Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1309: Here comes the teacher

Lin Miaoran was taken aback. After reaching out to catch it, he found that the one who flung into his arms turned out to be handsome.

But now, handsome is no longer the mighty unicorn form before, but a small white pig the size of only two fists of an adult.

The little white pig was dirty at the moment, the tip of one ear was missing, and his face was full of fatigue.

Fortunately, although it looks tired, it is not life-threatening.

"Remember to talk to Chu Yan ..." The handsome opened his mouth, and his eyelids continued to squirt. "Blamed him ... I'm exhausted ..." After speaking, the white pig's eyelids were completely fainted.

Lin Miaoran held the little white pig, opened his mouth, and was trying to say something. Shen Qing, not far away, rushed into the smoke.

The next moment, a series of rapid explosions came from the thick smoke.

Bang Bang Bang! Seems like a heavy object hit! Every time, a cloud of smoke exploded in the thick smoke.

A few moments later, two silhouettes rushed out of the thick smoke.

One of them is Shen Qing who just rushed in.

Shen Qing was standing on the ground at this moment, not knowing if it was because she had lost too much blood, her face was almost white.

At this time, the blood was still seeping from the wound on her body, ticking ticking, and a pool of ground accumulated.

If it wasn't for the savage physique that came from the town's prison idols, I would have died of blood.

On the opposite side of Shen Qing, was a state teacher who had been forced out of the land by a handsome man.

After being roasted by the flames sprayed by the unicorn, the national division looked much more embarrassed than before.

Most of the black robes on his body were burned, revealing the long-lost moisture in the inside, and it was like the old bacon that had been forgotten hanging outside.

There was hair on the head, but now it is almost burned out.

The only thing left was the clusters on the head, which looked funny and ridiculous.

In the thick smoke, a faint ghost can be seen at this moment.

These ghosts are obviously the corpses.

The handsome just rammed into anger, not only crashed into the corpse generals, but also hit a large pit with a diameter of dozens of feet on the ground.

Coupled with the burning of the flames, at this moment, the corpses have not all crawled out of the large pit.

The muscles on the face of the teacher have already become dry, and they can no longer make expressions.

But the blinking green light in his eyes at this time showed his inner anger at the moment.

"You two! You two!"

The guru gritted his teeth.

"You have no obvious flaws. The eight elements in your body are so balanced."

When he said these words, the master raised his eight-foot ruler and pointed at Lin Miaoran.

"And you!"

The state teacher once again pointed to Shen Qing, "You actually gave up the use of skills, but used the body directly! I never expected that after 20,000 years, there would still be such a nasty body!

"The eight-gauge ruler in your hand can measure the attributes of our aura operation, and then restrain with the corresponding attributes."

Lin Miaoran's gaze fixed, "The means are exactly the same as those clay figures before."

Already having such a painful experience, at this time, plus the words of the National Teacher, if you can't guess all the reasons, it is strange.

"I am a body of clear jade. The attributes of the eight elements in the body are very balanced, so before you could not restrain me directly.

Ah Ching's prison idols are better at using her blood and strength to fight against enemies than her magic skills, and the eight **** ruler in your hand can only suppress elemental attributes, so she is not able to knock her down at once.

As for handsome, it is the same as A Qing.

The strongest monsters are their bodies. "

Lin Miaoran's eyes flashed with awe.

Thinking about it this way, the reason why Li Xiu and others were defeated by the opponent almost makes sense.

Of course, there are naturally many people who are seriously injured, and the strength of the national division itself exceeds the factors.

However, more advantages are still based on the eight **** ruler.

If from the point of view of the grade, although the Eight God Ruler will not be a powerful magic weapon, but it is used at this time and here to say that it is an artifact, it is absolutely not excessive.

Because of this, at this moment, the National Teacher is showing great confidence.

He laughed again and again.

The dark teeth made a tingling noise in the mouth.

"Now you want to understand that it's useless. Do you really think the two of you have a chance to escape from me?

Or, even if I don't care about you, do you have confidence to get away from them? "

The state teacher raised the eight-foot ruler and pointed backwards.

Suddenly, every figure walked out from the thick smoke.

Hundreds of thousands of corpses, each as strong as Lin Miaoran had fought before, now appeared constantly, forming a circle, surrounding Lin Miaoran, Shen Qing and handsome.

The bloodthirsty and killing breath almost condensed into a thick cloud of horror above the corpses' heads, and the hearts of people were forced to stop beating.

Tick ​​ticking-blood is still dripping from Shen Qing's body.

Her face grew paler.

After a while, she shook herself and planted it towards the ground.

Persistence till now is already her last limit.

Lin Miaoran hurriedly stepped sideways to help Shen Qing.

But at this moment, Shen Qing's breathing became irritated. Even though her body was supported, she still fell towards the ground.

Shen Qing's body touched the ice cold.

The skin was originally white, and at the moment it was exuding bleak white.

Lin Miaoran, who tried to drag her up so that Shen Qing did not fall to the ground, was at a loss now.

When she was with Chu Yan, many, many times, she heard Chu Qing talk about Shen Qing.

With so many people, she and Chu Yan first met Shen Qing.

She knew that Shen Qing was a student of Chu Yan.

She knew that Shen Qing, though silent, had the toughest endurance.

She remembers Chu Yan's glorious and proud face every time she spoke of Shen Qing.

Lin Miaoran heard Chu Yan said that although he was not sure so far, it was not a right thing for him to agree with Shen Qing's request for worship.

But Shen Qing is his most satisfied student.

Her body possesses qualities that even Chu Yan would envy and never possess.

Being able to teach her something, Chu Yan's heart was full of gratitude.

Thank you for being able to meet Shen Qing when you were in Changqing Town.

But now, the best disciple in Chu Yan's eyes fell into Lin Miaoran's arms, his eyes were closed, his body was as light as a feather, reachable by his tentacles, and became colder at a horrible speed.

At this moment, Lin Miaoran could hardly feel the living breath from her body.

"Stand up!"

Lin Miaoran took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and held Shen Qing, trying to make the other person stand upright.

"Chu Yan will never like what you are now!"

I don't know if it is Chu Yan's name, which stimulated Shen Qing.

Shen Qing, who was already dying, had moved her lips slightly at this moment, making a faint mosquito sound: "Teacher ... coming ..."

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