Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1303: Someone went down again

His face was waxy yellow, but the astonishing momentum was Jianghuai Wu.

The beard is Wang Lei in the mouth of Monk Huangshan.

Jiang Huaiwu was expressionless, glanced at Monk Huangshan, and said lightly, "Xu Muran, are you too bad, or think we are too stupid to say such things?"

Between words, he shook his fists, his fingers rubbed, and thunder and lightning came out like a dragon.

Lightning jumped, and at the same time, the surrounding area was illuminated.

The monk standing a little farther, seeing this scene, his face suddenly changed, and he stepped back a few steps further away, for fear of stinging and pond fish.

Xu Muran smiled, but didn't take it seriously: "Jianghuai Wu, why do you think so, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding with me."

Jianghuai Wu snorted and ignored him, but Wang Lei retracted his gaze toward the corpse tide ahead, and fell on Huang Muxu Xu Ran, with a faint smile: "Xu Mran, although I don't know which case Door, but if you want to use someone else as a gun, don't act so clearly.

Your mind, I really don't know how you ascended to the present state.

Could it be that you have a quarry in your house?

Or, are you the illegitimate child in charge? "

Wang Lei, with a beard full of faces, looked right, but the words he spoke were so gloomy.

If an ordinary monk were to be insulted by the offender at this moment, I'm afraid he would be desperate.

But Xu Muran smiled: "Don't do this, I am also for the benefit of everyone. Haven't you noticed that the purple clouds in the air have changed compared to before?"

After Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei looked at each other, they cast their gazes into the distance.

At this moment, the hearts of the two were already vigilant against Xu Muran.

This person, if he was furious just after Wang Lei's sarcasm, could be regarded as a normal reaction.

Because monks practice, in many cases, what they cultivate is a bit of anger.

But now, everyone is humiliated like this, but still accepts with a smile.

Either the person is broad-minded and able to accept the sea; or the person is extremely deep-hearted, freely emotional, and knows when and how he should behave.

Obviously, Xu Muran can never be the former.

Even now, if you think about it, the words that he just seemed stupid to provoke the two may be intentional, in order to test the reactions of Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei.

The three parties will have to fight each other.

And before that, who knows his opponent first, then it will inevitably take the lead.

If this is the case, then just after a round of battle, Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei have already fallen.

Wang Lei suffers more than Jianghuai Wu.

Because of his cynicism, Xu Muran has occupied the moral high ground.

When the time comes to compete, Xu Muran's first move is justified.

As soon as he thought this, Wang Lei's face suddenly became gloomy.

He was not a man who was good at covering his mind.

In fact, his full-faced beard was actually deliberately stored up to help cover his expression at some times.

However, Xu Muran still smiled, as if he didn't take the reactions of the two people to heart.

At this time, he did not even forget to remind Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei: "The purple cloud, which was not like this before, looks more like a whole.

But just now, it's not only narrower than before.

And I also saw that there seemed to be someone out of it. "

"We all saw it."

JAC Wu frowned.

"I mean, the second time."

Xu Muran laughed.


Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei looked at each other.

The two of them had just been watching the cloud.

There was a figure before, falling from the purple cloud, they saw it with their own eyes.

So at that time they knew that among the clouds, ten out of every nineteen were zombies that were stronger than the ground, and they were considered commanding.

But they only saw it once and did not see any zombies falling.

Therefore, the first reaction between Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei was that Xu Muran was talking nonsense.

But Xu Muran quickly said again: "Did you not find out, has the tide of corpses changed compared to the previous time?

I think it's because of that second figure. "

Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei heard the words and hurriedly looked again.

The towers they stood on were extremely high, and the monks who were near the peak of the Diyuan Realm had great eyesight.

At this point, he concentrated his eyes on him. After a while, Jianghuai Wu took a breath.

After a while, Wang Lei was shocked. When he turned around, his face was full of surprise.

They clearly saw that the original tide of corpses not only stopped at this moment, but also formed a military formation like soldiers lined up.

And this army formation does not seem to meet the enemy, but more like a ceremonial honor, to meet some big man.

If you look closely, you will find that the formation of these zombies started right under the purple clouds.

As Xu Muran said before, the purple clouds have indeed changed at this moment.

In the center of the cloud, a gap appeared.

"There must have been some changes in the center of the tide just now."

Jianghuai Wu quickly made a judgment.

"Is there a treasure now?

Or can we go up the ladder now? "

Wang Lei said quickly.

When he said that, his face was extremely nervous, as if he was afraid of falling behind.

Jiang Huaiwu gave him a sideways glance: "What?

Would you like to check it out? "

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Huaiwu's eyes inadvertently swept to the side of Xu Muran's smiling face. He immediately tightened his heart and quickly changed his tone. He said to Wang Lei: "Even if something goes wrong, we shouldn't act lightly for now.

Maybe someone is helping from other directions, so now there is a strong presence in those zombies, go to suppress it. "

"I think so."

Before Wang Lei had spoken, Xu Muran opened his mouth.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Lei looked at Xu Muran and said in a hard tone.

Wang Lei's tone was bad, but Xu Muran didn't care.

After he smiled, he continued: "I mean, don't forget the fundamental purpose we came here this time."

Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei's faces suddenly showed a contemplative look.

Xu Muran continued at this time: "Obtaining the qualification to cut the spiritual road is our first priority.

As long as you can walk the path of cutting spirits and enter the End of the World, the income here will be the most insignificant profit compared to what you can get in the End of the World.

There is a saying in the world, don't lose watermelon because of sesame. "

Xu Muran's words calmed down the Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei, who had just become hot.

Wang Leiqing couldn't help but ask again: "What should we do now?"

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