Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1320: Lagerstroemia invocation

Chu Yan said when he turned his face.

There was no sign, and the speed was extremely fast, and Xu Muran was not given any chance to respond at all.

Xu Muran originally felt that the incident was stable.

You have taken out the identity of Ziwei Menmen. Since you have said that you did not respectfully kneel, you have to hand over the two things you already have.

Are your companions still in my hands?

Don't you even care about their lives.

Xu Muran imagined it very well.

But reality is so cruel.

Chu Yanyang's hand is a knife.

"Irritated sword!"

boom! The sword is like a rainbow, majestic and vigorous, twisting the void, like a round of hot sun, and rushing towards Xu Muran.

The ground in front of Xu Muran all melted into magma and fluctuated in an instant.

The raging winds blew everyone on the scene into dismay, panicking, and didn't know where to escape.

Xu Muran didn't have the chance to escape, and was immediately killed.

But at this moment, Xu Muran's chest suddenly revealed a white light.

White light instantly changed into a human figure almost three feet tall.

This human figure just stood there, but the air dancing around him seemed to calm down in an instant.

Not only that, the rising high temperature suddenly became cool.

The next moment, this humanity raised his hand and grabbed the sword.

boom! Daoguang exploded into a sky full of flames instantly, angrily in all directions.

The human figure disappeared gradually.

"Amulet again!"

Chu Yan frowned and stepped back a few feet.

The amulet on Jiang Huaiwu blocked Chu Yan's first sword, but failed to block the second sword.

The amulet on Xu Muran is obviously much stronger than Jianghuai Wu.

The talisman on Jianghuaiwu body is the most, and it is the monk who has just been promoted to heaven.

The amulet on Xu Muran not only blocked Chu Yan's sword, but also made it with a strong counterattack. The light revealed by the amulet gave people a sense of profoundness like the sea and calmness.

So Chu Yan estimates that the monk who made this amulet for Xu Muran is probably at least happy with the state of mind! Xu Muran was beaten with injuries throughout his body, and his blood was flowing wildly. In the back, even the inheritance of the reincarnation emperor was broken.

Originally thought that he had little backhand.

Unexpectedly, this guy's mind was so deep.

Several times before, between life and death, I can hold my temper hard and not show the last card.

But this time, obviously he also felt the big crisis. If he didn't use this hole card, his life would really be lost.

In desperation, this amulet was inspired.

Although at the moment blocked Chu Yan's fatal blow, Xu Muran was also very uncomfortable.

He took two steps back, breathing heavily, his bloodstained face, and now he could see the whiteness of the paper.

He just wandered for a week just before the gate closed, apparently scaring him enough.

He stretched his hands to cover his chest and took a deep breath for two more, then his face and eyes became slightly normal.

Just when Chu Yan felt what he was going to say, he saw Xu Muran suddenly look up, his face full of money, facing north, a deep slump, his waist bow hanging to the bottom, and he said loudly, "Xie Beitian Wang Shizhanwei Xu Muran, the sixth disciple under the door, died. "

When others hear the word "North Heaven", they may have to think about it before they can respond.

And they are not Ziweimen, and the response to the three words of the North Heaven King will not be too strong.

However, when he heard Xu Muran's words, Chu Yan's eyes flashed a sharp light.

North King! The Northern Heavenly King in Xu Muran's remarks must be one of the four Heavenly Kings of Ziweimen! Ziwei Gate is under the Emperor Taiqing, there are two major protection methods, and then these four heavenly kings.

Before Chu Yan learned from Tang Yi's mouth, the four heavenly kings were all in purple house! It seems that he still underestimated the power of the amulet before.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be made by the Northern King of Zifujing. It is no wonder that one's hand can easily dissolve his anger and sword.

After worshiping with pious face, when Xu Muran looked up at Chu Yan again, in the eyebrows, it was already an undisguised killing intention.

"Chu Yan, you are disrespectful to Ziweimen, you are disrespectful to the King of Heaven, and today you have to pay for it! Where is Ziweimen!"

Xu Muran yelled.

Suddenly, in the boat of the crowd, five or six people came out of the crowd and came behind them.

At the beginning when they were scattered among thousands of people at the scene, these five or six people were still not noticeable.

But as soon as they stepped out at this moment, they showed their identities. Suddenly, these five or six monks, from the aspect of temperament, could be in sharp contrast with those around them.

Obviously, before that, they also intentionally concealed their identity and acted silently beside Xu Muran in the form of a sword in the sheath.

When Jiang Huaiwu and Wang Lei saw this scene, a complex look flashed in their eyes.

They have already anticipated such a scene.

The alliance formed between the crowds is formed by the power of small stocks and the power of large stocks.

In the end, the confederates of each alliance, like Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei, are the leaders of the most powerful forces in each alliance.

Xu Muran can become the leader of the three largest alliances, and it is naturally impossible to be alone.

So when he enters the Three Sacred Mountains and the Black Soul City, there must be helpers around him.

These helpers are naturally Ziweimen like him.

The same door came out more and more. After walking behind, Xu Muran's face became more and more fierce.

He raised his hand, a token in his palm, shining at the moment.

In the Black Soul City, the light is dim, but it is only because everyone is a monk and the eyes are far beyond ordinary people, so they are not affected much.

But at this moment, the token looks like a flashing star.

"Lagerstroemia is here!"

Xu Muran looked at Chu Yan, his mouth raised, a cruel smile appeared, and his mouth continued: "I, Xu Muran, at this moment, as the Ziweimen, summoned everyone on the scene to help me.

Cut the Tianyazong traitor and destroy its party feathers. After the incident is completed, everyone on the scene can get the qualification to enter the cut soul road.

If I can cut off the head of Chu Yan, I can even guarantee that he can directly enter the End of the World and become my Ziwei doorman.

And there is great credit for getting started! "

After that, Xu Muran took the token again.

The token shot again.

The light reveals the profound, vast, magnificent, magnificent power.

The monk who was exposed to the light couldn't help but had the idea of ​​bowing his head, surrendering, and driving him.

And the reward just proposed by Xu Muran is too tempting.

Straight into the cut-spirit road, into the End of the World, into the Ziwei Gate, and made great contributions to Ziwei Gate.

These conditions, no matter which one, under the radiance of the light at this moment, make people extremely heartbeat, blood in the body is boiling.

What if Chu Yan just showed super strength.

Now at least six or seven Ziweimen disciples are about to shoot.

And there are at least 3,000 monks at the scene! No matter how strong you are, it's just a realm.

The people who seemed confused at the last moment were all quiet.

A breath of mountain rain was coming from the wind, and it swept across the scene instantly.

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