light seemed soft, but when it crashed down, it was like a waterfall falling from the sky.

The corpse will be drawn into it, and it will be crushed into powder in an instant.

Lin Miaoran's chain, even without a sound, disappeared.

The blue light swept across.

With Lin Miaoran as the center and the squares of the square, suddenly a white ground appeared.

Bloodstains, stumps, rubble, dust, and even the stinky smell in the air disappeared.

If at this moment, the borderland of Xinjiang chooses the cleanest area, it can definitely have a place within this hundred feet at this moment.

Lin Miaoran fell back to the ground.

In her eyes, there was a sense of indifference that had not existed before.

Because I tried my best, and almost consumed all my aura, I refilled at this moment.

Even this moment gave her a steady stream of feelings.


At this time, Jiang Panmeng's figure, like a fire, rushed out from a tide of corpses and landed near Lin Miaoran.

The two looked at each other.

One with thin beads of sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead.

One has just made a breakthrough, although his face is rubbed with some dust, but at this moment, his eyes are brighter.

The two looked at each other and nodded, leaving Qi Qi in the direction of Shen Qing and Jiang Panmeng.

Where Shen Qing and Su Jianyuan were trapped, they were only two or three miles away.

At this moment Lin Miaoran was in full prosperity, and he opened the road in front of them. Almost none of those zombies could stop her.

A palm shot, no matter what is in front of you, directly smash.

Under the circumstances, Lin Miaoran and Jiang Panmeng quickly killed a blood path in the tide of corpses and came to Shen Qing and Su Jianyuan.

When seeing the two, Shen Qing and Su Jianyuan's range of activities had been surrounded by corpse tides with only a few feet remaining.

Su Jianyuan had blood all over his body, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was a blood person.

He had a wound with almost visible bones in his chest, and he had fainted long ago.

But even so, the only wind sword left in Su Jianyuan's hands has not been released.

Shen Qing's condition is a little better than Su Jian.

But it's just a little better.

The dress on Shen Qing's body was tattered, but her ability to endure pain was far superior to ordinary people. When Lin Miaoran and Jiang Panmeng arrived, there were two zombie fangs on her arm.

But Shen Qing didn't even frown, waved the soul-locking gun, and drew directly into the face of an oncoming zombie.

Then the gun body turned.

While the face of the zombie was smashed, the nucleus in the brain was also penetrated.


Lin Miaoran grabbed Su Jianyuan, who was already in a coma, and then she and Jiang Panmeng guarded Shen Qing and backed away.

... At this time outside this tide of corpses, one after another, more than a thousand monks have been surrounded.

More monks are still coming from all directions.

But these monks seemed to have formed some kind of tacit understanding. No one went in to help, and no one offered to rescue the monks trapped in the tide.

These people, using the walls and buildings as barriers, kept a distance of about ten miles from the place where the tide broke out, and then observed from a distance.

They waited quietly, waiting for the tide of corpses, with an expected result.

The more than a thousand monks, including those who are coming, are not on their own.

These people, according to the number of people, are divided into about 20 or 30 forces.

Among these forces, the largest number were close to seventy or eighty, and the smallest number was about ten.

There is some distance between each other.

It is naturally impossible for any sect or family to come to Sansheng Mountain this time to be able to choose so many disciples.

Even the Broken Star Tower, because of the reason of Chu Yan, gathered these people now.

These monks are short-term alliances formed after entering the Black Soul City.

Of these alliances, those that were originally more powerful or more powerful, and the original leaders naturally became the leaders of these alliances.

At this time, the three most powerful of the twenty or thirty alliances occupy the best position for observation-a tower facing the ladder.

At the moment, nearly two hundred monks were gathered at the moment.

On the highest part of the tower, there are only a dozen people.

These more than ten people are, without exaggeration, the ten strongest of the thousand monks currently gathered here.

Among the more than ten people, there are three monks who are the current leaders of the three alliances.

One of them had a shawl with long hair. Compared with normal people, his face was slightly yellow, but his whole body showed an amazing momentum.

The normal monk was next to him, and he stood a little longer and felt depressed and uncomfortable.

The other, wearing a yellow gown, was talking about something in his mouth and didn't know what he was talking about.

The rest, with a beard on his face, has a gaze, as if the changes in the battle situation are clear in his chest.

After a while, the monk wearing a yellow gown slanted a glance at the two people around him, smiling as if to smile: "Jianghuai Wu, Wang Lei, what are you waiting for?

If I drag on, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to climb the stairs. "

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