Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1304: Sudden calm

Xu Muran glanced at him, then smiled, and said only one word: "Wait."

Wang Lei blinked, apparently still digesting the meaning of Xu Muran's sentence.

Jiang Huaiwu immediately understood.

Just like before, just watch it change.

Xu Muran's words before, have already understood very clearly.

Their purpose is to qualify for the way to cut souls.

Compared with entering the End of the World, the resources carried by the monk here at the moment are all small profits.

As for this huge ancient mausoleum?

Thinking of this, Jianghuai Wu couldn't help sneering.

If there are really treasures of heaven and earth here, Tianyazong will let so many people come here?

After confirming their original goals, Jiang Huaiwu and others raised their restless minds and fell silent again.

Their eyes were faint, looking at the tide of corpses tumbling over ten miles away.

The life and death of the trapped monks have nothing to do with them.

When you come here, you should be ready for the fall.

In their hearts now, in fact, the monks who were desperate to be trapped could burst into a wave at the last moment, and the two zombies would be defeated, and it would be better if they could all die.

At that time, they will take advantage of the fishermen's money, so that they can do so without any effort.

"Wait, I don't think it will be long before there will be results."

Xu Muran murmured.

He was standing in front of the crowd at this moment, trying to look into the distance.

Because of this, no one noticed at this moment, and unprecedented fever appeared in his eyes.

In his eyes, the monks trapped in the tide of corpses, and even those zombies, were just his stepping stones to a higher level.

... At this time, a strange calm in the center of the tide was spreading rapidly.

With the help of Lin Miaoran and Jiang Panmeng, Shen Qing and Su Jianyuan soon returned to the crowd.

Su Jianyuan's injuries were relatively serious. When he was helped back, he was still in a coma.

Fortunately, before entering Sansheng Mountain, Chu Yan prepared an amazing number of various elixir for everyone.

And here at the moment there is Yun Nixian sitting.

Yun Nishang's ability was not obvious before, so no one paid any attention to it. She only knew that she was the princess of Yun Aojiang. Now she is a disciple of Tianyazong. The teacher she worships is even more powerful The identity is prominent.

However, with the confluence of people, especially after the siege of the corpse tide, Yun Nixian's ability to warn and heal was soon demonstrated, and it was amazing.

At this time, everyone knows that Yun Neixiang's innate dragon sound body is best at watching inward and healing injuries.

Whether it was Su Xinyu who was injured, Furui who fainted due to fatigue, or even Baihutangtang, they were all treated by Yun Nishang.

Under the treatment of Yun Nishang, Li Xiu got the maximum recovery in a limited time.

He continued to forcibly enter the state of Shura, if it was the past, at this moment I am afraid that he fainted on the ground, and did not respond to everything that happened.

And this state will last at least a few days, even leaving irreversible dark injuries.

But because of Yun Nixian's shot, Li Xiu not only failed to faint at the moment, but also recovered his spirit and strength to a certain extent.

At least on the surface, it's just a little tired.

After Su Jianyuan, who was covered in blood, was returned, Yun Nixian took over immediately.

In her hand, she held a slap length, and a silver thin blade cast into a faucet at one end.

Don't underestimate this fine blade, because from the point of view of light, this fine blade is a magic weapon! And this fine blade, Yun Neixiang's teacher, specially crafted and rewarded her.

At this moment, the clouds made everyone put Su Jianyuan flat on the ground, and the thin blade in his hand continued to pierce Su Jianyuan's body.

At first glance, it seems that there is something hatred between Yun Nishang and Su Jianyuan.

But in fact, the small hole made by Su Jianyuan on the thin blade is almost the same as that of a mosquito.

And the blood flowing out of the small holes was not red, but black with corpse poison.

As these poisonous blood was expelled, Su Jianyuan's complexion became paler, but the dying cyan between the eyebrows gradually dissipated.

As the most important step, Yun Nixian looked up and looked at Shen Qing.

When Shen Qing returned, his condition seemed only a little better than Su Jianyuan.

She was also almost a blood man, and she had two zombie fangs on her arms.

Both of these cavities were almost longer than an adult's middle finger. They stabbed Shen Qing's arm and almost pierced her arm.

However, just when Yun Qing was treating Su Jian's wounds just now, Shen Qing pulled out the two fangs with her hands.

Then he used various elixir to perform basic treatment on the trauma of the body.

Shen Qing's patience was shocked.

But at this time, Yun Nishang would not fool anyone at will.

She re-examined Shen Qing's injuries, and then re-applied some parts of the medicine before letting the other meditate and rest.

After doing all this, the sweat on Yun Nixian's forehead had been unable to restrain.

Among the crowd, her realm is just higher than Furui and Su Xinyu. Compared with Shen Qing and Li Xiu, they are much worse, let alone Lin Miaoran.

Although in Tianyazong, Yun Nishang's time on the fairy road is still too short.

Although tired at this moment, Yun Nixian checked for Jiang Panmeng and Lin Miaoran again before stopping to start breathing.

After inserting a few pills of elixir into his mouth, and adjusting his breath for a while, Yun Nishang felt better, looked up, and just saw Lin Miaoran and Su Yuqing, looking diligently into the distance.

Looking in the direction the other party looked, Yun Nishang suddenly found that what they were looking at was the direction of the purple cloud.

"what happened?"

Yun Nishang walked over and asked softly.

"It's a bit wrong."

Lin Miaoran groaned.

Seeing Yun Nishang's doubtful gaze, Su Yuqing explained: "Have you found out that since Miao Ran's return to the present, the offensive of the corpse tide has suddenly slowed a lot?"

Yun Nixian heard a word of surprise.

She had just focused her attention on everyone's injuries.

But at this moment, if I think about it carefully, I find that the situation has changed significantly compared with before.

When she was treating other people before, she could clearly feel the tension in the atmosphere, and the shouting and killing around her did not stop for a moment.

But from now until now, it seems that I haven't heard all kinds of shouts and explosions for a while.

As soon as he thought this, Yun Nixian couldn't help but think: "Is the monk outside?"


Lin Miaoran shook his head. "If they really want to make a move, they will never wait until now.

And you notice, although the tide of corpses is now quiet, they have not receded. "

The shelter that Lin Miaoran and others chose at the moment was a house that had collapsed in this building complex.

Although the field of vision is not optimal here, there is not much problem in seeing the situation outside.

As Yun Nixian looked up and looked out, Lin Miaoran's solemn words rang behind her.

"These zombies seem to be welcoming someone."

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