Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1321: Slay them

"Oh, I think there are so many people—" Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered.

At this moment, he glanced aside.

The blood color Ruyi just broken is no longer flowing a dark red luster at this moment.

That gloss is a bit like a collection of light and blood.

At this moment there was no wind, but the luster was gathered on the ground into a shallow beach, like a little snake winding in a certain direction.

And in that direction, Chu Yan felt that if he estimated it well, it was the part of the ladder that fell on the ground.

From a distance, you can see that the ladder descended from mid-air and landed on the periphery of the city.

But it was really close, the ladder seemed to be cut off in mid-air, and the place where the lower half was connected to the Black Soul City disappeared out of thin air and was invisible.

It is impossible for the stairs to disappear.

The only possibility is that the stairs and the palace above are covered by a huge formation.

If you want to step on the ladder, you must go through this formation or open it.

The words and reactions of Xu Muran just now confirmed Chu Yan's own guess.

The treasure needed to open the formation is the blood Ruyi and the Eight God Ruler.

As for what kind of formation method, Chu Yan doesn't know, but he knows the way to open the formation method.

From the first moment that blood Ruyi had reached his hands, he slapped his head, and there was a big stance to hit me.

So Chu Yan satisfied it.

The Eight God Ruler broke a crack in the middle of Blood Ruyi.

Something flowed out in the blood.

Blood Ruyi also suddenly became weak, far less active than before.

However, with the emergence of this luster, Chu Yan can vaguely feel that some changes are taking place in the depths of the void around him.

This feels like the gears are turning slowly after a wall.

It only takes some time to change from the beginning to the end.

Chu Yan's sight was relocated to Xu Muran and others.

The Ziwei Order held high in Xu Muran's hand is not only a status symbol at this moment, but also a urgency, a summons order.

The monks, under Xu Muran's heavy reward, are now eager to try it out.

After all, Ziweimen represents justice at all times.

Even if Xu Muran did not give such a generous reward, Ziweimen asked them to kill Chu Yan, they did not dare to object.

Xu Muran sneered and looked at Chu Yan at this time.

His eyes were full of villainous look.

Chu Yan shook his head slightly.

"All listen well."

Xu Muran stared at Chu Yan.

He looks forward to the response that Chu Yan has shown after he has said these words.

"Before killing the Tianyazong renegade, first cut off his comrades and serve them!"

At an order, Li Xiu and others, who had been held captive, were immediately shoved and walked in front of the crowd to face the truth.

"Chu Yan, originally I wanted to trade with you, but you dare to disobey Ziweimen's will.

Defying Ziwei Gate, then you are the evildoer.

Eradicating you and your party feathers is not only to maintain the reputation of Ziweimen, but also to gain merit! "


How much merit? "

His Highness Chu asked with interest.

Xu Muran spread his hand: "At least five."

"That's too little, is it okay at ten?"

Chu Yan asked.

The other party was actually bargaining.

This is really unexpected by Xu Muran.

He couldn't help but hesitated.

However, after seeing Chu Yan's seemingly non-smiling look, he immediately understood that the other party was playing with himself.

Suddenly, an anger rose from his chest.

"Kill them ..." Xu Muran waved his hands sharply, ordering the anger behind him.

At this time, Chu Yan in the distance suddenly raised his hand.

"So far apart, you are in the same land, and at the best of your magical powers, I don't believe you saved them!"

Xu Muran's face was shaky, his muscles twitching.

Chu Yan didn't wave his hand to cut inflammation, but just raised his arm seemingly.

"Polar day light wheel."

The next moment, a strong white light burst out of his arm.

The white light was extremely dazzling. At this moment, everyone in the distance had a feeling of noon in summer, looking directly at the hot sun above his head.

More precisely, it feels more than that.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were white and blank. Even if you can see people nearby, you can see all the mottled images.

"not good!"

Xu Muran's heart sank, and he couldn't take care of others at the moment, and yelled in a hurry: "Do it! Get it done! Kill those guys! I'm sorry! What's going on!"

As soon as the words fell, he exclaimed.

Not only him, but Xu Muran's side, one after another at this moment.

At the same time, it was at their feet that the ground suddenly rose up.

The next moment, a fat white pig emerged from the ground.

For the monks in front of them, the shape of the white pig is a thick wall.

It doesn't need to do anything, as long as it rolls on the ground, suddenly, screams and wailing sounds.

With a handsome body as the center, he was immediately cleared of a clearing.

At the moment, the monk at the scene was blank and could not see what was happening. He could only feel the vibration under his feet and the amazing screams around him.

For a moment, the scene became more chaotic.

These monks suddenly looked like a swarm of headless flies, starting to scurry around.

The monks who held Li Xiu, Jiang Panmeng, and others, including the captives, were suddenly overwhelmed.

Although Xu Muran didn't know exactly what happened at this time, he knew that things had changed, so he had to respond.

"Exercise! You guys! Kill those guys!"

While Xu Muran roared, he pulled out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag, poured out the pale cyan liquid, and then quickly wiped it towards his eyes.

Immediately, he felt his eyes cool, and the pain that had been burned by the light alleviated a lot.

What's more important is that the white flower in front of me has begun to dissipate. Although there are still ghosts when looking at people and things, there is no big problem to distinguish the situation around them.

At this time, no matter who was standing next to him, he wielded a sword and cut down two people who pushed and crowded himself. Xu Muran hurriedly turned and looked towards the captive Li Xiu, Su Yuqing and others.

These people are the last chips for him and Chu Yan confrontation.

But at first glance, what he saw was still the handsome, plump body.

It was a long time ago and it seemed that the pig was a bit exaggerated.

When I got closer, I realized that it was more shocking.

At this moment the handsome body was covered with a thick layer of blood.

But this time, the blood was not his, but the monks crushed to death.

Where it had just rolled over, it was lying side by side, lying with dozens of monks crushed and broken.

The blood that spit out from the wound had now gathered on the ground into a stream, rushing and flowing.

"Where did this pig come from!"

Xu Muran jumped in shock.

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