Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1305: Advance exercise

An indescribable atmosphere slowly condensed in this area at this moment.

Above everyone's head was the huge towering palace.

But at this moment, everyone felt faintly. The sky above them, like a thick cloud of lead gray, was rapidly condensing.

Around them, as if there were thousands of troops and horses, constantly gathering.

Although the corpse tide has quieted down, the pressure brought by it is ten times as much as before! Breathing smoothly, at this moment, seems to have become a luxury.

"What's going on ..." Yun Nixian gritted her teeth and turned to look at Lin Miaoran.

Lin Miaoran lost Qiushuijian. At this moment, her expression was faint. She looked ahead and stuffed a pill of rejuvenation into her mouth.

Behind her, Su Yuqing slowly unfolded the map in her hand.

After a brutal battle, there are fewer than ten maps left in her hands.

And because of the continuous activation of the matrix method, Su Yuqing was actually close to the force at this moment, and her tenth images pressed her arms to tremble slightly.

Xiaotangtang and handsome stepped out from the corner of the house.

Although Xiaotang's wound has been treated, the previous blood still sticks to the fur.

The blood red color spread on the white fur, and it looked like a white tiger's body was burning with a fire.

Although handsome at this moment is the appearance of a big white pig, his face is exhausted with naked eyes.

This time, it also contributed a lot.

On his belly, there was a scary wound close to three feet, and one ear was missing. At the moment, blood can be seen in the corner of his mouth.

In fact, when everyone was unprepared and the zombie suddenly emerged from the ground, it was the handsome man who reacted for the first time, directly showing the body, rolling wildly on the ground, and giving the crowd of zombies that sprung up like mushrooms. Shengsheng pressed back and protected everyone with his own body.

Otherwise, when the zombies first appeared, some of them would definitely be injured, and they might even fall.

"There are stronger zombies."

At this time, Li Xiu came from the side and exhaled.

He looked at Lin Miaoran: "It should be stronger than that corpse that appeared before."

Lin Miaoran nodded silently.

The other party has not yet appeared, but at this moment, the pressure brought by people can be felt.

"In other words, the ability to see stronger zombies now shows that we have made them feel threatened."

Jiang Pan dreamed to relax the atmosphere, but at the moment no one can laugh at the scene.

Because of the corpse tide, the monks who are trapped in this area can no longer communicate with each other.

Even if you know, there may be another group of people trapped within ten miles of yourself.

But at this time, it is very unwise to rush out and want to meet with each other.

Not to mention this way, you will encounter a vast and endless zombie attack.

Even if you work hard and find those monks, who can guarantee that the other party will not kill you, in order to take away the only elixir and magic weapon left on you, so that he can get a greater chance of survival .

By this time, everyone could have guessed that a large number of monks must have been gathered outside the corpse tide.

The reason these monks don't come to the rescue is because they want to take advantage of the fishermen.

Although they didn't take the shot at this moment, they couldn't stay out.

After all, the tide surrounded by not only a group of monks, but also the stairs leading to the palace above.

To reach the stairs, the outside monks must kill a blood path from the tide of corpses.

So for the monks who are trapped now, they have no chance to survive, but they have a chance to survive.

That is persistence.

The monks who persisted beyond the corpse tide launched an offensive.

In this way, the elixir for restoring strength and aura, as well as the array and weapons sufficient to sustain it, have become the most scarce resource.

Until now, these resources can be life-saving! The reason why Lin Miaoran can persist to this day is because they work together, and on the other hand, it is also the most important one, that is, Chu Yan's plan for entering Sansheng Mountain.

Each of them carries an incredible amount of resources.

If they did not rely on these resources, even if they worked together again and wanted to persist in the siege of the corpse tide till now, it would be tantamount to dreaming.

What Jiang Panmeng said at this moment, although it didn't play a role in alleviating the atmosphere, it also reminded everyone: the zombies stronger than the corpse shot, then it may also represent that the monks outside are ready to launch Killed.

In order to avoid the situation of suffering from the enemy on the back, these zombies now need to settle the monks in the middle.

"This is the legend, the darkness before dawn?"

The handsome snorted, spit out blood, and hated, "If it weren't for these zombies that couldn't be eaten, I wouldn't be able to replenish my vitality. I would have burned them all and cooked and steamed them.

Talking, handsome could not help but swallow a spit.


Furui also woke up not long ago.

She had previously fainted due to dehydration. After taking the medicine, her body has returned to normal, but she has never seen her in this scene, and her face is scary at this moment.

"Chu Yan may not appear this time, so we have to rely on ourselves."

Lin Miaoran took her into her arms.

Furui was shaking.

The little girl's instinct, when she encounters such a situation, will have such a performance, which is normal.

No one would blame her.

In fact, at this moment, everyone's heart is not extremely tense.

This collapsed half of the dangerous building is a shelter for everyone to take a breath, but it is placed in the middle of a tide of corpses. , Isolated hopeless and desolate feeling of isolated island.

Below the eaves, everyone fell silent.

Chu Yan is absent. They are going to earn a life for themselves and their companions this time! After a while, Lin Miaoran smiled and looked up.

Her eyes were bright: "Let's just think of this as an exercise before entering the Spirit Cut Road. What do you think?"

On the way to the future, Chu Yan cannot be accompanied.

Lin Miaoran's words calmed down the dignified atmosphere of the scene. The original tight strings of the crowd relaxed a lot at this moment.

"Yes, this is an exercise. When we get there, we still have to take the road of slayer."

Li Xiu showed a rare smile.

"Ah ... since it's an early practice, how can you be without me ..." Everyone looked back and saw Su Jianyuan, who had been in a coma for a long time, in the dimness. The sword stood on the ground, watching the crowd say.

… At the same time, in the dark black soul city, a chessboard is carrying three people, sweeping forward at a very fast speed.

"Just hold on for a while."

Standing right in front of the heaven and earth chessboard, Chu Yan's eyes gathered.

Looking from here, he can already see a crowd of black people moving outside the front wall.

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