Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1319: Your flaws

Lagerstroemia indica.

As soon as the three words came out, thousands of people were amazed at the scene. Wang Lei's face showed a look of doubt, and even Jiang Huai, who was in a semi-conscious state, froze and opened his eyes at this moment.

For monks who want to enter the End of the World, most of them think that entering the End of the World is just the beginning.

Their goal is to become the elite of the End of the World, and then join the Ziweimen.

Although Ziweimen is only an organization formed spontaneously by Tianyazong disciples, its influence is not limited to Tianyazong and Baoxiang Shangguo.

Even the neighboring gates of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom were thundering at Ziwei Gate.

At this moment, Chu Yan said these three words. It was like a thunderous thunderstorm on a sunny day, which immediately caught everyone's attention.

Everyone was mistaken and surprised, not knowing what Chu Yan just said.

At the scene, only Xu Muran's complexion suddenly gloomed.

At this moment, his gaze was unpredictable, and he constantly looked at Chu Yan.

His Royal Highness Chu still smiled, raised his chops and pointed at him: "I don't like to talk nonsense, I will ask you, besides you and Qian Cheng, who else has Ziweimen mixed in this time."

Chu Yan's words had no beginning or end, but someone at the scene had already guessed the meaning of his words.

Suddenly, everyone looked at each other, whispering and talking.

"Is there a disciple among Ziweimen?"

"This time is not the selection of Tianyazong. What will Ziweimen disciples do?"

"Is it illegal to do this?"

"Tianyazong didn't know Ziweimen did this?"

"Shh! Keep quiet, Xu Muran seems to be Zizimen's disciple."

The voice of everyone's discussions grew louder with Xu Muran's silence.

Even Wang Lei and Jiang Huaiwu showed an alert look at him at this moment.

Ziweimen's disciples, although this status is enviable and respected.

But this is like, in a disciple's assessment, a tutor mixed in to participate in the assessment.

Whatever the purpose of this mentor, first of all he broke fairness, it will be enough to be the enemy of everyone.

Suddenly, Daodao eyes, like a sword and a sword, focused on Xu Muran's body.

He immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Xu Muran shook his fist, his face constantly changing.

Chu Yan's smile seemed mocking, mocking, cheating him, and controlling everything.

Xu Muran still did not speak, and in his heart, he was also playing against Chu Yan.

However, this game stopped as soon as Chu Yan really took out the blood.

Xu Muran's eyes flickered sharply, Li Li screamed: "How is Brother Qian!"

Before that, he just speculated that Ruyi Ruyi was on Chu Yan, and Li Xiu and others were used to make transactions. He also worried that Chu Yan would not follow suit.

But at this moment I really saw the **** Ruyi, Xu Muran immediately understood that his previous guess came true! If this is what you want, then Qian Cheng must be something unexpected.

As far as the rest of the scene is concerned, Xu Muran's statement at this moment is tantamount to acknowledging his identity as a Ziweimen disciple.

There was an uproar.

The eyes of Wang Lei and Jiang Huaiwu were still vigilant and doubtful, but at this moment, they were full of hatred in an instant.

At this time, if they still can't understand, they are stupid.

As Muzimen Xu Muran, naturally there is no need to take the path of slashing spirits.

So when he came here, there must be a plan.

As for the others, he is obviously the object of his use! Not only the alliance led by himself, including Jianghuai Wu, Wang Lei, including everyone on the scene, was used by him! If it weren't for this moment, everyone would fear that they would always be in the dark.

Looking around, at this moment there is far more malice than goodwill.

Even if Xu Muran is a Ziwei doorman.

But now that his identity has been revealed, Xu Muran will no longer cover it up and simply admit it.

"Yes, I'm a Ziweimen disciple. You guessed it. I'm curious how you saw it.

I confess that I cover up very well.

So many people at the scene were unaware.

And it's only now that I'm in direct contact with you. "

Xu Muran said.

"Yun Nei."

Chu Yan said faintly, "The people you send have only missed Yun Nishang.

Only the disciples of Tianyazong knew Yun Neixiang's appearance.

And your purpose is very similar to Qian Cheng.

So I bet you are from Ziweimen.

Because there is no reason, Ziweimen only sent people to find the demon, and did not come here to find the ghost state division. "

After Xu Muran heard it, he froze, and then his eyes were surprised and angry, with a low voice, and said quickly: "You can't be completely sure?"


Chu Yan nodded, "I guessed it before you admit it."

Xu Muran took a deep breath and suddenly laughed.

His whole body was hurt. Although the blood was frozen at this moment and no longer flowed, the wound and the thick blood paste made his expression look more and more dreadful and scary at this moment.

"I didn't expect you to guess, and I actually believed it."

Xu Muran grinned.

His teeth were white, but at the moment, all were soaked in blood, looking even more scary.

"Xu Muran ..." Wang Lei said at this time.

His tone was angry.

Obviously, if he wasn't seriously injured, he would have shot directly at Xu Muran at this time.

If this time it wasn't for Xu Muran's so-called "perfect plan", he would not end up in the end.

"you shut up!"

Xu Muran gave him a sideways glance, and spoke coldly.

When the public was so reprimanded, Wang Lei would have an attack.

But when seeing Xu Muran's frosty eyes, Wang Lei's heart jumped abruptly for no reason.

The words that had already reached the throat could not be said immediately, and he moved his lips and lowered his head.

Rejecting Wang Lei, Xu Muran exhaled a sigh of breath and turned to look at Chu Yan again.

He reached out his hand and grinned, "Qian Cheng's life and death have nothing to do with me, because this time we do things that do not affect each other, let alone interfere with each other.

Now that you know my identity, it's better.

Ziweimen wants blood Ruyi and Iori ruler.

Do you want me to say more? "

Xu Muran put his hand to Chu Yan, then flexed his fingers.

It means that if you are sensible, you obediently give it with both hands.

Chu Yan looked faintly at Xu Muran, pinching Blood Ruyi and the Eight God Ruler in his hands.

Xu Muran smiled even more, and nodded and nodded: "Yes, give it to me, I will never treat you wrong. As for this little misunderstanding, I must not blame it."

Chu Yan's mouth was raised, and his face sank immediately, pointing to Li Xiu and others: "This is the little misunderstanding you said?"

After speaking, he folded his hands together, blood Ruyi and the Iori ruler, and immediately hit fiercely.

Blood Ruyi clicked and was instantly broken from the middle.

This change came too suddenly, and Xu Muran had no time to react at all.

By the time he changed his face and shouted "Stop", it was too late.

And Chu Yan had already rushed towards him at this time holding Zhan Yan.

"Dare to threaten me.

Who do you think you are! "

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