Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1306: Country Adult

Corpse tide is extremely quiet.

This state has been maintained for at least a quarter of an hour.

The repression brought by the quietness makes people's heart jump wildly uncontrollably.

The kind of prestige brought by the pressure of thousands of soldiers and horses has made people feel that they can breathe freely, which has become a luxury hope.

In the abandoned house, Lin Miaoran and others looked seriously into the distance.

There was an open space left after the corpse tide had faded.

Nothing can be seen on the open ground at this moment.

But this open space just gives people a feeling, where it is, is the center of all the pressure at the moment.

It won't be long before there will be a terrifying change in that open space.

Suddenly, a tall, thin figure appeared on the open space.

This figure appeared extremely abruptly, as if it came out of nowhere.

Even though Lin Miaoran and others had made psychological preparations for a long time, they still couldn't help but jump at each other when this figure appeared.

There was a hint of doubt in everyone's eyes.

Where did this guy come from?

This figure is wearing a black robe, but from a physical point of view, it is closer to a head than ordinary people, and the figure is extremely thin.

If it wasn't for him moving slowly and holding a long wooden crutch in his hand, it would really make people think that he was just a clothes rack.

"He came at us."

Lin Miaoran stared.

"Someone over there."

Li Xiu suddenly spoke.

Looking in the direction he suggested, everyone immediately saw that there were two monks behind the tall and thin figure, who were sneaking up to them.

These two monks were apparently trapped by the tide before.

At this moment I saw this tall and thin figure appear, and the other party did not find their existence.

Such a good opportunity for these two monks is obviously impossible to miss.

Two monks, cooperated with degrees, one holding a long knife, close to the ground, silently, came behind this black figure.

The other, as a response, is a little further away.

The monk who approached the black figure suddenly exploded when he came to a place less than a foot behind the figure.

Lin Miaoran and others were far away and did not hear what the other party shouted.

But at this moment, everyone clearly saw that the long knife in the monk's hands suddenly burst into red.

Raging fire, roaring from the blade.

At this moment, a long knife turned into a flame, and the volley slammed down towards the black figure.

The black figure suddenly moved at this moment.

No twitch of aura came from him.

The black figure just raised the wooden staff in his hand.

With the sound of a clang, the flame blade and the staff collided empty.

There was no burst of flame, no explosion on the ground, and even the sound of the impact was not so intense.

This feeling is a bit like a fierce punch, but it hits a cotton bale.

But at this time, everyone in the distance clearly saw that the wooden staff in the black silhouette suddenly changed.

For a moment, the wooden staff suddenly swelled up like an old tree sprouting, turning into a pitch-black weapon that was wide and narrow like a paddle.

And the wide side above, at this time, there are light spots.

Light dots appear like stars.

The crowd didn't know what it meant, but the next moment, the black figure waved the paddle.

boom! Where the oars passed, the void became sticky, and the next moment, from the depths of the void, there were billowing waves.

This time, it was like opening the gate to release water.

The waves were rolling, the shocking waves hit the shore, and the sound was amazing. Instantly, when the impact came out, the flame on the blade was extinguished.

The surging air waves turned into a fierce blow, and they bombarded the monk without reservation.

A scream came.

The long knife in the monk's hand was suddenly fried into powder.

While he was flying up in the air, his body's bones continued to crack and crackle, and a lot of blood was sprayed from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

After a while, when he landed, his internal organs, bones, and bones had all been broken into muddy blood, and only a soft human skin was left, soaked in plasma, and stuck on the ground.

As for the coordinating companion, at the moment when he saw this scene, he dropped the weapon in his hand and turned and ran. After a moment of effort, he disappeared.

The black figure did not chase.

He held the oar-like magic weapon, and continued to walk towards everyone.

The distance of less than three miles from the crowd was that the black figure stopped, and then slightly raised the paddle in his hand.

"What is he going to do?"

Fury asked in confusion.

The little girl's voice had just fallen, and the purple clouds that had been hovering in the air before, floated towards this side, and then stopped over the black silhouette.

Seeing this scene, a terrible idea just rose in the hearts of everyone, and suddenly, a corpse general fell from the purple clouds behind the black silhouette.

One, two, three, four ... more and more corpses will appear.

At a glance, it looks like dumplings.

The tide of the corpses that surrounded the people before, and the zombies inside it, may be at most four or five thousand.

Now, the corpses falling from the air are roughly counted, and the number is close to a thousand! The black crowd formed a neat square matrix, standing behind the black figure.

Thousands of corpses, the oppression at this moment, is approaching a million troops! The ground was trembling at this moment.

However, in the house, Lin Miaoran and others who saw this scene had no fear on their faces.

Everyone looked at each other, and then Li Xiu and Jiang Panmeng stepped aside, raised their swords, swept, and thundered, and toppled this already shaky house completely.

In a cloud of rising dust, the crowd would not escape, and the thousand heads would face it.

The crowd stood in a row.

Su Jianyuan, Jiang Panmeng, Li Xiu, Yun Nishang, Lin Miaoran, Shen Qing, Furui, Su Yuqing, Su Xinyu, Xiaotangtang, handsome.

There are monks, there are monsters.

This time, Chu Yan was absent.

Even if Chu Yan hadn't received the signal, they could not come, they were not sure.

But at this moment, they had no fear in their hearts.

It seemed that the emotions of the crowd were sensed. The black figure now raised a hand and slowly took off the hood of the black robe.

Under the hood was a head that had shrunk and looked almost the same as a skull.

The only difference from the skull is that this head is not white, but it is purple because the skin is still there.

In this deeply sunken eye socket, two green **** lit up at this time, and it looked like a ghostly fire, which caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly.

"The demon fell."

Just then, the face suddenly opened.

His voice can't be unpleasant, just a little dry, like a person who hasn't drank water for a long time.

"Now I am the only teacher left, and I feel that you can threaten the king's resurgence, so I shot it myself."

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