Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1315: Monk amulet

Xu Muran's movements were swift and fast, without warning.

Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei, separated on both sides, did not return to God at all.

When they stumbled, when they reacted, Xu Muran had stepped on his flying sword and retreated a few miles away.

At this time, the two of them were agitated and realized that it was not good.

But at this moment, it's too late.

A mighty coercion came out of the sword tide.

At this moment, the countless swordsman pours seemed to be afraid, and began to tremble, collide, and make a crunching sound.

The next moment, Jianghuai Wu and Xu Muran saw a figure printed from the back of Jianmang, and it became clearer as they approached.

The void in the surroundings seemed to have solidified into iron plates at this time, making Jianghuaiwu and Wang Lei feel the suffering of breathing and the blood was cold.

At this moment, they didn't know whether they should quickly retreat to avoid their sharp edge, or to scold Xu Muran for not telling morale, not reminding, and running away alone.

But at this time, whatever they did, it was too late.

Bang! Jian Chao exploded instantly from the middle.

Chu Yan was breathing like a heavenly god, taking a violent breath, taking one step forward, spreading his fingers, grabbing toward Jianghuaiwu and Wang Lei.

Billowing aura, surging out.

At this moment, the five fingers of Chu Yan, as if they were too ancient, could extend indefinitely, so that Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei had a sense of despair that they were extremely small, heaven and earth, and nowhere else to hide.

"What are you still doing! Don't leave yet! Take the Jingling Sword!"

Xu Muran, who had retreated to the distance, still did not leave the two men after all.

It may also be because he understands the coldness of his lips, so at this moment, he reminded the two, and his arm waved suddenly. In a moment, when he was empty, a hundred-foot-long sword was condensed, and it burst into a churn.

The vast air was cut off at this moment, like boiling water, roaring and rolling around.

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and patted it towards Jianmang.

Xu Muran's face just showed a sneer, and suddenly he saw Chu Yan slap and smash the sword.

Immediately, his face turned pale, his body flickered slightly, and he almost planted from the air.

And in his heart, a terrifying roar broke out: "How is this possible!"

The Sword of Jingjing Spirit is one of the techniques he mastered. The sword just now contains at least 70% of his power.

Although he didn't expect to be able to kill Chu Yan originally, but blocking the other side, Xu Muran still had absolute confidence.

But the other side even lightly slaps and smashes the sword.

Is this guy a Di Yuanjing? Is this guy human? Chu Yan gave a cold glance at Xu Muran in the distance, then faceless, continued to grab Jianghuaiwu and Wang Lei.

Although it was delayed for a while because of stunned gods, but after Xu Muran's sword, the two men also reacted in the howling wind, and immediately pulled back.

But how could Chu Yan give them a chance?

"The world board!"

Huh! Suddenly, Chu Yan reached Wang Lei, stretched out his hand, and seized the flag in the opponent's hand.

Wang Lei originally wanted to compete with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan opened his mouth, a thunder, pierced the opponent's chest with a large hole, then split it with one palm, breaking his opponent's right arm side by side.

Wang Lei screamed, mixed with the blood of the sky, and planted from the air.

That flag naturally fell into the hands of Chu Yan.

The flag of the battlefield was dark, and the shiny array of lines appeared on the surface, revealing a mysterious and mysterious taste.

Previously, Chu Yan's attention was focused on the zombie national division. In addition, the ability of this flag to cover is really strong, so at that time, he just felt that there was something wrong, and he did not realize that those outside monks had already Under the cover of the magic array, rushed in.

You know, at that time, even the mysterious bells could not detect the problem.

Otherwise, there won't be a chance for Xu Muran to attack Chu Yan.

But at this moment, Chu Yan glanced at the flag, raised his hand directly, and snapped it, breaking the flag from the middle, and repeatedly breaking the flag into dozens of broken steps.

All the formations and patterns contained in the banner are completely penetrated and completely destroyed.

An artifact-level magic weapon, in the blink of an eye, became waste.

Seeing this, Xu Muran in the distance and Jianghuai Wu in the distance felt that the hands and feet were cold at this moment, and the whole body's blood seemed to be frozen.

They are so strong, they have already predicted.

Later, peeping at the other side and the National Teacher's battle, it was even more proved.

But what they didn't expect is that Chu Yan is even stronger than what they think and see! When the other party just faced the teacher, they didn't do their best! To be more precise, he exploded the Chinese division, which was almost no different from playing.

Seeing Chu Yan raise his hand and toss the pieces of the banner into the air, Jianghuai Wu shouted: "You dare to move towards me, I am the town ..." "I control who your town is."

Chu Yan glanced at the other side, sweeping his arm directly.

Crackling! At this moment, JAC's pupils contracted sharply.

He can clearly see that the void where the opponent's arm passes is constantly shaking, jumping, and twisting, as if he cannot support it, and can collapse and collapse at any time.

But despite panic, Jiang Huaiwu's response was fast enough.

He reached for his neck and took out a jade pendant, holding it firmly in his palm, closing his eyes, and nearly screaming in despair: "The ancestors save me!"

Hum! When Chu Yan's arm swept across his head, Jiang Huaiwu's body surface at the same time formed a mass of ghost images.

This phantom is not small and small. It just happens to cover Jianghuai Wu, and looking at it from a close distance, it is like a layer of tulle on Jianghuai Wu's body.

boom! Chu Yan struck Jiang Huaiwu's body, and suddenly he struck a bronze bell hard.

A backlash came, which made Chu Yan's palm a little painful.

And this layer of light on Jianghuai Wu suddenly surged.

As for the Jianghuai Wu itself, it spit a blood spit, with Venus in his eyes, and fell diagonally towards the ground.

Seeing this, Chu Yan frowned: "How dare to resist?"

At this time, he had understood what the jade pendant in Jianghuaiwu's hand was.

That was an amulet made by a monk.

This amulet contains the monk's aura and blood, which can be inspired at critical moments to protect the holder or to kill the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, all released are spells, the power is almost equal to the full blow of the producer.

However, this kind of amulet is not easy to make, and the monks produced will also have a lot of wear and tear, so in general, if it is not the juniors who are very optimistic or favorite in the family or the ancestors, otherwise no monk will self-destruct , Making such amulets to the other party.

In this case, according to Jiang Huaiwu's recent self-reporting action, this amulet is obviously made by an elder in his family to protect his life.

The wishes of the elders were good, but unfortunately, the people attacked by Jianghuai Wu today were His Highness Chu Yanchu.

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