Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1310: You're here


Lin Miaoran looked into her arms.

After Shen Qing said that vague word, there was no more voice.

At this moment, she could barely feel her breath.

Her whole body, as thin as paper at this moment, seemed like a gust of wind to blow her away.

Previously, in the siege of the corpse tide, she pulled Su Jianyuan by herself, waiting for Lin Miaoran and Jiang Panmeng's assistance.

Later, after only a short rest, she stood up again, and with her own blood power, she resisted the National Teacher and the Eight God Ruler.

In the Pantheon, Jiang Panmeng once protected Shen Qing with his natural blood.

After that, although Shen Qing did not express her gratitude, as long as she was with the crowd, the most tiring and hardest things, she would continue silently.

If a companion is in trouble, Shen Qing will also be the first person to appear next to each other.

Coming to Black Soul City this time, she has been doing everything for everyone.

And at this time, she finally overdrawn her full strength.

The blood in the body, at this time, feels like it has dried up.

Lin Miaoran looked at Shen Qing in her arms and suddenly felt extremely distressed.

Shen Qing's words are the least of all.

Compared to Su Jianyuan, who was embarrassed, she was afraid that it would be after Su Jianyuan spoke five thousand words that Shen Qing would utter a humor.

But if you think about it, I am afraid that there is no one at the scene, who will ignore the existence of this girl.

Holding Shen Qing up, Lin Miaoran put the handsome man back in his arms.

Shen Qing and handsome were both in a coma at the moment.

One was too injured and the other was too weak.

Still standing at this time, only Lin Miaoran remained.

Surrounded by more and more corpses, and the national division holding an eight-foot ruler, staring at each other.

"The King will wake up soon, so I don't want anyone to disturb him."

The guru lifted the Iori ruler, "Now you are the only one left."

"Did you not hear what she just said?"

Lin Miaoran looked up at this time, and said lightly to the teacher.


The state teacher looked to Lin Miaoran.

"Her teacher is coming."

Lin Miaoran raised his mouth, "So before that, I won't fall, and I won't let you touch any of them."

"Then let him collect your corpses!"

The teacher shouted loudly and rushed towards Lin Miaoran.

"Zhan Ying Qing Xian ..." Lin Miaoran's gaze fixed, a white light radiated from his palm.

But at this moment, alas, several chains came through, entangled her arms, and yanked again.

Lin Miaoran's two arms immediately pulled away on both sides, and his body was dragged into a "ten" character.

Shen Qing and handsome who was held in her arms suddenly fell to the ground.

Unwilling to appear in Lin Miaoran's eyes, the only aura remaining in the body, covering the whole body at this moment, was rushing out.

Suddenly, the aura was like a tide, and a rumbling sound erupted, striking towards the master.

"You can't even perform your spells, what a tough word!"

The division slammed the Iori ruler.

Suddenly, a sharp ray of light, like the blade of a wandering blade, instantly ripped the spirit tide.

The teacher stepped forward and came to Lin Miaoran.

"Dead! You've brought enough trouble!"

The state teacher lifted the eight **** ruler.

On the surface of the magic weapon, a group of thunder light is condensing rapidly, and the sound of rumbling sounds like a thunderous thunder in summer, shocking people.

Lin Miaoran gritted her teeth. At this moment, she had not given up.

The light of the white moon was condensed again from her hands.

The chains that entangled her wrists, at this moment, under the influence of the white light, seemed to be purified and began to mottle, crack, and fall off.

The refreshing air currents rolled up on the ground, and suddenly the **** and earthy smell was blown away.

"You're still stubborn! Resist me!"

Seeing this scene, the master shouted a roar, and a thunder dragon flashed out in his hand, blasting towards Lin Miaoran.

The pale light at this moment seemed to split the yin and yang, swallowing the entire world into an extremely dazzling white.

Lin Miaoran raised his hands without fear, and shot one.

Her eyes flashed with a very firm look.

"Chu Yan told me never to give up at any time!"

"Zhan Ying Qing Xian Palm!"

The severe pain that Lei Guang smashed was passed from the fingertips to the entire arm in an instant, and the next moment, the entire body seemed to be hurt by a needle.

Lin Miaoran could clearly feel the pain of the moonlight being torn by the thunder, and the lightning coming into his body.

After all, she was already extremely weak at this time.

Compared with the fainted Shen Qing, her condition is only slightly better.

The severe pain made Lin Miaoran's body cramp.

But she gritted her teeth and did not let herself hum.

For a moment, Lin Miaoran felt the **** smell in his mouth.

In front of her eyes, it also began to darken.

The consciousness began to fall apart under the tearing of Thunder Light.

But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.

This dark shadow seemed a little strange, but a little familiar.

I don't know if it was because of this figure, Lin Miaoran suddenly felt that the sting caused by Lei Guang suddenly seemed to ease a little.

"I'm ... have an illusion?"

Lin Miaoran said in her heart.

But soon, Lin Miaoran was surprised to find that the pain in her body was really dissipating.

With her, her vision became clearer and clearer.

A figure wearing armor, with his back facing his own figure, was standing in front of himself at this moment, blocking the thunder that fell down.

The figure in armor was very tall.

At this moment, Lin Miaoran can even see through the position of the other side's waist and ribs, seeing the anxiety that emerged in the eyes of the opposite teacher.

In front of this guy wearing armor, blocked the other party's thunder! Lin Miaoran's heart jumped, and then ecstatic.

Where is this strong aid! "Who did you just tell to die?"

At this time, Lin Miaoran suddenly heard the figure in front of her and spoke a word.

This sentence is naturally said to that teacher.

But this voice, Lin Miaoran is more familiar.

"Chu——" Lin Miaoran felt his heart as if he had been hit by a crit.

But her next word hadn't had time to say, the person in front of her suddenly raised her hand and waved her fist.

boom! Punch out.

A void was blown up.

The cracked thunderbolt was instantly torn apart.

The guru with a shameless face flew out hundreds of feet directly, smashed a piece of corpse behind him, and smashed into the ground.

Looking at the figure in armor in front of him, he slowly turned around and revealed Chu Yan's worried face, and Lin Miaoran suddenly felt that his breathing was about to stop.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but after a while, all the words turned into a bang, and then she could not say hello: "You are coming."

After speaking, Lin Miaoran's body suddenly softened and fell down.

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