Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1314: There is a pig

This turn of events was too sudden and without warning.

Billowing swordsman, with infinite intention of killing, in a moment, the void was mashed into mud, and in an instant, it would be swallowed up suddenly.

In the distance Uslanma's breathing was stagnant.

Lin Miaoran was stiff.

Pu Yangyi opened her eyes wide and straightened.

The next moment, three people walked out of the ring in midair.

A man dressed in yellow cedar, a man with a serious face, and a man with a beard.

At the feet of the three, each stepped on a flying magic weapon.

Seeing Chu Yan swallowed by the billowing sword, Wang Lei, a beard with a beard, smirked proudly, swiped his arm, and embroidered the banner of mysterious lines, he was held in his hand.

He waved flags in vain.

Immediately, in the distance between heaven and earth, it seemed to be slowly opened.

Vast figures came from behind the scene.

The rushing figures, at least thousands of them, are soaring into the sky, apparently they are cultivating energy, and have been waiting for a long time, monks watching the fire from the other side! "Magic array ..." Seeing this scene, Lin Miaoran murmured, his heart trembled.

Seeing this scene, she had understood it.

These monks appearing at the moment are waiting for the perimeter of the corpse.

Some of them were already sneaking in, watching the situation here.

Seeing that the Master was killed, they immediately shot and intercepted Chu Yan, trying to **** the Eight God Rulers.

Although it is very likely that they are still unclear what a magic weapon has, but from all the previous conditions, it can be inferred that the eight **** ruler is the key item to open the ban and go to the palace above.

Just when Lin Miaoran, Uzrama and Xingyangyi were shocked because of this change, a few silhouettes quietly appeared on the ground behind them, with a shallow outline.

For a moment, they were unaware.

At the next moment, the nets were slammed, and the three of them were caught off guard immediately.

Uzrama's consciousness changed, and when she was about to react, she suddenly felt all kinds of strange powers, rushing to herself from all directions, so that she could not twist her body at will.

"This web is weird!"

Uzrama immediately changed her way and wanted to work on the aura.

But at this moment, the aura in her body seemed to be cut off by something. As soon as Dantian Qihai emerged, she disappeared silently.

And the big net that bound her, at this moment a cyan light appeared on the surface.

The light flickered, as if in smoke, forming a thin layer, permeating through the large net, and clinging to Usrama's body.

Seeing this picture, and then linking the feelings at the moment, Uzrama's face suddenly changed, and she exclaimed: "Broken spirit!"

Lin Miaoran and Yunyang Yi were trapped by the same method at this time.

The body cannot move, and the aura cannot run.

At first on the ground, I still struggled and twisted a few times.

But after a few breaths, only the eyes can turn and the breath can move.

At this time, on the ground behind them, several figures finally emerged from behind them.

These figures were almost transparent at first and fell to the ground like a gecko.

At this moment, seeing Lin Miaoran and others **** strong, they immediately appeared in shape.

The leading person, with a long braid, first glanced at the dense swordmant shining brightly in the midst of the sky, then glanced down and fell on the body of Lin Miaoran and others, coldly: "This seven treasure glass net, clavicles, broken spirit It ’s up to you, but you ca n’t break free. ”

"Brother Qi."

At this time, a young man in a blue shirt behind him took a step forward, seeing Li Yang staring at himself, and suddenly kicked the other side severely, and then continued to the long-distance monk: "These people are injured one by one. Being so weak, killing kills. Why is it useful to catch them alive? "

"Of course it works."

Brother Qi glanced at him and explained lightly: "That guy in the air is most likely a disciple from Tianyazong."


The young man in blue shirt apparently just heard about it and was taken aback.

He is still a monk of the Xinjiang national clan. The words Baoxiang Shangguo and Tianyazong are still unattainable and sacred in his eyes.

The thought that he was participating in the fight now turned out to be a disciple of Tianyazong. In his heart, he was surprised and afraid for a while, and felt a little irritating.

The young man in the blue shirt and several others were shocked to spit out the expression on his little tongue, which made Brother Qi extremely satisfied.

He sneered, stepping on Yangyangyi's stomach, and continued, "Xu Muran was worried that he would not be able to kill the disciples at that day, so I hope we can catch his fellows and threaten them so that they can Rodent avoidance device.

Judging from the previous situation, that disciple of Tianyazong is indeed a man of serious affection.

If Xu Muran can't kill this person, as long as we have his companion in our hands, he will definitely let us at our mercy. "

"What if Xu Muran killed his disciples that day?"

The young man in blue shirt looked up in the air.

At this moment, the sky is bright and the sky is bright as daylight.

The flickering light also printed the ground light and fluttering, strangely.

The young man in the blue shirt was so shocked that he couldn't help whispering to himself: "This way, there is a chance that the guy can't be killed ... Tianyazong's disciple is really so powerful ..." Tianyazong, naturally know! "

Brother Qi snorted and ordered everyone to say: "Let's search again and see if there are anyone else, so don't leave out."

Everyone at the scene immediately looked up.

Lin Miaoran, the place where they rested, was empty all around, and there was no one else, which was basically clear at a glance.

Everyone searched and found no trace of others.

But at this time, the voice of the young man in the blue shirt came from not far from everyone.

"Brother Qi, I found a pig here.

Alas, what kind of pig demon is this? Its eyes are so big, it's not only looking at me, it's still dripping. "

... In the void, Jianmang fluttered.

The killing breath, like the cold wind in autumn, swept everything.

All the tastes of silence and death, spontaneously, make people deep in it, can not help but feel despair.

Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei looked at the direction where Chu Yan was before, with the corners of his mouth rising, the corners of his eyes smiling, and nodding.

In their eyes, their own plan is so thorough, the other party has absolutely no possibility of survival.

Among the three, only Xu Muran was staring at the moment.

After a while, Xu Muran's eyes suddenly bloomed with a touch of magic.

Among the dazzling sword awns, he just seemed to see a figure flashing in it.

Although it was a fleeting picture, Xu Muran's heart sank suddenly.

"not good!"

He almost roared subconsciously. He stepped on the flying sword, and his body exploded backwards. His hands waved again and again, hitting a series of rune magic weapons, blocking him.

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